
Oct 27, 2017
That bastard apparently did it during the night/early hours of the day, as well. How the fuck can you have that much thought put into this kind of evil?


Oct 30, 2017
This is one of the biggest shootings since poly isn't it? I imagine that Trudeau is just gonna "Thoughts and Prayers" this and not do anything.


Oct 27, 2017
This is one of the biggest shootings since poly isn't it? I imagine that Trudeau is just gonna "Thoughts and Prayers" this and not do anything.

The government was just about to release a large semi-auto, rifle and guns list for a mass ban and grant cities the power to enforce their own bans as needed, right before the whole COVID thing began. I imagine the hammer is going to come down harder now.

Ya, that's what they initially said. Then a few hours they clarified he was actually dead. Simple mistake on their part, anyone can make it.

RCMP did the right thing. Stayed quiet on details until the recent press conference, to allow facts to be gathered. News channels are only beginning to get the info now.


Officially now the largest killing event since Polytech(15 dead) in 1989, and the 56th since 1689(I posted the other link earlier).

At least 13 people. Fuck

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Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017

Gunny T Highway

Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Fuck 13 dead. First all these deaths from Covid and now something tragic like this. My heart goes out to the loved ones of those who were killed. At a time of heightened public concern we do not need stuff like this happening as well.


Oct 25, 2017
Halifax, Nova Scotia
I want to say the largest shooting in Nova Scotia prior to this in the last two centuries was a shooting in 1992 which left three dead and one permanently disabled. Unreal.

RIP to all of the victims.


Oct 30, 2017
This is one of the biggest shootings since poly isn't it? I imagine that Trudeau is just gonna "Thoughts and Prayers" this and not do anything.
The government was just about to release a large semi-auto, rifle and guns list for a mass ban and grant cities the power to enforce their own bans as needed, right before the whole COVID thing began. I imagine the hammer is going to come down harder now.
They weren't though. They said they would give cities the power to ban handguns, which would do jack squat, and they never mentioned anything about banning semi auto rifles. That was rumored, but as far as I can remember there was never any official confirmation of that being their intended plan.


Oct 27, 2017
They weren't though. They said they would give cities the power to ban handguns, which would do jack squat, and they never mentioned anything about banning semi auto rifles. That was rumored, but as far as I can remember there was never any official confirmation of that being their intended plan.

It wasn't rumoured. Bill Blair actually spoke on it. They were prepping a list(would not say which ones, to avoid a gun buying surge) at the end of the year/early January.

The former Toronto police chief disclosed the views of rifle owners as he responded to questions about his intention not to release the makes and models of semi-automatic rifles that will fall under the prohibition orders until the makes and models of all the guns are ready to be published. Blair told reporters last week he wanted to avoid a run of rifle sales before the regime is in place.


Feds vow to move ahead with ban on some semi-automatic weapons

Public Safety Minister Bill Blair says the federal government will be ready soon to produce a list of semi-automatic weapons that will be banned in Canada. His comments come the same day Canadians are marking the 30th anniversary of one of the worst mass shootings in Canadian history. But Blair...

And then a ton of stuff got temporarily shelved due to COVID. Including the expansion of the medically assisted dying bill.


Here is the timeline of currently known events to this spree shooting thus far:



Oct 30, 2017
It wasn't rumoured. Bill Blair actually spoke on it. They were prepping a list(would not say which ones, to avoid a gun buying surge) at the end of the year/early January.


Feds vow to move ahead with ban on some semi-automatic weapons

Public Safety Minister Bill Blair says the federal government will be ready soon to produce a list of semi-automatic weapons that will be banned in Canada. His comments come the same day Canadians are marking the 30th anniversary of one of the worst mass shootings in Canadian history. But Blair...

And then a ton of stuff got temporarily shelved due to COVID. Including the expansion of the medically assisted dying bill.

Oh I totally forgot about all that. I imagine after this they'll really put the hammer down.


Oct 27, 2017
Can't believe something this terrible happened in Nova Scotia of all places.

Absolutely heartbreaking.

RIP to all the victims.


Oct 31, 2017
They got him just outside Halifax (about 30 mins away from my house). Looks like he was heading out of rural N.S. and into the city to continue his rampage. Almost made it too.

If he had pulled me over with his fake cop car and uniform I totally would have believed he was a real cop. Fucking terrifying.


Nov 4, 2017
The piece of shit is dead. So I guess we're never going to find out why he did this.



Oct 28, 2017
16 dead now. Just horrible news for us Canadians. My heart goes out to the families involved and their community.


The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017

Canada shooting: Gunman kills at least 18 in Nova Scotia

The 12-hour rampage by a man dressed as a policeman ended with a car chase before he was shot dead.

This is just hitting the wires within the last 2 hours, but the story is just developing that a gunman, possibly dressed as a police officer, has killed at least 16-17 people, including Heidi Stevenson, an RCMP officer on the force for 23 years.

The gunman is reported as 51 year old denturist who is reported to have died. Early reports suggest that he was arrested at a gas station but the police did also say that they exchanged gunfire with the shooter prior to his death. It isn't clear whether the shooter killed himself or was dispatched by police.

For reference, the previous worst shooting in Canada is known as the Ecole Polytechnique massacre where a gunman opened fire on female engineering students before moving out to shoot more women, specifically those under 20 years of age. That incident resulted in 15 fatalities (14 including the suicide of the shooter).

More on this story as it develops.


Oct 27, 2017
There's going to be people who will say that this is because of the COVID-19 lockdown.

I think that anyone who models their car to look like an RCMP vehicle and has the appropriate costume is probably a huge red flag.
It was extremely likely to be planned ahead of time.

This sucks.


Persona Central
Oct 25, 2017
Holy shit. It was reported about this morning and I had heard that the situation had been dealt with shortly after. I just assumed there weren't even any casualties. That's really fucked up.
Oct 25, 2017
Happened about half an hour from where I grew up, family friend was a victim. Just devastating.

I can't imagine what the families are going through. What a monster, imagine this being your lasting impression on the world.


Oct 25, 2017
fucking awful. this is the last thing anyone should've been worrying about during a time like this. my heart truly goes out to everyone there affected by this senseless tragedy.

this evil fucking murderer selfishly ruins all those lives and it just really makes me mad.


Oct 25, 2017
Those poor families that can't even come together to mourn and say goodbye to their loved ones with this pandemic.
G&M's latest update on the story, Wortman is described by neighbours as having "a strong interest in RCMP and RCMP memorabilia". They also conjecture that some thought he might be an alcoholic, though I'm not sure if that's of any relevance, since his actions here would have required sobriety.

The Chief Superintendent says they haven't, as yet, found evidence of extremist views, nor any obvious connections amongst the targeted, some of whom he did not appear to know at all.

Terra Firma

Oct 25, 2017
Could the title be updated with the number of people murdered? With at least 16 people dead, this is the worst massacre in Canadian history (post-Confederation).