Which one is better?

  • AC Syndicate

    Votes: 69 29.6%
  • AC Odyssey

    Votes: 140 60.1%
  • Both are equally great

    Votes: 24 10.3%

  • Total voters

Nothing Loud

Literally Cinderella
Oct 25, 2017
The uPlay store is having a spring sale up to 80% off so I scored AC Odyssey for $20 and Syndicate for $9.

which one is better and which one should I play first?

I generally like AC but I have trouble finishing them because Ubi bloat can bore me

also is any of the DLC worth it? There's way too many "editions" of Odyssey that I can't tell if my standard edition is shitty and needs some DLC or if the DLC is mostly cosmetics and bullshit


Oct 27, 2017
Odyssey first, try to get a refund on Syndicate. That's the only AC I really didn't enjoy.

I'm currently ploughing through the DLC on Odyssey. It's 50-60 hours even getting there, and it's a lot of filler content to get to the good stuff. Wish I'd have gone for the normal non-season pass edition in retrospect.


Oct 25, 2017
Syndicate sucks and is the biggest bomb in the mainline series. It was a bad stopgap where the graphics got downgraded from Unity and they hadn't gone full RPG yet.


Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
They're completely different games really. Syndicate is the last of the traditional Assassin's Creed games whereas Odyssey is more of an open world RPG.


Nov 23, 2018
I enjoyed syndicate, but it lacks the freshness of the last two. So if you aren't offended by previous AC installments start there. Personally, I liked the tkme


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Odyssey, and then probably skip Syndicate. Also the Odyssey DLC is pretty great from a gameplay perspective, terrible for story. So hold off on getting the DLC until you've beaten the Odyssey main game and if you decide you still want more.


Oct 25, 2017
Both are excellent, but Syndicate first since it will be harder to go from Odyssey formula backwards
Oct 29, 2017
I stopped playing Syndicate because an hour in I was actively fighting the camera controls. Origins and Odyssey are great tho, if a little bloated and padded out.


Oct 25, 2017
If you didn't play Origins play Odyssey! :) I played Origins before and never got to far into Odyssey, it was basically the same game with a modpack, imo


Oct 27, 2017
São Paulo
Tip: check "how to avoid grind" posts on reddit and everywhere else before starting odyssey. The game is MASSIVE and may get you drowned on filler content because there are level requirements for mainline missions that get you stuck everytime.
Also there's a leveling scale in the game's settings. Put it on minimal.
And enjoy the game cause it's beautiful.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
Odyssey first, try to get a refund on Syndicate. That's the only AC I really didn't enjoy.

I'm currently ploughing through the DLC on Odyssey. It's 50-60 hours even getting there, and it's a lot of filler content to get to the good stuff. Wish I'd have gone for the normal non-season pass edition in retrospect.
It's worth the gamble at $9, I loved it, especially London/carriage chases, the trains and meeting funny celebrities like
Winston Churchill
in the sidequests for some reason. But I really like most of the most recent AC's.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
What does traditional mean??
Poorly written, open-world action games with a linear story, batman combat, and lots of filler side content. With Origins and Odyssey, the series transitioned to being Witcher 3-style RPGs with massive amounts of well-written side content that you can explore non-linearly. They're basically hybrids of Witcher 3 and Breath of the Wild now


Nov 7, 2017
You know what's weird?

I thought to myself I should really get around to playing syndicate at some point, it looked decent.

Then I realised I did. At launch. To full completion.



The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Seattle, WA
Quite different games. Between the two I'd say Odyssey is the better game, but it's more of an action RPG whereas Syndicate is more of the classic AC style.


Jul 27, 2019
Poorly written, open-world action games with a linear story, batman combat, and lots of filler side content. With Origins and Odyssey, the series transitioned to being Witcher 3-style RPGs with massive amounts of well-written side content that you can explore non-linearly. They're basically hybrids of Witcher 3 and Breath of the Wild now

Ugh, that's like saying a hamburger is basically a hybrid of filet mignon and prime rib.
Oct 26, 2017
Mushroom Kingdom
Odyssey by far.

BUT If you are planning to play both I would do Syndicate first. Odyssey is a clear gameplay evolution for the series. I feel like if I jumped back to any older AC, i'm not sure I would like it

If you didn't play Origins play Odyssey! :) I played Origins before and never got to far into Odyssey, it was basically the same game with a modpack, imo

I've played Odyssey and I just bought Origins a few days ago and feel the same lol

I'm at the beginning and its getting hard for me to push through because it just feels like a reskinned game.


Oct 25, 2017
Syndicate gets a bad rap for following up the real worst one, which is Unity.
It runs well, and plays the best of the old style AC games. Evie and Jacob are good protagonists, and the pseudo leveling up is not too big of a time sink compared to Origins/Odyssey. I would say this really depends on how invested in the series you are, and if you can tolerate another game in the old style--since Syndicate is the peak of that formula whereas Origins and Odyssey shake things up significantly.

twist is pretty neat also, since its a small sample of what a game in that time period would look like.

Damn Silly

Oct 25, 2017
They're both good. I prefer Odyssey over Syndicate but if you're going to play both play Syndicate first, because you're not gonna want to play another AC for quite a while after Odyssey, plus it might be weird jumping back after the switch to RPG.


Oct 29, 2017
Syndicate is the best AC game.

Odyssey is good but values quantity over quality. Huge dragged out grindfest.


Oct 27, 2017
Syndicate is the last "classic" Assassin's Creed with the IMO superior fighting system. Yes, it's just Arkham style combat but it looks more spectacular and I overall prefer it over the jank that is Origins (I assume that Odyssey isn't much better). That said, I am currently really enjoying Syndicate after not enjoying Unity at all. The setting is nice, the grapple hook is like the best thing they added to the franchise since ship battles and the graphics and atmosphere is still good for today's standards. It's obviously not as breathtaking as Odyssey graphically. Both Evie and Jacob are enjoyable characters. And I like doing all the side missions to conquer the city and getting resources to craft better gear and upgrade my gang. It doesn't feel like bloat and gives you a constant sense of progress.

It's also not a very long game - like 20 hours for the main story. So I'd say play Syndicate first and then the newer game after that. I will start Odyssey sometime after Syndicate as well. I didn't like Origins at all so I have some reservations towards Odyssey, to be honest. But I will give it a try nonetheless because Assassin's Creed was always hit or miss for me and the Greek setting looks way more interesting to me than the Egyptian.


May 4, 2019
Syndicate if you want classic AC with planned assassinations and a focus on stealth. Odyssey if you want a Witcher 3 clone with bland writing and more focus in combat.

In Amber Clad

behind a perfect mask
Aug 26, 2018
If you really plan on playing both, play Syndicate first. You won't want to go back to old AC controls after a hundred hours of Odyssey.
Oct 28, 2019
If you really want to play both: Syndicate first, because there is no way going back to the old style Assassin's Creed after having played the GOTY that is Odyssey. It's not a long game thankfully.

Odyssey is a brilliant game and deserves all your attention.


Oct 27, 2017
syndicate is the last "classic" AC. AC Origins and Odyssey is basically witcher 3 through a ubisoft lens

depends on which of those works for you


Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Different types of games. Syndicate is the last traditional AC game while Odyssey is more of a Action RPG.

If you want stealth syndicate, but if you want action Witcher 3 style Odyssey.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Really surprised by the negative takes on Syndicate.

After how overblown Origins and Odyssey both are, I enjoy how it comes in at a lean thirty hour run time. The handcrafted levels are also all superior to those in both recent titles, which lean too heavily on the Far Cry 3 formula.

I very much enjoyed my time with Origins and Odyssey, but I yearn for Ubisoft to really get a sense of focus for their open worlds. There is no reason for three games to exceed 50, let alone reach the 100 hour mark.


Jul 25, 2018
I'm surprised to see the hate for Syndicate here. I really enjoyed it. As for which to play first, I'd suggest Syndicate just because it's much shorter to 100%.

The Syndicate DLC is irrelevant, just a few short "more of the same" missions.

The Odyssey DLC is really good. First expansion is short and meh, takes place in the same game world, second expansion is excellent and adds three new areas with new art styles and game features, plus the season pass gets you the AC3 remaster if you care about that.

Don't forget to check Uplay for any free stuff you can download, or stuff that's cheap on Uplay points you can spare.


Oct 27, 2017
I know you don't have Origin, but IMO it is the best sweet spot of the three. Odyssey is the better game out of the two you listed, but I assure you that you will get burnt out and probably won't even touch Syndicate.
Nothing Loud

Nothing Loud

Literally Cinderella
Oct 25, 2017
So I'm playing both right now. I really like the setting and story of Syndicate but the controls are old style AC which are clunky and bad. It's so much nicer to play Odyssey instead


"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
They're both kinda bad. Ubisoft Montreal has... issues with making Assassin's Creed games. They seemingly can't have a serious tone or interesting main characters; and will always be the most check-list-y of the style.

Go with Syndicate first, tho. See the evolution of the style.


Dec 4, 2018
Syndicate is the one to play if you want to go through the "transition" between the old style (AC2 etc) and the new one (WRPG). Syndicate is absolutely the stepping stone between one and the other. It has nice setpieces and the story is enjoyable, if too lighthearted, enough. If you want to see how far did the old AC2 style develop, or like the setting, you should play it.

Odyssey is so different, however, than playing it first would feel like a revelation, like playing a whole different series, specially if you compare it to the older games. It's also very standalone, making it a bit of a black sheep within its own series. But it's an impressive videogame on its own right.


Sep 7, 2018
I enjoyed Syndicate but I also both lived in, and love, London - so consider me biased.

I'm also a sucker for the period. If you like your classic Sherlock 'Olmes, then Syndicate is the one for you. (If it turns you off, it isn't).

In terms of gameplay, everyone posting here about how Syndicate to Odyssey is the real leap from 'classic formula' to 'RPG-grinder' is bang on the money. In some ways I think that makes it worth playing both.

Also ...

I enjoy how it comes in at a lean thirty hour run time.

There is no reason for three games to exceed 50, let alone reach the 100 hour mark.

I'm surprised to see the hate for Syndicate here. I really enjoyed it. As for which to play first, I'd suggest Syndicate just because it's much shorter to 100%.

Good points. I had no issue completing Syndicate and from there it becomes a little Witcher 3-y in terms of size and scope.


Dec 4, 2018
OP should play the superior Origins tbh
I'm at the beginning and its getting hard for me to push through because it just feels like a reskinned game.
Keep going, you¡'lll see Origins has some features, specially in the storytelling and presentation department, that you'd think it was Odyssey's, stripped down sequel.
Nothing Loud

Nothing Loud

Literally Cinderella
Oct 25, 2017
OP should play the superior Origins tbh

Keep going, you¡'lll see Origins has some features, specially in the storytelling and presentation department, that you'd think it was Odyssey's, stripped down sequel.

i have origins but it really bores me because of the plot and protagonist. I'm into Kassandras story so far though