Deleted member 2507

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Oct 25, 2017
Okay I'll try that, thanks!

Anyone else wanna post their experience dealing with Mission 17?
Pick something with good agility. IDing targets is faster the closer you are, and high agility allows you to turn away easily once you've IDd a target and killed it. Also useful for turning around, i tended to fly fast, ID target, kill it if possible, if not, turn around and do another pass.
Since you need to ID targets (i don't actually know what happens if you shoot an unidentified target as i never did that), special weapons are of limited value in the mission. Usually you'll be close to targets so standard missiles suffice, and upgrading them is highly useful. (I didn't use cannon in the mission but logically it should be quite useful, especially if upgraded.) Good special weapon options are either LAAMs or HVAAs, or maybe HPAAs if you're close, for the few situations where you may end up being able to use them (friendlies have IDd targets, or the very end), though i suppose other special weapons work if you do first recon passes and then proceed to destroy everything at once.
High speed and acceleration are also useful, since you'll be flying around a lot, especially in the part when you intercept the bombers. As such the mission favors late game planes really.

Honestly kinda lackluster mission. Becomes only interesting in the second phase when you have very strict timer, otherwise it is kinda leisurely and unchallenging, at least on easy and normal.


Nov 10, 2017
Pick something with good agility. IDing targets is faster the closer you are, and high agility allows you to turn away easily once you've IDd a target and killed it. Also useful for turning around, i tended to fly fast, ID target, kill it if possible, if not, turn around and do another pass.
Since you need to ID targets (i don't actually know what happens if you shoot an unidentified target as i never did that), special weapons are of limited value in the mission. Usually you'll be close to targets so standard missiles suffice, and upgrading them is highly useful. (I didn't use cannon in the mission but logically it should be quite useful, especially if upgraded.) Good special weapon options are either LAAMs or HVAAs, or maybe HPAAs if you're close, for the few situations where you may end up being able to use them (friendlies have IDd targets, or the very end), though i suppose other special weapons work if you do first recon passes and then proceed to destroy everything at once.
High speed and acceleration are also useful, since you'll be flying around a lot, especially in the part when you intercept the bombers. As such the mission favors late game planes really.

Honestly kinda lackluster mission. Becomes only interesting in the second phase when you have very strict timer, otherwise it is kinda leisurely and unchallenging, at least on easy and normal.

I'm going to give it another shot now, using these suggestions. Thanks Woorloog.

Chance Hale

Oct 26, 2017
I dislike mission 6 to the point I might put this on the back burner for a week or two lol

What plane and special weapon should I be using? The tomcats ground sp seems terrible because of the slow lock on. 4th try and I only made it to 17k
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Ogami Itto

Oct 25, 2017
Does every final mission in AC games involve
Tunnel or enclosed space?

I feel like I have done this in older games.

AYF 001

Oct 28, 2017
Finished the campaign on Hard with the A-10C. I think the only mission I had trouble with was the one where you
destroy the second Arsenal Bird
due to the absense of ground targets and areaI had to cover.

Deleted member 2507

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Oct 25, 2017
I'm going to give it another shot now, using these suggestions. Thanks Woorloog.
Do note the mission has a lot more enemies than are actually necessary to move on. Some places like the mass driver area have many enemies but no TGTs.
Locate allies, ID targets near them, they're usually tagged TGT. Look out for helos and drones especially, they're often TGTs.
Otherwise SAM sites are probably the largest problem, unless you have the jammer part (since that makes dodging missiles really easy) and maybe the auto-repair part (fire extinguisher? Some such, repairs you to 50% health if you get damaged over that).


Oct 28, 2017
I finally had a chance to start this game !

It is so great, i'm almost tearing up. I've been waiting for a game like this for so long. The situation is grim in these first missions, it's a change of pace compared to you being the liberator. Erusea are playing their cards well, are they the new Belka ?

Deleted member 2507

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Oct 25, 2017
Does stealth work in mp? What does it do?
If it is like in previous ACs, you don't appear in others' radars if you aren't in front of them, and in front it reduces detection distance and increases lock-on time.
May not be terribly useful, since high-scoring player is revealed to everyone, if i've understood correctly. Then again, things depend on playstyle as well, i suppose.

EDIT Note that stealth is actually useless in single player. The AI cheats, naturally.


Oct 25, 2017
East Coast
If it is like in previous ACs, you don't appear in others' radars if you aren't in front of them, and in front it reduces detection distance and increases lock-on time.
May not be terribly useful, since high-scoring player is revealed to everyone, if i've understood correctly. Then again, things depend on playstyle as well, i suppose.

EDIT Note that stealth is actually useless in single player. The AI cheats, naturally.

Thanks appreciate the explanation.

On side note, after increasing draw distance and enabling Taa, having better time. Game is great.

Deleted member 2507

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Oct 25, 2017
Whoah, Battle Royal mode is surprisingly fun. Chaotic.
Interesting how one has to balance endurance and offense. Initiative is important, getting to position where you are chased is disadvantageous, but constantly attacking makes you a target.
Love low aircraft score limit matches, see wide variety of planes.

Deleted member 2507

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Oct 25, 2017
Oh boy, MiG-31 with LAAMs and Stealth in Battle Royal. Evil combo. Especially if the map has cloud cover. Dive into clouds, turn around, pick a target, fire a couple of LAAMs, dive back to clouds.

Deleted member 2507

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Oct 25, 2017
Argh, almost got the WALRUS skin. Unfortunately, i made a mistake of going after the rocket launchers instead of helos, and didn't have time to fly back before the cutscene, and so the WALRUS despawned.

Deleted member 135

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Oct 25, 2017
Let me think...yes?

04 had the Megalith tunnels, 5 had the Solg command center tunnel, Zero had the V2 thing inside Avalon Dam, 6 had the Chandelier railgun, and X had the Fenrir factory
Don't forget
5 also had the SOLG itself. You can fly inside the body of the SOLG and destroy the core without needing to break apart the four rotating parts.
Nov 8, 2017
I found this recap of the story extremely funny and mostly accurate, and I think it hasn't been posted:

Just completed the game and watched this. Yeah, this guy gets it. The entire game feels thrown together in terms of story and characters, with no cohesion and even confuses me on what the theme is. It's like someone had an idea for a story in their heads, executed almost all of it and for some reason changed direction or left the project. Then during the second half of development they forgot to salvage it and decided to leave whatever was created alone and just go in another direction.

The mechanics of the gameplay are pretty solid in terms of aireal combat, except for the regression from AC6 where you can actually have missiles work to intercept a target rather than trailing them in a game where both you and enemies can flip your plane at will.

The big problems are the added gameplay elements. The clouds, lightning, icing, sandstorm, and wind turbulence did nothing but frustrate me. It was kind of cool to fly through the clouds at first but the fact they're so thick and prevalent meant some missions felt half the time I was just trying to get my bearings, not completing any objectives. As for the IFF thing, I can't believe that was allowed to persist past that one horrendous mission. Even the airplane tree was lackluster as you could afford so few planes throughout the campaign and the parts system didn't do much for me, it felt bolted on and forced.

The last thing that really bothered me is level design. There were such inconsistent highs and lows that made it really difficult to gain momentum and keep having fun with the game. A bunch of stinkers included 7 through 9 (I was fine with 6) and 16 to 18, one particular part of 19. And 20 was anticlimactic as hell. That's nearly half the game!

I think there is real promise and I hope we get AC8 with solutions to these clear problems. Experimentation is good but the outcome of it really disappointed me, this is my least favorite game in the series even below AC6. Thankfully I also got AC5 remastered with it, so I still feel I got my money's worth but it's a one and done rodeo with AC7, I really doubt i will be back to replay it.

I know this all sounds really negative and I didn't hate the game, just thought it was "fine" but it's such a disappointment coming from any other recent game in the series.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Mission 15.

This is the first time I've thought an Ace Combat game was downright unfair. I don't think the difficulty is balanced well AT ALL in this game.
Jan 4, 2018
Playing AC7's multiplayer with Daredevil, Sol Squadron or Two Pairs as background soundtracks is a truly incredible and fantastic experience.

I wasn't expecting the multiplayer to be so fun, interesting and skill based.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Play on easy. Then unleash the raptor

I don't wanna play on easy though. :P
What plane are you primarily using? Remember destroying jets is worth more than anything else.
What? First try on normal. With F22 or F35 it is quite easy. Oh pick targets worth much (planes)
I don't see how it's even remotely possible to buy a F22 at this point for me. I'm using a Sukhoi 30-something. It's pretty good.

I was getting creamed by the second part of the mission
where you face a squadron of five ace pilots

but I got it done. Took me over an hour! Honestly I've really been struggling with the last several missions. I die like a dozen times in each. I don't ever remember having this much problem in previous Ace Combats.

FF Seraphim

Oct 26, 2017
I don't wanna play on easy though. :P

I don't see how it's even remotely possible to buy a F22 at this point for me. I'm using a Sukhoi 30-something. It's pretty good.

I was getting creamed by the second part of the mission
where you face a squadron of five ace pilots

but I got it done. Took me over an hour! Honestly I've really been struggling with the last several missions. I die like a dozen times in each. I don't ever remember having this much problem in previous Ace Combats.

Ah I was obsessive on getting S rank so I had enough for the F22 by mission 15, also mp goes a long way too.
Nov 8, 2017
I don't wanna play on easy though. :P

I don't see how it's even remotely possible to buy a F22 at this point for me. I'm using a Sukhoi 30-something. It's pretty good.

I was getting creamed by the second part of the mission
where you face a squadron of five ace pilots

but I got it done. Took me over an hour! Honestly I've really been struggling with the last several missions. I die like a dozen times in each. I don't ever remember having this much problem in previous Ace Combats.

They're pretty tough but it's because you're still flying a pretty basic plane. I had some trouble there too, but I ended up learning to retreat just a bit until the AI peeled off and started chasing a friendly. They act so stupid when going for a kill, but it was annoying having to wait and exploit that while the timer is running and you have 4+ missile warnings blaring.
Oct 25, 2017
I just cleared mission 12 on Ace and wow the SU-34 with SFFS plus all the bomb upgrades plus the fire extinguisher is insane lmao.
One fly by and two SFFS dropped and everything below you disappears.
I didn't even need to reload to checkpoint when the arsenal bird showed up to get my ammo back because i still had like 50 missiles.


Nov 1, 2017
I'm very late to the VR party, but I left the mode for last after I had beaten the game once and only started it tonight.

Just 20min into it (first mission and some free roam) was enough to make the "2D" version look obsolete. It feels a lot like WipeOut, an awesome game made better in every way. Being able to turn your head to look at something trying to shake you off, or look to the left to see your wingman there... oh man.

I understand that missions like 19 would be straight up impossible in VR but still, not having the full game in VR is an injustice. Hell, if I knew I'd have 10h+ of this I'd probably be shopping for a HOTAS right now out of hype.


Oct 27, 2017
While staff is different it's like this was made bybthe same team of AC6. Because of that it suffers the same issues and adds some of its own.

Story and motivations are told mostly via cutscenes instead of during ingame via radio. Cutscenes have narrator voice which makes them odd. It's as the cutscenes were made only for marketing purpose: the one at the end of mission 19 came from nowhere and was one the ones featured in the trailers.

I'm still not sure about the "whys" of what happened in the last 5 missions... happened. It's not like they don't try to explain because after every mission there's a cutscene: it's how they are exposed that is confusing. AC 0 and 5 have a cutscene once every maybe 5 mission and you get all info during ingame chatter.

I'm happy that we got a new AC and I hope they can fix these issues with a new entry. I'll have another run on ACE maybe things will be more clear.

Deleted member 2507

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Oct 25, 2017
Can machine gun-only campaign run done on Easy or does it require at least Normal?

I didn't even need to reload to checkpoint when the arsenal bird showed up to get my ammo back because i still had like 50 missiles.
You do know that if you run out of standard missiles, they regenerate after a short time? Only two at a time though, but essentially you have unlimited missiles. Quite handy, and basically means i never bother with increased standard missile load upgrade.
Oct 25, 2017
You do know that if you run out of standard missiles, they regenerate after a short time? Only two at a time though, but essentially you have unlimited missiles. Quite handy, and basically means i never bother with increased standard missile load upgrade.

Yeah I know but i was going for S ranks and those two missiles reload so slowly. And usually when i use the F-35 i end up running out of 8AGMs and blowing through my missiles before the arsenal bird shows up.


Oct 27, 2017
Just want to say that it's a lot of fun to use the railgun on Multiplayer. Reminds me of Quake.

Deleted member 2507

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Oct 25, 2017
Gah, machine gunning down enemies is no trouble usually (the medal can be done on Easy) but this is the first time the sandstorm mission is causing me trouble. Flying F-16 (good forward visibility, i find using MG in the cockpit view to be easier than otherwise) but slowing down to aim properly means the wind tends to slam me around badly.
Probably need to use the radar-guided MG upgrade for this mission, been flying without it to learn finer aiming.
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Oct 25, 2017
Gah, machine gunning down enemies is no trouble usually (the medal can be done on Easy) but this is the first time the sandstorm mission is causing me trouble. Flying F-16 (good forward visibility, i find using MG in the cockpit view to be easier than otherwise) but slowing down to aim properly means the wind tends to slam me around badly.
Probably need to use the radar-guided MG upgrade for this mission, been flying without it to learn finer aiming.
I always down the drones in the immediate area, then dive down on tank trucks using machine gun.


Oct 28, 2017
Are there returning faces and notable location for AC7 ? I don't know my history as much so I feel like I missed some things

I'm only halfway through but spoil my shit up

I know Harling and Kestrel II being the successor of Kestrel. I know about going back to Farbanti. I know about Mobius 1 going back to the party in VR mode, I guess he's just chilling. I guess he doesn't appear in the main campaign unfortunately.

Is this really setting up for Ace Combat 03 ? There was this sick drone in the escort mission that looked wack


Oct 25, 2017
Are there returning faces and notable location for AC7 ? I don't know my history as much so I feel like I missed some things

I'm only halfway through but spoil my shit up

I know Harling and Kestrel II being the successor of Kestrel. I know about going back to Farbanti. I know about Mobius 1 going back to the party in VR mode, I guess he's just chilling. I guess he doesn't appear in the main campaign unfortunately.

Is this really setting up for Ace Combat 03 ? There was this sick drone in the escort mission that looked wack
Look forward to a friendly face from AC5 at the very end.


Nov 15, 2017
Are there returning faces and notable location for AC7 ? I don't know my history as much so I feel like I missed some things

I'm only halfway through but spoil my shit up

I know Harling and Kestrel II being the successor of Kestrel. I know about going back to Farbanti. I know about Mobius 1 going back to the party in VR mode, I guess he's just chilling. I guess he doesn't appear in the main campaign unfortunately.

Is this really setting up for Ace Combat 03 ? There was this sick drone in the escort mission that looked wack
There is one certain mission that is going to blow your mind if you played AC04.


Oct 30, 2017
I'm a little lost on something story wise in AC7
what does the princess do to drop the shield on the final Arsenal bird? I get that she breaks six of something, but she's in the space elevator, not near the Arsenal bird, and count says it's a "scam", what?


Nov 15, 2017
I'm a little lost on something story wise in AC7
what does the princess do to drop the shield on the final Arsenal bird? I get that she breaks six of something, but she's in the space elevator, not near the Arsenal bird, and count says it's a "scam", what?
The shield of Arsenal Bird is powered by the space elevator's solar energy microwave transmission, the princess destroyed it so the shield would be down.

Deleted member 2507

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Oct 25, 2017
Okay, that sandstorm was nothing next to the fucking machine gun auto-aim fucking things up. I can't beat Mihaly with it equipped, it overcorrects constantly. Gah. So gotta retry the whole damn mission.

Also Su-57 doesn't feel terribly agile, despite it being high-end plane. And it loses speed very fast, also a problem. Probably need to take a Su-3X for this fight, they're pretty damn good planes.

And beat. Su-30SM, no aim assist module though i did use autofire so that i could focus on maneuvering. Wonder if MiG-21 would've been better choice, bursts from the MG pods do massive damage on planes after all.
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