
Keeper of the White Materia
Oct 27, 2017

Biden Has Lost Support Across All Groups Of Americans — But Especially Independents And Hispanics

Over his first nine months in office, President Biden has lost support among Americans of all stripes — men and women, Black voters and white voters, Zoomers an…

The article provides three possible reasons; the pandemic, the economy, and immigration. My own personal reason why it's dropping/dropped is because of the vaccine mandate. I noticed his approval rating was starting to rise again, but after that announcement it dropped.Which is weird to me since it shows he's trying to get the pandemic under control. Also, his recent negotiations to get the LA Port to be open 24/7 to help with supply chains should help with the economy I hope. It's crazy I'm not hearing much about that.

Anyway, have you lost faith in Biden? What can he do to improve his support or do you think this is all overrated? For me personally, I haven't lost faith. He can't control Congress, I mean Trump had the same issue for the stuff he wanted to get passed. Also Biden has repealed a lot of stuff Trump has implemented, but with that being said he should start using more Executive Orders to get his agenda across, like at least forgiving $10000 in student loans. But who knows, he may get fallout with that in media now with everyone being "budget" conscience now. I think Dems/Biden should start trying to go for more little wins, instead of big wins. Just keep the momentum going. Just my two cents.


Oct 25, 2017
Biden won on an anti-Trump vote.

That is what the 2020 election was about.

Lets not kid ourselves about broad support for the person himself or his policies.

The country is still really divided and kind of crazy.


Oct 25, 2017
I've lost faith in America and Americans, not a man who isn't somehow a "catalyst" to these issues.

I've long shat on Biden, and quite frankly, those three "possible reasons" aren't his fault. Maybe the apologetics about the refugees, but refugees themselves is a larger issue.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
They'll either figure it out or they won't. If the mandate helps to fix the pandemic and all of the intersectional issues, then he'll get credit for it. But everything he does is going to get a negative news spin for ratings, even on policies that voters were polled to support.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm glad he's getting more involved in negotiations with Congress, and I hope he's able to get most of his platform through. On a lot of matters I really don't see him, specifically, as the problem...the biggest exception being the mess in Afghanistan. That was/is awful (though I don't think there was a "good" outcome available).
Oct 27, 2017
If he has adopted more of Castro's immigration plans he would've faired better with Hispanics at least but yeah, no meaningful immigration reform for 10-20 more years I imagine
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
I expect it will rise once some sort of infrastructure bill gets passed. But the inability to control his party leaves a very bad taste, and well he's the party leader.

Dark Knight

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Biden has done more actual work in less than a year than Trump did in 4. People are fucking dense and Republicans have completely scrambled everyone's brains on what to expect from government and POTUS.


Oct 25, 2017
He should have held off on the vaccine mandate until they actually had a plan to implement it. COVID is back on the downswing and looks very different now than when he announced it

His agenda is languishing in congress, inflation and supply chain/economic woes abound so it 's not surprise his ratings are down.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm glad he's getting more involved in negotiations with Congress, and I hope he's able to get most of his platform through. On a lot of matters I really don't see him, specifically, as the problem...the biggest exception being the mess in Afghanistan. That was/is awful (though I don't think there was a "good" outcome available).

Even here, how is it his error? That he was parroting the same talking points from the US government, despite knowing from the inside this was a failed war a decade ago when he was advocating for us to leave even then?

The moment US troops moved away, the house of cards would fall. I think in 100 out of 100 attempts, what we saw was the end result.


Oct 27, 2017

Biden Has Lost Support Across All Groups Of Americans — But Especially Independents And Hispanics

Over his first nine months in office, President Biden has lost support among Americans of all stripes — men and women, Black voters and white voters, Zoomers an…

The article provides three possible reasons; the pandemic, the economy, and immigration. My own personal reason why it's dropping/dropped is because of the vaccine mandate. I noticed his approval rating was starting to rise again, but after that announcement it dropped.Which is weird to me since it shows he's trying to get the pandemic under control. Also, his recent negotiations to get the LA Port to be open 24/7 to help with supply chains should help with the economy I hope. It's crazy I'm not hearing much about that.

Anyway, have you lost faith in Biden? What can he do to improve his support or do you think this is all overrated? For me personally, I haven't lost faith. He can't control Congress, I mean Trump had the same issue for the stuff he wanted to get passed. Also Biden has repealed a lot of stuff Trump has implemented, but with that being said he should start using more Executive Orders to get his agenda across, like at least forgiving $10000 in student loans. But who knows, he may get fallout with that in media now with everyone being "budget" conscience now. I think Dems/Biden should start trying to go for more little wins, instead of big wins. Just keep the momentum going. Just my two cents.
Polling indicates vaccine mandates are widely supported. I think it's the fact he hasn't had a positive headline since July. Afghanistan, Covid, inflation, etc. most is largely out of his control but it's typical for people to blame the President.

What's frustrating is that Trump supporters weren't phased when the economy went to shit on Trumps watch, just excused it because of Covid. Now though? All Biden's fault.


Oct 25, 2017
If Trump does decide to run again in 24 I fear he could actually win. Bidens approval rating a couple of months ago was like 36%. Social media has done a good job making him look inept and senile.


Aug 1, 2018
If he has adopted more of Castro's immigration plans he would've faired better with Hispanics at least but yeah, no meaningful immigration reform for 10-20 more years I imagine

I'm not sure how true this is. Hispanics aren't a monolith and many are very against things like DACA and blanket amnesty. I see it here in South Texas and it's not uncommon.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 29, 2017
He should have held off on the vaccine mandate until they actually had a plan to implement it. COVID is back on the downswing and looks very different now than when he announced it
I disagree, I think its a smart move that should have been implemented sooner. Sure COVID is lower at the moment, but it will come back and having most of USA vaccinated will help.


Oct 25, 2017
Yep. I fully expect either Trump (or an even crazier Trumpist) to win at this point. People have short memories and like drama instead of competence.

If Trump runs in 2024 that's going probably just cause another 2020 where he brings out as many people who hate him as well as worship him.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I will never understand latinos in the USA, like "Biden hasn't done anything meaningful for immigration, i'm gong republican", sure buddy, that will help a lot

I'm Mexican, living in Mexico, I have familiy members that crossed the border and overstayed their visas like 25 years ago, my cousins are residents now and my uncle got deported during Trump's cycle and they are all full on the GOP

And another cousin that got married to an American and now is full conspiracy nut Trump supporter psycho and it's all about "coming to the USA legally", yeah, easy for you, you just had to suck a dick to do it


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
We're kind of in uncharted waters wrt the presidency during a modern pandemic. Fair or not, the buck stops at the president.


Oct 25, 2017
It's probably hard to keep your popularity up when people are seeing soaring prices and shortages everywhere without a corresponding wage increase. That would be true for any president.


The Fallen
Nov 2, 2017
He needs to start enacting policies he ran on. Like 10k student loan forgiveness, for example.


The Fallen
Dec 5, 2018
I saw a tweet that was a joke at heart, but I've thought about it for a few days now and it went something like this: "Biden's approval is underwater at 38/53, so we're about to get into another war or legal weed"

To answer the OP's question, I think Sinemanchin is the main obstacle holding back Biden obviously, but at least things starting to be ramping up again


Oct 25, 2017
Even here, how is it his error? That he was parroting the same talking points from the US government, despite knowing from the inside this was a failed war a decade ago when he was advocating for us to leave even then?

The moment US troops moved away, the house of cards would fall. I think in 100 out of 100 attempts, what we saw was the end result.
The big unforced error, in my eyes, is not that the house of cards fell, but that it fell so much more rapidly than expected, creating secondary crises. The US should have started evacuating all interested/vulnerable Afghan citizens long, long before we did.


Keeper of the White Materia
Oct 27, 2017
Polling indicates vaccine mandates are widely supported. I think it's the fact he hasn't had a positive headline since July. Afghanistan, Covid, inflation, etc. most is largely out of his control but it's typical for people to blame the President.

Covid numbers have been trending downward, you would think he would get a little credit for that since the vaccine mandate, but what do I know? I guess the supposed "inflation" is having more of an impact on his numbers.

I'll walt to see what things are like closer to midterms. He's not even at it a year.

True, I honestly think the media likes this headline because it gets them more clicks.


Oct 25, 2017
I disagree, I think its a smart move that should have been implemented sooner. Sure COVID is lower at the moment, but it will come back and having most of USA vaccinated will help.

I think implementing it sooner would have been fine too. My problem is that they are only getting around to implementing it now, when people will be the least receptive


Oct 27, 2017
People are worried about 2024, but midterms are right around the corner... That has the potential to be an even bigger shitshow


Oct 25, 2017
We're screwed in 2022 and 2024, aren't we? The country just wants inept psychos running the place.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
Him having the absolute slimmest margin in the House and Senate is honestly a worst case scenario for him. He gets to own all the failures and drama generated by the two "moderate" Dems every time they play favorites with the press and make bank on access journalism. Even 538 mentions that Biden's slump as typical of past presidents honeymoon periods but the resurgence of Delta and the Afghanistan mess accelerated the slide. I think they're destined to get trashed in 2022 and 2024 but popular legislation is very likely to stick around the same way the ACA survived a stacked Republican government. Them losing big in 2022 and 24 don't scare me the way that the failure of voting reform does. Republicans we're always going to return to power in a big way after Dems cleaned up the pandemic mess but letting the voting restrictions go unchallenged is a fucking EXISTENTIAL threat to representative government going forward. That will entrench minority rule for a generation.


Oct 25, 2017
He has a lot on his plate. People want to see results and he doesn't have a lot time. Midterms are coming and he and his party need a big win they can point to otherwise they can say goodbye to their slim majority.


Oct 25, 2017
independents are fickle bitches who "lost faith" when the media made pulling out of Afghanistan into an end of the world debacle. that no one is actually talking about anymore. many of them are neolibs themselves.

I'd say evacuating as many people in as short a time frame as they had was actually impressive as hell.

however it's super fucked up they just had to go on a revenge mission with their shit Intel, killing innocents.

he need to do more from his pulpit because what's happening in the is fucked.

plenty of this shit is out of his hands like supply chain issues, gas prices, etc.. this is an issue in a lot places because ya know, worldwide pandemic.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
He still hasn't legalized weed

He needs to do that and let other "genies out of the bottle" that the GOP won't be able to easily undo when they get control again.


Oct 25, 2017
Manchin and Sinema are absolutely going to fuck over the Dem majority in the midterms. Sucks that people blame the president, though--not that Biden's been utterly blameless, but a big domestic policy package would absolutely help his popularity, and there's no way to get that done with those two in the way.


Oct 25, 2017
Biden has done more actual work in less than a year than Trump did in 4. People are fucking dense and Republicans have completely scrambled everyone's brains on what to expect from government and POTUS.

disapproval of Biden != support of Trump or the GOP. Doing better than the worst President in history doesn't mean he has to be met with wholesale love by everyone, including Democrats/liberals.


Aug 1, 2019
The only way to combat the crazy in this country is to pass meaningful legislation. That means publicly fighting with the GOP, and going after the Democrats in Congress that are holding up progress. People care that their lives are benefitting under the current administration. That's it.


Jun 24, 2020
Vaccine mandates are widely supported. I don't think it's that.

I think it mostly has to do with COVID still raging (not his fault, this is due to anti vaccine morons) and gas & food prices going up (supply chain issues compounded by COVID).


Oct 25, 2017
I think the supply chain issues stands to be the biggest hurdle Democrats are going to face in 2022, especially if it carries into the next election season. My local supermarket has been out of frozen french fries for two weeks and the MSM is warning people to buy their holiday gifts early. Americans are going to judge Biden and the Democrats a lot more harshly if they can't buy their kids a PS5 or eat french fries than whether climate change or free community college bills pass.


Feb 25, 2018
"Trump wasn't that bad" says guy who has difficulty breathing because he catched covid trying hydrochloroquine


Nov 28, 2017
Biden is as good as done in 2024, he only won because people couldn't stand 4 more years of trump. The guy has been a disaster otherwise. Unluckily for Kamala her political prospects are tied directly to Bidens, so I reckon we wont be seeing her much after 2024.