Cokie Bear

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
This thread is fucking wild. Talk about stoking the fire...

I think the jury is still out on circumcision being a good or bad thing, (which usually means it's neither) and people who become zealots over this issue are the worst. Do what you want. If you're a parent and you decide to do it? Cool. If you don't? That's cool too. Whatever. This idea that parents shouldn't be allowed to decide that is whack to me. Definitely a lot of penis based insecurities flying all around in here.

I'm a parent and I want to cut my child's ear lobes off. You're ok with that?


Oct 28, 2017
My future son(s) will be circumcised. I don't have a problem with what others choose to do.

My future daughter(s) will not. Now THAT is some fucked up shit.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Religious fanatism is always terrible. Still, sorry for your loss OP, it's always a bummer losing friends.

Also, i don't see why a child that doesn't have phimosis should be circumcised. There's no reason or evidence it's better at all. It's literally just going with a tradition that has no base, from an era before evidence based medicine.
Oct 25, 2017
Las Vegas
What if someone needs to be circumcised for medical reasons? Are you still against it then? Do you just have a problem with the child not having a choice in the matter?

Those reasons are pretty rare. Physicians don't even propose the concept to the parents unless they specifically request it (religious) and above that, some physicians feels it's morally wrong to perform what amounts to pointless genital cosmetic surgery.

Cokie Bear

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Parents make medical decisions for their children all the time, until they are 13. What are you on about?

There's clearly a point between "I must make this choice otherwise my child will suffer from a health perspective" and "I must cut off part of my child's dick or some women may find his dick less attractive later in life"

Deleted member 42055

User requested account closure
Apr 12, 2018
Ugggggh I know I'm doing the anecdotal thing which I hate but I know plenty of intact people ( I am as well) and not a one has ever had an issue. If my future children NEED it due to some unexpected medical necessity then ok, otherwise nope nope nope. They'll thank me one day for the extra sensitivity haha
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Deleted member 25606

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
Yeah, not sure why everyone is going in on the 'uncircumcised looks bad' angle, when you have AAP saying the benefits outweigh the risks 🤷‍♂️
One organization from one country, and the sentence says " the benefits outweigh the risks but the benefits are not great enough to recommend routine circumcision in boys " so yes while it is saying it's positive it's not positive enough for normal everyday boy births so it's not the ringing endorsement some may think.
Oct 27, 2017
One organization from one country, and the sentence says " the benefits outweigh the risks but the benefits are not great enough to recommend routine circumcision in boys " so yes while it is saying it's positive it's not positive enough for normal everyday boy births so it's not the ringing endorsement some may think.

Well yeah, but this isn't Seattle area pediatricians. This is the main organization of pediatricians in the United States, and backed by the CDC as well, this isn't a rando small group of rogue pediatricians.


Oct 25, 2017
Well yeah, but this isn't Seattle area pediatricians. This is the main organization of pediatricians in the United States, and backed by the CDC as well, this isn't a rando small group of rogue pediatricians.
It. Is. Not. Required.

In any way.

And it is not your choice to make for someone else.

That is it.
Oct 25, 2017
Las Vegas
Daily reminder that the Kellogs guy was an anti-masturbation advocate and tried to keep young boys from masturbating by circumcising them. And on girls he wanted to use acid. Fucking disgusting practice without any kind of consent.

Just keep your hands off the genitalia of kids folks, it ain't that hard.


Use your heads for two seconds circumcision defenders. The entire point was never about medical reasons (which are extremely rare), it was simply to get boys to stop jerking off - due to the nerve damage that circumcision caused.


Oct 26, 2017
Those thread remind me of the ones about slapping kids. There will always be a hard defensive stance surrounding subject around kids, and wanting to defend both our own parents for the choices they did about us, and who we grew up to.
"I turned out great." Is what we would read in those topic, in this case the same thing happen....for penises.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
It absolutely is my choice 🤷‍♂️
It isn't if someone does it for you without giving consent. This isn't equivalent to a vaccine or filling a cavity.

I'm assuming it wasn't your choice to get circumcised and you're making the choice for someone else and parading it as your choice when the rest of the world is AGAINST it and the country you live in is at best a wash on it being a good thing.

Deleted member 25606

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
What they are saying is that the medical argument doesn't really hold up under scrutiny. Institutions either oppose it or refuse to recommend it.
Yup, that statement basically says nebulous benefits and ends with parents choice which boils down to there is no reason to do it but they don't want to tell people in a country with majority circumcision that they didn't need to be and don't need to do it to their kids.

One of the more wishy washy statements of medical opinon to be taken seriously I have ever seen. (And I have done a lot of personal research into gender on the medical side for personal reasons so I have read some damn fishy scientific reasoning from those who don't want to see how science is telling them they are wrong).

As for how one or two statements from American orgs keep getting brought up it reminds me of the gif where the antivaxer is just numb through the 30 opposing reports, and then at the mention of the one report that supports it jumps up all animated like "I told you so"!!


Apr 6, 2019
These people using AAP and CDC argument is disingenuous. Your are purposely ignoring counties that are 90% uncircumcised are just as or even more healthier then your own in terms of sexual diseases. Your are choosing the CUT OFF a portion of tour child's gentiles because of "risks". Those "risks" which can be avoided by washing with SOAP AND WATER. No one in this thread has yet to refuted that taking proper care of you penis can avoid disease. An actual comparison is removing all of child's teeth and giving them fake ones because no matter what they will has cavities, can avoid diseases, and they will look better. That's what you sound like. People in this thread should understand that your parents circumcised you because they were circumcised, and so on and so on. The people who stared this practice for non religous or required reasons did it for a few dumb reasons. They didn't want to have awkward conversation with their son, to lazy to teach proper care, were uninformed, or listen to their priest that said masturbation is evil and the fight Satan you need a circumcision. Those that want to take away their child's choice are not parents, they are there child's bosses. They don't want to teach they child to properly take care of them selves.
Oct 28, 2017
American cultural attitudes to circumcision should REALLY be taken with a grain of salt. The popularity of the procedure in the US stemmed from the evangelical Christian-adjacent belief, propagated by people like Kellogg, that it is an effective countermeasure against masturbation.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 1, 2017
I'm actually shocked at the US figures. Something like 90% of men are circumsised? What the fuck? Like I know there's religious history in all kinds of US culture but I thought it'd maybe be 50% or something. Feels like it's still the 1700's over there in a lot of ways.

Deleted member 42055

User requested account closure
Apr 12, 2018
Hey, I don't think you meant it this way, but phimosis is relatively common. I don't think it's cool to refer to it as a 'freak' circumstance.

Yes I mean the word as in an wholly unexpected occurrence that would require the surgery. We must be looking at different set of stats or definitions because from what I've read it's not super common or at least it most often resolves itself as a child ages.

But if the language is offensive ( and it's not like my phrasing is essential to the point I'm trying to make) then consider it edited.
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Deleted member 41502

User requested account closure
Mar 28, 2018
These people using AAP and CDC argument is disingenuous. Your are purposely ignoring counties that are 90% uncircumcised are just as or even more healthier then your own in terms of sexual diseases. Your are choosing the CUT OFF a portion of tour child's gentiles because of "risks". Those "risks" which can be avoided by washing with SOAP AND WATER. No one in this thread has yet to refuted that taking proper care of you penis can avoid disease. An actual comparison is removing all of child's teeth and giving them fake ones because no matter what they will has cavities, can avoid diseases, and they will look better. That's what you sound like. People in this thread should understand that your parents circumcised you because they were circumcised, and so on and so on. The people who stared this practice for non religous or required reasons did it for a few dumb reasons. They didn't want to have awkward conversation with their son, to lazy to teach proper care, were uninformed, or listen to their priest that said masturbation is evil and the fight Satan you need a circumcision. Those that want to take away their child's choice are not parents, they are there child's bosses. They don't want to teach they child to properly take care of them selves.
I didn't cut my kids, but those CDC and AAP studies are huge meta studies that do look at a lot of data from overseas.

The weirdest thing about all that research is that they really don't have good explanations for a lot of it. It's just stats. Being cut reduces your chance of HIV mostly. No one really knows why (but soap and water are unlikely to be the problem, and it probably has more to do with it being able to enter your bloodstream through the thin skin).

You don't know what you're talking about. But it still fine to not cut your kid. Both the CDC and AAP say it's up to you.

data from overseas.

Deleted member 41502

User requested account closure
Mar 28, 2018


Oct 25, 2017
Yes I mean the word as in an wholly unexpected occurrence that would require the surgery. We must be looking at different set of stats or definitions because from what I've read it's not super common or at least it most often resolves itself as a child ages.

But if the language is offensive ( and it's not like my phrasing is essential to the point I'm trying to make) then consider it edited.

According to a quick google search up to 10% of children by age 3, and ~1% occurrence in men between ages 16 and 18. Mind you, this is just natural occurrences I believe. Injuries can cause it as well.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
Good lord why did I read through this entire thread? People are crazy.

Genital mutilation is not necessary for an infant. It doesn't make it ok if they won't remember the specific event, wtf

Hygiene reasons are bogus, you're being lied to.
The rest of the world already knows this. Stop spreading this shit on the internet.

People in this very thread have admitted to justifying cutting up their child for aesthetic reasons based on the opinions and/or sexual preferences of friends.
"hey how to you think my child's penis should look?"

Holy shit.