
Oct 26, 2017
All of my opinions on it are based on the version slightly after PoF came out. Maybe they actually fixed the game since then, but I really doubt it.

On its own, I guess it's an okay sort of game. The world looks nice and is cool to explore, and the public events (particularly in HoT) are fun to do for a couple of times. But it's just really hard to recommend it now, in a world where games like FFXIV exist. Sure, it doesn't have a monthly fee, but someone who hasn't played Guild Wars 2 before will still have to put down a decent amount of money to buy the expansion and all of the living story episodes. Not to mention the QoL stuff locked behind a cash shop.

That's as long as you just want to play it casually, because the moment you start taking it even slightly seriously it all falls apart. The biggest issue I had with it was simply that it was terribly balanced. Pretty much all content was just incredibly easy, to the point that a decently geared team could clear it in a matter of seconds. Even something like fractal 40, a mid tier endgame activity that takes hours of grinding to get to, takes about 3 minutes to steamroll through and offers no challenge whatsoever. The only actual difficulty comes from the fact that 90% of the population has no idea how to play the game. And while the community likes to blame those players for being bad, most of the fault lies in the game not only not teaching you anything, but in it actively discouraging you from playing the game optimally. How many times have I seen people say stuff like "gear doesn't matter, just get some exotics from a merchant" like that was even remotely true.

Maybe raids are actually hard, but hell if I have the time to run around gathering bushes for 40 hours just to get geared up for them. But the rest of the group content is absolutely terrible. The combat is also pretty crap. They tried to make it like WoW with DPS rotations and stuff, but you can't really make an interesting rotation with such a limited amount of skills. And the lack of real support or tanking systems also really hurts it. And no, dropping down a banner every 2 minutes as a Warrior does not make for fun support gameplay. Not that you even need supports when 99% of the game's content is so easy anyway.

But as a sequel to Guild Wars, the game is absolutely terrible. Guild Wars was basically almost a perfect MMO to me. It had everything I wanted from a game like this:
  • A focus on instanced group content
  • Absolutely zero grinding
  • Incredible character customization options
  • Great PvP
  • The best support gameplay in any game I've played
  • A pretty friendly community, all things considered
It feels like Guild Wars 2 was deliberately designed to be the exact opposite of everything mentioned above. Instanced content is basically non-existent, the grind is absolutely there, builds are extremely limited, the PvP is garbage, support classes were removed by design, and the community kind of went to shit. It's such a shame that nothing like the original GW really exists these days. But at this point, FFXIV and WoW are actually closer to the original Guild Wars, because at least they have a ton instanced content and actual support classes.

At the end of the day, the only thing GW2 really did that had an impact on the genre were the open world events, which you can now find pretty much everywhere. But I'm not really sure that's even a good thing TBH. And even here, GW2 went from having great ones in HoT to basically removing them in PoF.


Nov 4, 2017
Great start, 1 to 80 was amazing and i loved it. The Dungeons / Endgame was boring because it has no holy trinity and without ever updating gear.
I was done after 3/4 months. I would love to play Guild Wars 3 or a Guild Wars 2 with holy trinity / Updating Gear.

Deleted member 10549

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
It's my favorite MMORPG. I bought it at launch and played it for about 1 year straight. Then I played on and off. People seem to dislike leveling scaling, but I loved it in here. I had a group of friends that bought it too but they were not hardcore players. We all played differently but when we wanted to play together, we could because we were not blocked by level restrictions. There were multiple activities that we could do together so playing this game never felt boring. At least during the first year. What eventually killed it for me was weird support for this game. Instead of adding cool permanent content, they added temporary content, like bazar of the four winds and living story. Like sure, it is fun in the short term but when you have to wait a few months for something like this, it leaves a bad taste in a mouth. Another example is Karka island. They added it but there was pretty much nothing to do on it. They didn't add a single dungeon and they constantly nerfed existing ones. They offered a good challenge at release, but after a few years, they made it so easy that it is just boring. Fractals were a great idea tho.

Overall I clocked about 900 hours in this game and I loved it. I always wished for Guild Wars 3 but I think it will never happen.


RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
United States
I think that the game was at its best around the Heart of Thorns days (first expansion) and the year or so following it. They finally added some dedicating healing and tank roles, and regular raid content that puts the current pace to shame. Interesting new and challenging fractal content as well, and Even the open world maps were well designed for a theme park MMO. the fact that you can still count on those HoT maps filling up with players eager to do 2015 content to this day is a testament to their design.

Unfortunately this seems like it wasn't popular among the casual fans, who mostly just wanted story content. More of the fanbase seems to enjoy the second expansion more which doubled down on this but I just feel it had no staying power beyond the new classes. Even after buffing up the events and rewards, I feel like most of that stuff is barely touched. Raid updates are a once a year thing now which is sad. If this came with a trade-off of more instanced dungeon or fractal content to balance it out more I would be jived with it more, but it just didn't.

I still play regularly mainly because it doesn't take too much of a commitment, but I don't enjoy the game as much now as I did 3, 4 years ago. Really hoping the new season breaks from the routine that's been in place far too long.
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Aug 28, 2019
I played up to about level 40 when it first came out, until I got tired of fighting bandits and centaurs against rolling green hills for the fourth zone in a row, with combat that had barely changed since level 3. I tried a different race and class to see something different, but I liked that experience even less. At that point I just stopped playing.

Part of the reason I picked it up in the first place was to play with a few friends, but they ditched long before I did.


Self-Requested Temporary Ban
Oct 25, 2017
As a huge fan of Guild Wars 1, it's up there with the most disappointing games I've ever played. It removed pretty much everything I actually liked from the first game.
  • The thing I enjoyed the most in GW1 is that the entirety of the gameplay was focused on group-based, instanced content. It was super fun just hopping in and doing a couple of missions with random parties of other players. It really made the game stand out from other MMOs, which mostly limit that to higher level content/endgame, which I'm generally not hardcore enough to get into. GW2 had none of that. It was mostly just solo-grinding trash mobs or doing those dynamic events which were technically group play but were mostly so boring that it didn't feel like you were playing with other people at all.
  • Another great thing about GW1 was that it had a huge amount of varied skills that you could pick and choose from to make your own builds, which lead to a large variety of interesting builds. Trying to figure that out as a casual player was great. It also lead to some incredibly inventive builds, like one that focused on a team killing themselves to proc a skill that dealt damage to the enemy whenever someone died. GW2 reduced the number of skills and severely limited how you could pick them so this aspect of the game was pretty much gone entirely. It also made the gameplay feel really boring to me since it mostly just came down to spamming one or two skills 90% of the time.
  • GW1 had some really diverse and cool classes. Monks could nullify huge damage spikes with skills like reversal of fortune and protective spirit, mesmers could make life a complete pain for casters with powerful interrupt skills and energy denial and rangers could pressure the enemy with poison, bleeding and interrupts. GW2 made a huge deal about removing the holy trinity, but that also meant they removed a lot of things that made the classes unique so everything felt the same.
  • GW1 had amazing PvP. Playing random arenas and alliance battles was a blast even if you weren't any good at the game and the more hardcore content like guild vs guild really pushed people to come up with creative builds and strategies. PvP in GW2 felt incredibly lacking in comparison. The weird control point mode didn't work all that well and since all the classes were so similar it got repetitive really quickly. At launch, it also felt like Anet wasn't particularly interested in improving it. The large scale world vs. world matches also didn't really work at all.
  • GW1 pulled off it's no-grind aspect really well. You got to max level and best gear pretty quickly, and from then on everyone was equal. GW2 pretty much immediately introduced grinding for better gear, and while it probably didn't matter as much as in most other MMOs it still really put me off the game.
In a lot of ways, it just felt like the game was designed for people who hated everything about GW1.

Even ignoring all that, the game at launch just didn't feel fun to play. The combat wasn't interesting and the leveling content mostly came down to constantly spamming one or two skills. The lack of skills also meant I never really felt like I was getting stronger and I never really needed to change up my approach. The dynamic group events almost always just came down to zerging stuff with a large group of players. I tried breaking up the monotony by doing some dungeons, but the ones I've tried (Ascalonian Catacombs and Twilight Arbor) were absolutely terrible and didn't really offer any worthwhile rewards. The story was also a bunch of nothing. The only thing I can actually remember from it was that I thought it was terrible.

After getting through the story and trying some PvP I stopped playing the game pretty quickly. I don't know if the later patches and expansions fixed any of this. The game felt so badly designed and some of the early developer responses made it seem like they really didn't have a clear direction for what they want to do with the game so I stopped following it pretty quickly.


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
PvE group content was a mess. Just because it sounds good on paper and revolutionary, doesn't mean that the destruction of the holy trinity makes any sense.


Oct 27, 2017
I really loved the class and skill system and how different they changed the gameplay.
My Thief build was probably the most fun i had in any MMO played except for EVE Online.
Its different to GW 1 though, which was also fantastic.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
I enjoyed it and still hop on from time to time. My Mesmer is still my favourite MMO class I've ever played, and I've based my other character-creator designs on her ever since.


Oct 28, 2017
The trinity is sort of there now and you can still do weird builds, though it probably won't be meta

I don't know, compared to GW1 the builds where very disapointing in the variety of things you could make. Simply having 5 of 10 of your ability slots taken by your weapons and not being able to chose said slots without changing weapons felt extremely limiting when switching from the original.

Coming from a GW1 Mesmer to a GW2 Mesmer was very sad. I liked interrupting everyone and killing them by doing so.

All in all, i think the most fun i had in GW2 was doing the jumping puzzles at the launch of the game and helping the bad jumpers reach the end of the puzzles with my teleport circles. Especially in the pirate cave at Lion's Arch.


Nov 3, 2017
Coming from World of Warcraft (like a majority of players I suppose), the graphics and storytelling/narrative experience was great. I played the entire game solo up to Level 80 and it was pretty great.

The only times I had to group I was utterly confused about my role... : "What should I do? Should I DPS? Will somebody heal me? Should I heal myself? Oh well, I'll just play exactly the same way I play solo."
And that was the end for me. I enjoyed my leveling experience, enjoyed the art and factions, loved the exploration, but end-game was confusing and boring.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, Ohio
It's the only MMO since Everquest to get thousands of hours of my time. I haven't really played since the second expansion just because I've tried to move on from one game monopolizing my time but I still like to hop on occasionally to run around some of the cooler maps and listen to the great music. I'll always remember it very fondly.


Oct 27, 2017
The world they created in Guild Wars 2 was and still is absolutely beautiful. There are some amazing sights and the art style really made it beautiful. I also really like how they incorporated things from the books like the human and charr peace talks in whatever zone that was and the members of Destiny's Edge. The additional playable races were also really well done and they didn't at all feel like they didn't belong.

Having said that I didn't play it anywhere near as much as the first game and its expansions. It's not like it's a bad game or anything it just didn't have the same ingredients that the first game did. Lack of secondary professions, no hall of heroes, no guild halls, no guild vs guild, no fow/uw, no capturing elite skills from bosses with a group of players from town, etc. It did a lot right but it also cut out probably the best things about the first game. The combat was also very chaotic and not as fun to be honest.

I do at times wish it clicked and I played it more than I did. But at the same time the grind was real and I just couldn't do it. And trying to go back now just feels like I've missed out on too much.

Edit - Completely forgot about the rip off gem store. I pity the people who didn't get in at launch like I did and bought extra character slots and the like for less than 1g each. The last time I looked they cost something ridiculous like 150g.
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Oct 25, 2017
Ugh, don't get me started on Guild Wars 2!

I wanted to like it and have tried to get into it on several occasions over the years but every time I've played it I'm just reminded how much better the first Guild Wars is - which I still play, currently almost daily.

There was so much they could have done with a proper sequel, so much they could have built on from the first game that it makes me really resent what Arena Net did with Guild Wars 2. As far as I'm concerned, the only thing it does better than the first game is the nicer graphics.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It also has one of the best mounts ever designed


Oct 25, 2017
I had a lot of fun with GW2, but it never felt like there was all that much to do outside of the main story, especially at launch. Everything got real repetitive and the lack of build variety killed it for me. The WvWvW PvP mode was a lot of fun though.


Oct 25, 2017
It also has one of the best mounts ever designed

No other MMO has mounts that can compare.

In most MMOs, all mounts handle the same. They're speed boosts and nothing more.

I love collecting mounts in FFXIV but from a Choccobo to Cloud's bike, they handle the same.

But in GW2 you have 7 mounts that handle differently and provide different utility from one another. They have amazing animations.


Oct 25, 2017
Really missed the part about build variety from GW1, getting those elite skills, having to juggle between 10 set skills and all that.
Yeah, the game hasn't had any major skill balances in years (the last major skill overhaul was in 2012) and yet players still tweak and improve builds - that goes to show just how varied it really is.


Oct 27, 2017
Loved the exploration side of things (hidden areas like the pirate ship in the cavern, puzzles etc). Enjoyed World v World. Enjoyed the questing mostly. Great for solo levelling. Hated the dungeons.

Dumped the game years ago when they fucked my thief over, and never looked back.


Actual Brazilian
Oct 24, 2017
SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil
A game I wish I could've loved, but couldn't because of the mind-blowingly bad combat system.

Just exploring the world was so much fun. When it was time to face a dungeon, though...
Aug 28, 2019
Incidentally, this game had one of the most dramatic hype falloffs I can remember for an MMO. In the months leading up to release, I saw people all over the internet losing their minds over GW2, the prophesied hero-game that was going to save the genre from itself. Then within a week or so of release, the hype evaporated into nothing, and I've rarely heard the game even mentioned ever since. I tend to forget that GW2 even exists, and I own a copy.

To a degree this happens with any online game after launch as it settles into a routine, but with GW2, it was almost like flipping a switch and turning the sun off.

Deleted member 13645

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I enjoyed it during its beta but ended up not liking it. I much preferred Guild Wars 1.

I've tried to go back to it, but everyone was running around with glowing wings and such and it was quite immersion breaking, it made it look like a cheap F2P MMO where some people put money into the cash shop and they stand out (no idea if that was actually the case.)

I found the combat wasn't deep enough, it felt spammy and having abilities tied to weapons never clicked with me. Coming from GW1 where you have a lot of control over your abilities it felt vastly more limited.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Incidentally, this game had one of the most dramatic hype falloffs I can remember for an MMO. In the months leading up to release, I saw people all over the internet losing their minds over GW2, the prophesied hero-game that was going to save the genre from itself. Then within a week or so of release, the hype evaporated into nothing, and I've rarely heard the game even mentioned ever since. I tend to forget that GW2 even exists, and I own a copy.

To a degree this happens with any online game after launch as it settles into a routine, but with GW2, it was almost like flipping a switch and turning the sun off.

This was my impression of the game as well, and I was totally into the all of the hype and played right at launch and everything.

I ultimately quit because progression felt kinda loose-ended and slow, and combat wasn't all that great. I did have a great time exploring the maps at launch, but I haven't ever tried to return to the game to see how things have changed.


Oct 25, 2017
Too much of a departure for GW1, and too far away from traditional MMOs.

Guild Wars 1 is still my favourite mmo-type game, I wish they had just used that as their foundation and expanded upon it.


Oct 28, 2017
I prefer 1 for the story, events, atmosphere, and regular PVP, but 2 is better for regular combat, WvW, class diversity, and fashion.

As a successor, it *lost* its heart, but it is otherwise strong enough that everything it *gained* largely makes up for it. Fantastic game.

It doesn't knock off GW1 or CoX as my top two, but it settles into a nice third place among MMOs for me. FFXIV might be stealing its spot though.


Oct 25, 2017
Gear is very boring. Once you get an endgame set there's no reason to continue for me since all the gear is equivalent, at least it was couple of years back ?


Oct 26, 2017
I can only judge it on it first couple month of release ( at that point me and everyone I knew from GW1 left the game ).
Probably the biggest disappointment a sequel ever gave me, and that's while being a fan of final fantasy.
*for me* GW1 strength was the skill build variety, which was killed in GW2.
Lack of trinity was utterly disapointing as someone who both love playing healer and tank in games ( in GW1 healer <3 ).
PvP ( WvWvW ) was alright but suffered from those two problems, thought I did dearly missed Faction's pvp.

Those exploration/platform puzzle/quest were fun thought.


Oct 27, 2017
I loved it for while, but horizontal progression killed it for me. World vs World vs World was so much fun.


Oct 25, 2017
I loved the game. I sold my PC so have not played it in about 7 months but that would be the first game I installed if ever did get another gaming rig.

Raids were fun and did not have to be a huge time investment.
A solid mix of action and standard mmo play.
Jumping puzzles were second to none.
Mastery rank added a character progression without making all your current gear/level pointless.
**Fractals was fun for end game dungeon content.

My limited experience RvRvR was just exp/zerg trains.
The community got way to anal about raiding builds esp. People refused builds with a lesser dps ceiling but much easier rotation.
Mesmer (great class) was too vital that they were a must for everything.
**Fractals was released with too little maps so the rotation got stall, wish they held off until they had a higher selection of maps.
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Deleted member 13645

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I can only judge it on it first couple month of release ( at that point me and everyone I knew from GW1 left the game ).
Probably the biggest disappointment a sequel ever gave me, and that's while being a fan of final fantasy.
*for me* GW1 strength was the skill build variety, which was killed in GW2.
Lack of trinity was utterly disapointing as someone who both love playing healer and tank in games ( in GW1 healer <3 ).
PvP ( WvWvW ) was alright but suffered from those two problems, thought I did dearly missed Faction's pvp.

Those exploration/platform puzzle/quest were fun thought.

I loved how wild builds could get in Guild Wars like with the 55 Monk. The combination of dual-professions and the insane amount of skills to choose from and elite abilities to capture made it so, so dynamic.


Oct 26, 2017
I loved how wild builds could get in Guild Wars like with the 55 Monk. The combination of dual-professions and the insane amount of skills to choose from and elite abilities to capture made it so, so dynamic.
Exactly, the fact it lead to things like the 55 monk or say the Perma Shadow Form assassin was really something. Even more "standard" builds allowed soooo much variety, and even if it can be argued that not all build were objectively as good as others, making your own build ( or modifying one you fund online ) into something you liked was part of the fun and something few games allowed ( still true today, sadly ).


Oct 25, 2017
I loved the leveling more then any other MMO I played on my entire life (even today). The endgame was just terrible.


Oct 25, 2017
It was weird when Arena Net made such a big thing of removing the tank/dps/healer trinity and wanted battles to be more chaotic, like it was going to be something completely new, when in fact the first game already allowed for all this.

In fact, tank/dps/healer was really just a setup copied by players from other games and not something Guild Wars 1 intrinsically supports. For example, tanks have no specific aggro control and instead have to employ tactics such as corner blocking. And it works really well because it forces a more strategic approach that other games tend to lack.


One Winged Slayer - Powered by Friendship™
Oct 27, 2017
I missed one of the early Living Story missions and that soured me on the whole concept. I played a bit more until I got sick of Elementalist being nerfed whilst Warrior got buffed. Never went back.


Oct 28, 2017
I rather love the game. They have added a ton of content to the game, two expansion and an honest to gods expansion worth of additional maps and such via the living story additions.

I do wish they would add more non-cash shop weapon skins, but given how easy it is to farm gold for gems these days that's not a major issue.


Oct 27, 2017
For me it was interesting and fun at launch but broke off quickly. The charm and simplicity from the first game was missing for me.

Looking back, I loved Guild Wars 1 way more.


Sep 9, 2019
Got the game based on the infamous "Manifesto" video, what an idiot I was.

The PvE was new, got stale after a bit but was still holding my interest. The PvP was a mess though.

And then the Living Story happened. It was OK as a secondary feature but then they made the entire game revolve around it. Now, that is how you kill a game. Well done, ArenaNet.

GW2 is currently circling the toilet and so all that's left is to wait for the inevitable Free to Play announcement in some last ditch effort to save it.


Oct 25, 2017
I missed one of the early Living Story missions and that soured me on the whole concept. I played a bit more until I got sick of Elementalist being nerfed whilst Warrior got buffed. Never went back.

Living Story was only time limited content for Season 1.

Got the game based on the infamous "Manifesto" video, what an idiot I was.

The PvE was new, got stale after a bit but was still holding my interest. The PvP was a mess though.

And then the Living Story happened. It was OK as a secondary feature but then they made the entire game revolve around it. Now, that is how you kill a game. Well done, ArenaNet.

GW2 is currently circling the toilet and so all that's left is to wait for the inevitable Free to Play announcement in some last ditch effort to save it.

1. The base game is already F2P
2. I don't think you know how the Living Story works.


Feb 21, 2018
I was extremely hyped about GW2 when it came out.

The art and design are fantastic. The music is fantastic. The graphics are still very good.
The game was pure inovation, creating the best quest system in an MMO I ever used so far (IMO).
The events system was also amazing. The voicing of the characters and cutscenes. It really was supposed to be the best MMO ever.

But just like you, I rapdily lost interest for the game... And I tried... I reinstalled the game 5 times. My last try was this year.
After thinking a lot about it, what ruined the game for me was:

1 - No holy trinity. Every player is a rambo, watering down the team play a lot.

2 - Weapon based skills... Half of your skills are locked to your weapon. This destroyed the build system that made GW1 famous, and made the game a mess. If you play as an elementalist for example, instead of managing 8 skill like in GW1, you have you 5 skills in the right side bar, and 20 weapon skills adding up all different elements, plus 4 skills if you count the elemental switch shortcuts, making it 29 buttons to press. Oh, and if you swap weapons, you gain more 20 skills...

3 - Almost no global cooldown... So, even after locking the builds to weapons and adding and absurd number of skills to a single build, most skills have almost no global cooldown. It means players will spam skills like crazy. Add this with the rolling system, teleports, everything becomes shallow and confusing IMO. It is nothing like normal MMOs, like WoW, GW1, FF14, where most skills add a global cooldown, making the battle much more tactical and interesting.

4 - Because of the reasons above, dungeons are a boring mess. Everybody is rolling and spamming skills. There are no tankers, healers, I feel like playing a casual call of duty.

5 - The game is very easy. There is no point to invest in anything. You are constantly getting gifts and new gear. I feels like the point of the PvE is to complete the map and get achievements. I never have to care about money are or anything.

In the end, I think the biggest problem was really the combat system. They had something special with GW1. 8 skills, dual classes, slower paced combat, healers, tankers. It is a shame because everything else about GW2 is excellent... After trying it 5 times after all these years, this is my solid final opinion.

Deleted member 41638

User requested account closure
Apr 3, 2018
I loved the move towards a more action-oriented style of combat. Though combat did get mindless, spammy and DPS-dependent which was disappointing (but still pretty fun).

I think GW2 nailed questing and exploring the world, I don't think another MMO has done that nearly as well; the heart quest system, events, POIs, vistas, there was just so much stuff packed into each area and the visuals still hold up imo. I tried playing FF14 before Shadowbringers and the old quest structure of 'talk to dude, go kill thing, return to dude' frustrated the hell out of me, I hope every MMO uses something like GW2's quest system rather than traditional quest giver BS.

Dungeons and Fractals were alright, I think the endgame got a worse wrap than it deserved.

World PvP needed some work, just running around as a zerg mob wasn't fun after the first couple experiences with it. Regular PvP was way too spammy, but that was a limitation of the class/skill system anyways. PvP wasn't nearly as intense or strategic as it was in GW1.

Overall a great game, I think every MMO should take from GW2's quest and story design but the combat was more Diablo than WoW.


Oct 25, 2017
Whoever commented on the human levelling experience was absolutely spot on btw. Endless identical zones fighting centaurs was just insanely tedious. Not sure why or how they made the decision to make that the focus on your first 20 hours playing the game.

Regarding combat, the speed is definitely an issue. Everything is so absurdly fast it's practically impossible to actually have a spell interrupt class like the Mesmer. Mob AoE circles appear and then complete so fast that if you don't have a roll instantly ready it's guaranteed to hit you. And good look spotting them in the mess that are the AoE markets for the game.


Oct 28, 2017
Living Story was only time limited content for Season 1.

1. The base game is already F2P
2. I don't think you know how the Living Story works.

Living story season 1 was very much fixed changes with no going back. As a result some of the greatest events in the game are now lost to time, such as the destruction of lions arch and the marionette fight.

They fixed that after season 1, where now it all takes place in instances and new zones.


Oct 25, 2017
Living story season 1 was very much fixed changes with no going back. As a result some of the greatest events in the game are now lost to time, such as the destruction of lions arch and the marionette fight.

They fixed that after season 1, where now it all takes place in instances and new zones.

Yeah and while I do miss some of that stuff, the system they have in place now is better since it's all permanent content.


May 6, 2018
After spending thousands of hours in GW1, I bought GW2, played for a couple of hours, then gave up and never went back. Removing monks and making the skill system less flexible felt like too much of a downgrade.


The Walnut King
Oct 25, 2017
Washington, D.C.
Loved it. My wife and I played through the entire campaign as well as season 1 of the living story. Multiple level 80 characters. Just so much fun exploring that world together.

I still miss the holy trinity...

One of the main reasons I loved it was the lack of the trinity. I didn't want another WoW clone. It was much more unique and didn't require certain classes to pair up for success.