
Dec 15, 2017
- HOB vs Dark Order & Feugo was good.
- Spears vs Damo was solid. Didn't recognize Damo without hair.
- Feels like Bucks vs Hardys and BCC vs JAS are being rushed to stack the PPV.
- Velvet vs Statlander was great. Loved the one-handed lift spot. Ruby handled herself well on commentary.
- Best training montage ever lol. Can't get enough of Ethan on the mic. Sammy, Kaz & Conti vs Ethan, Scorp & PVZ soon? Solid burn from Toni.
- Jade's run out of viable opponents so we get a random Anna Jay re-run which doesn't need to be on PPV. Feels like it's almost time for Jade to drop the TBS title to Statlander or Ruby.
- Dante & Sydal vs BCC was my MOTN. Jericho/Regal beefing on commentary was fun. Brawl... and we're out of time!


Dec 15, 2017
i'd love if if AEW encouraged him to do promos. but with the way they've treated shida, who is probably more serviceable at english than takeshita...

They took a long time to start trusting Shida with promos and her english was decent to begin with, especially compared to newer signings like Andrade. I kind of don't blame them with the way some crowds are, though. Thick accents and a few mispronounced words can be enough to get a bad reaction. Still, it would be nice for TK to give the likes or Emi, Riho, Maki, Yuka and Takeshita a chance to speak.


Dec 15, 2017
My mom just sent me a pic from Daily's Place, she's at a Sting concert. Should I tell her about the real Sting and the storied history of this fine wrestling arena?




Oct 27, 2017
They took a long time to start trusting Shida with promos and her english was decent to begin with, especially compared to newer signings like Andrade. I kind of don't blame them with the way some crowds are, though. Thick accents and a few mispronounced words can be enough to get a bad reaction. Still, it would be nice for TK to give the likes or Emi, Riho, Maki, Yuka and Takeshita a chance to speak.
I wish they would let some talent cut promos in their native language if cutting promos in English is too difficult.
I never understood why more companies didn't do video packages like this.



Oct 27, 2017
Cody's philosophy of the TNT belt not being secondary is gone now with the constant title changes and it being destroyed with a hammer on TV, TK would never do that to the World Title

So with that said I think Miro is too good for a secondary title and would be a bit disappointed if he came back for it even if he'd be a much better champion than the people hot potatoing it around now


Oct 27, 2017
Cody's philosophy of the TNT belt not being secondary is gone now with the constant title changes and it being destroyed with a hammer on TV, TK would never do that to the World Title

So with that said I think Miro is too good for a secondary title and would be a bit disappointed if he came back for it even if he'd be a much better champion than the people hot potatoing it around now
I think the story could work if Miro's goal was to restore prestige to the title.


Oct 27, 2017
I think the story could work if Miro's goal was to restore prestige to the title.
That was also Scorpio's goal and they dropped it a week later

I'm wondering if it's Tony's goal tbh. Sammy held the TNT belt hostage and didn't even ask for a championship match (because who cares about that) and instead asked for an intergender tag match, and then the next contender not only watched the belt he's contending for be destroyed but joined in to help. The only belt treated worse is the FTW belt where every contender makes sure to say they don't ACTUALLY give a fuck about the belt before they challenge for it


Comics Enabler & Freelance Games Journalist
Oct 25, 2017
You think Britt is beating Toni? I thought the Owen was set up to give her the big push coming into the company.
A big push, sure. A push over Britt? To face Ruby in the finals? Nah, we're going to spend the next year dealing with Adam Cole and Britt Baker wearing black and pink "Owen" belts over their shoulders.


Nov 4, 2017
A big push, sure. A push over Britt? To face Ruby in the finals? Nah, we're going to spend the next year dealing with Adam Cole and Britt Baker wearing black and pink "Owen" belts over their shoulders.

I like Britt, but don't think she needs it. Especially not far removed from a long title reign and already having a character that's over.


Aug 15, 2021
I am thinking the finals will be Toni/Ruby, but I couldn't guess who would win that. On the men's side I would prefer it to be Kyle, but Joe does seem the more likely outcome. I just don't want a damn HBK guy winning the thing. I sincerely hate the thought of Cole and Britt having couples belts, so I reject it.

Rampage was fun, every match was entertaining and had time to breathe. AEW did an admirable job covering up the crowd bullshit in the women's match and a good thing too - that match was awesome, Kris' best match in a while. The Gunn Club/Acclaimed thing and DanHausen are both hilarious bits. Loved that Toni Storm actually got Britt to shut up for once.

They even got me curious what they're doing with the TNT belt now. I would have preferred a clean break from the Sammy stuff but this at least feels like there is a direction, unlike last week. My only complaint is that Sammy smashing the belt for ultimate heel heat was immediately diluted by Kaz doing the same. Plus destroying the title is something a babyface (if Kaz is still supposed to be one) should never do.

I wish they would let some talent cut promos in their native language if cutting promos in English is too difficult.
I never understood why more companies didn't do video packages like this.

AEW used to do these style of promos more often and I miss them too. It is probably a casualty of trying to fit so much into the show every week. We do still see these show up in the Road To videos from time to time, at least.
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Sander VF

The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Tbilisi, Georgia
I feel like the inaugural Owen Heart should be won by faces, rather than heels.

Especially when one of the heels is a former world champion who lost a title very recently.


Oct 26, 2017
La France
I wish they would let some talent cut promos in their native language if cutting promos in English is too difficult.
I never understood why more companies didn't do video packages like this.

For real. Foreign wrestlers in Japanese promotions that don't speak Japanese just do promos in English and no one bats an eye.
It's annoying that being in an American company means YOU HAVE TO speak English.

Sander VF

The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Tbilisi, Georgia
I wish they would let some talent cut promos in their native language if cutting promos in English is too difficult.
I never understood why more companies didn't do video packages like this.

For real. Foreign wrestlers in Japanese promotions that don't speak Japanese just do promos in English and no one bats an eye.
It's annoying that being in an American company means YOU HAVE TO speak English.

Like I'm sure American wrestling audience could read some subtitles once in a while


Oct 27, 2017
Bump the Bucks/Hardys match to the Buy In.

Sick of the Bucks worming their way into every PPV after doing nothing.

Also, add FTR to the tag team match and make it a 4-way.


Feb 10, 2021
For real. Foreign wrestlers in Japanese promotions that don't speak Japanese just do promos in English and no one bats an eye.
It's annoying that being in an American company means YOU HAVE TO speak English.

This has irritated the hell out of me for a really long time. Just imagine how cool Shida's title run could have been if they actually gave her badass promo packages in Japanese.

Hell, I don't ever want to hear Penta speak English. His charisma oozes through his delivery in Spanish.

Normanski 2.0

Nov 21, 2017
Bump the Bucks/Hardys match to the Buy In.

Sick of the Bucks worming their way into every PPV after doing nothing.

Also, add FTR to the tag team match and make it a 4-way.

Bucks v Hardyz is a PPV quality match with Jeff getting huge pops every time he comes out. No way you let that go for nothing on the buy-in.

I love the BCC but I was thinking earlier that I really miss seeing Danielson in singles action. He's the best wrestler in the world and every single match he's had at AEW is 4* minimum. It'd be nice to see another one now and again.

Also let's get the Sammy match out of the way as quick as possible and then we can all forget this whole angle ever happened.


The Fallen
Mar 13, 2018
Yeah... no one who was sitting with me was into the TNT segment.

The Hookhausen vignette on the other hand had me rolling.

Also, we came close to getting the 'head kicked in' chant going at one time.
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Oct 27, 2017
I would argue the Sammy stuff is so awful that they should pull a WWE and remove everyone involved except the champion and his crew from TV for a few months. Move on to something else quick. If they're dead set on using Sammy again bring him back as a lone heel. They're ruining Tay Conti and the whole TNT Title scene with this.

This is not even like when Cody was doing weird stuff and you just had to watch to see where the trainwreck was going. This is like "Get those fuckers off my TV. I dont want to see them"


Feb 10, 2021
Stat/Velvet was absolutely fantastic.

EDIT: This TNT Title story is, um, not.

And how much stuff are they cramming into DoN? It's going to have be 6 hours at this point. It's too much, and there's still no room for FTR.
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Oct 29, 2017
Imagine being Frankie've been off TV for months, waiting in the wings for your turn to be rotated in, been patient, bided your time only to find you're going to be sucked into the vortex of garbage that is Sammy/Tay/Dan Lambert/Men of The Year.

Everyone involved in this needs to be shelved for months till the stench of it goes away. Dan Lambert just needs to be permanently shelved - that experiment has failed and getting Paige Van Zant signed aint worth this shit.


Oct 27, 2017
For real. Foreign wrestlers in Japanese promotions that don't speak Japanese just do promos in English and no one bats an eye.
It's annoying that being in an American company means YOU HAVE TO speak English.


Like I'm sure American wrestling audience could read some subtitles once in a while

I've been told in public before to speak English because we're in America when having private conversations in Spanish by random people. So yeah these fuckers don't want to read subtitles.


Mar 10, 2019
I've been finding myself really disliking Statlander since the gimmick change to "Boring Bored Person" but I can't hate that performance on Rampage.


Oct 25, 2017
Like alien Statlander was some sort of charismatic masterpiece. 🙄

She was at least something though. Right now she's just dull and a bit uncomfortable looking and they have plenty of that on the women's roster already. She's still among their best wrestlers so she'll get time to figure it out but they should have had a direction in mind before making the change.

Plus they could have used that extra time to properly break up the Best Friends instead of just sort of slowly drifting apart and appearing together less.


Oct 25, 2017
Statlander should be a heavy for someone who can actually talk.

also JEEEEEESUS this TNT segment is awful


Oct 25, 2017
How about we give Stat a chance to work it instead of adding to the long list of everyone just shitting on a female performer in here.

I don't know why you're rudely rolling your eyes at me, but I didn't like her much then either and thought there was a lot of room for improvement. I feel she's gone the wrong direction.
Don't worry, it's not just you.

Normanski 2.0

Nov 21, 2017
I preferred Statlander with the alien gimmick too. She's a fantastic performer but I don't really know what her character is any more (writing that immediately makes me think of Tony Nese).

No-one said the Alien gimmick was massively over but it made her memorable, and that's important when you have limited time to get over: she was the wrestler who thinks she's an alien and boops people on the nose vs what exactly?

the answer to that is not always she needs more time either (though that would be good and is obviously a benefit). By comparison Yuka and Maki have had far less time on AEW tv but I can tell you exactly who they are without any previous background knowledge outside of the company. Same with Ruby: you just have to see her entrance to know exactly who she is…

do I think Kris can get over? Absolutely, but it's tougher without the alien.


You know what that means
Oct 25, 2017
Stat's alien character works with a bit of context. She explained (maybe it was Unrestricted?) that the character comes from her feeling like she's different from everyone else. It's her embracing her uniqueness — an outward reflection of how she feels internally.

Honestly, that's why I'm not thrilled with her seemingly moving away from it. Had they conveyed that better on tv, she could be an inspirational character. Like, everyone is afraid of Abadon. Have Stat be the one who embraces, accepts, and befriends her. Then you have two over characters: the alien who shows more of the good within humanity than anyone and the misunderstood monster. (tropey sure, but come on it would totally work)
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Oct 25, 2017
I'm cool with Stat just being an ass kicker if she gets more TV time. Then again I could care less about gimmicks most the time if the wrestling is good.


Oct 27, 2017
Ruhrgebiet, Germany
For casual - and most regular, if we're honest - viewers of Dynamite and Rampage only, Statlander's was a cosmetic change. Measured by tv time, her gimmick was more prominently "OC's girlfriend" than "alien". The difference is she dresses less colorful now. Everything else about her character can still be shaped going forward.


Oct 30, 2017
Hope they do something next week to heat up Anna Jay/Jade so there's "some" possibility that Anna could win.