
Dec 10, 2017
Not at all surprised.

Reminds me of an actor in a soap whose character was breaking up a marriage that fans loved. The amount of hate she got as a result just says everything about humanity.
Oct 25, 2017
Hearing this, it makes sense how and why people fall down conspiracy rabbit holes. The inability to distinguish fiction from reality.
Fiction is black and white, reality is gray and scary.
Everything happens for a reason in fiction, thus a lot of people believe there's some shadowy organization controlling everything in reality. When really, reality is random and shit happens.

I feel bad for Nathan. He's just an actor doing his job of acting out a story, even if it's as a terrible person. But he's getting toxic hate for it and he doesn't deserve that. Save that for legitimate pedophiles like Victor Salva (who somehow got work for years after his conviction).


Oct 27, 2017
People are so incredible stupid, it just boggles the mind how someone can be so stupid as to do something like this. What exactly do they think movies/tv shows are?
I haven't seen people attack actors here but I've seen people think that a game/movie/show condones sexism/racism/whatever ism because it depicts those things which is always the weirdest thing.
Absolutely. It feels this has gotten so much worse lately. It feels like unless they basically spell it out with large bold letters blinking onscreen with "THIS IS A BAD THING AND WE DO NOT CONDONE IT IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM" people are going to take it as the media condoning it. It's so frustrating.


Oct 27, 2017
There are those people who think that if you are willing to play the part of an evil actor, or are depicting evil things in your work, then it hints at some evil nature in you. That's not how it works.


Oct 24, 2017
I just don't understand why actors -or sportspeople or anyone in a public role- are on social media to begin with. Like I'm a nobody and I quickly got to the point where I understood there's no value in maintaining an account just to expose yourself to toxicity, so I can't imagine what you're getting out of it at this point?

I know a social media account can be beneficial for promotion, but surely you have a manager that can have a social media manager handle your accounts so you don't have to? Send them a picture once in a while to post and just go on with your life?

Social Media is never going to be a place where these kind of things don't happen. Even if there's (and there's not) 95% normal people on there that send you messages of encouragement or whatever. The 5% that send you toxic stuff are not going to go anywhere.


Oct 25, 2017
I worked in LA and NYC for a few years in my younger days and if I saw a famous person I'd accidently blurt out "hey Joey!" (Matt LeBlanc) or "hi Jean Luc" (Patrick Stewart) and I was instantly mortified but it was nice most of them just said hi back and didn't make a big deal out of it lol

i do like that chris rock joke how movies and shows had to change all phone numbers to the generic 555-1212 because even in the 80s idiots would call any phone number they saw on screen and be like "Hey is Indiana Jones there"

imo this topic isn't really that much different than people saying they can't watch movies from older decades because of words used. Thats how life used to be, its important for everyone to know what history actually was like and not just words on paper. Conversely I'm not super sure about re-interpretations of history under a modern lens, while I can appreciate excising racism, homophobia, misogny, etc, it does make me wonder if kids will not understand how much progress the world has seen if they think the past is more similar to today than it actually was.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like people's inability to separate reality from fiction is only becoming more and more apparent in recent years. God forbid characters do bad things in your art, lest these dumb asses will assume you actually advocate for / indulge in it.
Nah, this has always been a (very dumb) thing. In the early days of television, actors would get hate mail or even yelled at in person.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
I've always thought these types of "fans" are so detached from their own reality that they latch onto whatever entertainment they are consuming and take things a bit too seriously. I think it was Cersei's actress (Lena Headley) who was getting hate mail and death threats for the portrayal of her character as well as getting booed at fan conventions back during the height of GoT popularity.

And I've seen much worse than what happened in Furiosa during that scene. Just absurd that he has to deal with that shit.
Mar 11, 2020
I haven't seen people attack actors here but I've seen people think that a game/movie/show condones sexism/racism/whatever ism because it depicts those things which is always the weirdest thing.
Yeah that's how we get sanitized shit like the recent Avatar show, where they just take out negative traits altogether instead of contextualizing them.


Oct 25, 2017
This is just a recent example. It's been going on forever. Remember we almost made Ahmed Best commit suicide over Jar Jar Binks of all things?