
Oct 28, 2017
Good fucking riddance.

For the first ever I saw 8chan being covered by the US Latino media (Univision) and they showed a video of the founder. I was like wtf? That guy is the founder?


Oct 25, 2017
Badly need to start something to get all of the chans permanently nuked, along with all the other slimey trash.


Oct 27, 2017
Seems like the admin is working on getting it back up according to his twitter, so I guess we'll see what happens. Would be a shame if it got up on some other service.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Well that's an amazing headline. Hope it stays that way, they don't find some way to prop it back up.


Sausage Tycoon
Oct 25, 2017
Hopefully 4chan next. They idolize the Christchurch shooter (and probably the most recent terrorist) just as much.

Lady Bow

Nov 30, 2017
Feels weird Cloudflare took down their services for 8chan but not 4chan? Like 4chan is just as toxic.


Nov 30, 2017
Feels weird Cloudflare took down their services for 8chan but not 4chan? Like 4chan is just as toxic.
8chan was specifically called out by media outlets and public figures. If they were also putting out stories with titles like "What is 4chan, the website that spawned digital havens for domestic terrorists?" we'd probably see action taken.


Oct 25, 2017
About fucking time and long overdue. There are several others that need to go and need to go now. Though this does mean that vile will likely be spreading to other places now.

Lady Bow

Nov 30, 2017
4Chan has actually split the site in two, presumably to bring in advertisers and to isolate the likely parts of the framework that would eventually be taken down.

Didn't do squat from what I've seen. Mods aren't taking down racial slurs and other bigoted shit. Still a great place for white men to get radicalized.


Oct 27, 2017
Feels weird Cloudflare took down their services for 8chan but not 4chan? Like 4chan is just as toxic.
4chan is just as dangerous imo. The reason is because they hide behind some sort of legitimacy. I've seen people repeatedly say how "there's only some bad parts" of that site. People go for the memes and become radicalized in the process.

Deleted member 47318

User requested account closure
Sep 1, 2018
User Banned (Permanent): Trolling. Previous severe infractions related to bigotry.
We finally beat the alt-right and America is saved, again! They'll definitely never get back from this, just like they never did overcome being displatformed on 4chan several years ago!


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Official Staff Communication
Let's move on from the discussion of one member. Thank you.
Sure, god forbid you guys actually address why we're constantly showing lenience to the 60yo who spent a thread shouting down people who show concern to teenagers in potentially abusive situations, insults members who have faced sexual abuse in the past showing concern over it, repeatedly glorifies, describes and romanticises large age-gap sex with teenagers and "beautiful young bodies" and is now upset members are cheering 8chan closing.

The member who's repeatedly made others feel uncomfortable with the abundantly transparent and repeat fawning over teenagers bodies while eye-rolling their mental health problems. Who's just been unbanned for a week for trolling a thread about a young woman emotionally detailing her mental health issues.

10k posts gets you a belter of an insurance plan. You didn't choose to address it in any of the reports over that disgusting thread, staying completely silent and then banning instantly for single-post trolls in others. I hope my 5k covers showing my extreme frustration in this response.
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Oct 27, 2017
Discord could be a problem.

Yeah I already see Discord being used by very bad groups of people. They'll get their server shutdown and then re-organize to another server. Same with accounts and backup accounts etc.

Basically the game these days is keeping them on the run. There's no permanent way to shut these people down with the internet. But we can keep them on the move and looking over their shoulders.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Kiwifarms now seems to be down - I believe it was still up last night. Had only recently heard of that one and couldn't believe it was still standing when I saw it. These distilled grandchildren of /b/ are horrific, and about what you'd expect from people who loved that shithole in their teens and somehow never gained an ounce of self awareness or humanity in the decade and a half since.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Kiwifarms now seems to be down - I believe it was still up last night. Had only recently heard of that one and couldn't believe it was still standing when I saw it. These distilled grandchildren of /b/ are horrific, and about what you'd expect from people who loved that shithole in their teens and somehow never gained an ounce of self awareness or humanity in the decade and a half since.
The Wikipedia article is quite something.
In March 2019, Kiwi Farms became notable for republishing both the livestream and the manifesto of Brenton Tarrant, the perpetrator of the 2019 Christchurch mosque shootings. Shortly after, Moon publicly denied a request by New Zealand Police to voluntarily hand over all data on posts relating to the shooting, including the IP addresses of posters and their emails.[9] Moon responded aggressively, calling New Zealand a "shithole country",[9] and stated that he does not "give a single solitary fuck what section 50 of your faggot law says about sharing your email".[10][11]


Don't F5!
Oct 25, 2017
Hamburg, Germany
KF isn't anonymous though, so even if this is more than just a server blackout (did Cloudfare announce Kiwifarms "departure" as well and I missed it?) they're way more likely to return from this than the Chans.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
KF isn't anonymous though, so even if this is more than just a server blackout (did Cloudfare announce Kiwifarms "departure" as well and I missed it?) they're way more likely to return from this than the Chans.
Which still isn't an argument against trying to get rid of them though? They might be more likely to come back but if they're cut off at the root they're forced into smaller and smaller pools.

Deleted member 15227

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Sucked in to all the fuckwits.

They'll be inconvenienced for a few days or weeks before they started oozing and festering on another platform.


Don't F5!
Oct 25, 2017
Hamburg, Germany
Which still isn't an argument against trying to get rid of them though? They might be more likely to come back but if they're cut off at the root they're forced into smaller and smaller pools.
No, of course not? And I don't think I framed it as one. I'm all in favor of deplatforming these asshats, I just haven't heard anything about Kiwifarms before this post. If it's just a server outage (or "just" their host getting rid of them, which would be preferrable), they could easily migrate the whole thing, accounts and recent posts et all and the world wouldn't be better off.

So in short, all I'm saying is: Are we sure KF got nuked by their host, or are we only going by the usual Cloudfare error message?


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
No, of course not? And I don't think I framed it as one. I'm all in favor of deplatforming these asshats, I just haven't heard anything about Kiwifarms before this post. If it's just a server outage (or "just" their host getting rid of them, which would be preferrable), they could easily migrate the whole thing, accounts and recent posts et all and the world wouldn't be better off.

So in short, all I'm saying is: Are we sure KF got nuked by their host, or are we only going by the usual Cloudfare error message?
I thought this was that Cloudflare had dumped shitheels, they planned to scatter to BitMitigate (protects Daily Stormer) as it was owned and protected by Epik (protects Gab) but both have now had their spine cracked by Voxility who were hosting them.


Don't F5!
Oct 25, 2017
Hamburg, Germany
I thought this was that Cloudflare had dumped shitheels, they planned to scatter to BitMitigate (protects Daily Stormer) as it was owned and protected by Epik (protects Gab) but both have now had their spine cracked by Voxility who were hosting them.
If KF's included in the OPs ban spree by Epik and Voxility, that's a-ok with me then :D Wonder if there's other shit hiding behind the "and more" part we didn't realize yet lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Kiwifarms now seems to be down - I believe it was still up last night. Had only recently heard of that one and couldn't believe it was still standing when I saw it. These distilled grandchildren of /b/ are horrific, and about what you'd expect from people who loved that shithole in their teens and somehow never gained an ounce of self awareness or humanity in the decade and a half since.

I thought this was that Cloudflare had dumped shitheels, they planned to scatter to BitMitigate (protects Daily Stormer) as it was owned and protected by Epik (protects Gab) but both have now had their spine cracked by Voxility who were hosting them.

That the alt-right service didnt even own their own servers is probably the most hilarious and great thing of this mess. Great (-ish as they clearly knew and only do it due to pressure) that Voxility is doing something.


Oct 25, 2017
These dumb fucks really thought they were safe being hosted by a company that doesn't own it's own infrastructure? Epik may get another host but it's gonna take a whole bunch of work to get their stuff migrated so they won't be back for a while, if at all.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
KF is back up unfortunately. Seems they haven't hit the big league yet when it comes to making waves and doing what they enjoy. Must be irritating to be a D-list version of something trash.


Oct 25, 2017
Yep. People keep pushing the "they''ll just go somewhere else" point think it's clever but it really isn't. Yes. They will have to move somewhere else, which requires time, effort, resources, information exchange. Projects in progress and former avenues for easy sharing and production of rhetoric are reset to zero. Despite the internet being open there's a reason people don't just establish a YT alternative for everyone to migrate to: because it's not easy and not perfect and things are lost in the transition. Same goes for these places where the alt-right congregate. It takes effort to move even on the internet and stomping down one anthill is a blow to the community within.

I was genuinely amazed by how successful our own migration was, actually, facing similar logistical challenges - although the original creators of ResetEra had a little space to plan a bit and a cohesive core community that could migrate as one.

I suspect it's because community came first in that migration, whereas I wonder if for these hard-right discussion areas, it's more that the forum itself - and the lack of rules imposed - is the important factor to the users, not the actual people therein.
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Nov 11, 2017
What is kiwifarms? I found it a while back. A lot of our names are in/om that site... Low-key thats a reason to make some stuff private on the site.