
Oct 25, 2017
Shadowverse: Champion's Battle

Have there been card RPGs before? Yes
It destroys most of the ones I can think of in terms of sheer execution alone though.


Oct 30, 2017
Naughty dog are super good at this.

Jak 1 is my favourite 3D traditional platformer.
Uncharted is my favourite third person adventure series.
Last of us is one of if not my favourite stealth series.

Non of them did anything particularly new. They just combined and polished old ideas to a mirror sheen.

The swing and a miss for me was crash. It's not my favourite anything really. It certainly wasn't a good 2D game. And it wasn't a particularly good 3D game either. It always felt like a game made without really knowing what to do when they were handed the third dimension.


Mar 3, 2018
I thought of Horizon Zero Dawn when entering this thread. The game doesn't seem to do anything new with its open world and combat, but it executes its world fairly well.

Then I'm sure there are plenty of sequels that could be mentioned in this thread, since plenty of them are just building off their predecessors, often refining concepts and mechanics. For example, Super Mario Galaxy 2 is a well-executed game, much like the more original Super Mario Galaxy.

Chrono Trigger has New Game+, which I don't think any game before it had. The lack of random battles and seamless battle transitions also felt pretty new back then. I think that Chrono Trigger executed basically everything really well, but I wouldn't say it was without any new ideas.

lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
I think Nioh. The game has piles and piles of specific mechanics and systems, and the easiest way to describe any of them is to compare them to other games.

The color switching was unique/the selling point, wasn't it?

Mixing genres and mechanics is still something new, like art in general. Don't think i've really played something with the looting, fighting and souls-like progression (but mission based).


Apr 22, 2019
Dragon Quest XI and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers. They're pretty much the ultimate refinements of their respective genres, nothing new, but absolutely perfect in every way.


Oct 25, 2017
Because executing at a much higher level IS something new? Or another reason?

I would say the majority of games I've played that have prioritized refinement over innovation have felt hollow and unfulfilling. I personally need something new and interesting, even if it's a unique repackaging of existing ideas.


Sep 18, 2018
I'm not sure Cuphead does anything unique except for the novelty of the art style, but it's damn near gaming perfection.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 28, 2017
Death's Door.

Another Isometric slasher honed from a pedigree of chasing the souls-lite genre, with very little variety in style or depth.

But man, it fucking nails it. It is a truly excellent "one of those".

Oh I'd say SOR4 is doing a LOT different considering how hard people making games in the genre are chasing Kunio games.


Nov 1, 2017
How many JRPG allowed us to replay and end the game differently based on when you choose to complete it?

Or travel thousands of years back and forth through time? And the seamless battles in Chrono Trigger are still rarely seen in JRPGs, most turn-based games still have separate transitions.


Oct 28, 2017
SĂŁo Paulo - Brazil
Mass Effect 2 lost features compared to its predecessor, but was still far, far better. The writing, the characters, the level design, the combat, the cutscenes, the choice & consequence...generally those weren't fundamentally very different from ME1, just refined until their execution blew past ME1's equivalents.

I think the case with ME2 is where you draw the line concerning something new.

Mass Effect 2 nailed the narrative RPG to perfection. Not only it improved ME1's dialogue system, but it created a gameplay structure that both enhances the narrative and is enhanced by it in return.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like most of my favorite games actually don't do anything new. They just take pieces of other games and execute them masterfully.

Some examples would be most of Sony's first party games like Horizon, God of War, Spider-Man, etc

They're not reinventing the wheel but I really love what they do


Nov 1, 2017
I'm almost finished with Horizon Zero Dawn and that's how I feel about the game. It's a well polished Ubisoft/Assassins Creed open world game with a little bit of Monster Hunter mixed in.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 29, 2017
All souls games after Demon Souls? The formula can clearly be copied, but nobody has done it as well.


Oct 27, 2017
You can find most individual components of Stardew Valley in the older Harvest Moon or Rune Factory games. The execution: good music, polished gameplay loop, interesting NPCs, extensive content - all that put Stardew over the top to earn its 15 million sales.


Oct 25, 2017


What other games had Chrono Trigger's NG+ system that also opened up its multiple ending system? Or its same map turn based battles? Or actually let the protagonist die and had endings for that occasion at the time it was released?

At the time it was released I doubt very much there were many games like it


Oct 20, 2019
While I still don't like FFXIV's quest/map design, its combat uses the common MMO global cooldown system but does it really well. Every class comes with non-global cooldown skills (oGCDs and instant casts) leading to tight rotations, which can become complex when faced with tough fight mechanics (like Savage/Ultimate encounters)


The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
Last of Us 1 and 2. Naughty Dog games in a nutshell, really.


Oct 26, 2017
Streets of Rage 2.


Mechanically, SoR2 isn't doing anything to reinvent the wheel within the genre. What it does, it does extremely well, though.
And they did it again with 4


Oct 25, 2017
New Zealand
Assassins Creed Origins.

The only thing I could really pin down that they do thats unique is an open world that you are only supposed to see each area once. If you play the game as intended, you move from area to area following the main story, and doing a few side quests in each little area along the way. It feels like this epic road trip through ancient egypt, and I LOVED that you never feel overwhelmed by the size of it, as each area is very digestible, only has a few side quests, and the stories are good enough that you actually want to do them.

I feel like some games have smaller open world maps that you see one at a time, but this one just feels different because its all connected in one massive map. So its not new really, but the execution for me was really great.

I'm halfway through Odyssey and its still really good, although I feel the overall world design has lost some of that road trip feel, I am playing it in the same way in that I will never go back anywhere unless I feel theres a story reason to.


Linked the Fire
May 9, 2020
Dark souls 3

There is not a thing that you can't point to previous souls game and claim at least minor inspiration but it perfected almost everything becoming my favorite game in the series.


Oct 9, 2019
Every Sony in-house first party game in the last few years: Horizon, God of War, Spider-Man, Days Gone, the Last of Us 2, and the most emblematic of all: Ratchet and Clank


Oct 26, 2017
I feel alot like this is Blizzard. Hearthstone BG's come to mind for certain pretty much instantly.

They were able to do this with WoW for yeaaaars to. In many cases straight up copying mechanics from smaller competing mmo's but managing to implement them better or well enough to completely siphon off players and remain the best game in the genre.

Nintendo does this a ton too. Fighting game genre entry, Racing game genre entry, 3rd Person shooter genre entry, RPG genre entry. They have huge hitters in these genres with their own execution that have made them massive franchises. I distinctly remember mocking the idea of Nintendo making a fighting game in the old days on IRC gaming rooms. The idea of a Nintendo made fighting game was a joke when Virtua Fighter, Tekken and Soul Calibur were big. Nintendo was kiddy and couldnt manage such a thing. Then a few years later we were all playing the shit out of Smash Bros.


Oct 29, 2017
Hollow Knight is the first that comes to mind

I'm not sure about these tbh, but maybe it's just my ignorance.

Uncharted 2 was the first time I was really impressed by "cinematic" moments that were actually playable (stuff like the crumbling building section, the train level or the one where you jump from vehicle to vehicle).

Hollow Kinght had the dream nail mechanic, which allowed you to see what the npcs were thinking and giving you access to special places/fights (including the true final boss).

Regarding GOW, there's just nothing like its combat system. It's not the same as a Souls-like (which sucks against multiple opponents and fighting in small spaces) but also not like a DMC/Bayo (huge freedom of movement, juggling opponents). Not to mention the Leviathan Axe.


Shinra Employee
Oct 26, 2017
Sony 1st party the thread; and I don't mean that as a knock against them, they took what was already established in the industry and polished it to GOTY/GOTG worthy:

Uncharted 2
Ghost of Tushima
Horizon ZD

And they were all fantastic.


Oct 28, 2017
Came in to say this , Darksiders didn't add anything new but everything it did added up

I would kind of say Guardians of the Galaxy..... It's mass effect but executed without the down time of a mass effect

This is my pick as well.

Guardians of the Galaxy doesn't do much new, but what it does it does with more honest to god feeling and character then most games out there.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 8, 2020
Metroid Dread. The game feels like a time capsule from early 2000s action platformers in the best way.


Oct 25, 2017
DMC5. Refinements on some tried & true formulas, basic level design and overall structure, but good god damn if it isn't essentially perfect as far as the core gameplay goes.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Breakers Revenge feels like Street Fighter down to the specific characters - like, Dao Long is Korean Guile, Condor is Native American Zangief, and so on. But it's just a blast to play; it's got a nice pace to it and pretty loose combos. Oh, and fast charge inputs, which is always nice.



Oct 8, 2019
I disagree with Uncharted 2 as some have said. It doesn't do any of its core gameplay cycles in a new way, but its cinematic flair and vertical shooting gameplay were unmatched back in 2009.

I would say Marvel's Spider-Man is probably a game that doesn't bring anything new to the table besides nailing the Batman Arkham combat system with the web-swinging and Raimi-style storytelling. Ghost of Tsushima is another, barring setting and open-world design, (not quests).
Oct 25, 2017
I think Nioh. The game has piles and piles of specific mechanics and systems, and the easiest way to describe any of them is to compare them to other games.

The color switching was unique/the selling point, wasn't it?
I think Nioh is distinct enough to be its own thing, especially after nioh 2. it's why looking at stranger in paradise I thought "this is a nioh" instead of "this is a souls"

Don Fluffles

Oct 28, 2017
Kero Blaster, hands down.
Pixel, the creator of Cave Story, nails the scrolling shooter gameplay to perfection.