
Oct 25, 2017
The as-yet-untitled play is set during a pivotal moment in Westeros history, The Great Tourney at Harrenhal, a contest that took place just 16 years before the events in Game of Thrones.

"The play will for the first time take audiences deeper behind the scenes of a landmark event that previously was shrouded in mystery," reads the play's official description. "Featuring many of the most iconic and well-known characters from the series, the production will boast a story centered around love, vengeance, madness and the dangers of dealing in prophecy, in the process revealing secrets and lies that have only been hinted at until now."

In Westeros lore, the Great Tourney was held over 10 days and was considered the biggest competition event in Westeros history, with tournaments of jousting, archery and more. No characters have yet been officially confirmed for the play. But according to Martin's previously published books, attendees of the event included a young, shy Ned Stark, his rebellious sister Lyanna, cocky teenage Jaime Lannister, powerful Lord Robert Baratheon, lovestruck Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, dashing Prince Oberyn Martell and noble knight Ser Barristan Selmy, among many others (keep in mind, Martin's Westeros timeline is different than the HBO series as the show had to age-up several characters in order to hire actors who could work with adult material). Some other characters who were around during that time period and who could likewise, in theory, be included the show include Cersei Lannister, Tywin Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Littlefinger and Varys. Younger characters from the series – such as Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow and Arya Stark – were not yet born. At the conclusion of the event, Prince Rhaegar publicly declared his love for Robert's betrothed, Lyanna Stark – a move which led to Robert's Rebellion and the Targaryens being overthrown.


Oct 25, 2017
Very interesting. That could potentially reveal major new information, especially with regards to Lyanna / Howland Reed / Rhaegar / Ashara Dayne.


Oct 29, 2017
Yeah this must be because George doesn't plan to info-dump the tourney in the books, while at the same time not wanting a show to be the medium through which all would be revealed. He probably gets to write all the key points.

Howlan Reed was an agent of the greenseers, seeking to destroy/wreck the Targs, like the Ghost of High Heart before, I bet. She said she gorged on grief at Summerhall, and she likely orchestrated Jenny of Oldstone's union with Duncan the Small to bring them down. Gorging means to eat greedily. "In the halls of the kings who are gone, Jenny danced with her ghosts." Dancing with the allies of the old gods, on the graves of the dead Targs.
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Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Having read a million fanfic of the tourney if harrenhal

Rhaegar angst about varys screwing his plan and aerys going

Lyanna sang about Robert

Squires beating up howland reed

Jaime lannister made kings guard and sent away

Jenny of oldstone makes lyanna cry

Eddard crushes on ashara possibly sleeps with her, or Brandon does, gets her pregnant for the stillborn caused by war stress and specifically elia and the children's death

Knight if the laughing tree

Aerys calls for the knight to be captured

Some people like robert and richard lonmouth brag off cmti catch the knight

Rhaegar does in the godswoods and a twist its lyanna( I have seen many variations of this conversation they all share on common rhaegar covering it up, ) safe to assume feelings start to develop,

Queen of love and beauty lyanna


Oct 25, 2017
Howlan Reed was an agent of the greenseers, seeking to destroy/wreck the Targs, like the Ghost of High Heart before, I bet. She said she gorged on grief at Summerhall, and she likely orchestrated Jenny of Oldstone's union with Duncan the Small to bring them down. Gorging means to eat greedily. "In the halls of the kings who are gone, Jenny danced with her ghosts." Dancing with the allies of the old gods, on the graves of the dead Targs.

This is some weird tinfoil, haha.

Given what we know of the Ghost of High Heart's love for Jenny, this characterization of her seems incredibly unlikely. "Gorged" in this context being a poetic way of saying that with everyone she loved burning alive, her grief was overwhelming.

I also don't think there's some greenseer conspiracy against the Targaryens.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Bloodraven killing everyone to get to aegon the 5th on purpose is a common theory

It is kinda supported by Maekor not remembering the strike that killed baelor

And the what are. The odds factor of vallars and matarys and daeron, and rhaegal and aenor, and daeron, and the of the 3rd blackfyre rebellion reverting back to his younger self and drinking wildfyre
And maekor crushed by a bolder before maegor could grow up
And then duncan getting so horny for a peasant he marries her instead of just taking her as a mistress and this peasant happens to be freinds with some rando witch who inflected prince that was promised stuff onto the family

Which is gofmd because if you went back and told like viserys I and daemon and rhaenys and rhaenyra and what not they would have not have given a fuck about a prince that was promised

Probably that a guy with a fire sword is way less impressive to dragon

Ofcourse "bloodraven did it" isnt my favorite form of crack theory as it makes the world feel less dynamic and not a real bouncing of atoms, and more some chess match


Oct 29, 2017
This is some weird tinfoil, haha.

Given what we know of the Ghost of High Heart's love for Jenny, this characterization of her seems incredibly unlikely. "Gorged" in this context being a poetic way of saying that with everyone she loved burning alive, her grief was overwhelming.

I also don't think there's some greenseer conspiracy against the Targaryens.

No, the Ghost of High Heart's only "sad sound" from the red wedding she foresees is Aegon Frey's little bells. She cackles when she tells where Arya might find her mother, because she knows they are doomed. She has no love for the kingdoms of men. She goes on to essentially remind everyone present that the Old Gods did not forget after reminding them that the first men burned their woods, that they are dying but not dead "not yet!" and that neither is she. So what is she up to before she finally dies?

Jenny was her friend, just as there are those who are allied to the old gods, but in her attempt to screw the Targs she caused the death of her friend, which is the one thing she regrets. When she tells Arya to "be gone!" she is angry that Arya is coming to her as if offering more food to a glutton full of regret for having eaten so much. She most likely committed to bringing about the tragedy of Summerhall after someone came to her with similar grief, maybe Jenny herself.

The Ghost of High Heart or similar folks tried, probably, to push for a union of Stark and Targs through the Pact of Ice & Fire (probably a precursor to what Rhaegar later came to believe, under whose' influence?), so as to prevent a future event where a Targaryen would burn down the weirwoods and defeat the Others, the Others being protectors of the weirwood (the trees turned to warriors under the greenseers: the Others look like walking weirwood). Daenery is coming as the red priests' messiah, the Red God's champion, and a union of Stark and Targaryens is seen as something that would have brought the Targs under the fold of worshiping the old gods. But the "prince who was promised" in the pact never came to be, and so here we are, with the Others now marching south to protect the Gods' Eye.

In the show, them burning the spiral was a symbol of what they came to stop.

You have to see the Ghost of High Heart as a double agent trying to prevent dragons from being awakened at Summerhall.

It's not so tinfoil. Am I wrong? Maybe ;) My avatar says I can be wrong.
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Oct 29, 2017
HBO has been posting these "a decade of Game of Thrones", I guess it's the anniversary.

BTW, I now believe the show didn't spoil the real ending of the books. Too much about Bran being king parallels the Night's King in the books. Joramun and his horn that wakes giants from the earth = Tormund Giantsbane (his big horn that would wake a giant, his COCK). It is said it could bring down the wall, well Tormund went south of the wall. Old Nan said the Night's King's name was Brandon Stark, and that he may have slept in Bran's very bed. She says he was defeated by his brother. It is said the Night's King's name was erased from history, but what if his name was given to the hero? His name was Brandon Stark, but history instead remembers the hero as a Brandon rather than the Night's King.

And Old Nan said she has a story of a boy who hated stories. Of course he would hate stories, because the story ultimately says the Night's King is defeated.

I think the show basically ended before the book's real ending. D&D must have preferred that, and ran out of time anyway, and may have wanted to not spoil George's actual ending.

This means that when Jon goes north of the wall with Tormund, it is to find the actual TEC and destroy him. In the show Jorah was supposed to survive and end up at the wall, which would imply a betrayal of Dany. So I think Jorah killed Daenerys originally, ends up banished at the wall to appease Daenerys' supporters, Jon retakes the post of lord commander because that was his vow, and he eventually goes north with Tormund and maybe a few companions to find the TEC, of which Bloodraven would have just been a facade. The sword that killed Mhysa! Mhysa! would now be Lightbringer. Some theorize that such a sword would need a special hilt that can withstand fire; a dragonbone hilt, the Catspaw's dagger's hilt. So the sword used to kill "Bran" has a hilt made with the dagger's that was used to attempt to kill him.

"Innocent? The wretched boy was spying on us." -Jaime Lannister


Oct 29, 2017

I'm telling yall they'll announce the real ending is coming. It's going to be a movie. Set after Bran became king. Arya and Bran's trailer, at the end, it's teasing it.


Oct 29, 2017
I doubt it.

Personally I'd be skeptical of a movie but who the fuck am I kidding I'd watch the hell out of it.

I thought about it again.
The show ended exactly where the books' Night's King story would begin. Think about it.
I got it wrong in my previous post. JON is the next Night's King, who was said to have been lord commander, and it is Daenerys he will find (in some form) north of the wall. His corpse queen. Brandon the Breaker = Bran the Broken. Joramun and his horn of winter that could wake giants and bring the wall down is Tormund and his big cock, who went south of the wall. The show even hinted at Daenerys becoming some Other, when she told Jon they could be together at the waterfall for a thousand years, while wearing her weirwood-looking dress. The Others are protectors of the weirwood, and Bran essentially stole the gods' "fire" like Prometheus. Lightbringer is Drogon, under Bran's control.

It's coming!


Oct 29, 2017
https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/ update
Absolutely nothing, except the title image is "Winter is coming" :o

BTW HBO continuing with these strange "Official Trailer" releases for characters, after Bran and Arya now they have Brienne.

So one again, an "official trailer" for a character who is still alive at the end of the show.

Until they release one for a dead character (Catelyn, Ned, Robb, Sandor, Jaime, Rickon, Jorah), I am telling yall this is building up to a sequel announcement! Daenerys doesn't count cause she'd be coming back.


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017




Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/ update
Absolutely nothing, except the title image is "Winter is coming" :o

My life has become one of extremes these past few months. Some days I do not know whether to laugh or cry, to shoot off fireworks and dance in the streets or crawl back into bed and pull the covers over my head. The good stuff that has been happening to me has been very very very good, the kind of thing that will make a year, or a career.



Oct 29, 2017
Another bit to supplement my theory that the Night's King's story was about the future, and that Joramun is Tormund, and hence that the show didn't do the actual ending but ended before it:

"He was a good man... No. He was a great man. A maester of the Citadel, chained and sworn, and Sworn Brother of the Night's Watch, ever faithful. When he was born they named him for a hero who had died too young, but though he lived a long long time, his own life was no less heroic. No man was wiser, or gentler, or kinder. At the Wall, a dozen lords commander came and went during his years of service, but he was always there to counsel them. He counseled kings as well. He could have been a king himself, but when they offered him the crown he told them they should give it to his younger brother. How many men would do that? He was the blood of the dragon, but now his fire has gone out. He was Aemon Targaryen. And now his watch is ended."

Jon would be the 13th lord commander under Aemon's reign.

Jon's real name in the books will be Brandon. Which Old Nan said was the Night's King's name.

It makes perfect sense that Rhaegar and Lyanna would name him Brandon out of guilt for Brandon's death, and in his honor. Ned would have changed the name because he wants to put as much distance between Jon and his mother as possible, and especially not give him the name of the one who would have been heir.

Also I just realized Tormund is also known as Horn Blower and Ice Breaker, reinforcing the idea that he is Joramun.

So if I am right, D&D ended the show before the real ending. It's either that or Bran changes the timeline in the books and prevents the NK story from taking place.

"This... this isn't the end. Not for you. Not yet."

"How will we know it's the end?"

"You'll know."

When the weirwoods burns.




Bran was supposed to get Lightbringer, the masterless Drogon, and burn the weirwoods, to finally put an end to the cycle. But in doing so, he would end all the source of magic that powers him. Brandon the Breaker.

"One day, Bran, you will be Robb's bannerman, holding a keep of your own for your brother and your king, and justice will fall to you. When that day comes, you must take no pleasure in the task, but neither must you look away. A ruler who hides behind paid executioners soon forgets what death is."
That was when Jon reappeared on the crest of the hill before them. He waved and shouted down at them."

I'm starting if GRRM didn't literally plan to always hide what the last book would be, where ADoS would actually be a fake "last book", and after it's published and everyone wonders WTF is it really over he announces a new actual ending book. The title "A Dream of Spring" always hinted at the idea that when that book is over the world is still engulfed in winter.
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Oct 29, 2017
Elio and Linda gave an interview today, not sure how often they do so:

We spoke with Elio M. García Jr. and Linda Antonsson from @Westeros, the co-authors of The World of Ice and Fire with George R.R. Martin, to discuss the play about the Tourney at Harrenhal, and to answer the questions from the ASOIAF Italian community.

Probably nothing, but feels like a potential publicity bit no?

But man the host's voice is like a talking rock.