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Feb 3, 2019
Communist-Era's goal is eliminating large amounts of private property. This requires a major rewrite of the US constitution which is not plausible without 80% support nation-wide to allow for enough support in 75% of states. Obviously, this is not very realistic. The only other solution is overthrowing the US government, which many people in Socialism-Era talk about a good bit.

... This requires a military coup as any leftist militias (or right-wing militias) get instantly annihilated by the US military
Wait, so are you down for abolishing private property if it was possible without a coup? Or are you pro-private property? You haven't made it clear what your actual disagreement with OP's values are.
Oct 26, 2017
User threadbanned: derailing with off-topic commentary over a series of posts
Remember the time Karl Marx famously wrote "communism is when you burn a flag"?

Pretty clearly communism is not (communist regimes in actuality have varied from being anti-nationalist to pretty much nationalist themselves), but the OP and a large amount of the posters in here are communists and it just confused me what their actual strategy is. Like, what is sphagnum plan to eliminate private ownership of capital without a military coup? And if the idea is a military coup... You probably want to be more nationalist than this.


One Winged Slayer
Sep 12, 2018
Pretty clearly communism is not (communist regimes in actuality have varied from being anti-nationalist to pretty much nationalist themselves), but the OP and a large amount of the posters in here are communists and it just confused me what their actual strategy is. Like, what is sphagnum plan to eliminate private ownership of capital without a military coup? And if the idea is a military coup... You probably want to be more nationalist than this.

I was being sarcastic and I'm not a communist, but what does this have to do with the topic of this thread?


Oct 25, 2017
Pretty clearly communism is not (communist regimes in actuality have varied from being anti-nationalist to pretty much nationalist themselves), but the OP and a large amount of the posters in here are communists and it just confused me what their actual strategy is. Like, what is sphagnum plan to eliminate private ownership of capital without a military coup?

I would follow the Prophet Joseph Smith's divinely revealed plan for the United Order of Enoch in accordance with the Law of Consecration, duh.


Oct 27, 2017
Hello flag-burning thread. Isn't it time we discussed whether favoring a transition to communism, a scenario perhaps only achievable by military coup, is hypocrisy?

Edit: Ah, guess someone beat me to it
Mar 10, 2018
Just Captain Communist arguing with a European
Oct 26, 2017
I was being sarcastic and I'm not a communist, but what does this have to do with the topic of this thread?

This is anti-nationalist signalling (which I don't really have feelings on either way) from an OP and other posters that want to overthrow the US government.

And it just confuses me as you need a military coup to overthrow the US government. This topic represents a broader trend of people whose philosophies are only achievable with a military coup attacking the US military (with fascists doing it a lot currently)


Oct 25, 2017
That one post a long ways back about the Flag Code piqued my interest. Is there a resource to learn about why burning it was decided to be the proper way to dispose of a flag?


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Hates the US so much not only do you move here but you become a citizen. Makes sense.
My father lived several years under a US-backed dictatorship in Argentina that covertly murdered thousands of people.

The same nation later suffered a horrific economic collapse after US markets pressured it to make concessions for US investors, only to get completely fucked when those investments moved to Brazil.

I can't speak for my dad. He moved to the United States decades ago and loves the country and is happy that me and my siblings got to live most of our lives here. But I can say that maybe, just maybe, you can fuck off if you're going to make these kinds of posts.


Oct 25, 2017
Pretty clearly communism is not (communist regimes in actuality have varied from being anti-nationalist to pretty much nationalist themselves), but the OP and a large amount of the posters in here are communists and it just confused me what their actual strategy is. Like, what is sphagnum plan to eliminate private ownership of capital without a military coup? And if the idea is a military coup... You probably want to be more nationalist than this.
One can identify as, say a Communist, but at the same time not have a plan to make America Communist...

I mean, I doubt many of them on era if any of them expect to see America as, say, Socialist, in their life time. They just really don't agree with Capitalism and wish things were different, mostly.

Like it really seems like you are trying hard for a "gotcha" here but there isn't any contradiction except in your mind. Worse is that you are attempting to derail the thread by making this about communism when it has nothing to do with that other than your apparent grievances with the OP.


One Winged Slayer
Sep 12, 2018
Maybe the communist discussion can be moved into its own thread? I dunno what this one is for anymore, but I am here for the ride.

Van Bur3n

Oct 27, 2017
If y'all are going to start entertaining the "European vs. Communist" weirdos with actual debate regarding Communism then you're just going to take the fun out of it.
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
Well many of us were pretty much brained washed as children by the education system, having to pledge our allegiance daily to a piece of cloth. To be fair.

and a bunch of those people just grew into adulthood never questioning it lol

Hello flag-burning thread. Isn't it time we discussed whether favoring a transition to communism, a scenario perhaps only achievable by military coup, is hypocrisy?

Edit: Ah, guess someone beat me to it

Oct 26, 2017
honest question
why is so much of your identity on this forum rooted in shadowboxing "the internet left"
like what does this post even mean

My post is a critique of the entire mission of trying to abolish ownership of capital in the United States without military support as I find the entire theory that you could abolish private ownership of capital in the United States without a military coup to be laughable.

I "shadowbox" the 20 posters on Era who are communist/anarchist because I find those philosophies really bad and this site bans monarchists/libertarians/fascists/primativists/basically anyone with a philosophy as bad as anarchy/communism other than anarchists/communists.


Oct 25, 2017
and a bunch of those people just grew into adulthood never questioning it lol
Seriously. I think a person can be liberal or progressive as fuck in all other ways, but because of conditioning, they feel they are being personally attacked if harm is done to the flag or their patriotism is questioned or even if others say they don't love this country. I mean, they PLEDGED ALLEGIANCE to the flag!

It was very effective.


Oct 25, 2017
Pretty clearly communism is not (communist regimes in actuality have varied from being anti-nationalist to pretty much nationalist themselves), but the OP and a large amount of the posters in here are communists and it just confused me what their actual strategy is. Like, what is sphagnum plan to eliminate private ownership of capital without a military coup? And if the idea is a military coup... You probably want to be more nationalist than this.

Do you not see how you're derailing the thread here, you're just randomly bringing up the OP's and other poster's political backgrounds as some kind of "gotcha". There's a whole OT to talk about socialism, but given how disingenuous you're being here, it makes too much sense that you stay away from a discussion that requires a little effort to engage with, instead taking potshots in a completely unrelated thread.
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
This whole thread feels like people just going "U mad?" back and forth

every few pages we get this take from someone who hasn't read the thread and then heeere we go again again

My post is a critique of the entire mission of trying to abolish ownership of capital in the United States without military support as I find the entire theory that you could abolish private ownership of capital in the United States without a military coup to be laughable.

I "shadowbox" the 20 posters on Era who are communist/anarchist because I find those philosophies really bad and this site bans monarchists/libertarians/fascists/primativists/basically anyone with a philosophy as bad as anarchy/communism other than anarchists/communists.

ok but can you do that in a thread where that's the topic
Oct 26, 2017
you know for something you don't have feelings on you sure do go on about it a bunch

I don't care about anti-nationalist signalling, I do care about communism as a philosophy which I dislike. I find the anti-nationalist strategy of most communists (as well as libertarians, fascists, anarchists etc) to be very poor as their philosophy requires a military coup.


Oct 29, 2017
My post is a critique of the entire mission of trying to abolish ownership of capital in the United States without military support as I find the entire theory that you could abolish private ownership of capital in the United States without a military coup to be laughable.

I "shadowbox" the 20 posters on Era who are communist/anarchist because I find those philosophies really bad and this site bans monarchists/libertarians/fascists/primativists/basically anyone with a philosophy as bad as anarchy/communism other than anarchists/communists.
Is communism as bad as fascism


Oct 27, 2017
My post is a critique of the entire mission of trying to abolish ownership of capital in the United States without military support as I find the entire theory that you could abolish private ownership of capital in the United States without a military coup to be laughable.

I "shadowbox" the 20 posters on Era who are communist/anarchist because I find those philosophies really bad and this site bans monarchists/libertarians/fascists/primativists/basically anyone with a philosophy as bad as anarchy/communism other than anarchists/communists.
thanks, this explains it all


Feb 3, 2019
My post is a critique of the entire mission of trying to abolish ownership of capital in the United States without military support as I find the entire theory that you could abolish private ownership of capital in the United States without a military coup to be laughable.

I "shadowbox" the 20 posters on Era who are communist/anarchist because I find those philosophies really bad and this site bans monarchists/libertarians/fascists/primativists/basically anyone with a philosophy as bad as anarchy/communism other than anarchists/communists.
Maybe someone with more forum experience can weigh in here, but this sounds like off-topic beef that has now derailed the thread.
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