Do you already have a Switch? Do you plan to buy the OLED version?

  • I don't have a Switch and don't plan to buy the new model

    Votes: 616 11.8%
  • I don't have a Switch and will buy the new OLED model

    Votes: 84 1.6%
  • I already have a Switch and will not buy the new model

    Votes: 3,837 73.8%
  • I already have a Switch and I'm going to upgrade to the OLED model

    Votes: 665 12.8%

  • Total voters


Nov 11, 2017
Unless you play primarily on handheld on a normal Switch this thing isn't even an upgrade. I have a normal Switch and mostly play docked so this is the easiest upgrade ever to ignore.


Dec 18, 2017
I already have a Switch with a 65" OLED display.

An OLED display however doesn't change the fact that Switch games run and look like crap nowadays, so what I want out of a new model is better graphics, load times and framerate (and often audio quality on top).

(I mean, cool, with an OLED the 5 seconds loading screen in Animal Crossing everytime you change a room or enter or leave a building will be perfectly black, so there's that)


Oct 27, 2017
I've got a Lite for portable play and an OLED is probably wasted on my boy, so I'd say not. Lite with an OLED display could be way interesting.

Will look forward to the new platform in a couple of years. I was worried that DLSS would paper over cracks and what the system really needs is to jettison the old architecture and go all in on a new gen. The current machine is just fine, I've used it for years, will continue to do so, and it is still the best portable platform I have had my hands on.


Oct 27, 2017
I've had a very small mark in the middle of my Switch screen that bugs the shit out of me so I haven't used it in handheld mode for over a year. I'm disappointed it is only a screen upgrade, but I've been planning on getting this year's Switch just so I can stand to use it as a handheld again. Definitely wouldn't have upgraded otherwise.


Oct 27, 2017
So I know this being a gaming forum we don't represent the general audience but how are you guys expecting this thing to sell? Seems like most don't plan on upgrading and I don't think people who never got a Switch are suddenly going to rush out and buy this one. And during the holidays I think the cheaper models will look better to parents out to grab a Switch for their kids. I can't say for sure but I don't think this thing will light the world on fire sales wise.


Apr 24, 2018
I have a launch unit and I'm itching to upgrade, partially just to have something new, and it will be nice to have 2 Switches for some local wireless multiplayer, but this model probably isn't going to convince me.

I'll just keep waiting until either a pro or a successor I guess... Really just anything that offers some performance gains. Generally performance isn't really the most important thing for me, but I've skipped on a few games recently due to performance.


Oct 30, 2017
I've just preordered one, but I'll feel like a real chump if a proper upgrade comes out in the next 2 years and I can't afford it.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
So I know this being a gaming forum we don't represent the general audience but how are you guys expecting this thing to sell? Seems like most don't plan on upgrading and I don't think people who never got a Switch are suddenly going to rush out and buy this one. And during the holidays I think the cheaper models will look better to parents out to grab a Switch for their kids. I can't say for sure but I don't think this thing will light the world on fire sales wise.
Portable players will buy the Switch Lite because it's much cheaper.

Families and casuals will buy the regular Switch because it's cheaper and they won't give a damn about OLED.

Hardcore players probably already have a Switch, and judging by this forum most don't view OLED and a better kickstand as a worthwhile upgrade, especially if they play mostly docked.

So the audience for Switch OLED seems to be: hardcore players who do not already have a Switch or have an old one that needs upgrading, and will play most (but not all) of the time in portable mode.

I myself am in that audience, but I fully acknowledge how small it is.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm still running a launch switch so might. Idk yet. But gonna get those joycons I know that much.


Oct 27, 2017
Powell, Ohio
I very rarely play handheld, so I'm not upgrading for the improved screen.
Honestly, not owning a 4K tv yet, I'm probably unlikely to spring for a Pro model if one should come.

I think I'm good until the actual successor.


Oct 25, 2017
To me it's always weird that people would rather have the Lite, but here we are, it's selling less than the regular model but it isn't doing bad at all.

Doesn't really change the point that this evidently isn't aimed at the enthusiast crowds and people are losing their mind over that.

Yeah sure. Not the enthusiasts. I'm sure this single mother of a child is going to buy this one after she didn't buy the lite or the 50$ cheaper standard version. Sure. Like.. If anything, some very special enthusiasts that need an OLED are the market for this and that's literally it. The critics are the same everywhere right now, but sure go on with your defense force.


Oct 27, 2017
No new joycon design and updated hardware is a bit of a slap in the face but ultimately I'm just waiting for a fantastic steam/windows handheld unless the Switch 2 really impresses me.
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Gay Bowser

Oct 30, 2017
If anything, some very special enthusiasts that need an OLED are the market for this and that's literally it. The critics are the same everywhere right now, but sure go on with your defense force.

Oh, please. It's not like a bigger screen is some sort of enthusiast-only feature. The DSi XL and 3DS XL models did very well with the general audience (the 3DS XL, especially, supplanted the original 3DS in popularity and one of the big missteps of the 3DS launch is that Nintendo didn't launch with it).

I don't know why you responded to someone mentioning that this wasn't aimed purely at the enthusiast crowds by bringing up a single mother buying a device for her child. Like, this obviously isn't the model for the most price-conscious consumers, I don't even know what point you think you're proving by bringing that up.


Oct 31, 2017
Do they? SNES, N64, GameCube, Switch. None were backwards compatible to prior generation. But I do expect Switch 2 to play switch games.

You make a good point about console BC that I hadn't considered, there. NES through GC wasn't, though there was some effort to bring portable to console with Super GB and GBA Player.

Portable though...that's definitely got a good track record. With a seeming (and I use that term loosely here) eye on portability, we might see that same level of support. But, I'll hold on optimism until I know more as always. It's Nintendo, after all.


Oct 25, 2017
Nah, I have the GOAT version.
Same, but if they release a Metroid Dread version, im switching!


Dec 26, 2020
Who is this product aimed at?
For most people who currently own a Switch, it's probably not worth replacing it.
So, if you don't currently own a Switch?
That's another question.
I don't know if their motivation for not buying the current Switch is price, performance, or software, but the Switch v3 doesn't meet any of those requirements.


Oct 27, 2017
I may or may not get one. Leaning on getting it.

I have a Switch Lite, and all I really use it for is Animal Crossing. Although, I use it a lot for Animal Crossing.
I'm sure when Metroid Dread comes around though, I'll actually want to play that game on a TV with a Pro controller (or more likely, an 8bitdo SN30Pro+).


Oct 25, 2017
I recently spent around the cost of an OLED Switch putting together a dedicated Kishi/Android Portable for retro gaming along with some cloud stuff. It's awesome, and in light of this reveal I feel even better about going that route. Metroid Prime, Eternal Darkness, and OOT @ 1080p/60 is glorious. Things I can't do or even access on a Switch

My bases are more than covered between it, PS5, and XSX. Honestly at this point I'll just wait the 2-3 years for the Switch 2 instead of spending nearly $400 on a baby step.


Oct 27, 2017
I already have a hacked Switch for both hacky hack and normal use, and I don't think the OLED will convince me to get a second unit or even outright replace the first one.


Mar 2, 2021
Nowhere near enough of an upgrade for me to consider getting it. I'll just wait for the Switch 2. Besides, I still haven't gotten the PS5 and I 100% will prioritize that over a Switch that has negligible improvement


Oct 29, 2017
I'll be buying it. I played BotW on Wii U, so I'll eventually need a Switch before BotW 2 comes out... unless I can get an OG Switch at a discount, which I don't think is all that likely. Nicer screen is cool, especially if it's not that much more expensive.


Dec 12, 2017
I was super enthusiastic towards an upgraded Switch.

Now I am super unenthusiastic towards an upgraded Switch.

I wouldn't even recommend it for new owners when the current model is $50 less.


Oct 25, 2017
It's almost exactly the same size as the current standard Switch.

Current dimensions: 4 inches x 9.4 inches x 0.55 inches

OLED dimensions: 4 inches x 9.5 inches x 0.55

Both with Joycon's attached.

The OG switch is already worse than the Lite in portable mode. So I don't see how anything changes.


Developer at Pixel Arc Studios
Oct 26, 2017
Harrisburg, Pa
I'm tempted to get this. I think the white looks great, love the larger screen, and the new dock design. The only hesitation on my part is the worry that a new Switch will come out sometime in the next 12-18 months. And, if that were to happen, I'd be fine using my current Switch until then.
Jan 9, 2018
A bit disappointed, like many others. I want to play Metroid Dread, but I'm conflicted whether or not I want this new model. Might just hold onto Dread and play it when I can in 202x or whatever.


Oct 27, 2017
I have a switch and a switch lite. Not going to upgrade.

I will consider it, if they reveal an OLED lite.


Dec 25, 2017
Yeah sure. Not the enthusiasts. I'm sure this single mother of a child is going to buy this one after she didn't buy the lite or the 50$ cheaper standard version. Sure. Like.. If anything, some very special enthusiasts that need an OLED are the market for this and that's literally it. The critics are the same everywhere right now, but sure go on with your defense force.

Defense force? Get help, you're clearly seeing things that don't exist.


Oct 30, 2017
If it came with any sort of improvement beyond nicer screen and nicer stand then I probably would, as it is, there's no reason to get this if you already have the OG Switch.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
If it turns out Nintendo was slick and boosted clocks on the current chips to get better performance they better do that via firmware update for the OG if that's possible. But despite the better screen, speakers, kickstand and dock there is no way I could justify buying another console for that price. Couple that with their passive response on the forced labor controversy and saving my money is the easiest decision I can make. Maybe if I find one used for Switch Lite money.

Between the power on hand and storage it's like buying a portable PS3/360 for near launch prices. It's not ideal.


Oct 29, 2017
I'm on the fence. I have the original HAC-001 model so the longer battery life would be nice. I play in portable mode like 50/50 and there's been times I have dock it due to low battery.


Oct 27, 2017
I have a day 1 switch, Which was a gift, that started cracking somehow. I took good care for it so I would like to buy the OLED to replace it since I don't get how it cracked.

But I started playing almost completely dock so I might re-consider since I'll probably won't get much used of the OLED.

but those cracks bug me lol


Oct 30, 2017
I know you won't care but it has better speakers and double the memory too.
Oh I didn't know about the better speakers. I use headphones anyways so it's not really enough to warrant a new system for me. As for memory, the extra space is nice... But it's still not enough, I got a 500gb micro SD card for mine.
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One Winged Slayer
Aug 16, 2018
I have a day 1 Switch, and it's beginning to show its wear-and-tear. In colder temperatures the fan gets super loud, the dock has scuffed up the edges of a bezel a bit, and the battery life was already an issue four years ago before time ultimately wrecks havoc upon the rechargeable battery.

So in many ways, the Switch OLED would be a great time to "refresh" my Switch. However, every single reason for getting the Switch OLED is within the realm of handheld/tabletop play. My Switch playtime is probably the following: 90% Docked, 9% Handheld, 1% Tabletop. So for 90% of my playing time, there is no discernible advantage for me to invest $350 dollars. I have a MicroSD card that will already last the rest of my Switch's lifetime. I have a USB-Ethernet dongle that already allows me more stable internet.

I'm honestly torn. I saved up money for this mid-gen refresh everyone has been talking about for the last *three damn years*, but will Switch OLED be money well spent? Will I change my habits so that I actually take advantage of the OLED's benefits? The whole thing just kinda bums me out. I was really excited to dive in head first, but there's no reason for me to, as a primarily-docked player, to invest that sort of money.


Oct 25, 2017
I have a day 1 Switch, and it's beginning to show its wear-and-tear. In colder temperatures the fan gets super loud, the dock has scuffed up the edges of a bezel a bit, and the battery life was already an issue four years ago before time ultimately wrecks havoc upon the rechargeable battery.

So in many ways, the Switch OLED would be a great time to "refresh" my Switch. However, every single reason for getting the Switch OLED is within the realm of handheld/tabletop play. My Switch playtime is probably the following: 90% Docked, 9% Handheld, 1% Tabletop. So for 90% of my playing time, there is no discernible advantage for me to invest $350 dollars. I have a MicroSD card that will already last the rest of my Switch's lifetime. I have a USB-Ethernet dongle that already allows me more stable internet.

I'm honestly torn. I saved up money for this mid-gen refresh everyone has been talking about for the last *three damn years*, but will Switch OLED be money well spent? Will I change my habits so that I actually take advantage of the OLED's benefits? The whole thing just kinda bums me out. I was really excited to dive in head first, but there's no reason for me to, as a primarily-docked player, to invest that sort of money.

I'm in a similar situation and I'll be dammed if I pay more than I did for my day 1 Switch that came out almost 5 years ago for stuff I won't really use or care about.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't have a Switch, and I've been waiting for a more powerful one to be released since I don't care about the portability. I might use it once in a blue moon, but I'd be buying it to be in docked mode so the new screen does absolutely nothing for my purposes. So, it looks like I'll be waiting another 1-3 years to finally get one.


Nov 16, 2017
I haven't been following the whole saga about it, but I'm fine with not having to justify buying a new one to myself. This isn't close to enough for me to upgrade.


Oct 27, 2017
Despite still believing that the major revision is coming next year, I actually decided to get it.

I'm also justifying it with the following:
  1. I'm trading in my aging 2017 Switch ($539AUD > $299 @ EBGames)
  2. The joy-cons I'm trading in have Drift issues (EB doesn't care), and it's only a matter of time before my spares run into the same problem and would need replacing. ($299 > $180)
  3. And then inevitably this model will sell higher next time I trade up
The rest is just me treating myself to the OLED screen, better battery life etc for this holiday + however much longer before the new SoC device releases.


May 10, 2018
I'll be honest the only thing holding me back from it is the same thing that's keeping me from really playing/enjoying my Lite. The fact that the playtime doesn't sync across 2 Switches will make my "All Software" menu go out of order and it'll feel unorganized.