
Oct 27, 2017
Can I have this week's UK lottery numbers please ;)

My Palantír's got a bit rusty since then ;)

On the topic of the diverse cast, I can imagine Amazon being rather grateful for the opportunities that the Second Age can bring in that regard. The Third Age is what it is (especially the latter half), and any stories set around that time are bound to be caught up with the expectations of modern culture; so it's accusations of a lack of diversity in order to stay true to the source material, or accusations of forced diversity to try and appease the Internet audience, etc etc noise etc

The Númenóreans travelled far and wide to cultures all over Middle Earth. This means, quite rightly, that we can get a diverse cast, diverse peoples, diverse backdrops, and it can all be canon in a way that stories in the tail end of the Third Age never can.

The very existence of Umbar as a critical place and a critical story point is examples of where this show can choose to shine.


Oct 27, 2017
Uncle Benjen! Heavily underused in GoT.

Diversity of the cast looks great. Can't wait for this show.


Oct 25, 2017
TORn has mentioned the $3 billion figure before, but I don't know how much credibility to give it. Most of their inside connections were with Peter Jackson's people, who have only minimal if any involvement here. (The series will be filming in Auckland, NZ, rather than PJ's home base of Wellington.) However, if the series does indeed last five or more seasons, then $1 billion is probably the lowest Amazon could conceivably spend over the lifetime of the project. They paid $250 million for the rights to LOTR alone; if my theory that a second rights sale took place to give Amazon access to Second Age material, that could easily have been another couple hundred million right there.

I'm likewise unsure how much weight to give the supposed Universal theme park rumors. People have been talking about that for a long time, but most such "rumors" come across as nothing more than wishful thinking. But a lot of things now seem possible in the post-Christopher era, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Deleted member 16516

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Oct 27, 2017
It's the OneRing so should be taken with a huge pinch of salt. They're wrong pretty much most of the time and haven't been a reliable source for over 10 years.


Jun 9, 2018
Could not be more excited for this show and the mmo, holy crap.

People mad about the casting, yeesh, it isn't like they got John Wayne to play Ghengis Khan or something. Get over it.


Oct 25, 2017
Could not be more excited for this show and the mmo, holy crap.

People mad about the casting, yeesh, it isn't like they got John Wayne to play Ghengis Khan or something. Get over it.

I'd imagine there are people that are mad about the casting that would like John Wayne playing Ghengis Khan.


Oct 25, 2017

Annatar is that you?

I don't know whether I feel like it's racist or not racist if Sauron turns out to be this guy. OTOH, diversity in real world casting. On the doesn't exactly help with the visuals!

Deleted member 16516

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Oct 27, 2017
I don't know whether I feel like it's racist or not racist if Sauron turns out to be this guy. OTOH, diversity in real world casting. On the doesn't exactly help with the visuals!
Tolkien described Annatar as beautiful and as a Maia he could take any form he liked. Also, Sauron must have spent a great deal of time in the South and East in his fair form, so it makes sense that he'd want to take on a form that they would trust and see a potential leader in, rather than a pale white elvish looking being coming from the West and telling them what to do.

Definitely see the issue about the optics though, but him been cast as Khamul would be equally problematic I think.

Deleted member 16516

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Oct 27, 2017
And Melkor, Giver of freedom? :P

We are not gonna see Melkor i guess... :(
I reckon we may see flashbacks to Melkor in his Dark Lord guise. Even in the LOTR trilogy he gets mentioned by name by Legolas, so it's not inconceivable that he gets mentioned in passing or shown. Sauron did establish Melkor worship in Numenor, so that'll be a good way to explore his history.


Oct 26, 2017
Amazon is really investing a lot into the Epic Fantasy genre. I can't wait to see first teasers for Wheel of Time.

Deleted member 16516

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Oct 27, 2017
In unsubstantiated news, according to a representative, the entire writing team has been fired and the show put on hiatus.


Aug 29, 2018
on the diversity subject:

The Witcher: Andrzej Sapkowski Responds To Racial Criticism ⋆ Somag News

For the end of 2019, Netflix has prepared a nice surprise for its fans. Indeed, the platform has released a series on wizards, The Witcher . If the latter has attracted many people, some have not appreciated certain things that do not agree with the books of Andrzej Sapkowski.
In an interview with Wyborcza, Andrzej Sapkowski said: "As far as I can remember, skin color is not covered in detail in my books. So the creators of The Witcher series can express themselves freely, everything is possible and everything is allowed. This is how it could have been, after all. It doesn't matter that they go from blondes in white to black characters .

unlike Andrzej's books, Tolkien's works are embarrassingly white and this has to change. glad they are going Witcher route on this.