
Oct 27, 2017
If this were true, wouldn't they just bring him back for season four instead of firing him completely?



Oct 25, 2017
Didn't he get fired for bullshit reasons from Sleepy Hollow too? I hope he isn't getting blacklisted :/ Jones is too good for this shit.

Didn't pay attention to this show since I can't watch Starz but it sounds like a dumpster fire behind the scenes. And Fuller left? Welp
Oct 27, 2017
If this were true, wouldn't they just bring him back for season four instead of firing him completely?

If what they're saying is true, the contract he performed under had an option that the show/network could choose to pick up prior to the next season. They are saying they declined to do so because they weren't going to use the character for thisupcoming season. So basically the contract he was performing under has expired and is terminated. This makes sense on its face, because there's no reason to renew the contract if he's not going to work. And they could always negotiate a new contact for subsequent seasons if the character is going to be brought back. But Jones' response makes it seem like he doesn't think is a possibility.


Oct 27, 2017
Well this is disappointing to hear Mr.Nancy played a big role throughout the book and was one of the best parts about the show if not the best part of the whole show.


Oct 26, 2017
while I didn't finish season 2, Orlando Jones has been one of the best actors throughout the series.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Didn't he get fired for bullshit reasons from Sleepy Hollow too? I hope he isn't getting blacklisted :/ Jones is too good for this shit.

Didn't pay attention to this show since I can't watch Starz but it sounds like a dumpster fire behind the scenes. And Fuller left? Welp
People talk about D&D, but the sleepy holly people pissed off EVERYONE.
Oct 27, 2017
Henderson, NV
That is why i will hold on to Black Lightening for dear life. Getting black as fuck stuff on tv is a rare treat
I just caught up on Black Lightning today. Eager for CW to finish this Infinite "(eyeroll)By Any Means Necessary(as the only two black guys in the room nod)" Crisis rubbish so we can get back to Freeland, the family, and the good stuff again. As a Marvel guy, I acknowledge that Infinity War was equally ridiculous with a bigger budget, but I need my Blackity black black lightning fix.


Oct 27, 2017
This is the message of Mr. Nancy in the second season.

Gailman even made a kinda sequel about his character, so cutting him is weird.

Just watched the first season, but it seems insane that anyone who watched the first and second season wouldn't continue due to his being on the show. And getting rid of him doesn't seem like it's going to bring on tons of new viewers. Dumb decision all around. He's great.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
So that's me out. Nancy's introduction was powerful and the character has remained a strong highlight alongside the leprechaun. But I won't be going back for season 3 after this


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
This is a shame and the reasoning, if true, is absolutely awful. :/
After Fuller left I didn't feel motivated to continue on with the show so only ever saw season one myself, but I recall this character's introduction and he was phenomenal. Definitely lost whatever little motivation I might have had left to eventually revisit. Seriously, such a shame.
Orlando Jones Variety interview
Sibersk Esto

Sibersk Esto

Changed the hierarchy of thread titles
Oct 25, 2017
Jones has given an interview with Variety
"I assumed at some point somebody would say that I wasn't going to be in season three," he said. "And I imagined that someone would reach out or, there would be some sort of press release out to respond to that in some meaningful way."

But there wasn't, and so Jones said he decided to set the record straight after a clip of him as Mr. Nancy (aka Anansi, the Trickster God) from Season 2 of "American Gods" began to go viral. In the monologue, from episode 4, Jones' character declares that "slavery is a cult," among other things.

I was getting hundreds of messages from fans on each one of those [social media] platforms," he said. "'We can't wait for Season 3,' 'We love Mr. Nancy,' 'I use this in my class,' 'this really touched my soul,' I mean, beautiful stuff. And to be honest with you, I cried. I just sat and cried because I knew that I wasn't going to be there."

"And at some point I gotta say something," he said. "So I just repeated what they had said. All I can say is what I was told. And all what I was told was, 'angry gets shit done' is the wrong message for black America, and that the new showrunner [Chic Eglee] writes from a black male perspective."


Oct 25, 2017
That's so shit, he was great.

I've lost interest in the show though, after the amazing season 1 they changed the showrunner and Gaiman's involvement was reduced (I think) which meant they completely shit the bed in the 2nd season. The show lost Gillian Anderson who was the single most captivating cast member, Techical Boy's character was destroyed and suddenly the personification of tech is now outdated himself as he can't deal with....evolving tech...which was eh (eventhough we see him evolve with tech over time from telephone buy to technical), the Easter actress leaving meant that plot line was dropped too despite being a finale event in season 1.

But most of all the show totally lost the ethereal and mysterious feel of the first season. What a disappointment !
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Nov 1, 2017
Considering where Mr. Nancy, Bilquis and Mr. Ibis left off, from a writing perspective alone, how would it make sense that he's completely absent from season 3?
Jun 22, 2019
I've been meaning to give the show a shot for ages... And now after reading up on all this, any incentive I had has been shredded pretty thoroughly.


Oct 27, 2017
Was planning to watch season one, but never did becuse of the turmoil behind the scenes and the firing of the original showrunners. I'm doubly glad I never went for it now. This is a really bad look all around.


Oct 25, 2017
Ok i stopped paying attention to the show after season 1 not for any reason just fell off

Apparently the behind the scenes were a mess im learning can someone give me the rundown


Oct 28, 2017
If they seriously removed a character that is a main fixture of the series they should fire this new showrunner.


Oct 25, 2017
Didn't he get fired for bullshit reasons from Sleepy Hollow too? I hope he isn't getting blacklisted :/ Jones is too good for this shit.

Didn't pay attention to this show since I can't watch Starz but it sounds like a dumpster fire behind the scenes. And Fuller left? Welp
People talk about D&D, but the sleepy holly people pissed off EVERYONE.
Wait you're telling me it wasn't a good idea to kill of one of the main duo that the show was based around and who audience love and the relationship between the duo is practically the reason people love our show

We probably also shouldn't have shafted her role and relationship for her partners shitty and annoying girlfriend huh


Oct 27, 2017
Well, that's something. I never read Anansi Boys but I did read American Gods. He was a departure from the character in the books, given more visibility, and I think in a good way. Never heard or read about a black person not liking the character. This show seems to be going down in flames.


The Fallen
Jul 28, 2018
"And at some point I gotta say something," he said. "So I just repeated what they had said. All I can say is what I was told. And all what I was told was, 'angry gets shit done' is the wrong message for black America, and that the new showrunner [Chic Eglee] writes from a black male perspective."
*Googles Chic Eglee*

First image result:



Dear God.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Just . . . wow.

I kinda hate that Neil tried to hostile take over his show because Bryan Fuller wasn't making an adaptation he was happy with, and then just let this shit happen.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
"And at some point I gotta say something," he said. "So I just repeated what they had said. All I can say is what I was told. And all what I was told was, 'angry gets shit done' is the wrong message for black America, and that the new showrunner [Chic Eglee] writes from a black male perspective."


How is this not the Onion. Dude looks like Tom Hanks in that joke poster


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017

How is this real life.
White Man who likes to wear Black Panther and not the Marvel Character tee shirt as fashion statement, fires Black Actor because he believes he, the white man who wears fucking Black Panther tees as fashion, knows what's best for Black America, and apparently it's not Anger.... Black fucking Panther shirt


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Edit: Made a major mistake, i thought it was Gaiman and one of the writers on the show but it's Gaiman and some weird half repeat bot. Huge apologies.
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