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Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
It's fine to criticize Pete (because it's deserved) and call out Bloomberg for being terrible (because he is) without resorting to factually incorrect hyperbole.

No. its not hyperbole. He would not be as mean as Trump. but based on his actual history, Bloomberg is absolutely as evil as trump.

the only people making a big deal about a fucking pete endorsment are busters, and thats why theyre part of the problem. AGAIN. annoying as fuck.

People are making a big deal out of pete endorsement because he has serious issues that he has no answer for. If you want to deny that, that's fine, but dont pretend to not see it.


Oct 27, 2017
I really don't get celebrity endorsements get press and attention. 'Random citizen decides he wants to vote for X' really isn't something of value.

Political figures and reporters who are tasked to study this stuff, I can understand the press, even if it still doesn't interest me.. but I've never understood the need for celebrity endorsements in politics.

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
the only people making a big deal about a fucking pete endorsment are busters, and thats why theyre part of the problem. AGAIN. annoying as fuck.
People are just upset that somebody they otherwise like is making a confusing choice. Our democracy isn't in danger because somebody thought "damn" when they saw the OP lol


Oct 25, 2017
Because "he wanted something", aka to support provisions against domestic violence. THis is how 'moderate' dems got lefties to support bills like this back in the day, tacking provisions like this onto bills.

Like i said, you can criticize him for voting for that bill on that basis, but dont even try and act like its even remotely similar by deflecting against Pete, Biden or Bloomberg who intentionally set out to hurt their communities. Its disingenuous as fuck.

riders on a bill are still a thing.

minorities are STILL feeling the hurt from the bill bernie voted for, how many years later? deflect all you want, bernie did what he did.


Oct 25, 2017
The daylight between candidates isn't that large, and every single Democratic candidate would be the most progressive president since LBJ or, barring that, the most progressive president in history.

This is a nonsensical and dismissive take and I'm tired of seeing it. It means nothing, it says nothing. People like Pete, Biden, Bloomberg are just the same old shitty assholes who will do absolutely nothing for the lower classes and continue every single bit of systematic racism and oppression of the poor. They will not raise anyone up and they do not actually care for the vulnerable. They're just people who will shut up and not be Openly Racist. They'll maintain the status quo for the corporations vs actual people and I'm tired of people acting like this doesn't matter.

That's also real telling of how horrible all the previous Democrats were if you'd describe this pack of disingenuous clowns as that.


May 12, 2018
it's almost like a black man endorsing a candidate who's been famously awful on racial issues will raise a couple of eyebrows.

also it's a goddamn forum where we talk about our opinions, stop telling people to ... shut the fuck up?

if he had endorsed Warren, this thread wouldn't even have been made.


Oct 25, 2017
Rich people are almost always going to look out for their own class interests. The fact that CNN is reporting on this is ridiculously sad though. Why do we care who comedians or actors endorse for president? It's so weird.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I really don't get celebrity endorsements get press and attention. 'Random citizen decides he wants to vote for X' really isn't something of value.

Political figures and reporters who are tasked to study this stuff, I can understand the press, even if it still doesn't interest me.. but I've never understood the need for celebrity endorsements in politics.
When official Final Fantasy characters endorse Bernie, I do stop and take notice, though. (No /s, either.)

But yes, generally speaking, endorsements are silly. Who cares what Key thinks? If Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton or Jimmy Carter, just to name three very notable people, endorsed someone, that'd be momentous. Similarly, if Bill Weld dropped out of his lonely GOP primary run and endorsed Joe Biden or something, to name another plausible scenario, that'd be interesting, at least.

Or, we could be like the New York Times and endorse 2 candidates? Or why stop at 2? Endorse 3.

Deleted member 60295

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Sep 28, 2019

Former employee says he heard Bloomberg ask a female co-worker if she was going to 'kill it' after announcing her pregnancy

"Mike came out and I remember he said, 'Are you going to kill it?' And that stopped everything. And I couldn't believe it," the former employee said.


Well, guess we know what avenue evangelicals are gonna use to target him if he wins the nomination. Jesus Christ on a stick. Just when I think this POS can't get any worse...


Oct 25, 2017
it's almost like a black man endorsing a candidate who's been famously awful on racial issues will raise a couple of eyebrows.

also it's a goddamn forum where we talk about our opinions, stop telling people to ... shut the fuck up?

if he had endorsed Warren, this thread wouldn't even have been made.

supporting pete isnt gonna a raise no damn eyebrow unless youre a certain type of... you know. maybe raise your eyebrows at the dude who famously voted for a racist crime bill.

rational people wouldnt give this shit a second thought.


Oct 25, 2017
When official Final Fantasy characters endorse Bernie, I do stop and take notice, though. (No /s, either.)

But yes, generally speaking, endorsements are silly. Who cares what Key thinks? If Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton or Jimmy Carter, just to name three very notable people, endorsed someone, that'd be momentous. Similarly, if Bill Weld dropped out of his lonely GOP primary run and endorsed Joe Biden or something, to name another plausible scenario, that'd be interesting, at least.

Or, we could be like the New York Times and endorse 2 candidates? Or why stop at 2? Endorse 3.

barack and hillary would be right with Key if they actually had the balls to endorse someone at this point. I cant even imagine how pathetic the reaction to that would be.


May 12, 2018

hE vOtEd FoR tHe CrImE BiLl


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
You may be surprised to find out not everybody wants leftist utopia policies.
Saying that the only reason they would vote for Pete is they want credit for being woke is fucking offensive.
I deal with enough shit being gay, I don't need to deal with this kinda shit here too.
What leftist utopia policies are you opposed to

Deleted member 7130

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
supporting pete isnt gonna a raise no damn eyebrow unless youre a certain type of... you know. maybe raise your eyebrows at the dude who famously voted for a racist crime bill.

rational people wouldnt give this shit a second thought.
Well, expanding white supremacy in a police force with already wild and violent racist issues is enough for me.

Chie Satonaka

Oct 25, 2017
supporting pete isnt gonna a raise no damn eyebrow unless youre a certain type of... you know. maybe raise your eyebrows at the dude who famously voted for a racist crime bill.

rational people wouldnt give this shit a second thought.

I don't understand. Why is it acceptable to criticize one candidate for racial bullshit, but not the other? Why not both?


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
supporting pete isnt gonna a raise no damn eyebrow unless youre a certain type of... you know. maybe raise your eyebrows at the dude who famously voted for a racist crime bill.

Trying to talk with you is clearly a lost cause. Try arguing for a guy who has more than 2 percent black support and good excuses for his city going to shit under his watch

The handwringing over a guy who fakes black endorsements is comical


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 31, 2018
For real. Also his overall endorsement is irrelevant. This isn't going to swing the race either way.

But I feel had he endorsed a certain someone else this thread would be going very differently.

Don't be shocked when black celebs and seniors start to endorse Bloomberg yall.
Even as a black New Yorker who lived under him, I legit wouldn't be surprised one bit when that happens. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if other older black floks voted for him here.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
User banned (1 week): inflammatory comments
Seeing as he's a comedian, that's gotta be a joke. R-r-right?

This has got to be one of the worst times I completely misjudged a celebrity. I never pegged him a self-hating, biracial black dude. Buttigieg polls awfully with people of colour, and his time as South Bend mayor didn't do the black community there any favours, at best, and at worst his policies were actively harming them. So why Key finds him so appealing is beyond me.


Nov 2, 2017
Seeing as he's a comedian, that's gotta be a joke. R-r-right?

This has got to be one of the worst times I completely misjudged a celebrity. I never pegged him a self-hating, biracial black dude. Buttigieg polls awfully with people of colour, and his time as South Bend mayor didn't do the black community there any favours, at best, and at worst his policies were actively harming them. So why Key finds him so appealing is beyond me.
Self hating biracial black dude?

This place is beyond fucked.


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
Official Staff Communication
Relatively minor endorsements can be discussed in the Primary OT.

We will also be reviewing posts and reports from this thread.
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