
Oct 25, 2017
McKay went on to direct and co-write The Big Short, a much more political comedy based on the 2007-2008 financial crisis. It received four Oscar nominations and one win for best adapted screenplay. Despite this clear growth away from Ferrell comedy vehicles, McKay's agent Jimmy Miller kept pushing McKay to work again with Ferrell, who he also represented.

"Everything kept steering back towards, 'Well, when are you going to work with Will?'" he says. "And then finally I was like, 'Jimmy, come on. Clearly I'm going in a different direction. Hopefully, it's no hard feelings.' I've learned some lessons," McKay adds. "It's always hard feelings."

McKay dropped his agent and went on to produce 2018's Vice, the Oscar-nominated, critical bio of former United States Vice President Dick Cheney. Meanwhile, Ferrell released the critical and commercial failure Holmes & Watson, appearing alongside longtime co-star John C. Reilly. McKay was brought on in the latter stages of production to help with Holmes & Watson's theatrical edit, but described it as being "in rough shape" by the time he got there.

After multiple flirtations with shutting down Gary Sanchez Productions, the deciding blow to Ferrell and McKay's relationship came down to a casting decision in the upcoming HBO series about the 1980's Los Angeles Lakers. Ferrell, a huge Lakers fan, was replaced to play Lakers' owner Jerry Buss, by none other than John C. Reilly, who McKay wanted for the role and failed to inform Ferrell out of fear of hurting the actor's feelings.

McKay and Ferrell issued a joint statement in 2019 announcing their split as business partners, and the last time the pair reportedly spoke was a brief phone conversation to confirm the split.

"I'm like, 'F*ck, Ferrell's never going to talk to me again,'" McKay said. "So it ended not well."

McKay says he's emailed Ferrell in an attempt to reconcile since then, but has never heard back.

"I f*cked up on how I handled that," McKay laments. "It's the old thing of keep your side of the street clean. I should have just done everything by the book."

It's an interesting read, sadly business came in the way of friendship and that ultimately ended theirs, made me wonder why we haven't seen any projects with them recently.


Oct 25, 2017
He replaced Will Ferrell in a movie that...Will Ferrell was co-producing? Either there's a lot more to the story, or McKay is a tremendous asshole. Wow - and to do that to someone that he made several films with...just wild.

edit: nevermind, maybe Ferrell wasn't involved in the production side. still a prick move, though.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
He replaced Will Ferrell in a movie that...Will Ferrell was co-producing? Either there's a lot more to the story, or McKay is a tremendous asshole. Wow - and to do that to someone that he made several films with...just wild.
Yeah, that sounds weird. Unless he went all the way behind Ferrell's back or it was the straw that broke the camel's back.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
shoulda talked it out, if you try to go behind someones backs they could hold that against you forever, who's to say you won't do it again
May 14, 2021
McKay is definitely doing the more interesting work.

And now I can't wait to see the 80 Lakers show. That's gonna be great.


Oct 27, 2017
Hmm maybe I misread but my understanding of the situation is that Reilly was cast to replace Michael Shannon, who left the project over creative differences.

So maybe Ferrell wanted the part after Shannon left and was disappointed McKay went with John c. Reilly. Either way, I don't think the part was taken from Ferrell and given to Reilly.


Oct 25, 2017
McKay says pretty straight up that he recast Ferrell without calling him which really seems like a dumb move

There's also this which makes McKay seem like a real fucking moron
Vanity Fair notes that "McKay says he's written emails to Ferrell, attempting a rapprochement, but has never heard back." The director concluded, "In my head, I was like, 'We'll let all this blow over. Six months to a year, we'll sit down, we'll laugh about it and go, It's all business junk, who gives a shit? We worked together for 25 years. Are we really going to let this go away?' [But Ferrell] took it as a way deeper hurt than I ever imagined and I tried to reach out to him, and I reminded him of some slights that were thrown my way that were never apologized for."


Oct 25, 2017
I assumed that because their names are both in Succession that they were still collaborating, even if Gary Sanchez was wound down. That's too bad. Hope they repair things.


Oct 25, 2017
thought this was going to be petty nonsense, but this guy is actually rude af. imagine having a nice working relationship with someone, then just turning on a dime and icing them out. wtf


Dec 19, 2017
Damn, can you feel the tension in the air right now? I know I can. I can feel it all the way down in my plums. Getting all swollen. With a light blue hue to them. Fresh and juicy. Ready for the picking. The sun just dancing right off of them, just nice.


Oct 25, 2017
McKay owes A LOT to Ferrell.

McKay was a writer and lead writer for the majority of Ferrell's career on SNL. Judging by Ferrell's output when he works with a good team(McKay, Stiller, Favreau, Lord/Miller) and all their career trajectories. I'd say Ferrell owes a lot to the behind the scenes team. All of them went up without him, while he declined.

McKay really comes off as a douche bag. Its good he's admitting it, but still. If you worked with the dude for 25 years, I think a phone call would have been nice.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Damn, I didn't know they had all this going on in the background. I just kind of figured McKay was doing his own thing nowadays and that was all there was to it. The thing about replacing Ferrell in the Lakers series and not telling him is messed up. Can't blame Will for not wanting anything to do with the guy afterwards.

Hopefully they'll sort things out at some point though because I still absolutely love that streak of Ferrell/McKay movies in Anchorman, Ricky Bobby, Step Brothers, and Other Guys. Ferrell has fallen off as comedy has kind of shifted away from his style of humor but I would've liked to see them team up again.

Slim Action

Jul 4, 2018
That "recasting someone without telling them" is a major breach of trust and you can't work with someone you don't trust.


Oct 25, 2017
McKay says pretty straight up that he recast Ferrell without calling him which really seems like a dumb move

There's also this which makes McKay seem like a real fucking moron
Yeah, this is all from McKay's POV and he still comes off shitty. Can't imagine how terrible it comes off from Ferrell's POV.


Oct 25, 2017
McKay was a writer and lead writer for the majority of Ferrell's career on SNL. Judging by Ferrell's output when he works with a good team(McKay, Stiller, Favreau, Lord/Miller) and all their career trajectories. I'd say Ferrell owes a lot to the behind the scenes team. All of them went up without him, while he declined.

McKay really comes off as a douche bag. Its good he's admitting it, but still. If you worked with the dude for 25 years, I think a phone call would have been nice.

Yeah, I know all about their history at SNL, and I'm not saying McKay is not a super talent, because he is, but, c'mon...he ain't directing Vice or The Big Short or Don't Look Up without Anchorman, Step Brothers, Talladega Nights early on in his career. And people saw those movies because of Ferrell, not McKay. He owes him a lot.


Oct 25, 2017
Vice stank, this breh assembles some fire casts but his best work was with Ferell tbh with Ricky Bobby and Step Brothers.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 28, 2017
"I cut out my business partner without telling him and replaced him in secret with one of his friends and regular co-workers...and now he's acting like it was ME that did something wrong?!"

C'mon son.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Imagine firing your boy from a job he wanted and not even giving him a phonecall, but letting him hear about it through an agent/lawyer.

So yeah, Mckay gets a side eye from me even if he's self aware now that he's a fucking coward. Reilly watch out!


Shinra Employee
Oct 30, 2017
Make up with Will Ferrell if at all possible and give the world a sequel to The Other Guys, we all need it.


Oct 30, 2017
"I cut out my business partner without telling him and replaced him in secret with one of his friends and regular co-workers...and now he's acting like it was ME that did something wrong?!"

C'mon son.

I'm not sure if you read the part in the title where adam mckay says, and I quote, "I fucked up"


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 28, 2017
You made that last part up. Dude literally admits he fucked up.

Well, it's more so based on his telling that when he called to apologize to Will, he "brought up some slights against him" that he "never got apologies for". I think he doesn't think he did anything that bad.


Oct 26, 2017
Make up with Will Ferrell if at all possible and give the world a sequel to The Other Guys, we all need it.

He said he's been trying, but Ferrell won't even respond to him. Just sad it ended this way after all the iconic movies they made.

Anchorman, Step Brothers, Taledega Nights, Other Guys. It was a fucking comedy revival.
Feb 4, 2018
Well, it's more so based on his telling that when he called to apologize to Will, he "brought up some slights against him" that he "never got apologies for". I think he doesn't think he did anything that bad.

If someone who had wronged me called me to "apologize" and then spent the entire call pointing out all the ways I had wronged them, I'd probably never speak to them again.


Shinra Employee
Oct 30, 2017
He said he's been trying, but Ferrell won't even respond to him. Just sad it ended this way after all the iconic movies they made.

Anchorman, Step Brothers, Taledega Nights, Other Guys. It was a fucking comedy revival.
It's a crying shame McKay played it like that, Ferrell is fully justified to how he feels about the guy, it's just a huge bummer all round.


Art Director for Videogames
Oct 25, 2017
I mean of course McKay comes off like an asshole in an article where he offers up that he was an asshole and gives you an exact example of how he was an asshole. Real detective work here.

Its definitely a shame but it reads like a very traditional fight, the whole thing about "well you didnt apologize for this either" is an extremely common occurrence between two people who are arguing. Im sure most people here have reacted like that before.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
Will Ferell is right down there with Adam Sandler as the lowest form of comedy.

The right decision was made
That's an opinion that is just plain wrong. Even if you don't like Ferrell, he's a million times funnier than Sandler and has a much better output of films.


Oct 27, 2017
Well, it's more so based on his telling that when he called to apologize to Will, he "brought up some slights against him" that he "never got apologies for". I think he doesn't think he did anything that bad.

Depending on the slights against McKay, it'd be fair to assume that both parties had wronged each other historically but that they enjoyed working together overall. However, bringing that up when you're supposed to be apologizing for being an asshole sucks. Still, I understand the frustration if he apologized properly and it wasn't well received. The call could have kept going and devolved into an argument where old shit always comes up, whether it was previously addressed or not. Maybe this public mea culpa is another attempt at an apology.


Oct 27, 2017
That's an opinion that is just plain wrong. Even if you don't like Ferrell, he's a million times funnier than Sandler and has a much better output of films.

I think I generally agree that Ferrell is funnier than Sandler, but he also doesn't have a Punch Drunk Love or an Uncut Gems (although he has tried and failed to find a dramatic breakout movie).