
Mar 10, 2019
It's Thursday. You know what that means. ❤️

Still buzzing from last night. Can't wait for ⚡️!

This has been a lot of Shida matches though. Her muscling up her opponent for suplexes/falcon arrow. It leads me to believe that Shida wants this from her opponents because it makes her look badass.
Yup, it's just one of Shida's spots. She powers people up to look strong (because she's strong)

And Julia was good. It was a good match.


Oct 25, 2017
Welp, I clearly missed that. LOL. Maybe there was a miscommunication with the announce team who added eliminations to the match and probably weren't supposed to. It made the whole thing confusing.

But yeah, the confusing rules for the TV audience were the least of the match's problems. Matt and Jeff just didn't move around too well out there this week.
I think both Justin Roberts and the announcers were all following the same rules and established them from the start (and the announcers kept repeating it throughout) so maybe you were just distracted and didn't realize lol.

But that match was a mess and Jeff getting eliminated so early on did make me think he was injured or something. I will also echo what others have said in that they have both been looking rough and they need to start booking them accordingly instead of treating them like just another team who can still go.


You know what that means
Oct 25, 2017
Anyone know how long term Hardys are signed for? They may just be sprinting through a final run together.


Oct 27, 2017
Ruhrgebiet, Germany
Matt Hardy hasn't moved well in how many years? Part of what made the Broken gimmick such a stroke of genius was that any stiffness and awkwardness in motion could pass as character work.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
FWIW, Matt came out after the match during break and said it was the anniversary of their Dad's death a year ago, and had us start a chant in his memory.

Last night was great, other than the first Elevation match (which ended early in a shoot injury and probably won't make TV) and the Sammy and Tay promo (although that was somewhat saved by the crowd turning on it). I won't get too deeply into Rampage, but if you've read the spoilers you already know. The guy sat right next to me got sprayed really good with blood. Three different security people came over to him after that with towels and wipes so he could get cleaned up. I just got one tiny spot of blood on my white shoes. The person on the other side of him didn't get hit either. It was like he got sniped.

The front row experience remains amazing. High fives and fist bumps and blood and sweat and not having some person in front of you blocking your view with a sign or standing up when you want to stay seated. I'm not sure I'll always be able to get front row tickets, but I'm sure as hell going to keep trying. I'm really hoping to be ringside for All In and I'm already trying to make that happen. Fingers tightly crossed.

FTR vs Bucks 2 was everything I hoped it would be. It probably had something to do with my colorful hair and face makeup, but I got lots of eye contact with the top guys, and they were really gracious after the match. I was 100% invested in that match and everything I did and said was basically a reaction pulled out of me by the work in the ring. Last time we were in Boston we saw the best singles match we'd seen in person with Kingston vs Danielson. Last night we saw the best tag match we've seen in person. That was my hope for it going in and it easily cleared that bar.

Bucks are, obviously, an amazing tag team, who have been in some of the best tag matches of all time but FTR just *get* tag team psychology and their matches draw me right in. It's weird being in an arena cheering for them, since they've worked heel as long as I've been aware of them, but so gratifying too. The looks on their faces whenever the crowd surged for them, seemed so genuine. They had a fantastic match, but I get the sense they had a fantastic night too.

Speaking of looks on people's faces, Joe seemed so so so happy to be out there and so at home in the ring. At least for one night (and hopefully it won't be the only night) he moved as well as he ever did in there. Katy was overjoyed to see him debut.

I got to say hi to the Hooters baddie like I was hoping. He was having such a good night.

Sonny walked right past me while I had my face in my phone on the way to our seats. So, yes, I saw her as she walked away, but I'd have really liked to say a quick hello and maybe tell her that she helped me realize my true self. The retweet was cool though! It gave me some hope she was booked to wrestle, but alas, no. I'll see Sonny wrestle in person one day.


Mar 10, 2019
There isn't a "Tony, cut the shit" t-shirt yet so don't bother checking the store.


Nov 4, 2021
South Eastern PA
Another night where I didn't get any sleep 😩😩 but I just rewatched FTR vs The Bucks. Its even better the second time. It doesn't go over Hangman vs Danielson as my favorite match of the year so far, but it's #2.


Nov 1, 2017
I think both Justin Roberts and the announcers were all following the same rules and established them from the start (and the announcers kept repeating it throughout) so maybe you were just distracted and didn't realize lol.

But that match was a mess and Jeff getting eliminated so early on did make me think he was injured or something. I will also echo what others have said in that they have both been looking rough and they need to start booking them accordingly instead of treating them like just another team who can still go.

I dunno. I'll re-watch it and see how much of it was my own lack of paying attention. I just remember feeling confused about the elimination and then the announce team saying "but it's no DQ, so Butcher can still stay in!" Huh? LOL.

So much good stuff last night, and so many fun stories going on right now.

-Christian rules.
-Hangman rules.
-Joe rules.
-Everybody loves The Acclaimed.
-Keith Lee/Hobbs/Swerve/Ricky rules.
-MJF/Wardlow rules.
-Jade rules.
-Eddie Kingston rules.
-BCC/Yuta/Best Friends rules.
-FTR and The Young Bucks rule.

And we didn't even have any follow-up from CM Punk!
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You know what that means
Oct 25, 2017
Wasn't Matt saying he wanted a final run to be with his brother before Jeff came in?

I think this is both of their last rides.

Yeah that's the plan. And I know Matt's contract was re-worked so it syncs up with Jeff's. I just don't remember reading if it was stated how long the were signed for. Like, if it's relatively short term that may be why it's been "oops, all crash and burn!"

I've never been a Hardys fan but I'm happy that they're getting to do this and are ending things on their own terms. They deserve it.


Nov 1, 2017
This match was so good. Perfect finish.

Have only read very light spoilers for Mox vs. Yuta. Have also read that Danielson vs. Trent was very good. Looking forward to Rampage tomorrow night.
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Oct 31, 2017
Alliance, OH
It was an absolute WAR. Yuta bled buckets, put Mox through a table, kicked Mox's head in BD style, kicked out of 2 Paradigm Shifts, and later the ref stopped the match when he passed out while in a Bulldog Choke. The crowd was HOT for Yuta by the end.

After the match, Regal, Danielson and Mox circled Yuta. Yuta thought Regal was gonna slap him again but instead he offered his hand, finally earning his respect. Danielson then took the Pure belt and put it around Wheeler's waist and Mox shared a few words with him. It seems Yuta is now a part of the BCC and a goddamn star was born tonight.
Oh, Im gonna what the hell out of THAT match.


Mar 10, 2019
I want to cheer Paige Van Zant for the same reason I want to cheer Jade. She's a cool, confident, powerful woman.


Oct 27, 2017
If they can dig Sammy and Tay out of this hole they dug themselves in I'll have to give them credit
They're gonna need to become a bit more self-aware first.

They've been pretty insufferable on the Vlog so on-screen is just an extension of that.

They're like that really annoying couple at a dinner party who can't stop touching each other and talking about themselves, completely oblivious to the fact they make everyone else feel uncomfortable.


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly, that's not an option cause the talent pretty much all reacted to it. They'd have to cut the segment. Which... wouldn't be a bad idea.
I was just thinking that. They have the benefit of it not being live, and depending on the time required to fill in they could just shoot an extra backstage segment or something.


Oct 27, 2017
Regal is on the new Unrestricted podcast. Not on YouTube yet.

AEW Unrestricted

What does it take to be All-Elite? Dig in with the stars and talented team behind AEW via in-depth conversations highlighting their lives, pop culture, and pro wrestling. AEW referee Aubrey Edwards and Wrestling Administration Coordinator Will Washington bring you new audio episodes every Thursday &


Oct 25, 2017
I don't believe for one second that the plan isn't to slowly turn both of them heel.

It's not. Dan Lambert should not be a face in any story line but nobody likes this direction Sammy and Tay taking it. Heck they are turning on Tay which months ago, was one of the more over babyfaces you see in the company.


You know what that means
Oct 25, 2017
FTR are red hot right now. Next week, have them officially break away from MJF. The following week, introduce Bret as their manager or at the very least have him show up as a surprise to endorse FTR. Immediately after that put them in a program against JE. (resolve JE vs RD and Battle of the Belts) Having all the gold doesn't need to exclusively be a heel thing.

Book Caster v Sammy. Just cos I wanna hear the rap.

Ok I want this now.


Oct 27, 2017
Sammy's character still think he's a face, he's actually becoming what everybody was clamoring for Cody to do. It's not about Dan Lambert being a face, of course he's not, but there's no way Tony Khan booked that thinking the crowd was going to side with Sammy. Making poo-poo joke and bragging about having sex like a high schooler isn't something you book a real face to do. We will see how it goes but if I'm wrong so be it, but I really think they are going with the delusional face gimmick.


Mar 10, 2019
Sammy's character still think he's a face, he's actually becoming what everybody was clamoring for Cody to do. It's not about Dan Lambert being a face, of course he's not, but there's no way Tony Khan booked that thinking the crowd was going to side with Sammy. Making poo-poo joke and bragging about having sex like a high schooler isn't something you book a real face to do. We will see how it goes but if I'm wrong so be it, but I really think they are going with the delusional face gimmick.
Okay, now explain why they're doing a delusional face against Dan Lambert, the most hateable heel in the company, and creating a gigantic mess.

Torpedo Vegas

Oct 27, 2017
Parts Unknown.
Who pulls the look off better?
Pillman Jr.

or Keefe in The Righteous Gemstones
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Oct 27, 2017
Okay, now explain why they're doing a delusional face against Dan Lambert, the most hateable heel in the company, and creating a gigantic mess.
Sammy goes after the heel everybody hate because he think people will get behind him and it backfires against him because the crowd has been turning against him for the past couple months now, even if he's constantly putting his body on the line (like Cody bumping into the fire table.)

I don't consider it a gigantic mess, I don't see how it's a bad thing when the crowd is reacting that much.


You know what that means
Oct 25, 2017
There's an easy (and fun!) way out of this: you do a double turn. Sammy/Tay go heel and Scorpio/Ego/PVZ go face. If Lambert is sticking around, you could even put him with Sammy/Tay for maximum HEAT. Have him go with something like he respects Sammy/Tay for standing up to him while he had to fight all of MotY's battles for them. Lambert could even gift Sammy that second belt back making him even more insufferable. Scorpio could use the crowd's support for his title run, Ego is a genuinely good dude in his vlog, and PVZ is naturally going to get cheered as someone new and exciting. It's a win all around in my book.

Who pulls it the look off better?
Pillman Jr.

or Keefe in The Righteous Gemstones

Oh no. Don't you ruin my good boy Keefe.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
Tay can be salvaged. The only good thing about Sammy is his match performance because his promos come off as the most immature try hard bullshit around. I don't even understand why this feud is still happening. Just let Tay and PVZ have their match and move on. Meanwhile, Scorpio is the only TNT champion that I've yet to see be as featured as the other champions were by comparison.

And I'm hoping that after the JE/ReDragon match that JE's next feud is against House of Black so they can get a run with the titles.

Curt Baboon

Mar 13, 2018
Sammy's character still think he's a face, he's actually becoming what everybody was clamoring for Cody to do. It's not about Dan Lambert being a face, of course he's not, but there's no way Tony Khan booked that thinking the crowd was going to side with Sammy. Making poo-poo joke and bragging about having sex like a high schooler isn't something you book a real face to do. We will see how it goes but if I'm wrong so be it, but I really think they are going with the delusional face gimmick.

I love how this is happening all over again not even a week after Cody's WWE debut.


Oct 26, 2017
La France
Regal is on the new Unrestricted podcast. Not on YouTube yet.

AEW Unrestricted

What does it take to be All-Elite? Dig in with the stars and talented team behind AEW via in-depth conversations highlighting their lives, pop culture, and pro wrestling. AEW referee Aubrey Edwards and Wrestling Administration Coordinator Will Washington bring you new audio episodes every Thursday &
Any idea when the episodes usually hit Youtube?

Torpedo Vegas

Oct 27, 2017
Parts Unknown.
There's an easy (and fun!) way out of this: you do a double turn. Sammy/Tay go heel and Scorpio/Ego/PVZ go face. If Lambert is sticking around, you could even put him with Sammy/Tay for maximum HEAT. Have him go with something like he respects Sammy/Tay for standing up to him while he had to fight all of MotY's battles for them. Lambert could even gift Sammy that second belt back making him even more insufferable. Scorpio could use the crowd's support for his title run, Ego is a genuinely good dude in his vlog, and PVZ is naturally going to get cheered as someone new and exciting. It's a win all around in my book.

Oh no. Don't you ruin my good boy Keefe.


Well, Tosca isn't for everyone
Oct 31, 2017
Alright, some thoughts on Dynamite

- It was a fantastic show overall. I personally felt the pacing a bit off, I would've switched some of the matches but.. eh, it's just me being picky dicky.
- God I love Hangman Page as the babyface champion. Dude's really cowboy shit. Sick and tired of your shit so I'm gonna beat your ass in a texas deathmatch. Good way to end a boring feud.
- Max Caster's rap was so good. I marked at the "we beat you in ratings while you were their champ" bit. Samoa Joe looked as a monster as he should. Really solid stuff
- Tables match was enjoyable, I don't usually like Tables matches because it's stupid that the most interesting part of the match is also the one that's going to end the match, but they made it work with the "offensive maneuver" bit. Not great, but good.
- God I love Shida. Crowd was a bit down for that match, but Shida always makes them pop. She's so amazing. I also liked Julia in the match. The heel persona fits her very well.
- Jade is a million dollar star. Never let her go, Tony.
- FTR vs Bucks was amazing. FTR are so so so good. Glad they won.
- Marked for the chilean flag, because of small town/country energy. Thank you weird person that brings a flag to the show.

Hyped as fuck for Rampage. Bring it on!

Captain C

Oct 27, 2017
I think it's something that a lot of us take for granted, but I for one absolutely love Hangman as a dominant Babyface champ. I'm so used to Babyface champs being wimpy geeks who have to "overcome the odds" because they always get their asses kicked, or boring white meat cornballs who inevitably turn heel because the crowd is not into them.

Hangman is a competent Babyface, easy to cheer for, and is showing consistently why he's the champ - because he's that damn tough. And that is Cowboy Shit.


Oct 26, 2017
La France
I think it's something that a lot of us take for granted, but I for one absolutely love Hangman as a dominant Babyface champ. I'm so used to Babyface champs being wimpy geeks who have to "overcome the odds" because they always get their asses kicked, or boring white meat cornballs who inevitably turn heel because the crowd is not into them.

Hangman is a competent Babyface, easy to cheer for, and is showing consistently why he's the champ - because he's that damn tough. And that is Cowboy Shit.
I don't think this first reign will be that crazy, but it shows his potential for a even bigger one in a couple of years when he's even more seasoned.