Moving this thread over here to Era from the Sunken Place. Everyone is welcome to contribute.

I think we have enough prohibitions for Black people specifically that we could start a list. Being as though this is 'Murica, more prohibitions will be added until, ultimately, the very existence of Black people themselves will be criminalized by the State. We can start with the following:









#1. Driving while Black
#2. Laughing while Black
#3. Staring while Black
#4. Cheering while Black
#5. Wanting a better education for your children while Black
#6. Sitting in your own car while Black
#7. Stalled car while Black
#8. Running a 5k while Black
#9. Jaywalking while Black
#10. Attending a pool party while Black
#11. Being in a douche bags selfie while Black
#12. Buying a belt while Black.
#13. Riding a bicycle while Black
#14. Being at home while Black
#15. Waiting for a school bus while Black
#16. Failing to return an overdue library book while Black
#17. Drinking iced tea while Black
#18. Picking up your kids while Black
#19. Running while Black
#20. Trying to enjoy cup of yogurt while Black.
#21. Making clocks while Black
#22. Performing music while Black
#23. Holding a puppy while Black.
#24. Shopping while Black.
#25. Cosplaying while Black.
#26. Buying an airsoft gun while Black.
#27. Playing with an BB gunwhile Black.
#28. Following police orders while Black.
#29. Asking for help while Black
#30. Being a Harvard Professor while Black.
#31. Waiting for the bus while Black.
#32. Playing basketball at YMCA while Black.
#33. Enjoying loud music while Black (part 2)
#34. Going to the club while Black...
#35. Getting injured in a car accident while Black
#36. Seeking help while Black.
#37. Participating in a bible study while Black
#38. Practicing self-sufficiency and group economics while Black
#39. Starting your car while Black
#40. Being a professional tennis champ while Black.
#41. Needing food assistance while Black.
#42. Using an ATM while Black
#43. Jogging while Black (part 2) (part 3)
#44. Expressing your 2nd amendment rights while Black
#45. Crossing the street while Black
#46. Shopping for jewelry while Black
#47. Waiting for a tow truck while Black
#48. Locking yourself out your apartment while Black
#49. Delivering mail while Black
#50. Getting a haircut while Black
#51. Sitting in your own car while Black
#52. Being a plain clothes cop while Black
#53. Saving an austic kid while Black
#54. Failing to apologize for being a responsible driver while Black
#55. Being in your own backyard while Black
#56. Dining at Waffle House while Black
#57. Asking for directions while Black
#58. Playing golf while Black
#59. Enjoying fine wine while Black
#60. State Attorney driving while Black
#61. Saying Obama follows you on twitter while Black
#62. Engaging in physical fitness while Black
#63. Being wheelchair bound in court while Black
#64. Fist bump while Black (UK)
#65. Handcuffed while Black
#66. Graduating while Black (part 2)
#67. Moving inwhile Black
#68. Checking out of an Airbnb while Black
#69. Dozing off during studying while Black
#70. Shopping for prom while Black
#71. Having a BBQ while Black
#72. Criticizing police while Black
#73. Showering while Black
#74. Taking your son for a walk while Black
#75. Having leaves on your windshield while Black
#76. Having an anxiety attack while Black
#77. Selling Water while Black
#78. Campaigning while Black
#79. Riding Uber while Black
#80. Swimming in your own community pool while Black (part 2)
#81. Wearing socks while Black
#82. Delivering newspapers while Black
#83. Eating at Subway while Black
#84. Playing in the park while Black.
#85. Saving money while Black
#86. Listening to yoga CDs while Black
#87. Setting a hard basketball screen while Black
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In case anyone has the bright idea of coming in here lacking empathy and is inclined to victim blame, please read CrushDance's post from 10/6/15 and hopefully you will think better of it:
CrushDance said:
Seriously. Some of you are fucking bullies, nothing better than basic fucking bullies. You're the type that don't get it. Someone creates a tongue in cheek thread about something that is very real and to make a point about this shit, and some of you jump to "Stop complaining", "It's a pity party in here". If you don't want to talk about the topic, then feel free to just not. But to try and shame people, talk down people or reduce their often from life experiences to "Well I know this person who it's never happened to" or to straight up just say that we're whining for the sake of whining and want to be victims is fucking insulting. Do you go into a thread about gay people talking about their experiences being gay and say "I know this gay person who's never got shit for being gay, so you're all complaining", do you go into threads about sexual assault and say "My best friends a girl and she's never been raped, you all should stop complaining"? No? Then what makes this okay? Some of you have absolutely no shame whatsoever and are so blind, that you can't even see that the very thing we're talking about, is what you're doing. This is where "welfare queens" come into play, this is where "black men can't be fathers" comes into play, this is where "handouts and free stuff" comes into play. Because we're just complaining, that's it. So obviously we don't have any hobbies, we don't have any jobs, any academic pursuits, dreams or ambitions like "the good ones" clearly do, we just want free stuff and talking about it on an internet forum will get that for us. Because we don't have jobs where we question statements or behaviours of our peers, jobs that let us pay for the fucking phones we're typing in this thread on, or the internet bill for the PC's we're on. And we're just "complaining". We don't go to schools or colleges whereby our peers say and do questionable shit or outright blatant shit that we come here to talk about. We don't go out in public and get random shit or ignorant actions directed at us. No, we're just complaining with our free Obama phones(In Canada), free homes, free clothes, free computers, free food, free education, free fucking air. We're just complaining and wanting to be victims. Yup! No way do we want to just go about our days without ignorant statements directed at us, or wary eyes, clutched purses, dumb questions or outright racist stupidity. Because then if we don't have that, what else can we do with out lives?

I don't care if I get banned. Fuck any of you who wrote such bullshit and fuck anyone who read it and agreed. You can deny people a lot of shit, you can say it's just "politics", "policies", "preferences", whatever. I've heard everything under the sun to deny racism and racist attitudes. But you cannot, and you will not deny people their own damn voices. You assholes and your "PC" bullshit. You know why it bothers you? Because for so long you could just tune out, for so long you could just ignore, because we're a "minority". But now we can come on your precious video game forum and talk about things that make you upset, that without even attacking white people, but simply saying "You know how our parents or society always says be extra careful when doing this or that. Here are some examples of why they say that." And the butt hurt commences. We got the "I have black friends", the "It never happened to me, so just be a good person and good will follow" and the "Look, here comes the complaining for more free stuff". FUCK YOU. Bullies behave that way! Bullies pick on people and when people speak up about it, the bullies try to silence them by saying they're "soft", "pussies", "tattletales" and WHINERS.

Some of you ain't shit. Weren't born shit. And will never, ever be shit. Kick rocks for all I care.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Thread is super depressing but very necessary.


I really hope that when folks come in to add to the list they do a complete write up in their post to tell the story. The victims deserve more than to be reduced to a one liner. Really appreciate those links in the OP.


Oct 27, 2017
Asking for help while black reminds me that there are whole neighborhoods black people can't be in without being suspected of some kind of crime. Holy fuck.

Where's the respite? Some people are gonna click on this thread and go "America amirite?" But fuck out my face with that shit. The majority of the countries you're posting from don't like black or dark-skinned people either. I looked up countries that were welcoming to black folks and all the responses were "Well this country's alright if you can just deal with X.", which is basically a non-answer tbh.

I don't usually get frustrated like this. It's usually whatever. Sometimes I just laugh because I refuse to give this world my tears. But reading that list is exhausting.
Nov 27, 2017
User Banned (Permanent): Downplaying racism, topic derailment, account still in the junior phase
People of all races get killed in similar circumstances.
We definitely should. Every story deserves to be told, even if it wasn't the first.

If anyone has any older cases to add, post them and I will add them to the OP.

Also, I will update the OP whenever a new case arises and bump the thread.
People of all races get killed in similar circumstances.
That's true, but it happens more frequently to a certain group of people to a degree where it has become quite egregious. And that is why this thread exists.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
I'm almost inclined to create a registry in REDCap.

I've been wanting a centralized list for the longest time. That's not even getting into the unequal treatment minorities receive within the Justice system, especially in Sheriff Arpaio's Arizona prisons. One such example being an inmate with a broken neck, left paralyzed in a jail cell unable to reach the water and food that officers lazily leave at the entrance of the cell, who slowly dies from dehydration while covered in his own excrement over the course of most of a week.

Furthermore, I'd like to see the infinitely longer list of documented racism. Just in the last week, we've seen a 14 year old high schooler get shot at with a shotgun when knocking on a neighbor's door asking for directions after missing his school bus, two men get kicked out of Starbucks, arrested, and held for eight hours for no reason, and two more men kicked out of a gym despite one being a member for almost a decade and the other having a guest pass.
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Nov 2, 2017
I'm employ the fine art of "Staying my black ass in the house", but I know eventually that too will be added to the list.

I remember posting about a lady at the old place who tried to pick up her impounded car and ended up getting shipped to a mental institution. I'll try to pull it up when I get home.
Oct 27, 2017
I went to high school in Coney Island and i'll never forget the time me and a couple of my friends step on the handball court out in Bensonhurst and an older white dude with a few of his buddies (probably early to mid 30s or so) yelled out "there goes the neighborhood!

Playing handball while black


Oct 26, 2017
I'm employ the fine art of "Staying my black ass in the house", but I know eventually that too will be added to the list.

I remember posting about a lady at the old place who tried to pick up her impounded car and ended up getting shipped to a mental institution. I'll try to pull it up when I get home.
Pretty sure staying in the house is a top 10 original entry.


Oct 27, 2017
I feel like the one union I wouldn't mind to see busted is the police union. Police captains need to start throwing officers under buses every fucking time they fuck up and its racially related. And they should never be employable in any police force again.

Trust me, there are PLENTY of people who want that police salary and aren't as "afraid for their lives every time something with melanin blinks" who can refill the ranks.

I have lost so much respect for cops since I moved to the U.S, and I feel really sorry for the "good ones" who are true heroes because the brass protecting their brethren is costing them their reputation as well, and it's not fair...


User-Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
This will be a good thread to reference for idiots. Good job op


Oct 27, 2017
New York
Oh damn, could have sworn we already had one with a running list going. Guess now's as good a time as any to reread it all. Still just depressing as all hell.


Oct 25, 2017
Playing golf while black.
The women argued they took an appropriate break, and that the men behind them were still on their beer break and not ready to tee off, as seen in a video Thompson gave the newspaper. The women were told that the police had been called, and so they waited.

Northern York County Regional Police arrived, conducted interviews and left without charging anyone.

"We were called there for an issue, the issue did not warrant any charges," Northern York County Regional Police Chief Mark Bentzel said. "All parties left and we left as well."

A phone listing for Steve Chronister rang busy on Monday. He told the York Daily Record he didn't have time to comment on Sunday.


CEO of Traphouse Networks
Nov 3, 2017
Remember when this thread was made back on the old forums and motherfuckers wanted to act all ignorant about it?


Oct 25, 2017
Subbed. Every so often I need a slice of reality that engages a more visceral aspect of my emotions. Although honestly the threads on racism, both here and back in the old place, have definitely opened my eyes to a lot of the more insidious forms of it.


Jan 24, 2018
This makes no fucking sense at all. Can't do shit while being a black person. Makes me want to stay my ass in the house because I don't have time for dumb bullshit and these idiots will be quick to put the blame on you. Hell you probably can't even sleep in your house being a black male. Fuck it.
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Jan 6, 2018
Thanks for making this thread. I followed the last one, a lot of news links went down. Good to see an updated longer list.