
Oct 25, 2017
Any drug has the potential for side effects and adverse reactions, especially if you're taking a lot of it frequently. And this goes doubly for stuff that's directly interfacing with the brain. It's an important thing to keep in mind for any recreational drug, even one as ubiquitous and generally benign as caffiene that's so omnipresent in our society a lot of people forget it's a drug at all. That doesn't mean that it should be illegal, but it's something people should be aware of and keep in mind, and it's why commonly used drugs should be well studied, from alcohol to weed to aspirin. Understanding what potential adverse affects are and what the risk factors for those adverse affects are is important


Nov 15, 2018
Smoking weed every 15 minutes fucks your health? I'm shocked.

I stopped smoking a long time ago, mostly eat a 1/3 of an edible of 30mg THC that's enough for me. Moderation is key.

When I get to the point that the 1/3 of 30mg THC gummy isn't doing much I take a 3 week THC tolerance break to reset my tolerance to THC.

If you drink coffee by obscene amounts it's going to fuck you up, same alcohol and basically anything in excess.


Jul 3, 2018
Having watched a friend's paranoid moments / panic attacks of sorts when they were on it, something that took me a bit to register as such, was definitely eye opening for my younger self. I was never convinced that there can be a world where there is no harm at all to using it, but I think my friend was. She probably wanted to believe in it. The MJ using group, or circles of it, kinda did push that agenda for a while, at least it seemed that way to me at that time.

I know there's a ton of benefits in certain scenarios and I'm all for smart uses of anything, but I'm over using any substance for fun in general and I do think it's a bit weird to be super casual about it.


Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Happy it's legal, especially for those who derive medical benefit from it. But in my social circles, almost all the heavy recreational users I know are flaky, soft and don't have their act together.

I live in a rec state and haven't gotten high in a couple years. Not only is the stuff expensive, it tended to do more harm than good in my personal experience.
I stopped doing after moving away from a recreational to a medical only state. Stuff made me feel lazy and I didn't like that. And yeah it did get expensive after a while. I don't mind it every now and then but I don't need it to have a great time.

Night Hunter

Dec 5, 2017
No shit!

I know the thread is treating this as a "yeah duh" but i feel like its not that obvious to alot of people cuz some people promote weed as a wonder drug with no downsides

This too. A friend of an ex roommate of mine back in the day once actually suggested that I don't need insulin for my type I diabetes but should just smoke weed instead. And he basically did that for everything short of AIDS and gunshot wounds and I'm not 100% sure about the AIDS as he definitely argued for weed against cancer 😵‍💫

I never smoked, but that idiot made me actively hate weed ...


“Fuck them kids.”
Oct 28, 2017
I don't smoke at all so I wouldn't know but I assume inhaling almost anytime of smoke into your lungs longterm will cause problems.


Oct 27, 2017

I would seriously go as far as to say that it's befuddling that so many people continue to smoke when vaping has become as easy, convenient, and accessible as it has. Even a $59 reloadable flower vape pen is going to clear smoking easily. You can use the same weed you've always used, just a lot less of it, and you'll get a lot more out of it. It'll taste better, feel better, smell a LOT less... To me, smoking weed just flat out doesn't make sense anymore, and I won't do it, even when asked lol.

I'm gonna quote a post of mine, showing my really nice, basic, pretty-inexpensive setup.

tl;dr - got this tiny little heater thing plugged in, sitting at my desk, always on so it's always ready to go. I just stick a tiny tiny T I N Y scoop of bud into my waterpipe chamber (i can't express enough how tiny that scoop actually is. it's so fuckin small. like if you fully load it, that's barely even 0.1g, and i load it halfway), then i slap that heater on top, inhale, and bam. no scent, practically no weed, but i get a nice cloudy rip that tastes heavenly, doesn't irritate my lungs whatsoever, and doesn't bother anyone nearby with a smell. it's a no brainer. i can't imagine going back to smoking. a single bowlpack, if smoked, would consume an amount of weed that would take me a WEEK to vape through. A joint or blunt? pure, unadulturated waste. and that's not even getting into how much less healthy it seems to consume weed that way to begin with.

i get that the upfront cost can seem intimidating, but vapes can be had for a third of what I paid for mine, and depending on how much you smoke, you'll be saving what you spent in cost of bud in like a month or less stg. shit, even when i'm done with the weed i vape, I just stick the waste in a jar, and I can reuse that waste to make cookies every couple weeks. it's just... too good.

I love my Tinymight and I only ever combust flower now if I'm out somewhere with someone and I always regret it


Oct 27, 2017
I don't even get how people get to the point where they're smoking close to a half oz or even more a day. Even when I've tried my hardest, I always plateau and don't get any higher after a certain point and smoking more just feels like a waste of weed. Worst I've ever gotten is going through an oz every 2-3 weeks.

Smoke almost nothing but concentrates these days outside of an occasional joint with friends. A gram will last me nearly two months and I smoke just about every evening.

It doesn't surprise me that doing things in excess leads to less than desirable results. Every long term wake and baker I've known has ended up behaving like a husk of a human being eventually.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
I'm glad we can have these conversations now, but I do think that it was wreckless for decades that advocates of legalization (of which I am one) shouted down, scoffed, made fun of, and lied about there being any risks to marijuana. I voted for legalization and I enjoy using marijuana, and I love that I live in a state where marijuana is legalized, I think it's much better that it's legalized and want it to be federally legalized one day. I also think that many legalization advocates bullied people with misinformation. Legalization was already rolling by the time this forum got started so it's not really as much of a topic here, but it was super common in our previous community.

It really wasn't until recently that you could even talk about marijuana addiction without having a chorus of liars laugh and boo at the person talking about it, or infer some ulterior motives.

I pretty regularly use marijuana, and I use it a lot more regularly than I did before legalization. I definitely use marijuana more at 40 than I ever did in my teens and 20s, the major contributing reason is legalization. Other side reasons is that I generally drink less, I have 2 young kids and being tired or hungover and parenting from 6am to 9pm is really hard. Getting modestly stoned after the kids go to bed and being able to reliably depend on that high being gone by 2am is a nice benefit. I still like drinking and frequently do both together, but when the high wears off, I'm just "back to normal," when a drunk wears off, I'm tired or slightly hungover. I don't really drink enough to get full blown hangovers, I'm never hungover like I was in my early/mid 20s, but it's just so hard to parent even modestly hungover I'm like, fuck it, not getting lit up.

I love concentrate vapes or whatever, the little battery powered ones that you get from the weed store. They're so convenient, no mess, no cleanup, no drug paraphernalia laying around, no "forgetting the lighter and crusty ass bowl on the table" and you wander downstairs and see your grinder, shitty ass bowl sketchy lighter, etc at 7am and have to clean it all up. No burned throat feeling (fucking hated that). I like edibles too, I'll take a 5mg mild edible once in a while, the only thing I don't like about them is they take too long.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
I love weed, but people have to treat it as if you were drinking hard liquor.

Days off only, and in moderation.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
I know the thread is treating this as a "yeah duh" but i feel like its not that obvious to alot of people cuz some people promote weed as a wonder drug with no downsides

yeah, "yeah duh" is the exact opposite of what the reaction to this was for 30 years, where people pretended that weed was a wonder drug cure all for everything, and nastily shouted down or made fun of anybody who suggested that there could be downsides, negative effects. The sheer amount of people who also bragged about how smoking makes them a better driver and how normal that was to say, it's like stepping back into the 1950s and drunk driving discussions. Totally reckless.

It's still common for people to say shit about how weed "literally doesn't affect your driving" and or that it makes them better drivers, it's insane. It's also insane how common it is to see people driving and smoking.

Henry Jones Jr

Oct 27, 2017
It really wasn't until recently that you could even talk about marijuana addiction without having a chorus of liars laugh and boo at the person talking about it, or infer some ulterior motives.

I still have some people in my life that I can't talk to about marijuana being addictive. Some still legit believe that marijuana is not additive and you cannot possibly be addicted to it. Which is baffling to me. Some still see it as a panacea and still don't believe that smoking it is bad for your lungs in any way because it is "natural."

But it has gotten better with most people. And although I do believe is can be additive (like almost anything can be) and harmful, I do still think legalization is the correct course. But I think we need to start treating it more like we treat alcohol. It can be a fun and relaxing thing to do, but it does alter your thinking and reaction times, and you can become dependent on it to feel "normal" or "calm" or "less anxious" if you over use it. There needs to be this education out there.


Oct 26, 2017
Pro legalization and decriminalization are something I've been on board with for a while and I'll never touch the stuff (very sensitive to smoke inhalation). At the end of the day it's still a drug with addictive qualities and potential side effects by the user, and should be treated as such. Drug addiction is no joke and people interested need to be responsible about it.


Oct 25, 2017
Having watched a friend's paranoid moments / panic attacks of sorts when they were on it, something that took me a bit to register as such, was definitely eye opening for my younger self. I was never convinced that there can be a world where there is no harm at all to using it, but I think my friend was. She probably wanted to believe in it. The MJ using group, or circles of it, kinda did push that agenda for a while, at least it seemed that way to me at that time.

I know there's a ton of benefits in certain scenarios and I'm all for smart uses of anything, but I'm over using any substance for fun in general and I do think it's a bit weird to be super casual about it.

Yep you're dead right. Glad to see lots of other reasonable takes in this thread. I'm an advocate for legalization and a user myself, but getting way higher than you want to be actually really sucks a lot for many people in many cases. It can be very scary, especially for inexperienced users. And with edibles and the general increased strength these days, its not something to fuck around with and no, "lol just chill bro" is not an antidote. While I can't speak personally to the science/data, it's not hard to imagine that getting really high every day would affect your brain over time.


Oct 26, 2017
All for legalization, but idk coming from a poor neighborhood, it's been plain as dirt that people take the "better than tobacco" line to mean "ok to consume infinite amounts".

The Watcher

Oct 29, 2017
I can't review all of the article rn, but is this just limited to smoking marijuana? Anything on edibles?


Oct 27, 2017
There's little to no regulation for pesticides and other chemical/additives used right? Willing to bet that also plays a part. I'm thinking of just growing my own plant but get lazy and just buy some edibles from a (hopefully) health minded brand

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
Mike Tyson's are considered Delta 9s and I only take those on the weekend and I'm good for 4-6 hours off just one gummy. Now Smacked gummies those are 1500mg and if I take a whole one I'm out of it for literally 24 hours and it can cause me to have paranoia so we've learned to half that particular brand.
Yo what 1500mg??

We've got gummies that are 20mg and I cut them into 1/3 portions and that ~6-7mg at 7pm has me feeling GOOD until 11pm when I go to sleep.


Nov 4, 2017
I'm gonna quote a post of mine, showing my really nice, basic, pretty-inexpensive setup.

Nothing makes me madder and sadder than than watching my friends grind up 0.4g to roll a joint, where 80% of the THC never reaches your lungs.

I get the appeal of joints, I like to smoke one here and there myself. Like one every few months. But for regular use I am never switching back.

I have a volcano and inhaling those bags is my favourite form of getting high. I am nobody's mommy, do what you want to do with your body.
But vaping saves money, tastes nicer on top of not killing you.

OT: I see a bit of an issue with vaping weed when it comes to addiction. When I was young it was quite the task to smoke a J and not get caught (smell lingers forever). Nowadays you can have a small pen in your pockets and can get high in any bathroom stall. Can guarantee you that I would have brought one to school if we had that back then.

atomsk eater

Oct 25, 2017
Yo what 1500mg??

We've got gummies that are 20mg and I cut them into 1/3 portions and that ~6-7mg at 7pm has me feeling GOOD until 11pm when I go to sleep.

I'm with you. No longer have entire gummies, they get cut into 1/4-1/2 portions- more and I get super paranoid. Probably would go insane on these crazy experimental ultra-strength edibles people are eating.


Oct 25, 2017
If you only need to hit two of those factors to be counted, with one of the possible criteria being "has built up tolerance" then yeah, I bet a lot of folks would fall under that umbrella by pure happenstance. That said, better to draw attention to it and allow proper studies to be done. Just don't really need this to be used to justify more "War on Drugs" mentality that has mostly been weaponized against minorities and the poor.


Oct 25, 2017

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
I'm with you. No longer have entire gummies, they get cut into 1/4-1/2 portions- more and I get super paranoid. Probably would go insane on these crazy experimental ultra-strength edibles people are eating.
I used to really dislike weed in general because when I tried it with friends multiple times it was joints or their homemade edibles and both would absolutely tear me up and I'd get paranoid as well. Getting my little tiny 7mg is the sweet spot these days and I'm so glad there are reasonable (to me) dosages and are easily available.


Nov 4, 2017
I don't even get how people get to the point where they're smoking close to a half oz or even more a day. Even when I've tried my hardest, I always plateau and don't get any higher after a certain point and smoking more just feels like a waste of weed. Worst I've ever gotten is going through an oz every 2-3 weeks.

Smoke almost nothing but concentrates these days outside of an occasional joint with friends. A gram will last me nearly two months and I smoke just about every evening.

It doesn't surprise me that doing things in excess leads to less than desirable results. Every long term wake and baker I've known has ended up behaving like a husk of a human being eventually.

I also find this baffling.
Have been to Holland multiple times on weed trips and we legit tried our best, I don't think I can smoke more than 3g in a day.

As you said, the buzz isn't getting better from smoking every 5 mins. You can't stack weed like you can with alcohol.

That said, this article is strange. It kinds implies that dangerous levels of thc ingestion weren't a thing before legalisation. It is good that people are coming forward now, so that can be investigated and regulated.


Oct 25, 2017
If you stack excessive use on an already horrible life style...yeah probably isn't great.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
I also find this baffling.
Have been to Holland multiple times on weed trips and we legit tried our best, I don't think I can smoke more than 3g in a day.

As you said, the buzz isn't getting better from smoking every 5 mins. You can't stack weed like you can with alcohol.

That said, this article is strange. It kinds implies that dangerous levels of thc ingestion weren't a thing before legalisation. It is good that people are coming forward now, so that can be investigated and regulated.
A lot is due to medical treatment of it. Meaning there's no diagnostic codes like other substances. This is important for medical professionals.

It being illegal federally still makes it hard to study.

So it's not just about drugs have side effects. It's about treatment and diagnosis.

"Cannabis should not have a free pass as something that is safe because it's legal — or safe because it's natural — because actually it clearly causes harm in a number of my patients," said Dr. Scott Hadland, who oversees adolescent medicine at Mass General for Children and is an associate professor at Harvard Medical School.

Only two states cap the levels of THC, the intoxicating component of the plant, across most of the recreational marijuana products sold in their jurisdictions. Only 10 require that those products come with warnings that cannabis can be habit-forming. Even fewer require warnings about cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome or psychosis. None are monitoring — or are even equipped to assess — the full scope of health outcomes.
"There is no other quote-unquote medicine in the history of our country where your doctor will say, 'Go experiment and tell me what happens,'" said Carrie Bearden, a clinical psychologist and neuroscientist at the University of California, Los Angeles.


Nov 1, 2017
Brisbane, Australia
the vast majority of things in this world will fuck you up if you repeatedly fill your body with them.

Many of which are way, way, way worse than cannabis.

I don't partake but there are so many things to look at first if the health impact of heavy consumption is how we determine legality of consumption.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
the vast majority of things in this world will fuck you up if you repeatedly fill your body with them.

Many of which are way, way, way worse than cannabis.

I don't partake but there are so many things to look at first if the health impact of heavy consumption is how we determine legality of consumption.
This is very general response to a very specific article. This article is not about fast food, alcohol or even water as someone suggested lol.

Also most interviewed are pro legalization.


Wrong About Cheese
Sep 21, 2020
In regards to vape pens, This was bound to happen after vaping nicotine became popular. If you don't have to "waste" a whole cigarette/joint/bowl every time you want to take a hit, you're going to take hits reflexively. I've been guilty of it when I'm doing something that weed really enhances, like hiking or chillin at the beach (or FromSoft games lol)

For me personally tho, I've cut way, way back since recreational was legalized in OR and CA. I was smoking about an ounce of flower a week from probably 2004-2017. It was ridiculous and expensive, especially before Oregon legalized it. I had a medical card in CA since I was 16 but it was still really expensive for higher quality stuff.

Now I'm really on and off. I'll get excited and smoke every day for a week, and then I'll literally forget about it for 2 weeks until I'm about to go to a movie or something and go find what bag I left it in lol.


Nov 6, 2017
As a life long smoker, 6 joints a day is alot depending on the size of the joints and the type of weed. When I was young, I would do all that dumb shit. I honestly don't know why you would smoke joints/blunts on the daily anyway, unless you're rich and love burning money. It's such a waste of weed. If you're smoking good weed, you get high off the very first puff, every hit afterward is just overkill and a waste of weed. One bowl from a pipe or bong can last you a good 4-6 hours.


Oct 30, 2017
Growing up in the early 2000s I always thought it was dumb hearing people talk about how horrible smoking tobacco was and how the tobacco companies put a ton of carcinogens in them acting like the same wouldn't happen with weed if it became legal or that the type of plant made the smoke function differently.


Oct 27, 2017
It should be legal, but a lot more regulated than it is.
High-THC strains are dangerous. They should be requiring at least a 1:1 CBD:THC ratio for products legal to sell.
And obviously smoking weed carries a lot of the same risks as smoking anything else.


Sep 13, 2024
I used to smoke one every day, got roped into the comfort by one shitty person.
Although I'm not 100% certain the drug is the only thing to blame, since then I feel like I have memory and concentration issues or at least more severe issues.
What I am 100% sure about is that this kind of lifestyle made me lose my job at the time.

Anyway just wanted to share my two cents.
I'm just glad I am not around that person anymore and that I managed to turn my life around.


Oct 27, 2017
I got hit by a car 2 years ago and have used weed to help with my pain. I consume a lot. Hard to decide what the better option is the weed, or pain pills. For now I will continue to consume high doses every day because it helps me with my pain and neurological issues and doesn't have many sides effects I notice.


Aug 31, 2019
Everett, Washington
Nothing makes me madder and sadder than than watching my friends grind up 0.4g to roll a joint, where 80% of the THC never reaches your lungs.

I get the appeal of joints, I like to smoke one here and there myself. Like one every few months. But for regular use I am never switching back.

I have a volcano and inhaling those bags is my favourite form of getting high. I am nobody's mommy, do what you want to do with your body.
But vaping saves money, tastes nicer on top of not killing you.

OT: I see a bit of an issue with vaping weed when it comes to addiction. When I was young it was quite the task to smoke a J and not get caught (smell lingers forever). Nowadays you can have a small pen in your pockets and can get high in any bathroom stall. Can guarantee you that I would have brought one to school if we had that back then.

Hows the volcano? I just use pens and the carts. One lasts me 7 to 10 days and I have zero adverse reactions. My current strain just makes me more creative and a little more weird but I'm weird so it's just enhancing my personality.

I didn't do anything until we moved to WA. I don't get what the benefits of smoking joints or from a bong are. I've tried a joint and it made me cough like crazy. But a similar effect as a draw from a pen.