
Oct 25, 2017
After Trump, the "no hope in the general" means nothing to me. Candidates need to present their beliefs and we go from there. Buttigieg message starts making waves and I'm all for him. So far, I'm in camp Beto but that could change.

Trump is a straight, "rich", old white dude. He can get away with shit in this country as far as most Republicans and many centrists are concerned.
Pete's sexuality will unfairly sink him for a lot of bigoted assholes. He won't have any chance with them no matter what he does. It's an uphill battle and it's horseshit that it even is one in the first place.

I'd push for him but I do worry about his chances because this country is shitty as fuck on how it views the capabilities of LGBT people.


Oct 27, 2017
That's kinda the thing with Biden. He's not the perfect candidate at all, buuuut if you're talking Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin as the key states the Dems must have to beat Trump ... he's probably the strongest candidate they have in those three states. Unfortunately the electoral college has to be taken into account, not just the overall vote. I'm sure in a popular vote, Biden, Bernie, and probably even Beto and maybe Harris could beat Trump, but that's not how elections are won.
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Dude Abides

Oct 27, 2017
It's weird that he acts this way in public but nobody has come forward to accuse him of doing gross shit in private. Maybe he gets off on doing it in plain sight.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Great we welcome trump in 2020, as like somehow, Biden winning the primaries wouldve stopped trump considering this mess wouldve came out anyway.

Dudes a deadweight with one of the worst democratic voting records out of all the candidates, and it's better to sink him now until it was too late.


Oct 25, 2017
We won the states we needed to bud.


I mean. I'm not supporting the notion of Biden because he'd be the best for the electoral college. But "won the states we needed to"?



Mar 17, 2018
Imagine an ad with snippets of all of these videos running constantly on national TV. Biden isn't winning any elections. There's plenty of other great Dem candidates that can beat Trump.


Nov 12, 2017
I learned two things.

1. Biden is a fucking creep. I wish I had known more about this long ago but he shouldn't be anywhere children or in a position of power.

2. RAM (guy from tweet thread) seemed like he was doing a good thing for the right reason. While I'm glad he organized all of these instances together to put a spotlight on disgusting behavior, he's also denying Trump's track record with women and defending Gavin McInnes. Fuck this dude.


Oct 25, 2017
I learned two things.

1. Biden is a fucking creep. I wish I had known more about this long ago but he shouldn't be anywhere children or in a position of power.

2. RAM (guy from tweet thread) seemed like he was doing a good thing for the right reason. While I'm glad he organized all of these instances together to put a spotlight on disgusting behavior, he's also denying Trump's track record with women and defending Gavin McInnes. Fuck this dude.

He's from Turning Point USA.
A far-right wing group. Not at all surprised he would attack Democrats for Biden's creepiness but deny that shit within his own party. He's even trying to @ Donald on Twitter to get this trending more.
Basically what Psychoward said:

How about we don't signal boost that shithead who writes for the daily caller and is just using it for partisan politics though

But yes Biden is a creep


Oct 25, 2017
His behavior has always been really disgusting, and it always surprised me not just how blatant it was, but how unchallenged it went. Extremely uncomfortable to watch. Being "handsy" is not an excuse.


Oct 25, 2017
That's the conclusion that me and my wife came to. I think the outrage over this is over the top.

His response to it should be to apologize. If someone is uncomfortable by you being handsy it is still wrong. He goes the line because he doesnt grab them in places people immediately think is creepy but unwanted touching is never ok no matter what and it shouldnt be on women to have to tell men this.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
And he's the one leading all the polls right now.... Dem's better get someone else to supplant him.

The online and social media forces of the right will weaponize this to dizzying effect.
That's just 'cause the established old guard of "the status quo is wonderful" Dems haven't seen fit to coalesce behind another candidate yet

My hope is that this sinks Diamond Joe so the someone else they move to in opposition to the Sanders extremists is... someone else.


Oct 25, 2017
That's the conclusion that me and my wife came to. I think the outrage over this is over the top.
I felt him get closer to me from behind. He leaned further in and inhaled my hair. I was mortified. I thought to myself, "I didn't wash my hair today and the vice-president of the United States is smelling it. And also, what in the actual fuck? Why is the vice-president of the United States smelling my hair?" He proceeded to plant a big slow kiss on the back of my head. My brain couldn't process what was happening. I was embarrassed. I was shocked. I was confused. There is a Spanish saying, "tragame tierra," it means, "earth, swallow me whole." I couldn't move and I couldn't say anything. I wanted nothing more than to get Biden away from me. My name was called and I was never happier to get on stage in front of an audience.
From the accuser. This is "outrage" to you?

Deleted member 2109

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
He should definitely apologize. He is a overly touchy guy but the sexual predator stuff is pushing it. People will just spam the cringey gifs though and that's all that will matter during the primary.


Oct 25, 2017
The defence of 'being handsy' is fucking disgusting and those of you using it to justify someone committing sexual assault and being an obvious perv to women and children should be ashamed of yourselves.


Nov 18, 2017
Bernie doesn't have a stellar personal track record either lets be honest. He is a creepy old man too with a lot of eyebrow raising awful things he has said about women:

We have plenty of non Bernie or Biden options to pick from. Why does it have to be between two creepy old men? We have Kamala, Mayor Pete, Beto, etc. there is no reason to limit our choice between crusty old white dudes.

In a post me too era, a post 2018 dem election that was a rebuke on old creepy white males, we shouldn't be forced to pick between either.

No reason to lament Biden being gross. Pete, Kamala, Beto, etc are all there waiting for support.

How can you be this dishonest. It's getting old. Cut it out.

I'll just quote Dream

Do you disagree that traditional gender roles and sexual power dynamics are messed up and when people internalize them they can manifest in strange, violent fantasies? Are you all about the continuation traditional gender roles? You just want women to stay in the kitchen?

See how stupid it is to strip things of context? Stop being embarrassing

The same Bernie Sanders who ignored the allegations in his campaign during the actual 2016 primary. It wasn't a secret in his campaign. The women complained about how they were treated. He did nothing. Fixing it in 2018 isn't an excuse for ignoring it while it happened in 2016.

The same Bernie Sanders who said women want to be raped. Alright.

Biden being gross doesn't suddenly make Bernie a viable option if you care about the treatment of women. Both are shitty if you care about this issue. Cancel em both and pick a non creepy old dude. There are plenty to pick from.

I would love to hear how Bernie is a better option in a post Me Too era than say Mayor Pete given his past statements on gender and past problems of sexual assault/harassment in his office.

Trying to spin Biden being gross into a pro-Bernie push is nonsensical. We can do better than both of them. It's 2019.
Ignored? Jesus christ you're being pathetic. We've gone over this before.

Bernie did not ignore things. He literally did not know these things because he didn't have a structure that would bring this to his attention or solve the problem. That was Bernie's fault. There's a difference between structuring your entire work environment (campaign) to stamping this kind of behavior out and Bernie simply hearing and ignoring the issue. Bernie admitted his fault and changed the way the structure of his campaign work environment works. Each employee has a mandatory sexual assault course, and there is now an independent entity that any employee can report to so that women are comfortable speaking up and getting those people in more powerful positions, or peers punished.

Get a freaking grip. It's upsetting that you're purposely lying about it to sway voters, but I guess this type of crap isn't beneath you.


Oct 25, 2017

I mean. I'm not supporting the notion of Biden because he'd be the best for the electoral college. But "won the states we needed to"?


Dems won statewide races for governor in both Wisconsin and Michigan. So yes, we did win those states in 2018. Doesn't mean there isn't still work to be done (both states had particularly bad Republican governors), but if the statewide races in 2018 are predictive of 2020, we'll win enough states to get the presidency.


Oct 27, 2017
Lima, Peru
I feel vindicated, power to the women that have lived through this awful shit.

Bye, Biden. I will literally take any other dem over you, fuck off to obscurity and never return.
Oct 31, 2017
He's from Turning Point USA.
A far-right wing group. Not at all surprised he would attack Democrats for Biden's creepiness but deny that shit within his own party. He's even trying to @ Donald on Twitter to get this trending more.
Basically what Psychoward said:

Turning Point USA is what I point to when people tell me, "No, we [as in conservatives] only have a problem with ILLEGAL immigrants." It's been clear for a long time that immigration in general was the end goal.


Dec 26, 2018
Bernie did not ignore things. He literally did not know these things because he didn't have a structure that would bring this to his attention or solve the problem. That was Bernie's fault. There's a difference between structuring your entire work environment (campaign) to stamping this kind of behavior out and Bernie simply hearing and ignoring the issue. Bernie admitted his fault and changed the way the structure of his campaign work environment works. Each employee has a mandatory sexual assault course, and there is now an independent entity that any employee can report to so that women are comfortable speaking up and getting those people in more powerful positions, or peers punished.

Get a freaking grip. It's upsetting that you're purposely lying about it to sway voters, but I guess this type of crap isn't beneath you.

It was beneath his notice, that's ignoring them. It was Bernie's fault, but you don't seem that concerned about blaming him for fucking up here. This didn't happen in the 90's (which would still be terrible) it occurred in 2016.


Nov 18, 2017
It was beneath his notice, that's ignoring them. It was Bernie's fault, but you don't seem that concerned about blaming him for fucking up here. This didn't happen in the 90's (which would still be terrible) it occurred in 2016.
That is not ignoring it. Ignoring it would mean he was notified of the behavior and did nothing. That is not what happened is my understanding. He didn't know of it so couldn't have personally done anything.

His fault was not having a proper structure in place to solve these issues by punishing the individual, or a structure that would bring this up to him so that he could personally solve the issue. That was his fault, which I'm not denying. That's different from the implication that "ignoring" brings.


Dec 26, 2018
That is not ignoring it. Ignoring it would mean he was notified of the behavior and did nothing. That is not what happened is my understanding. He didn't know of it so couldn't have personally done anything.

How is that any better? He's not bothered looking for himself and no-one's rushing to tell him what's going on, either. That's a massive communication break down.

His fault was not having a proper structure in place to solve these issues by punishing the individual, or a structure that would bring this up to him so that he could personally solve the issue. That was his fault, which I'm not denying. That's different from the implication that "ignoring" brings.

It was barely a concern when it came to structuring his campaign, that's how much a priority it was for him. His excuse was because he was "too busy" to think about it, which is bullshit.


Oct 27, 2017
Hopefully this is enough to do some damage to his chances.

Much better candidates out there already.


Nov 18, 2017
How is that any better? He's not bothered looking for himself and no-one's rushing to tell him what's going on, either. That's a massive communication break down.

It was barely a concern when it came to structuring his campaign, that's how much a priority it was for him. His excuse was because he was "too busy" to think about it, which is bullshit.
Exactly. It's a structural problem with his campaign. His excuse wasn't that he was too busy in that he was notified, but scoffed at it as he was busy, it's that his campaign grew too fast. The too busy portion was a clip that cut off what came before it.

Go to 5:40

I don't have a problem with people criticizing him for that structural problem, but to practically equate it to what Biden did is dishonest.


Oct 26, 2017
Interestingly, if Biden doesnt run then that gives Sanders a significant boost. I really wonder what would happen then.
It'd divide the not-Bernie vote even further. Originally, I was expecting it to come down to Bernie vs Biden with Kamala/Beto taking votes from Biden, hopefully giving Bernie the edge. But if Biden doesn't run then Beto and Kamala cannibalize each other.


The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Joe certainly has some creepy moments, but Trump is on tape literally talking about sexually assaulting women. The bar has been lowered so far that it probably isn't even going to be a factor.

Also for what it's worth, Joe won't put on the kid gloves with Trump. If it ever got brought up he'd straight snatch him for Stormy.


Oct 27, 2017
How is that any better? He's not bothered looking for himself and no-one's rushing to tell him what's going on, either. That's a massive communication break down.

There's a massive difference between
a) knowing about an issue which can be fixed, but for whatever reason deciding to not fix it.
b) not being aware of an issue which can be fixed, and therefore not able to fix it.

The first one is dramatically worse than the second because it shows there's a decision made to not correct a problem. To fix the first issue, one has to believe that the candidate has changed their pattern of behavior. To fix the second issue, one has to believe that the candidate has fixed a systemic issue.

It's harder to believe someone has changed their pattern of behavior(see Biden's groping, or Tulsi Gabbard's anti LGBT past.)


Self-requested ban.
Oct 27, 2017
I'd like to think Biden's been dealt a death-blow here, but let's be real. 2 years ago we elected a dude that bragged about grabbing a woman by the crotch. If Biden decides not to run, I doubt it'll be because of this.