Oct 27, 2017
I didn't even really consider the concept of paying $15 to 'demo' a few games, Interesting thought, definitely a positive for gamepass that I missed in my rambling.
I think a tonne of people do this (I remember people did it for Forza H4) but the problem is MS don't give you enough reason to do it! Like you said having access to tonnes of stuff in this age of already having access to too much stuff just isn't that appealing to some of us.


Aug 31, 2018
I don't understand the problem. You can still buy your AAA games normally and a lot of developers says that Game Pass boost sales.
And who bought Gears 5 for $60, for example?

The game flopped when it launched in Europe in retail stores

And were they wrong? Why buy it when you can play it on Game Pass?

I have friends here in Brazil that paid 1 dollar to pay it at launch on PC

Do you seriously think that without microtransactions and etc., Microsoft's investment would be proffitable?

Some developers are saying that Game Pass boost sales, but they arent AAA productions, I can guarantee

J 0 E

Oct 27, 2017
This showcase was all about Xbox Series X and it's next gen capabilities and Microsoft dropped the ball hard on this regard.

Game Pass is a valuable service we already know that but that doesn't excuse them for this horrible showcase that's filled with CG trailers and lower than expected graphical performance.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
The fact that we aren't talking about the sustainability of this system is wild.
As far as I can tell, publishers and developers have to willingly put their games on the service. If they're doing that, they're clearly fine with whatever the financial result is lest they'd have their games removed from it. Plus, who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth?

I'll also add that once upon a time, Netflix was seen as an unsustainable risk. As consumers, we should just be thankful that this seems to be working out and is a viable alternative to buying countless $60 per month to keep up with the latest titles. This is a win, don't bog yourself down with FUD that's completely unsubstantiated.


Oct 25, 2017
Those services are on every plattform though.
Sony and Nintendo sell more consoles than MS - and many of their customers are happy with what they are provided with on this systems....hell many gamers own multiple systems and already have massive backlogs. You cant expect everyone to be as excited for a sub service as you might be.

The biggest games in the industry are f2p games like Fortnite and games form Activision, Nintendo, Sony, EA, Ubisoft - alot of them wont show up on GamePass for obvious reasons.

Great service, but we need to stop acting as if gamers are starving to find something to play nowadays - when some of these games can be played for months or even years.

I own all 3 platforms and can somehow relate to the fact game pass is an amazing service to people with much harder difficulties when it comes to keeping with their favorite hobby due to economic hardships. Go figure.

I'm not even arguing that people with the income to have the privilege of discussing on a forum the inherent value of game pass disregard the service for its offerings, that's completely normal, you can see that in every other streaming platform. The point I'm making is that, I completely fail to see how game pass existing is something that can be seen as a negative as a whole.

It's not going to kill AAA games, not every publisher will want their big ass money making titles in there, and MS was already shifting focus to gaas to compliment game pass with its first party games.

People can't fathom a multibillion dollar company gives two shits about fans buying their latest console that more than likely nets them a loss and instead prioritize the message that you can play their library any way you want. Eventually, when they phase out the Xbox One, the messaging will shift, but expecting fully ready next-gen only built games right from the get-go is naive. They won't lock millions of people behind old hardware just like that.


Oct 27, 2017
Alanah stating the obvious once again. GamePass is everything to MS now and they will only keep investing more into this. Expect more acquisitions guys. :)


Oct 27, 2017
And who bought Gears 5 for $60, for example?

The game flopped when it launched in Europe in retail stores

And were they wrong? Why buy it when you can play it on Game Pass?

I have friends here in Brazil that paid 1 dollar to pay it at launch on PC

Do you seriously think that without microtransactions and etc., Microsoft's investment would be proffitable?

Some developers are saying that Game Pass boost sales, but they arent AAA productions, I can guarantee
Don't forget you are here surrounded by gamers who know a waaaay lot more then the average consumer.
There is a lot more people who buy a game at full price then you think.


Oct 25, 2017
I like the idea of game pass. I have an XB1 now and am subscribed for two more years. I'm just not excited for any games that are slated to come out in the near future as far as their first party is concerned. That's my issue.

Couldn't be bothered with how they are managing to pull it off and honestly am not sure why that's a big focus for some.


Oct 27, 2017
As far as I can tell, publishers and developers have to willingly put their games on the service. If they're doing that, they're clearly fine with whatever the financial result is lest they'd have their games removed from it. Plus, who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth?

I'll also add that once upon a time, Netflix was seen as an unsustainable risk. As consumers, we should just be thankful that this seems to be working out and is a viable alternative to buying countless $60 per month to keep up with the latest titles. This is a win, don't bog yourself down with FUD that's completely unsubstantiated.
Netflix isn't making much profit though as they have so much debt, they are a couple of mistakes before going broke basically.

This model can't really work in video games as you can't make profit unless you cut corners. You won't be seeing lots of AAA from Microsoft anymore as it just wouldn't make sense.

Let's see what happens in 10 years
Oct 25, 2017
This "Gamepass is amazing value" is a bandaid imo.

All issues will be dumped aside because you're paying low for a jumbo sized about of games and at some point, this can't be it anymore.

I read the footnotes someone added since I couldn't watch the video and she's right about somethings but nothing is screaming out to me that gamepass is it.

It screams to me that we can Chuck this to gamepass because it's a game amirite! And that sort of attitude is so lazy. All these decisions (consoles generations, access to play anywhere) the consequences are jumping out ever so slowly...and I don't think people are thinking about how this can eventually turn people off.

Yeah it's cool to have some old games and new one to the service but I think most people want a gamepass that looks like Nintendo strong first party's and third parties as a treat and gamepass just ain't delivering that. But hey, it's great value and we are going to remind them more of that, than the fact that it's factory like buisness model is only giving way to quantity over quality. And that's not to say that everything on their is low quality...but some of y'all better be ready to have that conversation.

Either way, we got until 2022 to see what's up. I'm giving the benefit of the doubt but truthfully, gamepass does nothing for me.


Aug 31, 2018
Don't forget you are here surrounded by gamers who know a waaaay lot more then the average consumer.
There is a lot more people who buy a game at full price then you think.

But that's why I told you about Gears 5 launch numbers in Europe. General public is also not buying at full price if they can play on Game Pass.

My main concern is about game design being affected because of it.

Halo Infinite, Fable, and probably Forza shows that Microsoft want all of them to be GAAS.

My favorite games of the year so far are GoT, TLOU 2 and FF 7R, so obviously GAAS is not what I want the future of gaming to be.


Oct 27, 2017
I own all 3 platforms and can somehow relate to the fact game pass is an amazing service to people with much harder difficulties when it comes to keeping with their favorite hobby due to economic hardships. Go figure.

I'm not even arguing that people with the income to have the privilege of discussing on a forum the inherent value of game pass disregard the service for its offerings, that's completely normal, you can see that in every other streaming platform. The point I'm making is that, I completely fail to see how game pass existing is something that can be seen as a negative as a whole.

It's not going to kill AAA games, not every publisher will want their big ass money making titles in there, and MS was already shifting focus to gaas to compliment game pass with its first party games.

People can't fathom a multibillion dollar company gives two shits about fans buying their latest console that more than likely nets them a loss and instead prioritize the message that you can play their library any way you want. Eventually, when they phase out the Xbox One, the messaging will shift, but expecting fully ready next-gen only built games right from the get-go is naive. They won't lock millions of people behind old hardware just like that.

Thats not really the case though. Pretty much everyone agrees that its an amazing service, the only issue seems to be that it might not be for certain customers - even though its a great service. People seem to be offended by the notion that a service can be great yet, not as essential for other players as it might be for you. Netflix is the mainstream video service No. 1 - yet there are still millions of people that dont use or need it for whatever reason. And thats a service that is on pretty much every plattform.

There really is no big mystery or hidden agenda when it comes to GamePass - everyone know what it is and what it offers. The people that want a digital rental service like that are subscribed. Everyone else is probably happy with whatever substitute they have going on.

Obv. it wont kill AAA games, same way Netflix didnt kill the MCU or other Theater releases. It might not just be for everybody - same way people "love" the Switch and its been a game changer for many players - yet there are enough of players that just wont care about the plattform no matter how many great games it gets, because they are happy with whatever setup they already have access to.

The answer to any kind of criticism cant just be " but GamePass"...or actually it can but that response wont be as satisfying to every customer group. Same way you wont answer to someone asking for Cloud Saves in AC New Horizon with " but BotW is one of the best games i ever played". The second point might be true, but it doesnt really adress what the person had an issue with.


Oct 26, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
GamePass has never really appealed to me. I prefer to own my games physically, and like to play new releases at launch. Very few of the games in the current catalogue even appeal to me anyway; it would mostly be limited to a handful of the new Xbox Games Studios titles. Seems okay as a means of trying a game before you buy though, I guess.

That being said...I can't help but worry that services like GamePass will slowly start to encourage developers to turn their games into GaaS as a means of keeping you subscribed. It has already happened to Halo, and there are rumors that even Fable will be heading down that path. When games on the service are fighting for your time rather than your $60, I think heavily manipulative ways of keeping you playing will become more and more common. I really dislike this aspect of it tbh.

Also, corporations are not your friend. There's been so much talk about how 'consumer friendly' Microsoft has been lately with their cross-gen strategy, as if people don't realize that the only reason Microsoft are doing this is because they can't alienate their current GamePass subscribers. Don't for a second think that this 'insane value' will last any longer than it absolutely needs to. As soon as GamePass becomes firmly established, they will jack up the monthly charge and probably change how third party publishers profit from the service.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't find GamePass exciting. Seeing Halo Infinite, a live service (as the title always implied) where ray-tracing is coming in 2021. How convenient - sign up for Game Pass at the end of this year, and re-up in April, May or June when ray-tracing is implemented, or, y'know, just let your subscription continue...

At this point it looks to me like an 'all you can eat buffet' where none of the items really stand out. I think you need a couple where you go "Well, I know at the least I'm getting those. Everything else is a bonus". I haven't seen £100 worth of that.


Editor at Popaco.dk
Oct 27, 2017
first post lol Gamepass really does trigger a heck of a lot of people that have no interest in the xbox platform

This is pretty much what it boils down to. The constant concern trolling etc is so transparent and silly.
Alanah is right on the money. Gamepass is offering an amazing value that allows players, especially those on a budget, to experience a heck of alot more games than if they had to buy every single game they play.
And that is something to be celebrated in this industry.

Deleted member 8688

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
"Let's just give the games away, they'll love that!"

The only way it's sustainable is if Microsoft dominates the industry. Spencer and co saying "let us worry about the numbers" is borderline insulting tbh.

White Glint

Oct 25, 2017
If gamepass includes the games you're interested in then good. For me that's not the case so for however pro-consumer it might seem, I'm not interested in the service. It definitely cost me less to buy Halo Reach and the couple of indies I was interested in than a year of gamepass.


Jan 1, 2018
It's so hillarious that some posters on here perpetuating the system wars
still think that saying ''I'll just play it on PC'' is sticking the knife into MS and twisting it.
They are trying to sell their ecosystem first and foremost.

People will still buy the new Xbox as not everyone has or wants a beefy PC.


Apr 13, 2018
They were there to showcase next gen games to sell their upcoming console. Could have named the stream gamepass showcase if thats all they want to sell now.

Not the fault of the audience to be disappointed by it. I dont agree with the video. Would have been a great gamepass show had they named or informed about it to keep expectations in check.

Also most of those big games are years out, the value is immense if I buy gp sub on the month they release and play it without paying 60. But there's a lot of months to go and at the very least on pc their current offering is okay, nothing to boast about. It is the console offering which is pretty great atm.

I feel gp is great value if a game you've been eyeing for a while hits it. Sub that month play it and play some others and cancel next and repeat.


Nov 3, 2017
This is pretty much what it boils down to. The constant concern trolling etc is so transparent and silly.

Yeah, I read the term "concern trolling" way too much recently. It implies that everyone who is asking questions or just wants to discuss this topic is a "fanboy" of another console. This is a discussion forum, why can we not discuss stuff like this also with a critical eye and ask some questions about it?


Oct 25, 2017
Game Pass will only truly be a success for Xbox if they can keep increasing subscriber numbers. The issue is, while the Xbox base are enjoying the value that it undeniably offers, this show did nothing to compel me, or most people that are not part of the Xbox base, to subscribe.

And the issue is, frankly, content. Xbox can put as many titles as they want up there, but so long as they are titles I am not interested in playing or that I already played two years ago, paying €9.99 a month would not be good value for me. That can always change over time, but presently this is not the case, and based on what was demonstrated in the show, this won't be the case over the next calendar year.


Oct 27, 2017

But that's why I told you about Gears 5 launch numbers in Europe. General public is also not buying at full price if they can play on Game Pass.

My main concern is about game design being affected because of it.

Halo Infinite, Fable, and probably Forza shows that Microsoft want all of them to be GAAS.

My favorite games of the year so far are GoT, TLOU 2 and FF 7R, so obviously GAAS is not what I want the future of gaming to be.
Gears is not a very popular IP in Europe same for Halo. The Europe likes way more Sony and his Playstation. This can explain the bad numbers.
The Game Pass is a good way to test a game that might not necessarily please.

But yes, if you are more into "one shot solo popcorn" games, Sony is a better alternative for you. Microsoft have choosen the "service" way... at least for the moment. 😄


Oct 28, 2017
Australia (GMT+10)
Also really surprised she's been so restrained on Halo. Seems like they're doing everything she didn't want them to based on her talking on KFXC
She just announced that she's going to be doing a new Xbox-only podcast for Kinda Funny, called X Cast.

Shitting on Halo probably isn't the best way to build an audience for that.

Or shitting on the Xbox showcase for that matter.


Oct 27, 2017
Thats not really the case though. Pretty much everyone agrees that its an amazing service, the only issue seems to be that it might not be for certain customers - even though its a great service. People seem to be offended by the notion that a service can be great yet, not as essential for other players as it might be for you. Netflix is the mainstream video service No. 1 - yet there are still millions of people that dont use or need it for whatever reason. And thats a service that is on pretty much every plattform.

There really is no big mystery or hidden agenda when it comes to GamePass - everyone know what it is and what it offers. The people that want a digital rental service like that are subscribed. Everyone else is probably happy with whatever substitute they have going on.

Obv. it wont kill AAA games, same way Netflix didnt kill the MCU or other Theater releases. It might not just be for everybody - same way people "love" the Switch and its been a game changer for many players - yet there are enough of players that just wont care about the plattform no matter how many great games it gets, because they are happy with whatever setup they already have access to.

The answer to any kind of criticism cant just be " but GamePass"...or actually it can but that response wont be as satisfying to every customer group. Same way you wont answer to someone asking for Cloud Saves in AC New Horizon with " but BotW is one of the best games i ever played". The second point might be true, but it doesnt really adress what the person had an issue with.
it'll come down to quality in the end, as it is why AAA games will never die. People will always pay for something that is good even at regular full price.

You summed it up perfectly


Oct 27, 2017
Still got to convince me to buy it with good quality content. Everything they showed wasn't that, $15 a month or not.
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I read the term "concern trolling" way too much recently. It implies that everyone who is asking questions or just wants to discuss this topic is a "fanboy" of another console. This is a discussion forum, why can we not discuss stuff like this also with a critical eye and ask some questions about it?

There is a such thing as concern trolling and people do it in bad faith all the time. Its however telling that people just simply can't be concerned about gamepass. It's always treated like, some form of jealousy waterline for some. If you question what it's doing, you are a fanboy or concerned more about how your favorite platform isn't doing it.

And it's like, people are secure in their platforms of choice. Nintendo fans aren't jealous of GP and neither are Sony's. Yes there may be people who would love a similar service if offered, but I think they also understand what's at risk for something like that. So for MS folks who are propping this up, are y'all seeing the risk? It makes no sense trying to gut all criticism because you're happy with what you got.

Also, using Netflix and Spotify as examples are horrible. Being on every platform known to man and truthfully positioning themselves as a 100% content provider, not companies that are also selling a box for you to have this experience, is NOT the same thing.

Deleted member 13077

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
She just announced that she's going to be doing a new Xbox-only podcast for Kinda Funny, called X Cast.

Shitting on Halo probably isn't the best way to build an audience for that.

Or shitting on the Xbox showcase for that matter.

I know, it was on that very podcast she said she really didn't want any sort of open world and wanted a quality traditional Halo campaign.


Oct 27, 2017
It's so hillarious that some posters on here perpetuating the system wars
still think that saying ''I'll just play it on PC'' is sticking the knife into MS and twisting it.
They are trying to sell their ecosystem first and foremost.

People will still buy the new Xbox as not everyone has or wants a beefy PC.
Or maybe there is no hidden agenda and these people are just gonna play these games on PC.
You would get plenty of the same post if Sony or Nintendo would release their games Day 1 on PC.


Oct 26, 2017
I've been saying the same thing for the last three months. I'm really ASTONISHED that the view numbers on PS5 vs XSX is that far apart. Like 10 times apart. It's almost as if people have set out to HATE on the Xbox to ensure PS5 wins. Look at today's showcase video 2 to 1 like dislike ratio is freaking insane AND it's like every fan boy is gaming the YouTube system to suppress the view numbers, maybe I don't know.

Or the fact that PS5 twitter posts always draws the most trolls and memes.

look you idiots, ensuring PS5 "wins" is bad as a whole, nothing good came without competition. We're getting game pass and full backwards compatibility because Microsoft has got its act together.

And as a neutral who probably leans towards PlayStation in general, suppressing Xbox is a dumb idea.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
I don't find GamePass exciting. Seeing Halo Infinite, a live service (as the title always implied) where ray-tracing is coming in 2021. How convenient - sign up for Game Pass at the end of this year, and re-up in April, May or June when ray-tracing is implemented, or, y'know, just let your subscription continue...

At this point it looks to me like an 'all you can eat buffet' where none of the items really stand out. I think you need a couple where you go "Well, I know at the least I'm getting those. Everything else is a bonus". I haven't seen £100 worth of that.

It's hard to believe that you've actually looked at the games offered on the service with a comment like this.


Oct 25, 2017
Pretty much everyone agrees that its an amazing service

Have you read some of the stuff in this thread? That's just flat out not true.

The rest of your post is exactly what im trying to say?

Also, using Netflix and Spotify as examples are horrible. Being on every platform known to man and truthfully positioning themselves as a 100% content provider, not companies that are also selling a box for you to have this experience

ah yes, it's not like MS is also pushing GP to PC users and adding cloud capabilities. Truly, an Xbox console user experience that.
Last edited:


Jan 1, 2018
Or maybe there is no hidden agenda and these people are just gonna play these games on PC.
You would get plenty of the same post if Sony or Nintendo would release their games Day 1 on PC.

Cmon we all know this forum is heavily playstation centric.
Before Xbox Game Studios started putting all their titles on PC as well.
People here used to complain and get mad about them not being on PC and would port beg for PC.
Then when they put their games on PC people then started concern trolling and saying ''Why would anyone ever need an Xbox?''


Aug 27, 2018
I get that game quality is subjective. But I mean, the current forum darling Sony exclusive has an 83 on metacritic.
If you're going to call the entirety of Microsoft's output over the last 8 years shit, then turn around and praise a game that's had a worse critical reception than most titles Microsoft has released in that time period...I don't know what to tell you😂

Like, what are these posts?


Oct 25, 2017
GamePass is a great value if you wanna play as many games as possible without shelving hundreds a year, the fact that it also includes (first party) titles at launch is the icing on the cake. Hell, I'd buy it too for PC if I wasn't busy playing other stuff (if I even get to that with how busy life is).
But this was first and foremost a games presentation, there is a time and place for everything and yesterday wasn't the moment to talk about services in my opinion.

If you're going to call the entirety of Microsoft's output over the last 8 years shit, then turn around and praise a game that's had a worse critical reception than most titles Microsoft has released in that time period...I don't know what to tell you😂
Who hurt you
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Deleted member 224

Oct 25, 2017
This is an enthusiastic forum that has its own bubble. Some enjoy seeing what score games get as well as sales. No one irl gives a fuck. Quality is subjective. If a game offers something to somebody, it will find its audience. If a sequel doesn't jive with its established audience, it will be criticised by them. Halo and gears fans are the harshest critics of halo and gears. Personally critics
Like, what are these posts?
its pretty clear when you look at the posts I was quoting.


Oct 27, 2017
I've been saying the same thing for the last three months. I'm really ASTONISHED that the view numbers on PS5 vs XSX is that far apart. Like 10 times apart. It's almost as if people have set out to HATE on the Xbox to ensure PS5 wins. Look at today's showcase video 2 to 1 like dislike ratio is freaking insane AND it's like every fan boy is gaming the YouTube system to suppress the view numbers, maybe I don't know.

Or the fact that PS5 twitter posts always draws the most trolls and memes.

look you idiots, ensuring PS5 "wins" is bad as a whole, nothing good came without competition. We're getting game pass and full backwards compatibility because Microsoft has got its act together.

And as a neutral who probably leans towards PlayStation in general, suppressing Xbox is a dumb idea.
Is this a real post ?
MS and Xbox being suppresses ? What ?

Or maybe people just werent happy with their showcase - that doesnt mean that MS or the Xbox are dead. The same way how many of people go nuts over a Nintendo Direct Mini even when the expectations are being limited by Nintendo tweets. You can have a disappointing showcase and still be fine afterwards.

Not everything has to be all black or all white. You can cheer on MS for all the good stuff they bring to the table and yet be disappointed because you expected more from a showcase.

Personally i expected 2-3 titles showcasing next-gen gameplay that just isnt possible on current-gen systems - in the style of that Ratchet PS5 demo. So to me it was disappointing. Would have killed for 5 seconds of Gable gameplay.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
Honestly though

Gamespass is a great idea and they are loosing a ton of money on it but... console wise I didnt see anything that made me wanna buy a new console from xbox, when I know the majority of these will be available on PC.

Meanwhile Sony, is bringing out a blockbuster game or 2 every year now and it works. They show people why you need a console.

Xbox is delivering an amazing service but not an amazing reason to buy their console.

Also the studio purchases none of them and this is No disrespect dont feel as AAA as what sony have in Naughty Dog Imsoniac and Sony Santa Monica..
Mar 23, 2018
As a PC and PS4 gamer I'm all for Game Pass. But I can't see why anyone would invest into Xbox as their main system at this point with Sony exclusives and Xbox games on PC.


Oct 26, 2017
Hard disagree.

Bunch of CGI ads for games that are coming to gamepass in 2+ years.

Gamepass is great but I don't care about how games that are years away are monetised.


Oct 27, 2017
To be honest, when it comes to exclusives I can justify the cost of full purchase on Nintendo and Sony games. It is pretty damning to me that the only reason I will consider a Microsoft first party game is due to gamepass. I'm not k o king the service, but this model doesn't mean it will create better or worse games.


Oct 29, 2017
Gamepass is a great deal but it's a known quantity at this point which is why we don't see as many people "praise" it now.

Microsoft just really needs to NAIL their first party offering for people to care even more (at least the twitter sphere which is what Alanah is talking about), problem is all the quality software seems really far away (besides Halo) while the Series X (and maybe Series S) is coming out this holiday.

And I say this as someone who has gamepass ultimate until 2022 but still play a fair amount of games OUTSIDE of it (on PC).


Jun 4, 2019
Do people realise that MS is now the second most valuable company in the world because they moved away from their standard software licensing model and to services ?

It is also possible from all sides, MS, devs and consumers to benefit from this . Alanah is bang on here, Have gamers really gotten so stuck in console war bullshit that they can see this ?

Xbox might not make games that appeal to you, but they know what they are doing here from the business side.


Oct 29, 2017
As someone who has and loves gamepass I have to say that this showcase did remarkably little to convince me to keep investing in the ecosystem. They showed almost nothing in the way of new first party IP's. They showed almost no new single player games. If every major game on gamepass is just going to become a games as a service then I'm probably not going to renew when my service runs out.

As far as series X goes they showed nothing (outside of the medium) that looked next gen. You can lob a similar complaint at sony as well so it's a problem they both face but with sony "believing in generations" I feel compelled to get a ps5 just so I can keep playing there games.

I kinda unsold myself on a series X. Maybe I will wait for a mid gen refresh like I did with the one X.


Oct 25, 2017
It's hard to believe that you've actually looked at the games offered on the service with a comment like this.

I haven't seen £100 worth of games I'd buy. I've seen the service up to this point - the Outer Worlds was appealing, Ori was, Rage 2 also. This hasn't shifted the scales. Killer Instinct probably would have done more to do that than the Halo Infinite showing.
Oct 25, 2017
I've been saying the same thing for the last three months. I'm really ASTONISHED that the view numbers on PS5 vs XSX is that far apart. Like 10 times apart. It's almost as if people have set out to HATE on the Xbox to ensure PS5 wins. Look at today's showcase video 2 to 1 like dislike ratio is freaking insane AND it's like every fan boy is gaming the YouTube system to suppress the view numbers, maybe I don't know.

Or the fact that PS5 twitter posts always draws the most trolls and memes.

look you idiots, ensuring PS5 "wins" is bad as a whole, nothing good came without competition. We're getting game pass and full backwards compatibility because Microsoft has got its act together.

And as a neutral who probably leans towards PlayStation in general, suppressing Xbox is a dumb idea.


You aren't neutral and it's okay. But this thread ain't about that so I don't know what you are doing with this comment.

ah yes, it's not like MS is also pushing GP to PC users and adding cloud capabilities. Truly, an Xbox console user experience that.

Netflix is only on PC? Spotify is only on PC?

Hold on, does Gamepass also work for MAC OS? What about Linux?
Am I missing anything else?

Like stop. The true GP experience is going to be on an Xbox point blank period. Netflix and Spotify does not have that same hang up. It can truly exist everywhere without the need of anything physical holding them back


Apr 9, 2020
I mean yeah she has a point, it's probably the single greatest thing in the industry. But it's been around for years now.

The discussion right now is on their first party development itself. As it stands, there's pretty much zero reason to be excited for the Series X launch window. Maybe in a year or twos time, but we need to know more and see more, and the fact that we didn't is worrying.
F2P is much better, cause you don't have to pay a dime to play
F2P is the most pro-consumer business model there is
There is small incentive to fund high budget single-player games without MTXs