
Oct 27, 2017
Can't wait til the rising temperatures mess with all the micro plastics in everyone's bodies then maybe politicians and businesses might consider something.

But seriously, it's gonna get rough sooner rather then later.


Oct 27, 2017
But at least Marvel vs Capcom 2 is back! As long as we can keep consuming, everything will be fine :)


Oct 25, 2017
We're fucked or not, still do your part. Dump your gas car and go vegan. And try to convince others to do so. We're fighting against this until the very bitter end.
How do you get people to dump their gas cars when every EV manufacturer wants to fuck around in 40-50k minimum pricce points?


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
I mean...yeah.

Scientists have been saying it for years.

We're fucked or not, still do your part. Dump your gas car and go vegan. And try to convince others to do so. We're fighting against this until the very bitter end.

I mean I feel like this is the same as saying "If you make under 50k a year, you can't do anything to help."


Oct 27, 2017
I'm certainly not planning to stay in New Jersey, with its wonderful combination of boiling heat and suffocating humidity. And I work outside, for fuck's sake.

Been planning a retreat to the Great Lakes for a few years, hopefully before the land rush really ramps up.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Flying from minneapolis to Dallas tomorrow. 88 in msp to 98 in Dallas. Frying pan to the fire.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not a single issue voter, but the closest I come is for climate issues. It will never not make me angry, furious even that nothing was done in the 1960s-1990s, when changing our trajectory would have been so much easier.

We still have to fight for every tenth of a degree. And that means everyone in the west - me very much included- accepting a lifestyle that involves less luxury and less stuff. There is no world where fast fashion and eating red meat every other day is sustainable. None.

We also should be researching geoengineering ideas, IMO. Not deploying. But researching.

Well when people are dead I hope nature in the future will appreciate paintings and sculptures
Human beings will not go extinct from climate change.

We're fucked or not, still do your part. Dump your gas car and go vegan. And try to convince others to do so. We're fighting against this until the very bitter end.
The biggest impact things any common person can do are:
1. Burn less fuel (via airplanes, cars, or other motors)
2. Eat less meat (especially red meat)
3. Buy less stuff.

Options 2 and 3 are available to everyone even if option 1 is not.

in central IL we've had like 8 consecutive days of temperatures *10* degrees above average. really feels like the pace of temperature increase has accelerated the last couple years.
It has accelerated both long-term because our CO2 output is still growing, and short term because we're in a strong El Niño cycle.

Nah, there isn't enough evidence of a "new normal". That would indicate that warming is going to peak soon.
But there is no indication that warming is slowing down. 2023 was shattering previous records making scientists think their equipment must be broken. It's just going to get much worse before it actually peaks.
It's not going to be a linear year by year increase. Tons of factors affect year-by-year temps, like El Niño I mentioned above, which is why one year of >1.5C temps isn't enough to declare it the new average.

New normal isn't saying things will peak soon. But that this extreme we're experiencing now could be the median of the future - which yes, also means that there might be cooler years.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean...yeah.

Scientists have been saying it for years.

I mean I feel like this is the same as saying "If you make under 50k a year, you can't do anything to help."
EVs are not available to everyone and every income, but eating less animal products and buying less stuff (especially electronics, disposables, and plastic goods generally) very much are. They'll help everyone save money..


Oct 27, 2017
How do you get people to dump their gas cars when every EV manufacturer wants to fuck around in 40-50k minimum pricce points?
I didn't say anything about EV cars. One of my coworkers got a van and now we're carpooling to work. Just a few people left at my work to come with their own car. Maybe not big enough impact but we're doing our part.

Yeah I know this can be a harder thing to do for people with kids or people living in overly car dependent cities but there's always something you can do. Nobody have their hands tied.


Oct 25, 2017
Nothing will be done as to how we collectively live. So long as we adhere to a lot of the bullshit we've imposed onto the world, this will continue. Infinite growth will come with growing heat levels, because we're literally burning alive by living with this axiom.


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't say anything about EV cars. One of my coworkers got a van and now we're carpooling to work. Just a few people left at my work to come with their own car. Maybe not big enough impact but we're doing our part.

Yeah I know this can be a harder thing to do for people with kids or people living in overly car dependent cities but there's always something you can do. Nobody have their hands tied.
I'm just not convinced people will abandon their cars en masse without a same convenience level alternative, which is the problem


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
It's so fucking hot, small animals have started to take refuge in the outtake vents for our washer/dyers, panic when they turn on, run into the machine and die.
Oct 28, 2017
June has been pretty mild in Germany this year, so of course the denialists are out in force, because a single milder summer in a single country apparently means worldwide climate change is cancelled


Oct 27, 2017
I'm just not convinced people will abandon their cars en masse without a same convenience level alternative, which is the problem
Yep, it's pretty much impossible and we have to do the impossible. Don't forget, progress has two parts: you take action and you convince others to take action. Just don't give in to defeatism. Do your part. Preach. Preach to the very end. A whole continent converted to Christianity thanks to endless preaching, you have more capability then 1st century figures.

We switched to carpool and we didn't end it there. Asked others to do same. They declined. Asked again. Declined again. Annoyed them to the point of giving up. Now we have 9 carpools carrying 8-9 people each. about 50 less cars used every day. Did we convince the whole country to use less cars? No. But we sure made the change that we could.


Oct 25, 2017
I, for one, cant wait for the discourse surrounding the inevitable US invasion of Mexico


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
I'm gonna be the wasteland scavenger with the most mutual funds.

Sure you got more protein than me thanks to all the cooked rats you have, but you also don't have my impressive NFT portfolio.


Oct 30, 2017
Yes. It takes time for the shit we've already done to work its way into the earth systems so we'll be lucky if it only stays this bad.

It would stay this bad temporarily and hopefully regress if we stopped pumping ghg into the atmosphere right now. But we're pushing full steam ahead, so things are only going to get worse until we make drastic changes to our civilization. We'll be lucky if we avoid a complete systems collapse.


Oct 30, 2017
A whole continent converted to Christianity thanks to endless preaching, you have more capability then 1st century figures.

A good number of people died if they didn't convert, so it was by no means a peaceful process. The transition to whatever way of life we're looking at in the future will likely not be a peaceful process either.

Dr. Nothing Loud

Literally Cinderella
Oct 25, 2017
I live in NYC and we are getting COOKED right now

I can't move to most of EU or NYC anymore, I've decided. I will not tolerate the bullshit of 85F/30C+ weather in April-June like is happening in much of the world but NYC and EU are notorious for no a/c in homes/public spaces and that is just fucking insane given climate change and sorry I just won't. Which is sad cuz I'm at a science conference and lots want to hire me but in EU and besides EU pay being abysmal I just won't tolerate the heat here in Italy and other places without a/c. Had to drag 100 lbs in suitcases across long stretches of cobblestone in 90F weather a couple days ago here in Italy and I was like…okay I'm done, never again with that lol

Humans will need to relocate to Canada and new places that used to be too cold. PNW for life.

And quit fucking moving to places like Houston and Phoenix for fuck sake
Oct 25, 2017
I hope shit doesn't hit the fan till me and my SO are long dead, I'm doing my part by being very eco-friendly or whatever but I don't expect humanity to do even a fraction of what actually needs to be done.

People will not even stop eating meat, and that kinda includes me but I did stop eating beef more than a year ago.

I, for one, cant wait for the discourse surrounding the inevitable US invasion of Mexico

We're also completely fucked over here lmao


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
I hope shit doesn't hit the fan till me and my SO are long dead, I'm doing my part by being very eco-friendly or whatever but I don't expect humanity to do even a fraction of what actually needs to be done.

People will not even stop eating meat, and that kinda includes me but I did stop eating beef more than a year ago.
People still stop eating meat if meat isn't readily available or is way too inconvenient to acquire, because then the choice is then made for them. We are products of our environment and will thus act accordingly to what the environment offers and encourages.

So while we should be encouraging individual action, we should be simultaneously finding ways to force politicians to act on the will of human well-being, because at this point we need drastic force. By the time we'll have convinced half the population of omnivorous humans to cut their meat consumption we'll be underwater.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I hope Bill Nye's baby gets discovered by a cool space couple when his pod lands on space Earth, and not the space Russian space government.


Oct 25, 2017
For the record I would absolutely slap solar panels onto my home and replace my automobile with an electric one if I had the income to do so.

I'd have done it ten years ago, can't even afford to put new windows and doors in it, shit is extremely expensive around here.

And a heat pump, lol, shit will cost a fortune.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
We're fucked or not, still do your part. Dump your gas car and go vegan. And try to convince others to do so. We're fighting against this until the very bitter end.
The issue is, and always will be, it doesn't matter if I go vegan or recycle a plastic bottle or only use self-generated renewable energy.... until governments and corporations take it seriously the "bitter end" is going to be a lot quicker.

The electric to power your EV doesn't necessarily come from a renewable source, it kicks the issue elsewhere.


Oct 27, 2017
The issue is, and always will be, it doesn't matter if I go vegan or recycle a plastic bottle or only use self-generated renewable energy.... until governments and corporations take it seriously the "bitter end" is going to be a lot quicker.

The electric to power your EV doesn't necessarily come from a renewable source, it kicks the issue elsewhere.
Nah the real issue is the chronic pessimism and defeatism. You are absolutely correct about how governments and corporations aren't doing their parts at all and what you're doing could mean for nothing. Yes there are tons of issues still remain, still lots of things have massive carbon footprints. But you're not the one to solve that issue. You have to do what YOU can do. No matter how dire the situation is you will keep doing it. Don't give in to defeatism, avoid thoughts like "me not buying plastic bottles wouldn't count for anything". It does. It really does. Do it and have others do it as well.


Oct 27, 2017
Nah the real issue is the chronic pessimism and defeatism. You are absolutely correct about how governments and corporations aren't doing their parts at all and what you're doing could mean for nothing. Yes there are tons of issues still remain, still lots of things have massive carbon footprints. But you're not the one to solve that issue. You have to do what YOU can do. No matter how dire the situation is you will keep doing it. Don't give in to defeatism, avoid thoughts like "me not buying plastic bottles wouldn't count for anything". It does. It really does. Do it and have others do it as well.
Don't get me wrong, I still do my part. If nothing else, I feel like my waste is still my responsibility.

I would just like to see the same responsibility applied to the highest polluters.


Nov 6, 2017
broke some local records back to back days last week, including the highest lows, meaning even at night it's absolutely sweltering.


Oct 25, 2017
We're fucked or not, still do your part. Dump your gas car and go vegan. And try to convince others to do so. We're fighting against this until the very bitter end.
Actually the best thing you could do is simply drive your current gas car until the wheels come off. Just not buying shit has a more positive impact than replacing a perfectly fine existing vehicle with a new thing that isn't needed


Oct 25, 2017
Man. He sounds rightfully pissed about how people haven't listened to the warnings, particularly when she asked if he is surprised by how fast it's now happening.

My husband also is of the opinion fusion is the way to go and it's sad to hear there is only a few groups even looking into it.


Nov 1, 2017
I'm mentally prepared for a trump win. Lived through it once. Survived. Are trumpers prepared for a Biden win? Bet they ain't

With the small margins and all the covid deaths, I still think Trump's chances are terrible


Oct 25, 2017
I wish trees and grass patches (and rooftop gardens) were seen more frequently in major cities.


Sep 5, 2019
The ocean is done being the heatsink for humanity's industrial activities. It's now absorbing the equivalent of 14 Hiroshimas per second of heat and that trajectory is not going to reverse in our lifetimes (honestly, for many millennia lmao).

Global leadersdespoilers doubling our carbon pollution from 1.25 to 2.5 trillion tons in only 35 years means that Earth will continue to warm for another 60 years (just from our pollution and not the natural sources we've agitated into becoming positive feedback loops) even if someone could Thanos snap all our emissions to zero due to C02's lag effect on the atmosphere. Drastic action needed to happen yesterday but the reality is that capitalists have locked us into nothing but bad endings. The only thing we have control over now is the severity of the disaster future generations will have to bear for the rest of human existence on this planet. It won't be pretty but there will be far less people suffering on our depleted home once it fully plays out.


Oct 30, 2017
Man. He sounds rightfully pissed about how people haven't listened to the warnings, particularly when she asked if he is surprised by how fast it's now happening.

My husband also is of the opinion fusion is the way to go and it's sad to hear there is only a few groups even looking into it.

There is serious work being done on it but progress is slow. I've heard people joke it's been 10 years away for 30 years now.