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Dec 29, 2017
I'm picturing this in my head.

TK telling Nakazawa to call Okada. He asks if he can make it for Forbidden Door. Okada says no, he has a kid on the way. TK tells him he'll give him a lifetime supply of In-N-Out. Okada says I'm on my way.

Empyrean Cocytus

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Upstate NY
I'm picturing this in my head.

TK telling Nakazawa to call Okada. He asks if he can make it for Forbidden Door. Okada says no, he has a kid on the way. TK tells him he'll give him a lifetime supply of In-N-Out. Okada says I'm on my way.

You say that and yet the motherfucker is going to walk into Portillos and get a chocolate cake shake and forget In-N-Out ever existed.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean - they have to be. AEW and NJPW are going to have to disentangle their storylines 3 days after this show ends. Maybe we get FTR and the Best Friends/Chaos having a build towards something at Wrestle Kingdom but the vast majority of these stories need to wrap up.

The Injuries and CMLL fucking things up certainly have not helped. Mox having to move to the main event forced a lot of shifts in booking. Like Suzuki/Archer coming after Mox makes a hell of a lot of sense given the history of matches in AEW. But Mox can't be in that match because he got shifted to the main event when Punk got hurt. Then Danielson is hurt on top of that which basically means BCC is completely out of the story except for Wheeler Yuta and now its a feud with Kingston and PnP which is random as hell.

Orange Cassidy got thrown into a match he wasn't supposed to be in last week when the CMLL blocked Andrade from being in the match with Ospreay.

I mean yes - the booking is a mess but it sort of was always going to be. AEW had to deal with a bunch of injuries *and* the MJF thing *and* the fallout from their last PPV *and* the CMLL nonsense and NJPW had to ignore this show because of Dominion which except for Ospreay being willing to hop back and forth on planes meant most NJPW stars were stuck in Japan until last week.

The reality is there is probably never going to be a time where you can get the 2nd and 3rd largest wrestling promotions on Earth to sync up and build a super show.

They would be far far better off having 1-2 matches at major events between them going forward (both in Japan and in the US). I don't expect Forbidden Door 2, I expect ZSJ v Danielson at WK. I think that is a far far easier build. Super shows should just be that "here is Okada fighting Hangman, please enjoy" and hopefully that is the lesson TK learns.


And for everyone who wants AEW to be the hub through which they work with other companies like New Japan, AAA, Impact, etc., you're going to have to work either on the dream match idea with little to no story build or you're going to have to find a way to thread everyone and everything together and it probably won't be neat.

WWE doesn't have this problem because they are their own be-all, end-all. Nothing outside matters.


Nov 17, 2017
That was a great Dynamite.

It's already been said 100 times but Christian's promo was on a vastly different level than 99% of the promos that happen in AEW. Sure, there were a few stumbles but I thought the content and length were just about perfect. The callbacks to the battle royale as well as Marko were great. The closing comments about Jungle Boy's dad were rough so I sure hope that got cleared with Jungle Boy and his family.

Sticking with the theme of promos, I loved Stat and Athena. It was a spectacularly light and funny promo that really highlighted their personalities the same way Jade/Stokely/the Baddies have had opportunities to highlight theirs. Please please please keep giving the women's divisions opportunities like this. I'm assuming Willow will be joining this feud due to the name drop, so I'm even more excited now.

The matches were all pretty solid tonight but nothing groundbreaking. Just good wrestling. I will give a special shoutout to the Hangman/Young match. I had no idea who Silas Young was (some of the commentary helped fill in the blanks) but he looked really good other than that botch at the end. He's a lot more nimble than his size would suggest. Also, his look reminded me a lot of Jake "the Snake" Roberts.

The brawl at the end was fine. It was goofy and there was a novelty to it with Mox and Tanahashi staring each other down while everyone outside the ring was brawling.

All things considered, I think they're pulling together Forbidden Door just fine. I don't expect an all-time PPV (and I'm disappointed that we only get one women's match) but I still plan on watching.


Oct 25, 2017
Tokyo, Japan
Okada has elevated Forbidden Door for me, but honestly speaking this is not really the amazing PPV collaboration I imagined when this was announced. All these sudden injuries, Omega possibly still not 100%, Kota Ibushi and NJPW issues, CMLL not allowing certain wrestlers. This PPV could've been something really special. *sigh*


Comics Enabler & Freelance Games Journalist
Oct 25, 2017


1. John Moxley vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi -
2. Jay White (c) vs. Kazuchika Okada vs. "Hangman" Adam Page vs. Adam Cole -
3. Thunder Rosa (c) vs. Toni Storm -
4. Pac vs. Miro vs. Malakai Black vs. Tomohiro Ishii -
5. Le Sex Gods + Suzuki vs. Kingston + Yuta + Shooter -
6. Zack Sabre Jr. vs. ??? -
7. Will Ospreay vs. Orange Cassidy -
8. FTR vs. United Empire vs. Roppongi Vice -
9. The Elite vs. Darby/Sting + Ingobernables -
10. Max + Ass Boys vs. NJPW LA Dojo -
*This last match is a spoiler. If you choose to spoil yourself, please answer with either a 1 or a 2 and don't spoil the match for others. Otherwise, feel free to wait for Rampage.*
11. (1)Keith Lee + Swerve vs. (2)El Desperado + Kanemaru -

a. Kenny Omega appearance?
b. Who eats Okada's Rainmaker (choose just one)?
c. First to RED MASK?
d. First to go through a TABLE?
e. If there's a surprise NJPW appearance, who is it?
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Comics Enabler & Freelance Games Journalist
Oct 25, 2017
i know pretty much everyone in the world expects claudio to be ZSJ's opponent at forbidden door.


imagine if instead you got



Oct 27, 2017

1. John Moxley vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi - Moxley
2. Jay White (c) vs. Kazuchika Okada vs. "Hangman" Adam Page vs. Adam Cole - White
3. Thunder Rosa (c) vs. Toni Storm - Thunder Rosa
4. Pac vs. Miro vs. Malakai Black vs. Tomohiro Ishii - Ishii
5. Le Sex Gods + Suzuki vs. Kingston + Yuta + Shooter - Le Sex Gods/Suzuki
6. Zack Sabre Jr. vs. ??? - ????
7. Will Ospreay vs. Orange Cassidy - Ospreay
8. FTR vs. United Empire vs. Roppongi Vice - FTR
9. The Elite vs. Darby/Sting + Ingobernables - Darby/Sting + Ingobernables
10. Max + Ass Boys vs. NJPW LA Dojo - LA Dojo
11. 1

a. Kenny Omega appearance? Yes
b. Who eats Okada's Rainmaker (choose just one)? Cole
c. First to RED MASK? Kingston
d. First to go through a TABLE? Darby
e. If there's a surprise NJPW appearance, who is it? N/A


Fallen Guardian
Nov 2, 2017


1. John Moxley vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi - Mox wins
2. Jay White (c) vs. Kazuchika Okada vs. "Hangman" Adam Page vs. Adam Cole - Jay White wins
3. Thunder Rosa (c) vs. Toni Storm - Rosa wins
4. Pac vs. Miro vs. Malakai Black vs. Tomohiro Ishii - Pac wins
5. Le Sex Gods + Suzuki vs. Kingston + Yuta + Shooter - Kingston team wins
6. Zack Sabre Jr. vs. ??? - ??? Wins and I think it will be Cesaro
7. Will Ospreay vs. Orange Cassidy - Will Ospreay wins
8. FTR vs. United Empire vs. Roppongi Vice - FTR wins
9. The Elite vs. Darby/Sting + Ingobernables - Sting/Darby team wins
10. Max + Ass Boys vs. NJPW LA Dojo - Max team wins
*This last match is a spoiler. - (1) wins

a. Kenny Omega appearance? Yes
b. Who eats Okada's Rainmaker (choose just one)? I think all 3 will, but I pick Hangman.
c. First to RED MASK?- Mox
d. First to go through a TABLE? Ishii
e. If there's a surprise NJPW appearance, who is it? Ibushi


Oct 28, 2017

1. John Moxley vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi - Ace
2. Jay White (c) vs. Kazuchika Okada vs. "Hangman" Adam Page vs. Adam Cole - Hangman
3. Thunder Rosa (c) vs. Toni Storm - Thunder Rosa
4. Pac vs. Miro vs. Malakai Black vs. Tomohiro Ishii - Malakai Black
5. Le Sex Gods + Suzuki vs. Kingston + Yuta + Shooter - Le Sex Gods + Suzuki
6. Zack Sabre Jr. vs. ??? - Claudio
7. Will Ospreay vs. Orange Cassidy - Not sure. Are they still doing that storyline of Osprey getting screwed by the ref? If not, Osprey. If so, Orange Cassidy.
8. FTR vs. United Empire vs. Roppongi Vice - FTR
9. The Elite vs. Darby/Sting + Ingobernables - Darby/Sting + Ingobernables
10. Max + Ass Boys vs. NJPW LA Dojo - Max + The Family Ass
(1)Keith Lee + Swerve vs. (2])El Desperado + Kanemaru - 1

a. Kenny Omega appearance? Nope. Don Callis comes out to Omega's theme.
b. Who eats Okada's Rainmaker (choose just one)? Adam Cole Bay Bay
c. First to RED MASK? Osprey
d. First to go through a TABLE? OC
e. If there's a surprise NJPW appearance, who is it? Tama Tonga and Tanga Loa


Oct 25, 2017


1. John Moxley vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi - Mox
2. Jay White (c) vs. Kazuchika Okada vs. "Hangman" Adam Page vs. Adam Cole - White Pins Cole
3. Thunder Rosa (c) vs. Toni Storm - Rosa
4. Pac vs. Miro vs. Malakai Black vs. Tomohiro Ishii - Miro
5. Le Sex Gods + Suzuki vs. Kingston + Yuta + Shooter - Jericho's team wins.
6. Zack Sabre Jr. vs. ??? - ???
7. Will Ospreay vs. Orange Cassidy - Ospreay
8. FTR vs. United Empire vs. Roppongi Vice - FTR
9. The Elite vs. Darby/Sting + Ingobernables - Team Shingo
10. Max + Ass Boys vs. NJPW LA Dojo - Max
*This last match is a spoiler. If you choose to spoil yourself, please answer with either a 1 or a 2 and don't spoil the match for others. Otherwise, feel free to wait for Rampage.*
(1)Keith Lee + Swerve vs. (2])El Desperado + Kanemaru - - 2

a. Kenny Omega appearance? Yes
b. Who eats Okada's Rainmaker (choose just one)? Hangman
c. First to RED MASK? Kingston
d. First to go through a TABLE? Trick question, New Japan tables don't break. But seriously, Darby
e. If there's a surprise NJPW appearance, who is it? Naito

I am most sure about 1,2, 4, 6, 7, 8, and least sure about 3.

I will be delighted if I'm wrong about 1 & 2.

I also predict something happens to set up Jericho vs Suzuki.
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Comics Enabler & Freelance Games Journalist
Oct 25, 2017
d. First to go through a TABLE? Trick question, New Japan tables don't break. But seriously, Darby



Aug 15, 2021
I mean - they have to be. AEW and NJPW are going to have to disentangle their storylines 3 days after this show ends. Maybe we get FTR and the Best Friends/Chaos having a build towards something at Wrestle Kingdom but the vast majority of these stories need to wrap up.

The Injuries and CMLL fucking things up certainly have not helped. Mox having to move to the main event forced a lot of shifts in booking. Like Suzuki/Archer coming after Mox makes a hell of a lot of sense given the history of matches in AEW. But Mox can't be in that match because he got shifted to the main event when Punk got hurt. Then Danielson is hurt on top of that which basically means BCC is completely out of the story except for Wheeler Yuta and now its a feud with Kingston and PnP which is random as hell.

Orange Cassidy got thrown into a match he wasn't supposed to be in last week when the CMLL blocked Andrade from being in the match with Ospreay.

I mean yes - the booking is a mess but it sort of was always going to be. AEW had to deal with a bunch of injuries *and* the MJF thing *and* the fallout from their last PPV *and* the CMLL nonsense and NJPW had to ignore this show because of Dominion which except for Ospreay being willing to hop back and forth on planes meant most NJPW stars were stuck in Japan until last week.

The reality is there is probably never going to be a time where you can get the 2nd and 3rd largest wrestling promotions on Earth to sync up and build a super show.

They would be far far better off having 1-2 matches at major events between them going forward (both in Japan and in the US). I don't expect Forbidden Door 2, I expect ZSJ v Danielson at WK. I think that is a far far easier build. Super shows should just be that "here is Okada fighting Hangman, please enjoy" and hopefully that is the lesson TK learns.

This is the argument that convinced me this maybe doesn't need to be an annual thing after all. Instead FD could just be a celebration marking the beginning of a long collaboration between these companies.


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks bluexy


1. Jon Moxley vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi - Jon Moxley
I could go either way on this one. I kinda want to see what happens with Tanahashi as interim champ but the G1 kinda throws a wrench into things. The "Atlantic" title is more likely the one going to a NJPW. If Tana wins and is off to Japan for 2 months it would give the TNT title time to shine and maybe show some defenses of the Atlantic title buying Punk time to heal. Alternatively with Danielson out for who knows how long Mox makes more sense as the interim champ keeping the BCC in the limelight. Going with Mox but either outcome works for me.

2. Jay White (c) vs. Kazuchika Okada vs. "Hangman" Adam Page vs. Adam Cole - Jay White
I think the ending is going to be a glorious cluster fuck with White ultimately coming out on top after backstabbing (is it even back stabbing at this point?) Adam Cole

3. Thunder Rosa (c) vs. Toni Storm - Thunder Rosa
I think Britt's going to cost Toni the match and I'm going to be pissed off. That said I'd be really happy if Toni wins.

4. Pac vs. Miro vs. Malakai Black vs. Tomohiro Ishii - EDIT: with Ishii out i change to Miro
Ishii's the odd man out. The match is going to be ridiculous. I kinda want to see if they can pull off a Black Mass counter to the Black Arrow but I don't want Pac to die.

5. Le Sex Gods + Suzuki vs. Kingston + Yuta + Shooter - JAS + Suzuki.
This is going to be the blood and guts match eventually so I'll see JAS take the win here to give the BCC (WITH SHOOTER!!!!) take the B+G win.

6. Zack Sabre Jr. vs. ??? - ???
No idea how this plays how. ZSJ losing means the (I hope) inevitable Danielson match loses some spice. If ??? is Claudio you don't have him lose his debut unless you use that to build a Danielson feud (I trusted you to bring home the W!). I'm going with ??? because ZSJ has the better out if he loses, the Seth Rollins defense.

7. Will Ospreay vs. Orange Cassidy - Will Osprey
Osprey wins doing some bullshit. The level of bullshit depends on if this happens before the tag match or not but Osprey's winning.

8. FTR vs. United Empire vs. Roppongi Vice - FTR
Purely a fan pick here. I'm guessing FTR pins Rocky and UE loses their shit blames RPG/CHAOS leading to the bullshit in Osprey vs OC. Give FTR ALL THE GOLD.

9. The Elite vs. Darby/Sting + Ingobernables - LIJ + Darby/sting
Tough call but I think this plays into the main event with BC turning on the Elite (with some subtlety like not taking a tag or a "accidental" friendly fire move).

10. Max + Ass Boys vs. NJPW LA Dojo - cASSter Boys
Easy W for AEW unless they're going to sow dissent between the Acclaimed and the Ass Boys but I don't see much reason to do so.

*This last match is a spoiler. If you choose to spoil yourself, please answer with either a 1 or a 2 and don't spoil the match
for others. Otherwise, feel free to wait for Rampage.*

11. (1)Keith Lee + Swerve vs. (2)El Desperado + Kanemaru - 2
No comment on this one for spoilers

a. Kenny Omega appearance? - No
b. Who eats Okada's Rainmaker (choose just one)? Hanger
c. First to RED MASK? Yuta
d. First to go through a TABLE? Darby
e. If there's a surprise NJPW appearance, who is it? Naito
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
It's too bad we won't get our 8 stars ZSJ vs. Danielson match.

Will settle for the 6 stars Ospreay vs. OC match.


Oct 29, 2017
1. John Moxley vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi - Mox
2. Jay White (c) vs. Kazuchika Okada vs. "Hangman" Adam Page vs. Adam Cole - White - Okada reverses buckshot into a Rainmaker - cole hits the boom on Okada - Bladerunner onto Cole for the pin.
3. Thunder Rosa (c) vs. Toni Storm - Rosa
4. Pac vs. Miro vs. Malakai Black vs. Tomohiro Ishii - Miro
5. Le Sex Gods + Suzuki vs. Kingston + Yuta + Shooter - Jericho.
6. Zack Sabre Jr. vs. ??? - ZSJ
7. Will Ospreay vs. Orange Cassidy - Ospreay
8. FTR vs. United Empire vs. Roppongi Vice - FTR
9. The Elite vs. Darby/Sting + Ingobernables - Dudes with an attitude.
10. Max + Ass Boys vs. NJPW LA Dojo - Max + Assboys
*This last match is a spoiler. If you choose to spoil yourself, please answer with either a 1 or a 2 and don't spoil the match for others. Otherwise, feel free to wait for Rampage.*
(1)Keith Lee + Swerve vs. (2])El Desperado + Kanemaru - - 2

a. Kenny Omega appearance? Yes
b. Who eats Okada's Rainmaker (choose just one)? Hangman
c. First to RED MASK? Sting
d. First to go through a TABLE? El Fantasmo
e. If there's a surprise NJPW appearance, who is it? Naito to challenge White.


Oct 28, 2017

1. John Moxley vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi - Jon Moxley
2. Jay White (c) vs. Kazuchika Okada vs. "Hangman" Adam Page vs. Adam Cole - Jay White
3. Thunder Rosa (c) vs. Toni Storm - Thunder Rosa
4. Pac vs. Miro vs. Malakai Black vs. Tomohiro Ishii - Pac
5. Le Sex Gods + Suzuki vs. Kingston + Yuta + Shooter - Le Sex Gods + Suzuki
6. Zack Sabre Jr. vs. ??? - ???
7. Will Ospreay vs. Orange Cassidy - Will Ospreay
8. FTR vs. United Empire vs. Roppongi Vice - FTR
9. The Elite vs. Darby/Sting + Ingobernables - Dudes with Attitudes
10. Max + Ass Boys vs. NJPW LA Dojo - Max + Ass Boys
*This last match is a spoiler. If you choose to spoil yourself, please answer with either a 1 or a 2 and don't spoil the match for others. Otherwise, feel free to wait for Rampage.*
11. (1)Keith Lee + Swerve vs. (2)El Desperado + Kanemaru - 2

a. Kenny Omega appearance? Yes
b. Who eats Okada's Rainmaker (choose just one)? Cole
c. First to RED MASK? Yuta
d. First to go through a TABLE? Darby
e. If there's a surprise NJPW appearance, who is it? Other Bullet Club members

Feel pretty confident in most of these. Only ones I really question and have no clue about are 4 and 8. But that's why it's fun to do these and see how it goes.


Oct 25, 2017


1. John Moxley vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi - Jon Moxley
2. Jay White (c) vs. Kazuchika Okada vs. "Hangman" Adam Page vs. Adam Cole - Jay White
3. Thunder Rosa (c) vs. Toni Storm - Thunder Rosa
4. Pac vs. Miro vs. Malakai Black vs. Tomohiro Ishii - Miro
5. Le Sex Gods + Suzuki vs. Kingston + Yuta + Shooter - Eddie/Yoots/Shooter
6. Zack Sabre Jr. vs. ??? - ??? (hi Claudio)
7. Will Ospreay vs. Orange Cassidy - Will Ospreay
8. FTR vs. United Empire vs. Roppongi Vice - FTR
9. The Elite vs. Darby/Sting + Ingobernables - The Elite (Young Bucks pin Sting for mega heat)
10. Max + Ass Boys vs. NJPW LA Dojo - Everyone loves the Assclaimed
*This last match is a spoiler. If you choose to spoil yourself, please answer with either a 1 or a 2 and don't spoil the match for others. Otherwise, feel free to wait for Rampage.*
11. (1)Keith Lee + Swerve vs. (2)El Desperado + Kanemaru - 2, CURSE YOUR INEVITABLE BETRAYAL, SWERVE

a. Kenny Omega appearance? No, but Don Callis trolls us all again
b. Who eats Okada's Rainmaker (choose just one)? Hangman
c. First to RED MASK? Yuta (via Suzuki headbutt)
d. First to go through a TABLE? NO ONE BECAUSE I AM THE TABLE. Realistically, though, Darby.
e. If there's a surprise NJPW appearance, who is it? GoD, who show up and destroy the Bucks. They're way overdue.
Dec 29, 2017


1. John Moxley vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi - Jon Moxley
2. Jay White (c) vs. Kazuchika Okada vs. "Hangman" Adam Page vs. Adam Cole - Jay White
3. Thunder Rosa (c) vs. Toni Storm - Thunder Rosa
4. Pac vs. Miro vs. Malakai Black vs. Tomohiro Ishii - Ishii
5. Le Sex Gods + Suzuki vs. Kingston + Yuta + Shooter - Eddie/Yuta/Shooter
6. Zack Sabre Jr. vs. ??? - ???
7. Will Ospreay vs. Orange Cassidy - Will Ospreay
8. FTR vs. United Empire vs. Roppongi Vice - FTR
9. The Elite vs. Darby/Sting + Ingobernables - Darby, Sting, LIJ
10. Max + Ass Boys vs. NJPW LA Dojo - Max and Ass boys
*This last match is a spoiler. If you choose to spoil yourself, please answer with either a 1 or a 2 and don't spoil the match for others. Otherwise, feel free to wait for Rampage.*
11. (1)Keith Lee + Swerve vs. (2)El Desperado + Kanemaru - Keith Lee, Swerve 1

a. Kenny Omega appearance? Yes
b. Who eats Okada's Rainmaker (choose just one)? Cole
c. First to RED MASK? Moxley
d. First to go through a TABLE? Sting
e. If there's a surprise NJPW appearance, who is it? G.O.D.


Oct 25, 2017
I have a friend who works at AEW and pretty much confirmed the opponent for ZSJ. I'll put it behind spoilers for those who don't want it ruined



Oct 27, 2017
Barnsley, UK


1. John Moxley vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi - Moxley
2. Jay White (c) vs. Kazuchika Okada vs. "Hangman" Adam Page vs. Adam Cole - White
3. Thunder Rosa (c) vs. Toni Storm - Rosa
4. Pac vs. Miro vs. Malakai Black vs. Tomohiro Ishii - Miro
5. Le Sex Gods + Suzuki vs. Kingston + Yuta + Shooter - Eddie/Yoots/Shooter
6. Zack Sabre Jr. vs. ??? - ???
7. Will Ospreay vs. Orange Cassidy - Ospreay
8. FTR vs. United Empire vs. Roppongi Vice - FTR
9. The Elite vs. Darby/Sting + Ingobernables - The Elite
10. Max + Ass Boys vs. NJPW LA Dojo - Max + Ass Boys
11. 1

a. Kenny Omega appearance? No
b. Who eats Okada's Rainmaker (choose just one)? Cole
c. First to RED MASK? Darby
d. First to go through a TABLE? Sting
e. If there's a surprise NJPW appearance, who is it? Gallows & Anderson
Oct 25, 2017

1. John Moxley vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi - Mox
2. Jay White (c) vs. Kazuchika Okada vs. "Hangman" Adam Page vs. Adam Cole - White
3. Thunder Rosa (c) vs. Toni Storm - Rosa
4. Pac vs. Miro vs. Malakai Black vs. Tomohiro Ishii - Pac
5. Le Sex Gods + Suzuki vs. Kingston + Yuta + Shooter - Team Kingston
6. Zack Sabre Jr. vs. ??? - ???...I guess. No idea.
7. Will Ospreay vs. Orange Cassidy - Ospreay
8. FTR vs. United Empire vs. Roppongi Vice - FTR
9. The Elite vs. Darby/Sting + Ingobernables - Dudes with Attitudes
10. Max + Ass Boys vs. NJPW LA Dojo - Dojo
Spoiler Match - 2

a. Kenny Omega appearance? Yes
b. Who eats Okada's Rainmaker (choose just one)? Cole
c. First to RED MASK?- Kingston
d. First to go through a TABLE? Darby
e. If there's a surprise NJPW appearance, who is it? None


Comics Enabler & Freelance Games Journalist
Oct 25, 2017

his comment on the rosa/toni/shafir stuff really cut to the heart of it. there's just something that's hard to get your finger on that's wrong about all of this. it's not necessarily anything to do with match quality, the build, the promos. i mean, none of that has been particularly excellent, but that's not what feels bad about it.

if it had to take a stab it's that none of the women in this angle feel like they actually care about what's going on. the best way i can frame it is, take Moxley. Moxley walks out there for a match and he makes you feel like whatever he's doing, he's taking incredibly serious. he stood in the ring with tanahashi last night, a guy he can't communicate worth shit with, and he persuaded everyone they had the most serious conversation you'd ever believe.

i just don't get that toni cares about winning the championship. i don't get that rosa cares about this match. both these women come off like they maybe would rather have gone home early for the weekend than do this post-match angle. help me be hype about this match please, ladies.


Aug 1, 2019

1. John Moxley vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi - Moxley
2. Jay White (c) vs. Kazuchika Okada vs. "Hangman" Adam Page vs. Adam Cole - White
3. Thunder Rosa (c) vs. Toni Storm - Rosa
4. Pac vs. Miro vs. Malakai Black vs. Tomohiro Ishii - Miro
5. Le Sex Gods + Suzuki vs. Kingston + Yuta + Shooter - Le Sex Gods + Suzuki
6. Zack Sabre Jr. vs. ??? - ZSJ
7. Will Ospreay vs. Orange Cassidy - Ospreay
8. FTR vs. United Empire vs. Roppongi Vice - FTR
9. The Elite vs. Darby/Sting + Ingobernables - Darby/Sting + LIJ
10. Max + Ass Boys vs. NJPW LA Dojo - LA Dojo
11. 1

a. Kenny Omega appearance? Yes
b. Who eats Okada's Rainmaker (choose just one)? White
c. First to RED MASK? Yuta
d. First to go through a TABLE? No one
e. If there's a surprise NJPW appearance, who is it? GoD
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017

1. John Moxley vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi - Mox
2. Jay White (c) vs. Kazuchika Okada vs. "Hangman" Adam Page vs. Adam Cole – The Switchblade Jay White
3. Thunder Rosa (c) vs. Toni Storm - Rosa
4. Pac vs. Miro vs. Malakai Black vs. Tomohiro Ishii – Miro
5. Le Sex Gods + Suzuki vs. Kingston + Yuta + Shooter – Kingston, Yuta, and Shooter
6. Zack Sabre Jr. vs. ??? - ZSJr
7. Will Ospreay vs. Orange Cassidy – William Ospreay
8. FTR vs. United Empire vs. Roppongi Vice - FTR
9. The Elite vs. Darby/Sting + Ingobernables – The Elite, the the Elite
10. Max + Ass Boys vs. NJPW LA Dojo – Dojo Boz
Spoiler Match - 2

a. Kenny Omega appearance? No
b. Who eats Okada's Rainmaker (choose just one)? Cole
c. First to RED MASK?- Eddie Kingston
d. First to go through a TABLE? STING
e. If there's a surprise NJPW appearance, who is it? Naito


Oct 27, 2017
his comment on the rosa/toni/shafir stuff really cut to the heart of it. there's just something that's hard to get your finger on that's wrong about all of this. it's not necessarily anything to do with match quality, the build, the promos. i mean, none of that has been particularly excellent, but that's not what feels bad about it.

if it had to take a stab it's that none of the women in this angle feel like they actually care about what's going on. the best way i can frame it is, take Moxley. Moxley walks out there for a match and he makes you feel like whatever he's doing, he's taking incredibly serious. he stood in the ring with tanahashi last night, a guy he can't communicate worth shit with, and he persuaded everyone they had the most serious conversation you'd ever believe.

i just don't get that toni cares about winning the championship. i don't get that rosa cares about this match. both these women come off like they maybe would rather have gone home early for the weekend than do this post-match angle. help me be hype about this match please, ladies.

I think if they want to present Storm as a serious contender for the title, she shouldn't have been put in a competitive match against Shafir this week. Having good matches is of course a good thing, but I think it would have done quite a bit more for Toni if she had put someone like one of the twins away in 3-4 minutes and cut a promo about how much this shit means to her. Nyla being grouped with Marina also gave this whole thing that kind of weird two friendly faces against each other-vibe where the actual title match kind of becomes secondary to them having issues against Shafir & Nyla.

Also by the virtue of the match happening at Forbidden Door, it automatically becomes less important than it would be on a proper AEW-ppv and I don't think this is the right circumstance for Toni to have a title shot either.


Aug 15, 2021

1. John Moxley vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi - Mox
2. Jay White (c) vs. Kazuchika Okada vs. "Hangman" Adam Page vs. Adam Cole - Jay
3. Thunder Rosa (c) vs. Toni Storm - Rosa
4. Pac vs. Miro vs. Malakai Black vs. Tomohiro Ishii - Pac
5. Le Sex Gods + Suzuki vs. Kingston + Yuta + Shooter - Le-Suzuki-Sex-Gun
6. Zack Sabre Jr. vs. ??? - ???
7. Will Ospreay vs. Orange Cassidy - Ospreay
8. FTR vs. United Empire vs. Roppongi Vice - FTR
9. The Elite vs. Darby/Sting + Ingobernables - Dudes with Attitudes
10. Max + Ass Boys vs. NJPW LA Dojo - Assclaimed
11. Spoiler match - (2)

a. Kenny Omega appearance? - No
b. Who eats Okada's Rainmaker (choose just one)? - Hangman
c. First to RED MASK? - Yuta
d. First to go through a TABLE? - Matt Jackson
e. If there's a surprise NJPW appearance, who is it? - Juice Robinson
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
fuck, the hits just keep on coming

Kyle O'Reilly is injured.

The nature and severity of his injury are not known. Tony Khan was a guest on an episode of AEW Unrestricted on Thursday and gave an update on the Undisputed Elite member's condition.

"Kyle O'Reilly's been on fire. That's a real-life, legitimate injury and Kyle O'Reilly is out, not sure how long but it's a big loss," Khan said on the show. "We were not expecting that. He had just been on fire for the company lately so it's a big deal to lose Kyle O'Reilly."

O'Reilly hasn't wrestled since the June 8 edition of Dynamite. He won the Casino Battle Royale that night but was later defeated by Jon Moxley in the main event. O'Reilly also made it to the semi-finals of the Owen Hart Cup Tournament recently before being defeated by Samoa Joe. He would follow up that loss by defeating Darby Allin four days later at Double or Nothing.


You know what that means
Oct 25, 2017
Damn, KOR is injured too?

AE-Dub's YouTube has the top five moments up and none of them are the Christian promo. I get wanting to promote FD, but come on now. Still, it's cool that we have good shit already lined up for post-PPV.
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