
Oct 26, 2017
Orange County
Religious? So odd I thought it was associated with infection. Your friends need to relax what a ridiculous thing to ends friendship over. On a side note an uncircumcised penis is a pretty ugly sight so I'm happy my parents opted for the snip


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Lol at my warning. Also, why on earth can't you have a discussion with the Mod who issued a warning before acknowledging said warning? That's a bit shitty imo.
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Oct 28, 2017
Ultimately, the intent doesn't matter if the outcome is still the same, people of Jewish and Muslims background would overwhelmingly be targeted by the law. I liken it to voter ID laws in America. Sure, requiring someone to have a ID to vote isn't necessarily racist but we know that if such laws were to be passed it would predominately target African American communities in a negative way which is why advocacy groups fight against it. Circumcision is an integral tenant of faith for these groups and we've seen in places where it has been banned (Iceland) Jewish and Muslim people are forced to perform the procedure themselves which actually puts children at risk or if they're lucky to be affluent enough they travel to a country where its legal and get it done there.

Circumcision hasn't been banned in Iceland, it was a proposal.


Nov 6, 2017
Religious? So odd I thought it was associated with infection. Your friends need to relax what a ridiculous thing to ends friendship over. On a side note an uncircumcised penis is a pretty ugly sight so I'm happy my parents opted for the snip

International health governing bodies don't see any medical benefit beside the US, and even the US health bodies conclusion is it doesn't give any benefit that a good cleaning will do

but the benefits are not great enough to recommend universal newborn circumcision.

The risks of not being circumcised, however, are not only rare, but avoidable with proper care of the penis.

Nov 1, 2017
This is a thing that once I found out the medical knowledge of it I was taught was wrong I figured well not doing it to my kid then as I have no reason to as that was the only reason it would come into play for me. The aesthetic reason is probably the most baffling one. I'd rather teach my kid to look for a partner/partners that care about them than to settle for someone that says gross when they take their pants off whether they were circumcised or uncircumcised. Unless that's part of some kink they have, I feel that should probably be a deal breaker.


Oct 29, 2017
No it's not. Also from: Wikipedia:

Circumcision is the world's oldest planned surgical procedure, suggested by anatomist and hyperdiffusionisthistorian Grafton Elliot Smith to be over 15,000 years old, pre-dating recorded history. There is no firm consensus as to how it came to be practiced worldwide. One theory is that it began in one geographic area and spread from there; another is that several different cultural groups began its practice independently. In his 1891 work History of Circumcision, physician Peter Charles Remondino suggested that it began as a less severe form of emasculating a captured enemy: penectomy or castration would likely have been fatal, while some form of circumcision would permanently mark the defeated yet leave him alive to serve as a slave.[24][88]

I wasn't talking about the earliest origins of circumcision. The question was about how it became popular in the US with non-Jewish people.

And like I said, as far as I can tell the answer to that is mostly religious and conservative stances against masturbation and sexuality in general.


Nov 2, 2017
They sound insane to be honest. Might not be the worst thing in the world not to have them in your life anymore.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
The Netherlands
Religious? So odd I thought it was associated with infection. Your friends need to relax what a ridiculous thing to ends friendship over. On a side note an uncircumcised penis is a pretty ugly sight so I'm happy my parents opted for the snip

I think cultural norms of genital aesthetics is a pretty poor reason to cut off a part of the body of a newborn. Also, there are no health benefits, it's completely unnecessary.


Apr 26, 2019
It's child abuse, nothing more, nothing less.

an unnecessary procedure that mutilates the genitals of babies. Usually performed by non-medically qualified people in insanitary conditions.

At least this threat has highlighted the myths that people have for doing it, and corrected them.


Nov 9, 2017
I hold your same opinion OP, people can do what they want though. If they are that aggressive about it and willing to toss a friendship over it, they probably aren't a great friend and you are better off without them.


Oct 27, 2017
All this talk about aesthetics...pretty sure all dicks look the same when they are erect, circumcised or not. Who the fuck cares what it looks like hanging limp?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Lmao the amount of bs some ppl say here. My dick didnt get the snip and it works amazing, no issues, no infections, hell, foreskin ftw. All my gf's have loved it.

I cant think of my dick without its beautiful foreskin. Lubricated all the time, protected, sensitive. We didnt circumsize my son either.
Oct 29, 2017
If not for health concerns I'm not sure why anybody would undergo the procedure (or have their infants undergo the procedure). I had to undergo it as an adult, due to a health concern that could continue to get worse, and it was a pretty miserable experience. Would not recommend unless absolutely necessary.


Oct 26, 2017
Orange County
I think cultural norms of genital aesthetics is a pretty poor reason to cut off a part of the body of a newborn. Also, there are no health benefits, it's completely unnecessary.

I personally think it looks hideous uncircumcised so I'm happy my parents elected to do it when I was little as I would have opted for it later in life had they not anyways. Now though I would leave that choice up to my children


Oct 25, 2017
I don't understand people saying it looks bad uncut... it looks comfy, it looks like it should... exposing all that sensitive skin looks raw af.


terminus est
Aug 12, 2018
Circumcision is bad and we probably shouldn't do it. With that said, your ex-friends seem unpleasant, so all things considered you are probably better off.

Also uncut dicks look great, not sure what people are on about with that.
Oct 29, 2017
I don't understand people saying it looks bad uncut... it looks comfy, it looks like it should... exposing all that sensitive skin looks raw af.

As someone who has experienced adulthood with both, I can assure you uncut would have been my preferred status if I could have helped it. But it needed to be done so I didn't really have much of a choice tbh, which ultimately is fine.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
The Netherlands
I personally think it looks hideous uncircumcised so I'm happy my parents elected to do it when I was little as I would have opted for it later in life had they not anyways. Now though I would leave that choice up to my children

Does say something about your upbringing and cultural environment that you think the regular human body looks hideous. It looks normal.


Oct 25, 2017
Feels like I just got a phone call from the dark ages. It's 2020 folks, stop mutilating kids


Oct 26, 2017
Orange County
User banned (3 days): Inappropriate generalisations, body shaming
Does say something about your upbringing and cultural environment that you think the regular human body looks hideous. It looks normal.

It's hardly a surprise. Look up any study done around the visual appeal of a circumcised to uncircumcised penis and people especially women prefer the look of a circumcised one. That includes Europe which is amazing because its not even a common procedure over there (Only 20%) Now if I grew up on a farm and didn't know I had such options then yeah I might think my corn husk / ant eater was fine but I didn't and thus I don't. You thinking just cause its normal means people aren't allowed to have an opinion about it makes no sense as an argument. There are all kinds of "normal" things you can have because of the genetic lottery that may be "normal" but not pleasing to look at.
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Oct 27, 2017
User warned: inappropriate language
Should we give newborn girls the niptuck too so they don't grow up with offputting beef flaps?


Oct 27, 2017
the long and short of it is - I really can't see any material distinction between FGM and circumcision.

Either make a case for a distinction or accept that whatever your cultural/religious preferences are, they aren't different to those of the people who practice FGM.

Deleted member 8861

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
the long and short of it is - I really can't see any material distinction between FGM and circumcision.

Either make a case for a distinction or accept that whatever your cultural/religious preferences are, they aren't different to those of the people who practice FGM.
FGM seems to be a far more harmful 'procedure', across the board. I was circumcised as a kid (Muslim family) and okay, sure, perhaps not a fully moral thing, but it doesn't hamper my day-to-day life or cause me any pain at all.


Nov 17, 2017
It's hardly a surprise. Look up any study done around the visual appeal of a circumcised to uncircumcised penis and people especially women prefer the look of a circumcised one. That includes Europe which is amazing because its not even a common procedure over there (Only 20%) Now if I grew up on a farm and didn't know I had such options then yeah I might think my corn husk / ant eater was fine but I didn't and thus I don't. You thinking just cause its normal means people aren't allowed to have an opinion about it makes no sense as an argument. There are all kinds of "normal" things you can have because of the genetic lottery that may be "normal" but not pleasing to look at.

Lol. All penises are ugly. Have you ever heard of a woman complimenting the look of a man's penis? Doesn't happen.

Also it's fine to do as an elective plastic surgery. Would you give your infant daughter breast implants?


Oct 26, 2017
Orange County
Lol. All penises are ugly. Have you ever heard of a woman complimenting the look of a man's penis? Doesn't happen.

Also it's fine to do as an elective plastic surgery. Would you give your infant daughter breast implants?

Uh yeah I've gotten compliments. Anyway, I'm not advocating its okay to do it at birth I'm saying people getting upset for others that would opt for it later in life need to calm down.


Oct 26, 2017
Orange County
It's a medical procedure only if there is a specific medical need. Some times there is, mostly there is not.



Oct 27, 2017
Situation (and this whole thread) sounds bizzare. It's heartbreaking that friendship is ruined by something so trivial. Friends are very hard to make when you are adult anyway (at least for me it is).


user requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
Why is it acceptable to claim a person who is circumcised is 'mutilated' or suffered child abuse?

I've been circumcised my entire life and I don't consider my penis to be mutilated nor do I believe my parents abused me by having me cut.

I actually agree it's probably something we can and should leave behind but why is it okay to talk about people who have been circumcised in this way?

That seems both tacky and insensitive.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Aug 21, 2018
Lol. All penises are ugly. Have you ever heard of a woman complimenting the look of a man's penis? Doesn't happen.

Also it's fine to do as an elective plastic surgery. Would you give your infant daughter breast implants?
This is such a bad post that is just oozing with homophobia/misogyny btw.


Oct 25, 2017
the long and short of it is - I really can't see any material distinction between FGM and circumcision.

Either make a case for a distinction or accept that whatever your cultural/religious preferences are, they aren't different to those of the people who practice FGM.'s a pretty easy distinction to make.

FGM is to prevent women from feeling sexual pleasure.
Circumcision is not.


Oct 25, 2017
Any cosmetical or religious procedure in babies should be banned. My parents trough that piercing my ears as a fucking newborn(without anesthesia btw) would be a great idea.