
Nov 30, 2017
I've been thinking a lot about this, because we're entering an era where 4chan/8chan's "edgy" relevance to a pre-teen generation is now bearing fruit in 21-28 year olds across the entire world. I've interviewed Gamergate victims who themselves socialized on imageboards like 4chan in the late '00s and early '10s and have since faced a serious reckoning for themselves. (I won't dare try to speak for their personal grappling with being in any way associated with imageboards, since that's a case-by-case kind of story.)

I'm not excusing garbage or dehumanizing behavior. I'm asking about the deep, generation-wide effects of how endless fake irony, combined with anonymity, has been tossed around for years as an excuse for typing and participating in utter vitriol, and how that doesn't just flip a switch when you become adult-aged. You're not leaving behind the schoolyards anymore. They follow you on the screens in your pockets and on your computers. Maybe you keep going back to the same forums, chat rooms, video calls, whatever.

Some people thought the era of unlimited sharing of personal lives would be the "end of shame." I've seen futurists predict this, that political scandals will be a thing of the past when everyone has equal amounts of "dirty laundry" from their teen years sitting on the endlessly archived Internet. But I don't think those futurists thought about the weaponization of heavily targeted social media as a factor. It's easy to laser-focus a single person's online history and broadcast it without context or empathy. A single person's fuck-up is usually a symptom of a greater societal issue, and social media doesn't do a good job of letting us vilify bad behavior while ALSO putting it into responsible context.
Great post. Sums up a lot of my feelings on the internet without being mean or nasty. That last sentence especially gets to the core of it.


Oct 28, 2017
Self hate is always sad to see.
She seems to be having trouble dealing with the fact shes biracial and actively hates her black side.

Sad sad state of affairs.
Hopefully no one in the industry will want to work with her and her career is over.

Her current hit song was likely a rip.
And the person who produced it?
Dr Luke, the man who is currently still going through legal actions regarding the physical, emotional and sexual abuse of Kesha.
Shes in good company already.

Doja's Only Klans
Doja KKKat
Doja Scat

Twitter is savage and this is the 3rd day people dragging her. How long will it go?

As long as more shit keeps coming up im sure she will keep getting dragged for a little while....she doesnt have anywhere near the level of stans that other artists who have been dragged have.
If other artists start distancing themselves from her she going be to not really charting and being that artist you once knew.
Second album that no one talks about.
She doesnt exactly have a squad she can keep making tracks with to boost her popularity after this slup.
Atleast she got the Klan.
Oct 27, 2017
She also said this about Beyonce, she's done.

Just ask Keri Hilson what happens when Beyonce decides to shut your career down.

In 2015 she released a song ( Dindu Nuffin ) which is a racist word that originated in 4 chan

- Sad world that we live in people

I was following this and it was crazy. There was some really nasty shit she was doing and saying. The cucumber being pulled out her vagina and vomiting stuff is just gross as fuck. Her using the N word while begging for these nasty white incels to fuck her is disgusting.

She is clearly a racist and this apology is typical PR bullshit.

And people wanna give her the benefit of the doubt, lol.

This is some hard-R shit. This is beyond Kanye shit. This is beyond Candace Owens shit.

This level of self-hatred is jaw-dropping. She can fuck off into the sun. Ain't no sympathy for someone turns on their own.

Hope her career falls off a cliff.


Oct 25, 2017
I've been thinking a lot about this, because we're entering an era where 4chan/8chan's "edgy" relevance to a pre-teen generation is now bearing fruit in 21-28 year olds across the entire world. I've interviewed Gamergate victims who themselves socialized on imageboards like 4chan in the late '00s and early '10s and have since faced a serious reckoning for themselves. (I won't dare try to speak for their personal grappling with being in any way associated with imageboards, since that's a case-by-case kind of story.)

I'm not excusing garbage or dehumanizing behavior. I'm asking about the deep, generation-wide effects of how endless fake irony, combined with anonymity, has been tossed around for years as an excuse for typing and participating in utter vitriol, and how that doesn't just flip a switch when you become adult-aged. You're not leaving behind the schoolyards anymore. They follow you on the screens in your pockets and on your computers. Maybe you keep going back to the same forums, chat rooms, video calls, whatever.

Some people thought the era of unlimited sharing of personal lives would be the "end of shame." I've seen futurists predict this, that political scandals will be a thing of the past when everyone has equal amounts of "dirty laundry" from their teen years sitting on the endlessly archived Internet. But I don't think those futurists thought about the weaponization of heavily targeted social media as a factor. It's easy to laser-focus a single person's online history and broadcast it without context or empathy. A single person's fuck-up is usually a symptom of a greater societal issue, and social media doesn't do a good job of letting us vilify bad behavior while ALSO putting it into responsible context.

This is great.

Not at all to defend her, but I feel like she's taken her fame pretty seriously and stopped a lot of this stuff in recent years. I'm sure someone can expose where she's fucked up recently, but it is a good point worth considering. I approve strongly with call-out culture, but I do think more people have skeletons in their closet (either big or small) that are embedded in a lot of people's pasts. But hard not to see how often social media is also getting out of hand in terms of piling on much more innocuous things or people. I'm not counting Doja as part of this, she's had a sketchy history for yeears, lol, rather I've also had Hana Kimura's much sadder situation on my mind a lot too.

It's hard not to see why a counter-culture site like 4chan was so lucrative to a young and dumb and internet un-savvy generation.... But it's still surprisingly underappreciated for being a pretty serious problem that attracts a disturbing amount of people in a number of detrimental ways...
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Oct 27, 2017
Miami, FL

Doja Cat: Reloaded

But this internet-bred tendency toward the offensive has gotten her in trouble in the past. While she never makes direct reference to it during our conversation, the topic of her controversial 2015 tweet, which directed a homophobic slur toward Tyler, the Creator and Earl Sweatshirt, looms...

welp (found on reddit)

Paper Magazine Interview, December 2019:

" [But Doja's omnivorous cultural appetite shouldn't come as any surprise, given her background as a suburban teen...]

But, Doja confesses, underlying all of her online activities was a near-"religious" obsession with a chatroom — which she declines to name or share any further details about (tinychat /redpill), citing the fact that "people are fucking crazy" and will try to hunt it down — that she still frequents to this day.

According to Doja, she'd skip school for days at a time, holed up in her bedroom and hanging in the chatroom. She'd spend endless amounts of time engaging in the "light-hearted play-fighting" that was the predominant mode of communication in the chat.

"People would pick on me and use horrible, horrible language, just the worst, and I just didn't understand why people were so crazy on there," Doja says. Rather than leaving the chat room, she instead developed a thick skin and eventually joined in on the fun via her own "offensive" rhetoric. "So I became the person who would make offensive jokes and do things sort of out of the box. "

Link: https://www.papermag.com/doja-cat-b...ew-2641564531.html?rebelltitem=3#rebelltitem3
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More helpful than the IRS
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
She hangs out with a bunch of edgelords casually dropping slurs while doing things for attention (in her case, flirting), in turn co-signing that behavior even though she probably thinks its for the luz.
So that means, she's a gamer, lol.

I've seen this behavior before in gaming communities. Both with chicks and dudes (excusing misogynist remarks/attitudes) and minorities and hegemony (excusing racism).

Honestly I think it's rooted out of insecurity and the subsequent desire for attention regardless of how it's obtained.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
And people wanna give her the benefit of the doubt, lol.

This is some hard-R shit. This is beyond Kanye shit. This is beyond Candace Owens shit.

This level of self-hatred is jaw-dropping. She can fuck off into the sun. Ain't no sympathy for someone turns on their own.

Hope her career falls off a cliff.

Ehh, I don't think it's beyond Candace Owens shit. Candace unfortunately popped in my feed a few weeks ago saying that the Arbery murder/lynching was justified and the time before was her saying 'Hitler had some points!' a year or two ago?

Even in racism, there's levels, LOL.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
I've seen this behavior before in gaming communities. Both with chicks and dudes (excusing misogynist remarks/attitudes) and minorities and hegemony (excusing racism).

Honestly I think it's rooted out of insecurity and the subsequent desire for attention regardless of how it's obtained.

I get and even agree with the pathology. There are minorities who bask in being the example of 'one of the good ones' (hell, I remember reading a recent article about a female alt-right figurehead that realized, oh noes, that their sexist shit included her too). I think in the incel chat there's a white woman there too, I assume they are asking her to show her tits too.

But there's less racist ways to indulge in self-destructive behavior, nahmean? Her self-esteem issues are evident and explain it, but it doesn't really excuse.


More helpful than the IRS
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I get and even agree with the pathology. There are minorities who bask in being the example of 'one of the good ones' (hell, I remember reading a recent article about a female alt-right figurehead that realized, oh noes, that their sexist shit included her too). I think in the incel chat there's a white woman there too, I assume they are asking her to show her tits too.

But there's less racist ways to indulge in self-destructive behavior, nahmean? Her self-esteem issues are evident and explain it, but it doesn't really excuse.
Oh yeah definitely I didn't mean it in a way to excuse her behavior. It was more a commentary on how I've seen this behavior manifest before.


Oct 27, 2017
I've seen this behavior before in gaming communities. Both with chicks and dudes (excusing misogynist remarks/attitudes) and minorities and hegemony (excusing racism).

Honestly I think it's rooted out of insecurity and the subsequent desire for attention regardless of how it's obtained.
Well Doja would be in those video chats showing her ass to them and doing anything that they wanted for their pleasure


Oct 28, 2017
She was uncancelled yesterday

Why was she uncancelled?
Did she finally show her tits so the internet forgave her?

Or did her apology for homophobic slurs pop up and people realized how sorry she was for saying those things.

After all shes only said it 15 thousand times.....15.....thousand!


Apr 25, 2020
I get and even agree with the pathology. There are minorities who bask in being the example of 'one of the good ones' (hell, I remember reading a recent article about a female alt-right figurehead that realized, oh noes, that their sexist shit included her too). I think in the incel chat there's a white woman there too, I assume they are asking her to show her tits too.

But there's less racist ways to indulge in self-destructive behavior, nahmean? Her self-esteem issues are evident and explain it, but it doesn't really excuse.
I think there's a lot to unpack here with Doja's particular case, because I think I read somewhere a while ago that although she is biracial, she was primarily raised by her white mother in a predominately white neighborhood. And, for clarity, I'm not condoning her self-hatred; rather, I find her rather pitiful and I am trying to make sense of why and how she ended up here. I understand there are concerns with pathologizing racism, but I think that it is helpful to understand why people in certain marginalized identities feel accepted in bigoted online spaces. I think it's different when the topic is more about self-hatred.

To be honest, I don't think we have the language to describe edgy online groups and the self-deprecating ironic humor often found in these spaces. This phenomenon is fairly new and we're only just now seeing the ramifications of what uninhibited internet freedom and exposure is doing to us.


Oct 27, 2017
This is actually really sad to me.

I'm not as big a fan of hers as friends of mine were, but I'm mixed and a decent bit of my family alienated themselves from other black people here with their elitism about their supposed connections to "sophisticated", wealthy, European culture. I went on 4chan and stuff growing up too, before it became really apparent and uncomfortable for me how people like me, my family, my friends were looked at by a lot of people there. A lot of this feels like looking at someone like myself, who instead of moving out of those communities filled with anti black/queer rhetoric, went in the opposite direction and doubled down on the idea of hateful shit just being a meaningless joke.

I hope she learns, but I'm not optimistic. It's a shame.


Oct 25, 2017
Why was she uncancelled?
Did she finally show her tits so the internet forgave her?

Or did her apology for homophobic slurs pop up and people realized how sorry she was for saying those things.

After all shes only said it 15 thousand times.....15.....thousand!

She sounds like my uncle used to talk about it back in the 90s.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
This is great.

Not at all to defend her, but I feel like she's taken her fame pretty seriously and stopped a lot of this stuff in recent years. I'm sure someone can expose where she's fucked up recently, but it is a good point worth considering. I approve strongly with call-out culture, but I do think more people have skeletons in their closet (either big or small) that are embedded in a lot of people's pasts. But hard not to see how often social media is also getting out of hand in terms of piling on much more innocuous things or people (I'm not counting Doja as part of this lol) (rather I've also had Hana Kimura's situation on my mind a lot too).

It's hard not to see why a counter-culture site like 4chan was so lucrative to a young and dumb and internet un-savvy generation.... But it's still surprisingly underappreciated for being a pretty serious problem that attracts a disturbing amount of people in a number of detrimental ways...
i really don't think she has, she clearly still gets some type of fulfillment out of hanging in these spaces because she was caught red handed as recently as last week. she hasn't grown out of it at all
but otherwise i do agree with your post


Oct 28, 2017
She sounds like the way my uncle used to talk about it back in the 90s.

I dont think I hate gay people.
Gay is okay.

Is such an odd way to end her not apology....cuz note she doesnt actually apologize she basically just says it was a long time ago get over it.

The internet forums/chatrooms clearly ruined her perception of reality.
Its actually kinda scary to think what people raised on the darker side of the internet are gonna be like as adults.


Oct 26, 2017
I was following this and it was crazy. There was some really nasty shit she was doing and saying. The cucumber being pulled out her vagina and vomiting stuff is just gross as fuck. Her using the N word while begging for these nasty white incels to fuck her is disgusting.

She is clearly a racist and this apology is typical PR bullshit.

What whatttttttt?
She out here fucking a pickle?


Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (3 Weeks): Sexist Drive-By; Prior Related Infractions
When she's alt-right but she thicc



Apr 25, 2020
I dont think I hate gay people.
Gay is okay.

Is such an odd way to end her not apology....cuz note she doesnt actually apologize she basically just says it was a long time ago get over it.

The internet forums/chatrooms clearly ruined her perception of reality.
Its actually kinda scary to think what people raised on the darker side of the internet are gonna be like as adults.
Yeah, this really opens up a larger conversation about the effects of the internet. With a "little digging" people can find more progressive spaces and challenge their world view into being more tolerant, patient, and open-minded with other people's life experiences. This is demonstrated in this thread by some posters saying that they've changed for the better after finding this forum, and I know there are other progressive online spaces that engage in similar conversations that people have here.

But, I think it's important to also recognize that some people can also easily stumble upon spaces that are rife with self-deprecating, depressing, "ironic," edgy, straight-up hateful dialogues. It seems that people often forget that for every 4Chan and Reddit feed that hosts more progressive spaces, there is almost always a counter to that with giving edgy/hateful communities a space on the same platform. Since our sense of real-life and digital identities are slowly merging, it's going to be interesting to see more case studies of "regretful and pitiful" instances of online socialization like this happening in the future.


Oct 29, 2017
Just another artist using black culture to elevate themselves to to get famous, then to trash the art and culture once they've made it. Yes I know she's biracial.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
She is 24. In 2008, when Project Chanology got 4chan into the mainstream as a response to Scientology, she was 12.

As far as the idea of someone's gender, ethnicity, or background meaning they're held to a higher standard by default..... I have many pamphlets for you to read. Here's one.

Depends on what we are talking about? Internalized bigotry? I think a big part of the successes of the patriarchy and white supremacy is how we are all effectively brainwashed and unwitting tools, POC included.

When I said Doja is old, I am saying she's clearly into adulthood. The trappings of being a woman of color she would have already run into, and would have had to make conscious decisions to say to herself

1)That's Racist!
2)Ehh, maybe I misheard them
3)Oh, they might have thought I was one of THOSE kinds of black woman, luckily I am not.

She's at the age where real life has already smacked her in the face, and thus those choices are a bit more concious and thoughtful then a 12 year old that only knows 7th grade.

But I can say that I too have my own biases. I fully admit I give redemption stories a side eye because often they are a tool of white supremacy (Look at him, he just hugged the Klan member and now he cured racism!) and ask for labor on the victim to help the oppressor feel better about themselves. And it's not like I don't have my own issues too; we all do. But this is so clearly past the weeds...I dunno. Points are made that they are so socialized in casual edgelord bigotry that they don't have a normal barometer for what is clearly hateful behavior. But that idea in itself is a slippery slope that white supremacy abuses.


More helpful than the IRS
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Well Doja would be in those video chats showing her ass to them and doing anything that they wanted for their pleasure
I've seen this before. I grew up on gaming forums, like her.

Not to derail too much, but I have an experience that I always tell women/girls when I see this behavior.

I was involved in a WoW forum, and there were three chicks involved in this story - Chick 1, Chick 2, and Chick 3 (me). Chicktwo and I were both in the same faction and we were friends. Chickone hated us and aligned herself with a "troll" guild (a bunch of 4channers who said lots of misogynist, racist, and generally scummy shit) and loved shitting on us at any chance she could. Chicktwo and I weren't blameless by any means, but yeah Chickone reallllyyyy took every chance she could to call us a bunch of attentionwhores and fake gamer girls.

Then I woke up one morning and logged onto the forum only to see a huge thread in which the troll guild had posted a bunch of pictures of Chickone-- naked photos of her that they took when she cammed with them and was exposing herself and performing sexual acts with inanimate objects.

It was awful to see, honestly. And even though I always *knew* that being one of the good ones meant you were not immune, that you'd be thrown away, that they would turn on you once they decided your usefulness had been finished... I mean seeing it like that was a reminder that no matter HOW much you give up to try and be accepted, they will never truly accept you and you will get thrown under the bus.

I see people who think they are the exception and I always hope they are right. But, I don't believe that they are. Time and time again shows that this just isn't the case.
Oct 25, 2017
...It makes me really uncomfortable seeing all this and it reminds me that plenty of folks, including non-white/straight/cis people get trapped up in this...internet cesspool and get so lost you end up being okay with sharing space with those who'll call you nigger or tranny or whatever the fuck. Forget the stan shit or #cancelled shit, I hope she and everyone else like her can get a much needed internet detox and counseling. I dont find the need for treating mental issues and self hate like a sports match result but....whatever. Idk. To anyone reading this who are still one foot in this toxic swamp, I genuinely wish you good fortune and a space to reflect, recover and grow..


Oct 25, 2017
I've seen this before. I grew up on gaming forums, like her.

Not to derail too much, but I have an experience that I always tell women/girls when I see this behavior.

I was involved in a WoW forum, and there were three chicks involved in this story - Chick 1, Chick 2, and Chick 3 (me). Chicktwo and I were both in the same faction and we were friends. Chickone hated us and aligned herself with a "troll" guild (a bunch of 4channers who said lots of misogynist, racist, and generally scummy shit) and loved shitting on us at any chance she could. Chicktwo and I weren't blameless by any means, but yeah Chickone reallllyyyy took every chance she could to call us a bunch of attentionwhores and fake gamer girls.

Then I woke up one morning and logged onto the forum only to see a huge thread in which the troll guild had posted a bunch of pictures of Chickone-- naked photos of her that they took when she cammed with them and was exposing herself and performing sexual acts with inanimate objects.

It was awful to see, honestly. And even though I always *knew* that being one of the good ones meant you were not immune, that you'd be thrown away, that they would turn on you once they decided your usefulness had been finished... I mean seeing it like that was a reminder that no matter HOW much you give up to try and be accepted, they will never truly accept you and you will get thrown under the bus.

I see people who think they are the exception and I always hope they are right. But, I don't believe that they are. Time and time again shows that this just isn't the case.
That's troubling. Hope chickone turned out ok


Nov 15, 2017
Was waiting for the thread to pop up eventually
She was on that OnlyKlans shit
I hate that more people on social media were unaware and exposed to terms like "dindu muffin" but now they know


Oct 27, 2017
I've seen this before. I grew up on gaming forums, like her.

Not to derail too much, but I have an experience that I always tell women/girls when I see this behavior.

I was involved in a WoW forum, and there were three chicks involved in this story - Chick 1, Chick 2, and Chick 3 (me). Chicktwo and I were both in the same faction and we were friends. Chickone hated us and aligned herself with a "troll" guild (a bunch of 4channers who said lots of misogynist, racist, and generally scummy shit) and loved shitting on us at any chance she could. Chicktwo and I weren't blameless by any means, but yeah Chickone reallllyyyy took every chance she could to call us a bunch of attentionwhores and fake gamer girls.

Then I woke up one morning and logged onto the forum only to see a huge thread in which the troll guild had posted a bunch of pictures of Chickone-- naked photos of her that they took when she cammed with them and was exposing herself and performing sexual acts with inanimate objects.

It was awful to see, honestly. And even though I always *knew* that being one of the good ones meant you were not immune, that you'd be thrown away, that they would turn on you once they decided your usefulness had been finished... I mean seeing it like that was a reminder that no matter HOW much you give up to try and be accepted, they will never truly accept you and you will get thrown under the bus.

I see people who think they are the exception and I always hope they are right. But, I don't believe that they are. Time and time again shows that this just isn't the case.
Back in the mid-2000s, there were a few women on the IGN boards (The Vestibule primarily) who purposefully made sex tapes and took nude pics for a few people on the board. This was knee deep in the "tits or gtfo" phenomenon. And of course, that shit was weaponized with the quickness. Women bounced with a quickness, some stuck around and flaunted it as a gimmick to save face, and so on.

These kinds of counter-productive things don't really surprise me. It's always disappointing, and given the popularity of the reddit/imageboard format over traditional forum structure, it's of course gotten worse, and it reaching this thread involving a pop artist who got fame with a 4chan-esque meme song really should've been a foregone conclusion.

I don't even know where I'm going with this post beyond agreeing with you by reciting another story, but I'm more disappointed with the Doja thing than I am angry. Maybe because I had my own phase of black self-hate thing going on as a teen thanks to the internet, but I digress.


Jan 3, 2018
Lol I knew I was getting bad vibes from her from some interviews, and watching her snap on people while doing makeup. Also, the Minaj "used to be bi, now im just a hetero" or whatever made me remember how homophobic she was back when the moo song got popular. She adding on now and its just shameful. So many people were starting to turn to her rather than Lizzo because of body/sex positivity and her fair skin. its just disgusting.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
My thoughts on this are a bit all over the place. All of it is disgusting. But it's also difficult for me not to think a large part of it comes from her own mental health problems and self-hatred.


May 15, 2019
Extremely disgusting, but also deeply sad and pathetic, to an almost pitiable extent. But man, this is some fucking gross shit.


Feb 17, 2019
The moment I saw her trollish Moo video and those anime girls I feared for this to happen. She probably grew up on these boards, you wouldn't know this kind of language any other way especially not as early as 2015. Sad to see this kind of internalized anti-blackness, but then again if the f-word didn't get her cancelled then this won't either. Her main audience is white anyway and I can only imagine that 4channers are dubbing her their new queen.