
Oct 27, 2017

Not gonna lie, Sammy and Tay being super obnoxious grew on me last night.

It's going to be over once they aren't involved in the "Cody" program that they got put in, once Cody left. They are playing the obnoxious heel couple perfectly just people are tired of Sammy going after the belt. Id find it refreshing if the next thing they do is focus on Tay with Sammy being the person on the side cheating for Tay.
Nov 5, 2017
It's going to be over once they aren't involved in the "Cody" program that they got put in, once Cody left. They are playing the obnoxious heel couple perfectly just people are tired of Sammy going after the belt. Id find it refreshing if the next thing they do is focus on Tay with Sammy being the person on the side cheating for Tay.
Oh, I totally agree about being tired of seeing Sammy going after the belt. There's so many more possibilities for TNT title opponents for Sky. However, I would love to see Sammy helping Tay cheat to win as well. Get her up the ranks by hook or by crook.


Oct 29, 2017
God imagine if they keep Sammy in the TNT picture by him trying to cost Sky the title in his defences so he can get a shot again. Ordinarily I'd never give it a second thought but they've undone course corrections with this title before! Also what do you do with Sammy if he can't win the TNT title? He shouldn't be near the heavyweight title.

Maybe have him feud with Dante - he deserves to be kept on TV even though his brother is injured. Or have him tag with someone and feud with HOOK/Danhausen. I dunno


Nov 4, 2021
South Eastern PA
Cross posting my thoughts from the PPV thread (sorry if that's not allowed)

Double or Nothing 2022 Review:

*General Thoughts: Great PPV!! It was very lopsided in terms of quality as the first half was weaker, but the ending stretch was fantastic. I never felt tired during this PPV. While there were matches I would've taken off the PPV, I enjoyed most of them*

Buy In: HOOKhausen vs Smart Mark Sterling & Tony Nese - **
- Average comedy match. Perfect spot for one on the card

MJF vs Wardlow - SQUASH
- Starting off with this match was the right call as it eliminates the question of MJF appearing right away. The match was a squash and I truly believe it was always meant to be one. Very happy for Wardlow here. He looked generally emotional after the match. I hope whatever is causing MJF some distress is fixed soon. Dude looked horrible

Hardy Boys vs Young Bucks - ***1/2
- This match started rough and eventually got pretty good. I'm a Hardy Boys mark, so I'm probably a bit biased. Also just glancing at the live thread during this match made me leave. Truly disgusting behavior from some assuming Jeff was on drugs.

TBS Championship: Jade Cargill © vs Anna Jay - **
- The weakest match on the card sadly. Their first match was much better, but that could've been from editing as it was on Rampage. Jade's slowly improving though and I'm already a fan of hers. Really cool aftermath though...
- Stokley Hathaway is someone I'm not too familiar with, but hear great things. Him being Jade's mouthpiece could be really good
- Athena debuting was great. Loved her on NXT and never watched her main roster run (Because I don't watch WWE anymore). A cool little confrontation between Jade & The Baddies & Athena, Kris Statlander & Anna Jay

House of Black vs Death Triangle - ****
- Loved this match so much. Great trios action with everyone getting a time to shine. Loved the face paint of The House of Black. Really glad this feud is now over and both teams can move on. Great match
- Julia Hart finally turning was a cool moment. The turned dragged on, but that was 100% because of Fenix's injury. Let's hope she gets some screen time.

Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Men's Final: Adam Cole vs Samoa Joe - ***
- This was a slower match then I thought it would, but I liked it. I know everyone complains about Cole now and it's exhausting to deal with, but I thought he looked great here. Cole worked on Joe's arm the whole match (Which was injured by Lethal, Dutt & Singh). That was pretty good storytelling too

Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Women's Final:
Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. vs Ruby Soho - ***1/2
- Really cool entrances from both, However Ruby's was leagues better. The match itself was good. I think this might be Britt's best match in AEW. Lots of good little callbacks to their match at Arthur Ashe. Again with Cole, Britt's discourse on here is exhausting. I know wrestling fans just want to complain all the time, but if something happens you don't like, it isn't bad booking. Well enough of that nonsense now.

- I though Martha Hart's ceremony was beautiful. She seems like a sweet person and screw WWE for giving her a hard time. I know Owen's up there smiling, knowing his wife and kids are finally getting treated right by a wrestling company. Long live Owen Hart. May we never forget the true King of Harts

American Top Team vs Frankie Kazarian, Sammy Guevara & Tay Conti - **1/2
- This whole feud can now finally end (hallelujah!!). The match itself was fine. Nothing too bad or good, just average. PVZ looked decent for her first match and can see the building blocks for the future. I may be in the minority, but I didn't hate the Sammy & Tay stuff in the match. It really sold me that their heels and not some weird twener thing

*From this point on, the PPV gets great*

Darby Allin vs Kyle O'Reilly - ****
- This match ruled!! I love high flyer vs submission based wrestling matches. They usually offer the coolest move transitions in all of wrestling. Darby really ate shit on that dive, glad he seems fine. This feels like the beginning of a nice KOR push and I love it. As for the match itself, lots of great reversals and ground moves from KOR, while Darby tried his daredevil dives. Great contrast of styles and I liked this match

AEW Women's World Championship: Thunder Rosa © vs Serena Deeb - ****1/2
- Excellent match. Probably the best wrestling match of the night. Both women have excellent chemistry together and I wouldn't object to a rematch. Rosa had a wonderful tribute to Uvalde on her gear and I suspect it hit her hard, not only being a mother herself, but she was a social worker for children before stepping in the ring. Excellent match

Anarchy in the Arena: Jericho Appreciation Society vs Blackpool Combat Club, Eddie Kingston & PnP - *****
- The name of this match was very accurate. Good lord this match ruled. Way too many spots to name in this one, but I loved everything in this match. There is definitely a Blood & Guts match happening soon. Eddie Kingston coming to the ring with gasoline was a image I will never forget. Dude looked like a serial killer. I can't wait to see this Kingston vs Jericho feud continue. I'll be thinking of this match for months to come

AEW World Tag Team Championship: Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus © vs Swerve In Our Glory vs Team Taz - ****
- This match was almost non stop. Loved every team in this match and was surprised Jurassic Express retained. Too many great moments to say, but all teams looked and worked great together. AEW's tag division is the best, even "makeshift" teams like Swerve & Lee work so well. Great match to follow the chaos of the previous match

AEW World Championship: "Hangman" Adam Page © vs CM Punk - ****
- This match was a lot slower than expected, but a welcome one. The crowd was great here. There wasn't a definite "bad guy" in the match and the crowd was split 50/50. That's something I've never seen before. Really great storytelling from Hangman here. This match will be looked back on whenever Punk turns heel. Trust me, Hangman will regret not using the belt to get a cheating victory. He tried to warn us and he too failed to stop what's coming

Rating - A-
- Great show!! The beginning was rough in places, but the back part of the show made up for it. Thank you for reading this If you did. Peace

As for my comments last night about potentially leaving ERA due to the constant negitivity. I've decided to stay, but to never enter a live thread again during a show. I might be here during Dynamite & Rampage, but no promises. As someone said to me last night, If I leave then there's only more negitivity here for everyone else.


Oct 25, 2017
Cross posting my thoughts from the PPV thread (sorry if that's not allowed)

As for my comments last night about potentially leaving ERA due to the constant negitivity. I've decided to stay, but to never enter a live thread again during a show. I might be here during Dynamite & Rampage, but no promises. As someone said to me last night, If I leave then there's only more negitivity here for everyone else.
Last night's thread was weird. I've made my opinions on some things I disagree with on the direction, but AEW shows and PPV's are still way above anything WWE is putting on at this point.

Stick around! It's a lot less negative in here. :)


Oct 29, 2017
Cross posting my thoughts from the PPV thread (sorry if that's not allowed)

As for my comments last night about potentially leaving ERA due to the constant negitivity. I've decided to stay, but to never enter a live thread again during a show. I might be here during Dynamite & Rampage, but no promises. As someone said to me last night, If I leave then there's only more negitivity here for everyone else.
I was admittedly more negative on the PPV live than I am now I've slept on it. In my defence it didn't finish till 5:30am here and I stupidly didn't take a nap beforehand so all my criticism was tinged by the thought of 'oh god I'm not gonna get any sleep'. In future I'll likely keep out of the live PPV thread - I'm normally fine during the live Dynamites because they don't finish as late/early and I get sleep before them.


Oct 25, 2017
As for the length of the PPV's, I'm OK with it. AEW doesn't have monthly PPV's, so I like longer PPV's for the ones they do have.


May 3, 2021
Switching gears, between Thunder Rosa, Serena Deeb, Jamie Hayter, Hikaru Shida, Riho, Kris Statlander, Toni Storm, and Athena, there is now little reason not to expect work rate bangers on a weekly or at least bi-weekly basis in the AEW women's division. Ruby, Red, Nyla, Mercedes are right there too, and we've got Leyla Hirsch coming back eventually, too. Britt, Jade, Bunny, Anna, and Tay have shown they can deliver under the right conditions, too.

Oh, and you've got Emi and Diamante right there, Abadon and AQA developing in dark matches, and guest spots from Yuka, Maki, and hopefully soon, ( two days, plz?) Miyu Yamashita.

I imagine Tegan Nox/Nixon Newell is just around the corner as well. Will Washington knew AEW had made three "big" signings, and two of them (Toni and Athena) are already there. Only one more left.

We got 4 women's matches on a PPV yesterday. Not gonna take that for granted even if I only enjoyed two of the matches. It's time to hit another gear with this division and bring on the "nothing but bangers" era.
I hope this means we see more women's matches on Dynamite. Always only getting one has been kind of a bummer.


Oct 29, 2017
My last thoughts on the Main Event:

My biggest issue of Punk going over is the way it happened. He had a handful of major spots planned and landing the buckshot was a big part of the match psychology. Hanger covered for the first botch well enough by turning into *more* offense for Hangman. Which is part of the problem - Hangman the younger more physical star got way more offense in the match. It also doesn't help that Hangman's offense is just stiffer. Every time they traded blows Hangman was throwing strong stuff and Punk's just lacked the impact. Even Punk's GTS was way way better.

The second buckshot botch not only made Punk look out of his depth, it made Hanger look weak by losing the match.

New rule: don't use your opponents finishers if you are better at it than your opponent.

Like - Hangman is world champ. He overcame Kenny, he survived Danielson two of the best wrestlers alive in pure workrate matches. Punk did very little in the way of offense. Hangman hit all of his best offense. He countered out of the GTS multiple times. He wasn't hurt *at all* most of the match and then a single out of nowhere GTS ends the match.

I think that Punk got exposed last night working a match type that does not suit him. What makes folks like FTR and Kenny so special - they can work multiple styles of matches. Punk at this point cannot go for pure work-rate matches and they shouldn't have tried.

Had they booked this match as psychological warfare - Punk getting into Hangman's head - slowed the match down and made it pure storyline the way we did with Punk/MJF feud it would have worked better. Like, MJF can fucking go as well as anyone - but they never tried to make Punk/MJF feel like MJFvDarby.

Punk winning is not my problem - it was booking Punk in a match type where he did not come off as the better wrestler but then won anyway that is my issue. It was so obvious he was clearly inferior to Hangman I thought they *had* to be setting up a heel turn - instead we got Hangman consider cheating to put a guy away he was beating soundly to that point.


Oct 29, 2017
Also - the women's top of the card is absolutely fucking stacked and there is no reason that Rosa should not go on an oops everything is bangers run for the next 6 months.


Nov 18, 2018
The length definitely impacted my enjoyment of the show. Kind of feel I should start skipping AEW PPVs live and just watch them the next day in pieces. Four hours and a half is just too long for me, no matter how well paced or the quality of the show.
Last edited:


Comics Enabler & Freelance Games Journalist
Oct 25, 2017
Cross posting my thoughts from the PPV thread (sorry if that's not allowed)

As for my comments last night about potentially leaving ERA due to the constant negitivity. I've decided to stay, but to never enter a live thread again during a show. I might be here during Dynamite & Rampage, but no promises. As someone said to me last night, If I leave then there's only more negitivity here for everyone else.
glad you're staying ED. <3


Oct 25, 2017
I mean I get this but it's 2022 and every single person that talks about their experience with Adam Cole says he's the nicest person they've ever met, so I'm not gonna complain about him winning the Owen.

I said this during the thread too, but the live crowds respond to Cole and Baker like they are basically faces anyway. I don't like the winners (Just because I'm personally fine not seeing Adam Cole do anything of note for a while and Britt felt too predestined to win much like Jade in the TBS tournament) but it's not like there was a risk of the trophy presentation getting boos because they won.

The alternatives wouldn't have been great either, as Joe has been in AEW for all of a month and Ruby just isn't getting the crowd reaction they want.


Aug 1, 2019
Watching the show now while reading through the gameday thread, and holy crumbs y'all were a bunch of sour grouches all night!
There were parts I didn't like but I agree completely. Honestly, when I started rating the matches I realized that I really liked quite a few of them. Even the ATT vs Sammy/Tay/Kaz match was super fun and goofy.


Nov 1, 2017
Cross posting my thoughts from the PPV thread (sorry if that's not allowed)

As for my comments last night about potentially leaving ERA due to the constant negitivity. I've decided to stay, but to never enter a live thread again during a show. I might be here during Dynamite & Rampage, but no promises. As someone said to me last night, If I leave then there's only more negitivity here for everyone else.

I always read your rundowns even if I don't quote and respond to them. Glad you're staying. :) I feel this place is generally more level-headed and positive about AEW than other corners of the internet, but there was stuff in the DoN thread that had me sighing last night, too, so I get your reaction. Take a break if/when you need it!


Nov 18, 2018
Since the Hardys beat the Bucks last night, I wonder if they're building to a Hardy match at Forbidden Door, or Hardys vs FTR for the ROH championship. Hardys vs JE is also a possibility but I don't think they'll go in that direction.


Oct 29, 2017
There were parts I didn't like but I agree completely. Honestly, when I started rating the matches I realized that I really liked quite a few of them. Even the ATT vs Sammy/Tay/Kaz match was super fun and goofy.

The problem was the show was too long and it was extremely back loaded. It took the live crowd and me a moment to wake myself up after the first hour.

Another legit issue that AEW has is they put on bangers consistently on Dynamite.

WWE usually sandbags the TV shows to leave the good matches for PPVs.

Like, Hangman v Takeshita was as good as anything on the show last night. Danielson v Sydal as well. Stat v. Soho was better than the women's final.

It means the delta between PPV matches and Dynamite matches basically doesn't exist. AEW has put themselves in a spot where every match on a PPV needs to be 4* or higher to make it seem substantially better than a good dynamite episode.


Oct 29, 2017
Since the Hardys beat the Bucks last night, I wonder if they're building to a Hardy match at Forbidden Door, or Hardys vs FTR for the ROH championship. Hardys vs JE is also a possibility but I don't think they'll go in that direction.
Hardys are teaming with JE on Dynamite so I think that's exactly where they're going


Nov 1, 2017
Since the Hardys beat the Bucks last night, I wonder if they're building to a Hardy match at Forbidden Door, or Hardys vs FTR for the ROH championship. Hardys vs JE is also a possibility but I don't think they'll go in that direction.

FTR have said they want to go after the IWGP tag titles, and we had Cobb and Great-O-Khan show up last week, so I imagine we are headed in that direction. The current champs are from the Bullet Club, though (Chase Owens and Bad Luck Fale), so I'm not sure what the play is going to look like there. I'm sure we'll get at least 2-3 things set up for Forbidden Door this Wednesday.


Oct 27, 2017
Barnsley, UK
Cross posting my thoughts from the PPV thread (sorry if that's not allowed)

As for my comments last night about potentially leaving ERA due to the constant negitivity. I've decided to stay, but to never enter a live thread again during a show. I might be here during Dynamite & Rampage, but no promises. As someone said to me last night, If I leave then there's only more negitivity here for everyone else.
Glad to hear you're staying Evil, you're one of my favourite posters on here!

And yeah stay out of PPV threads, I can't read it either so I bounce once the show starts, they just encourage toxic reactions and takes. Big reason why I try to do my lengthy reviews after the show ends is to try and avoid bringing that kind of a mindset into my reviews.


One Winged Slayer - Shinra Employee
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
kinda funny thinking about the scrum after a good night's sleep bc/ TK responded to the length of the show by going "you know what, that's completely fair. But was it a long show? was it, really? But I get it, totally. But you know you got your money's worth, and it was only one more match than Revolution, so was it a really long show?"

i also wanna keep it real, but short as much as i can, because talking meta shit sucks and recently i caught smoke pouring too much heart out in a forum

what happens in ERA ain't necessarily a ERA-specific thing.

live threads can absolutely be critical but from what I observe minority opinions are often ratioed to hell and overall shows tend to end in majority praise; this ppv for instance got people riled up, but i haven't seen anybody go in-depth on 'this was crap' w/o at least trying to back their views up with a level of nuance.

it's important to note how perhaps your own view can cloud the mood moment-to-moment, although i also can never fault someone for going 'this is too much, ya'll wack.' social media, even when it comes to posting on a internet forum, its tricky shit to handle and people are completely valid in just not wanting to engage with that at all

i always gotta wary of how i post too, even if i'm just a guy with caps lock on contributing mostly to background noise, i try to keep it positive but sometimes i add to the gloom.

so y'know, hoping people stick around and keep the energy up for live threads but at the end of the day, meta-discussion, that's the true work shoot there and sometimes you just gotta take yourself out of the equation completely

but i'll say this hanger's run had a omega match and the broadway/rematch with danielson? king stuff right there. hope he gets a absolute unit of a match in forbidden door, check that 'oh i lost the championship will i brood about turning heel'
Last edited:


Nov 1, 2017
Glad to hear you're staying Evil, you're one of my favourite posters on here!

And yeah stay out of PPV threads, I can't read it either so I bounce once the show starts, they just encourage toxic reactions and takes. Big reason why I try to do my lengthy reviews after the show ends is to try and avoid bringing that kind of a mindset into my reviews.

Can confirm I usually enjoy the shows more when I avoid the live online discourse, here and on Twitter. I told myself I'd make that my standard way of interacting with AEW and this community (love this place the vast majority of the time), but I haven't been consistent with it.

It does bear repeating that the truly negative and/or out-of-touch-with-the-community comments are typically minority opinions.


Oct 27, 2017
Barnsley, UK
Remember Punk-Cena match @ MITB where he kept falling over trying to land on his feet getting out of the AA.

Punk always botches big moves in the match he wins the world title, happened in ROH too.

It's a masturbatory tribute to himself.


Oct 27, 2017
They should give Julia Hart a kickboxing gimmick, have Malaki train her and turn her into a killer


One Winged Slayer
Mar 14, 2018
The show had great highs and lows.
Loved Death Luchas vs the House, the Anarchy in the Arena, the latter half of the Hanged Punk Match and Thunder Deeb.

Absolutely hated Hardy Bucks, HookHaused Neese, Jay Cargil and Samoa Cole.

Was somewhat entertained by Tag Threeway, Mixed Tag and Darby O Riely.

Rest was fine at best.

I really loved the high points but the really low ones did have impact on my perception of the event.

I didn't have a problem with the length but I took breaks when I felt like it and so I never felt worn out and it felt fresh the whole watch.
One of the benefits of not watching live.


Oct 27, 2017
Ruhrgebiet, Germany
My last thoughts on the Main Event:

My biggest issue of Punk going over is the way it happened. He had a handful of major spots planned and landing the buckshot was a big part of the match psychology. Hanger covered for the first botch well enough by turning into *more* offense for Hangman. Which is part of the problem - Hangman the younger more physical star got way more offense in the match.


Like - Hangman is world champ. He overcame Kenny, he survived Danielson two of the best wrestlers alive in pure workrate matches. Punk did very little in the way of offense. Hangman hit all of his best offense. He countered out of the GTS multiple times. He wasn't hurt *at all* most of the match and then a single out of nowhere GTS ends the match.

I think that Punk got exposed last night working a match type that does not suit him. What makes folks like FTR and Kenny so special - they can work multiple styles of matches. Punk at this point cannot go for pure work-rate matches and they shouldn't have tried.

Had they booked this match as psychological warfare - Punk getting into Hangman's head - slowed the match down and made it pure storyline the way we did with Punk/MJF feud it would have worked better. Like, MJF can fucking go as well as anyone - but they never tried to make Punk/MJF feel like MJFvDarby.

Punk winning is not my problem - it was booking Punk in a match type where he did not come off as the better wrestler but then won anyway that is my issue. It was so obvious he was clearly inferior to Hangman I thought they *had* to be setting up a heel turn - instead we got Hangman consider cheating to put a guy away he was beating soundly to that point.

I think the match had more psychology than you give it credit for. The botched Punkshot Lariat - the second one of which they shouldn't have gone for after doing an awesome job recovering from the first attempt - and CM Trunk mooning the audience distracted from it at a crucial turning point, but from the start with the dirty lock-ups and turnbuckle tactics until the end, the story was about how Hangman acted blindly, stubbornly and hotly because of Punk.

The lesson Hangman will probably take away from losing is that he should have hit Punk with the belt. But that's the wrong lesson. He should have never gone for the belt in the first place. Hangman had the match under control and if he had stayed focused he would have put Punk away with overhelming power, skill and perseverance like he put away Omega and Danielson. He hadn't even used his best weapon yet. But Hangman didn't want to just win. Hangman wanted to punish Punk - with the very belt that was his, Hangman's alone, and would never belong to the likes of Punk. And thus, because he wasted time, because he hesitated, because even when he was angry he was still a little bit too much of a good guy, he gave Punk the opportunity to get back into the fight.

Punk didn't win because he was the better wrestler last night. He won because Hangman went into their match with the wrong gameplan. That's the intended story.


Oct 28, 2017
Hey ya'll. I missed out on the show last night but I'm probably going to watch it next weekend with my cousin so all I want to know is without the Buy-In what was the run time of the show? That'll give me a good idea of when to have my cousin come over. Thanks!


Comics Enabler & Freelance Games Journalist
Oct 25, 2017
Typically after a PPV I drop a link to the Discord in the event thread, but this time around I think I'll drop it here instead. Would prefer folk more invested in the community join over folk who may just be passing by. That said...

We have a Discord! It's for the ResetEra AEW |OT| Community and we'd love to have more folk join. Chat's very active, whether it's about AEW, other wrestling promotions, games+etc., or everything else. Always room for more! Just keep in mind that this is a welcoming, respectful, and positive community, women+LGBT friendly, and priority #1 is making friends tied to the hobby rather than just obsessing over the hobby itself. If that sounds like a fit for you, welcome welcome.

Discord - A New Way to Chat with Friends & Communities

Discord is the easiest way to communicate over voice, video, and text. Chat, hang out, and stay close with your friends and communities.


Oct 29, 2017
Hey ya'll. I missed out on the show last night but I'm probably going to watch it next weekend with my cousin so all I want to know is without the Buy-In what was the run time of the show? That'll give me a good idea of when to have my cousin come over. Thanks!

Its a smidge longer if you want to watch Hookhausen - might have been an 8-9 minute match


Oct 25, 2017
How I'd like to imagine Justin Roberts looked while Bryan Danielson was getting choked out with the ropes

Nov 5, 2017

Should've realized they were both going to win based on their ring gear alone.

Not for nothing, I'm cool with both winning, especially Britt when she shook Ruby's hand afterward.


Aug 15, 2021
I really enjoyed the show. It's not up there with AEW's very best PPVs, I think that point is inarguable, but I had a great time regardless.

I don't normally do these longform posts, but having read several others today I felt compelled to give my own longform impressions. So forgive me for all this guff:

Double of Nothing 2022

House of Black vs Death Triangle (*****)
- My MotN. The two best looking factions in AEW (sorry Ricky) put on a rapid-fire clinic to remind everyone why just they've been feuding for so long. Simply put, these six dudes create magic together. The start of the match with all those standoffs... chills. I wish Death Triangle had won, but otoh I'm also glad they finally did the Julia thing. Is this the end of the feud? I can't imagine Triangle will let it lie, but I can't complain if we get another match like this. Also, yet another banger entrance theme (and entrance) for Death Triangle!

Anarchy in the Arena (*****) - Fuck me this was glorious. Loved Justin's intro. Loved the background music. Loved Moxley taking the ring apart only halfway through a show. Loved Eddie brawling in the concessions and returning looking like he just came out of a horror movie. What an image. Loved Santana and Ortiz being the only efficient team there, trying to get the job done first on Hager then on 2.0. Loved Danielson standing in the ring alone taking on both Jericho and Hager. He took the loss but still looked an absolute badass in the process. Plus this assault is how they have made things personal for the BCC, and this is how the Blood & Guts gets made. An extremely complex match put together extremely well.

Hangman vs Punk (*****) - The crowd were fantastic and added so much to this match. And they got me good, I really thought Hangman was gonna turn heel there. Like his defenses with Danielson and Cole, I thought this would be the first of a two-part story for Hangman and Punk. So this outcome is not what I expected at all, but I don't hate it. I'm hoping it will be weeks or months down the line before Punk turns, for the predictions Hangman (and Eddie) made about him to eventually bear fruit. No need to rush things. What a tragic end to his title reign, it was Hangman who beat Hangman last night. But this definitely isn't Hangman's last championship run either. The cowboy's struggles continue.

Rosa vs Deeb (*****) - Fantastic match, I never had a doubt these two great performers would deliver. They were given the time to shine and the good crowd eagerly ate it up. Truly two of the most talented women AEW have, although that number is growing all the time.

Jungle Express vs Team Taz vs Swerve Glory (*****) - Ending aside (and I can't believe they haven't pulled the trigger on Christian yet) this was a hell of a match deep in the card and a fantastic showcase for everybody involved. That dive to the outside... I'm not sure when I'll feel comfortable about Ricky landing on his shoulders but I'm definitely not there yet. JB is the kid with all the perseverance so I'm not even mad he kicked out of that beautiful spear. Glad that they at least protected that slingshot Roshambo (!!!) though.

Jade vs Anna Jay (****) - Given the experience of both women involved they put together a great outing, with just 10% too much malarkey on top. Awesome to see Athena, but Stokely's debut maybe could've waited until Dynamite. Like, is he replacing Mark or not? There are questions. Regardless, Kris is still super over.

Hookhausen vs Nese/Sterling (****) - A perfect bite-sized piece of pro-wrestling. A simple story that delivered in spades. Everyone involved got some shine. We're still waiting for Hook's first long match, but I'm sure that will be eventually excellent.

ATT vs Sammy/Tay/Kaz (****) - An abysmal match on paper that truly overdelivered. Sammy and especially Tay are settling into their role well - loved their outfits! Kaz saying, "fuck you both" mid-match was amazing. PVZ performed admirably, her strikes looked good. Plus Tay taking that superkick was just amazing. Well done AEW, you fixed it. Good job.

Kyle vs Darby (****) - These two stars have great chemistry. I'm liking Kyle more the more I see him wrestle. An impressive outing with a great clash of styles, scary bumps for Darby aside.

MJF vs Wardlow (***) - More angle than match, but exactly what it needed to be and I'm just glad we got to see it. The inevitability of the moment maybe diminished the hype, especially compared to Wardlow's initial betrayal, but it was still a very gratifying conclusion to this story. And clearly Hangman dropped the belt just to dodge the imminent Muscletits.

Hardys vs Young Bucks (***) - The Bucks never have a bad match on PPV, but while this was solid and fun, it was ultimately quite forgettable. Brandon continues to rule.

Britt vs Ruby (**) - Yo, maybe don't let the people who're going to win your Hart tournament dress in Hart-coloured tights to match their Hart-coloured trophies? One of Ruby's best matches in AEW so far, yet I couldn't get into it at all.

Cole vs Joe (I hate it) - Yeah, I think I'm done with Cole matches.

Overall grade: A-


Well, Tosca isn't for everyone
Oct 31, 2017
Remember Punk-Cena match @ MITB where he kept falling over trying to land on his feet getting out of the AA.

Punk always botches big moves in the match he wins the world title, happened in ROH too.

It's a masturbatory tribute to himself.

Kinda like a guy not being as good as he think he is

EDIT: It happens so much that it's probably intentional


Oct 25, 2017
We watched the first two hours live last night and are gonna watch the rest today, stopped before Britt vs Ruby.

Really enjoyed it thus far, but apparently everyone's really down on it?

Seeing people say the back half is strongest is exciting considering I've had a pretty good time so far? lmao


Oct 27, 2017
We watched the first two hours live last night and are gonna watch the rest today, stopped before Britt vs Ruby.

Really enjoyed it thus far, but apparently everyone's really down on it?

Seeing people say the back half is strongest is exciting considering I've had a pretty good time so far? lmao
Yeah you'll be fine, personally for me the show really picked up after the match following Britt vs Ruby. That said the whole show still entertained me but I was looking at my phone moreso than I normally would during an AEW PPV where i'm normally glued to the TV from start to end and I think that's a sentiment other people shared. The time still flew by despite the PPV lenght, at least for me.


Oct 25, 2017
As for my comments last night about potentially leaving ERA due to the constant negitivity. I've decided to stay, but to never enter a live thread again during a show. I might be here during Dynamite & Rampage, but no promises. As someone said to me last night, If I leave then there's only more negitivity here for everyone else.

For whatever it's worth, as someone who mainly lurks, I almost never go into any live threads on this site-they're almost always more negative that the dedicated community threads.


Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
I feel like the people complaining about how Punk beating Hangman was bad because Hangman is a homegrown talent are the same people complaining about how homegrown talent Britt Baker and Jurassic Express won their matches.


Oct 29, 2017
I feel like the people complaining about how Punk beating Hangman was bad because Hangman is a homegrown talent are the same people complaining about how homegrown talent Britt Baker and Jurassic Express won their matches.

This isn't exactly good faith.

1) Most Baker complaints are centered around her winning too much and unnecessarily as she is already super over and was just the champ.
2) Most people in this thread were rooting for Team Taz who are *also* home-grown talents