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Oct 27, 2017
Democrats should have looked for a Biden replacement a year ago; the plan should have been to bring fresher blood in to succeed him. Huge oversight on their end, and now they will probably pay big time for it.

It's no insult to Biden that he has lost some cognitive function, this happens to people as they get old. He's not "demented" or "senile", but he's definitely not as sharp. There is no point in making excuses for it. Trump is a horrible person and a horrible candidate, but optics matter more to a large chunk of our braindead population. That's the reality of the situation.

Exactly this.


Oct 27, 2017
From now until the end of the election Biden has to show the same energy as the State of the Union or he's cooked. JFC.

Democrats should have looked for a Biden replacement a year ago; the plan should have been to bring fresher blood in to succeed him. Huge oversight on their end, and now they will probably pay big time for it.

It's no insult to Biden that he has lost some cognitive function, this happens to people as they get old. He's not "demented" or "senile", but he's definitely not as sharp. There is no point in making excuses for it. Trump is a horrible person and a horrible candidate, but optics matter more to a large chunk of our braindead population. That's the reality of the situation.

I don't know if cognitive functions have been lost, but I absolutely agree that optics are everything. You can be the smartest person in the room, but if you sound like a doddering old man, no one is going to believe you. Even if what your saying is 100% accurate and sound.


Oct 29, 2017
I think you and many others here are greatly underestimating just how much people don't want to vote for a man they, right or wrong, think either won't live to see the midterms or belongs in a care facility.

Policy might be our biggest consideration, but your average person sees mental and physical fitness as equally important, if not more so. They think the Presidency is all about getting on that phone and smooth-talking or strong-arming foreign leaders to get "our" way. The optics here are that Biden is substantially less fit than Trump.

Trump is, of course, morally unfit for any office, but this is America.
It is worth pointing out that all the people saying that there is no other option and this is just the process(aside from being wrong), literally poll after poll from the American people have shown unequivocally that people are concerned about Biden's age and would like another candidate. I mean do people think that gets better or worse after tonight?

It is the party and Biden that has been telling everyone no, we know what is best and incumbency advantage > all other concerns and then preceded to clear the way for Biden without any real challenges out of fear of losing to Trump. Which paradoxically, out of fear of Trump, the party rallied to carefully curate and micromanage everything, including depres any real primary challengers, which has put them in a position where an untested Biden has ended up probably having the single worst debate performance in American history, and in a way that accentuates all of those concerns that Democrats are just ignoring.

Biden. Is. Not. Stepping. Down.
Then he risks making his legacy the next RBG x100 if Trump wins and all the fears about 2025 come true.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
The only thing I got out of that debate is that I absolutely hate that these are our two fucking options for the next 4 years.


Oct 27, 2017
Maybe the play is to replace kamala with someone like Newsome and have him become the face of the campaign? Kamala unfortunately is just a charisma black hole. It would at least change the narrative amd settle the minds of those who are afraid he's unfit.


Oct 28, 2017
Both parties agreed to no real-time fact-checking.

CNN tried to throw it in yesterday then pulled it last minute. We don't know why--presumably one or both campaigns said no.


Oct 25, 2017
As a non-US citizen, I really hope this debate does not prove overly influential, that Biden can hammer home the message of who Trump really is and create enough support for him and really liberal democracy as a concept to keep him in office for another term.


Oct 27, 2017
Trump talked about golf instead of answering a single question and sounded like a senior at a bingo game.

Yes, he did. In a normal debate/election Trump would have absolutely looked horrible. Unfortunately, Biden looked and sounded worse than that for much of the debate and the media is all in on the "Biden is a weak old fool" now. This is not good and there is no way to spin it has anything but a huge mistake and loss. Will Biden recover? Sure he could. There is plenty of time, but instead of talking about Trump's crimes and fitness for office, the media has entirely shifted to Biden being senile. That is going to be a hard thing to shake. This is probably the most important election ever and yeah I am very worried now after last night.


Oct 25, 2017
Dem party loyalists in here never learn. Seeing the copium in here is laughable and sad. Please wake up to reality.

It's not too late if they act decisively, which I suppose is the problem entirely.

Biden was already on the ropes going into the debate, it's not as if he was some proverbial fave. And perception is now being extra baked in real time right now.

Just acting like it's gonna blow over and things will be fine by September is exactly what they shouldn't be doing.

There's too much at stake here for all of us to be fucking around on this just dismissing some very real concerns.


Oct 25, 2017
If Biden steps aside, its Kamala. Are you fucking kidding me? Whatever else you feel about her actual politics, if we're talking about optics and that is what we're talking about when we talk about replacing Biden, the perception of pushing aside the most highly qualified Black woman in the country for a replacement would be radioactive with big segments of the Dem base. Talking about Newsom or anyone else is a waste of time, if its not Joe its Kamala.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Maybe the play is to replace kamala with someone like Newsome and have him become the face of the campaign? Kamala unfortunately is just a charisma black hole. It would at least change the narrative amd settle the minds of those who are afraid he's unfit.

Honestly, yes. Kamala has been one of the most inconsequential vice presidents in history. And as you say she just has zero charisma or ability to get people invested in their campaign. I think Newsome could at least bring some much needed energy to the campaign.


Oct 27, 2017
Last night was a fucking shit show. Thankfully, people arent thinking about the debate in June when they are at the polls in November.

However, if Biden loses, this moment will be what everyone points to. We have to hope we get SOTU Biden in the next debate and not what ever that was last night.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
"Guys I spent at most a few hours thinking of a solution to the presidential campaign based on one debate, I have quite literally never worked on a presidential campaign before but here's exactly what the people involved in that line of work need to do. Again, I only thought about this for a few horus at most, most of my ideas are the equivalent of shower thoughts, but trust me, those thoughts will solve the current problem where people will clearly stop following news cycles after last night specifically."

-Way too many posters ITT.

Yes, he did. In a normal debate/election Trump would have absolutely looked horrible. Unfortunately, Biden looked and sounded worse than that for much of the debate and the media is all in on the "Biden is a weak old fool" now.
I love implication that the media is only just now peddling right wing talking points about Biden.


Oct 27, 2017
I guess the fear I now have after this debate is that it has raised the worst case scenario in my mind that Biden's mental faculties really could be starting to deteriorate at an unacceptable pace, month to month even, forcing me into considering the prospect of voting into the world's most stressful job someone who is becoming mentally infirm and whom I shouldn't morally want to put in that position. Not to forget his deplorable handling of the Palestinian genocide. Either one of these should be enough to vote someone out of office and now they're starting to pile up.

If not for Trump.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Biden deserves his criticism but I'm not as freaked out about what his performance means for two reasons:

1). As Fetterman himself was quick to remind people he performed very poorly in his debate, yet there's no Senator Oz.

2). On CNN's poll only 5% of voters said the debate changed their mind. 81% said it made no difference. To say nothing of the months of campaigning left for Biden to continue to make his case to voters.


Hermen Hulst's Secret Account
Feb 15, 2020
What a mess. I cannot understand how the Democrats haven't had an alternative prepared during these last 4 years. The man has been giving signs of his condition for a long time. This added to the Israel fiasco practically gives Trump the victory imo.


Developer at Insomniac Games
Oct 25, 2017
Burbank CA
2). On CNN's poll only 5% of voters said the debate changed their mind. 81% said it made no difference. To say nothing of the months of campaigning left for Biden to continue to make his case to voters.

That 5% swing from current polling would make it a Trump landslide. The Blue wall falls easily and PA, MI, WI all go Trump.

5% is massive because it's the middle ~15% of votes who will sway one way or the other


Nov 11, 2018
I would've preferred Biden not be the nominee, but the time for that has long passed.

Everyone seriously entertaining that replacing the nominee four months out will do anything but harm their chances of winning is not thinking straight.

Stop being an overzealous reactionary. Like, full stop. You're not critically thinking. Again, what exactly do you think building a presidential campaign looks like. Step by step. How do you think that looks for the average person who doesn't engage with politics everyday, and how such a person would react to the slam dunk free advertising that is "Democrats had to replace their candidate four months before the election."

People were saying the exact same thing four years ago.

Trump talked about golf instead of answering a single question and sounded like a senior at a bingo game.

Because clearly news cycles in the US stop on 6/28 and now there will no news ever for this election going forward, especially not anything that could harm Trump's election run. Nothing at all. And clearly people freeze too. Like opinion wise any person who watched the debate will not support Joe Biden at all during the next four months. A quarter of a year is certainly not a long time.

Multiple democrats did shit on CNN last night for not doing its job. Multiple tweets were posted ITT.
Just wanna say I appreciate you and every other poster making posts like this, none of this is gonna matter once everyone harps on the next thing in the news cycle like Trump's sentencing in two weeks and the following debates


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
That 5% swing from current polling would make it a Trump landslide. The Blue wall falls easily and PA, MI, WI all go Trump.

5% is massive because it's the middle ~15% of votes who will sway one way or the other

You think people just go after one debate and then just lock in? Those are people who will be swaying right up to the last minute. The point is that for all the talk of it being a disaster it really didn't move the needle and it's not in a way that can't be addressed.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Just wanna say I appreciate you and every other poster making posts like this, none of this is gonna matter once everyone harps on the next thing in the news cycle like Trump's sentencing in two weeks and the following debates

Like did people forget how the US mainstream news machine functions?? Is that genuinely where we're at? Not knowing how US MSN networks work or more specifically,

how they behave during any presidential campaign?

If anything, that's just more evidence that people have short memories.

2024 State of the Union Address - Wikiwand articles

The 2024 State of the Union Address was given by the 46th president of the United States, Joe Biden, on March 7, 2024, at 9:00 p.m. EST, in the chamber of the H...

The same news networks that praised the State of the Union and posted dark Brandon memes aren't gonna profit or get viewership by posting informed takes about last nights events, least of all Trump's lack of cohesion.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't watch this last night, but Biden clips are starting to pop up on my Instagram feed.

Nothing to say other than 😬😬


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017

Like did people forget how the US mainstream news machine functions?? Is that genuinely where we're at? Not knowing how news networks work?

I think it's just that the stakes are so high that they cheer for anything that looks bad for Trump and despair at anything that looks bad for Biden. Which isn't healthy in and of itself, but is an even less healthy thing to spread.


Oct 29, 2017
Dem party loyalists in here never learn. Seeing the copium in here is laughable and sad. Please wake up to reality.
I feel like a lot of people on the left have deeply overcorrected along with the Democratic Party in the face of the internalized criticism that Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line.

While Republicans have learned to do both: let the base fall in love, get everyone else to fall in line

Democrats are just trying to beat everyone into falling in line. It failed in 2016 and its looking like a slow moving car wreck in 2024

If Democrats feel like they need to clear the way for a candidate to win a primary(discouraging Biden and most other establishment candidates in 16, now again in 2024), maybe its a good idea to stop and question what you are so scared of and maybe take some time to think if those concerns you have about the preferred candidate in the primary could in fact still be there in the general....

The future of the planet is being decided by vibes.

We deserve whatever we get.
The truth is it always has been to an extent:

- I can have a beer with him, 2000
- It's the personality, stupid, 2004
- Change we can believe in, 2008
etc. etc.


Oct 25, 2017
I think it's just sad that as per usual we should be focusing on the terrible things Trump says, but in the end it's nothing new. If you actually listen Biden's words, he's remembering all of these stats and shit without notes but because he has a sore throat it's the literal end of democracy and he's "unwell" whatever that means.

Replacing him is such a stupid idea it's like the only way to guarantee a loss.


Oct 27, 2017
And the same voters who this would sway have the attention span of a goldfish and we have 5 months left so...
The concern is that this isn't going to be an isolated incident going forward. You can't just explain away his entire debate performance to the common cold. He's shuffling onstage, increasingly standing around with an unfocused stare, and starting to lose his train of thought. If those things keep happening, it won't matter what attention span voters really have.


Oct 8, 2018
You think people just go after one debate and then just lock in? Those are people who will be swaying right up to the last minute. The point is that for all the talk of it being a disaster it really didn't move the needle and it's not in a way that can't be addressed.

It sounds like you're saying it actually did move the needle but the needle is easily moved so the poll isn't proof of anything.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
The concern is that this isn't going to be an isolated incident going forward. You can't just explain away his entire debate performance to the common cold. He's shuffling onstage, increasingly standing around with an unfocused stare, and starting to lose his train of thought. If those things keep happening, it won't matter what attention span voters really have.


This happened shortly after btw.

"Biden is too old to be coherent" again is a right wing talking point and people peddling that are self reporting that they have very short memories and are being reactionaries.


Developer at Insomniac Games
Oct 25, 2017
Burbank CA
The concern is that this isn't going to be an isolated incident going forward. You can't just explain away his entire debate performance to the common cold. He's shuffling onstage, increasingly standing around with an unfocused stare, and starting to lose his train of thought. If those things keep happening, it won't matter what attention span voters really have.

Yup. It wasn't just the voice. It was the shuffle out - which was America's first impression. It was the complete lost train of thought, and it was appearing weak and frail against someone who spoke strongly and with conviction.

I'm not saying it makes me prefer Trump, but it's clear it did for many fence sitting Americans


Oct 27, 2017
The concern is that this isn't going to be an isolated incident going forward. You can't just explain away his entire debate performance to the common cold. He's shuffling onstage, increasingly standing around with an unfocused stare, and starting to lose his train of thought. If those things keep happening, it won't matter what attention span voters really have.
I'll worry about that as it happens. I'm not going to just assume this will keep happening because he lost his train of thought last night.


Not actually the youngest mod — AP Fact Check
Oct 24, 2017
The concern is that this isn't going to be an isolated incident going forward. You can't just explain away his entire debate performance to the common cold. He's shuffling onstage, increasingly standing around with an unfocused stare, and starting to lose his train of thought. If those things keep happening, it won't matter what attention span voters really have.

The thing is, there are plenty of examples of Biden being quite spirited and present when he's more off the cuff. Biden's mannerisms weren't so much a sign of his age (although that is how it'll be perceived). But more than that, his mannerisms were the signs of someone struggling to stay on a script.

Get rid of that strategy moving forward.


Developer at Insomniac Games
Oct 25, 2017
Burbank CA


This happened shortly after btw.

"Biden is too old to be coherent" again is a right wing talking point and people peddling that are self reporting that they have very short memories and are being reactionaries.

Americans didn't see that.

They saw the debate. And the debate, the far more important 90 minutes last night, reinforced that he is indeed too old and in a state of decline due to his age.


Aug 13, 2020
That 5% swing from current polling would make it a Trump landslide. The Blue wall falls easily and PA, MI, WI all go Trump.

5% is massive because it's the middle ~15% of votes who will sway one way or the other

Yeah I agree. I don't get all these 'let's stick with Biden and hope for the best' posts. This is a wake-up call.


Oct 30, 2017
The concern is that this isn't going to be an isolated incident going forward. You can't just explain away his entire debate performance to the common cold. He's shuffling onstage, increasingly standing around with an unfocused stare, and starting to lose his train of thought. If those things keep happening, it won't matter what attention span voters really have.

He seemed fine post-debate?

I dunno. There could be a lot of reasons the debate went the way it did. "Biden too old" could be it, but if it was something else (cold, shit advisors, etc.), then it's easy fixable. He also seemed fine in recent interviews.

I do think he will have to address voters prove it was just an isolated incident though, and diminish the damage (regardless of stepping down or not, which I doubt).


Debate Guy
May 15, 2019
I'm still voting for Biden personally because of his policies. But it's clear based on my threadmarks being overshadowed by how bad his performance was - across every piece of media there is doubt about him being able to make it through another term. I have no idea what this means for the election, but there is a major dislike of both candidates.

If this was in September, this might have cost him the election.


Dec 9, 2017
Biden deserves his criticism but I'm not as freaked out about what his performance means for two reasons:

1). As Fetterman himself was quick to remind people he performed very poorly in his debate, yet there's no Senator Oz.

2). On CNN's poll only 5% of voters said the debate changed their mind. 81% said it made no difference. To say nothing of the months of campaigning left for Biden to continue to make his case to voters.

Sounds about right. I think politics is so polar these days that it won't make many people actually budge, not too dissimilar to how Trump is basically guaranteed a certain amount of votes no matter what he does on his side.

At least the debate happened on this side of Trump's sentencing, because that could take some more pressure off Biden. Perhaps he could even find occasion to do a fact-checking rebuttal to parts of the debate, since CNN was all too happy for the water to be muddied with lie after lie.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm glad I only watched like 20 minutes. Biden's team needs a different debate prep.

I honestly wouldn't put it past Trump to just not do the next two debates though. This debate went just about as well as it could have in his favor and having it stand as the only debate could be disastrous.

I've got to just check out of politics for the next four months for the sake of my sanity though.


Oct 25, 2017
Americans didn't see that.

They saw the debate. And the debate, the far more important 90 minutes last night, reinforced that he is indeed too old and in a state of decline due to his age.
Americans also saw Trump rambling like a lunatic. I know that feels inconsequential to us because most of us swim in a stew of armchair punditry and pay attention to political media so Trump is a known quantity, but last night was the first time a lot of people saw what Trump is like now in probably years. I'm not going to extrapolate to anything definitive, but I don't want to downplay some of the chatter I'm seeing from people reporting on their friends and family, including my own, who's reaction to Trump last night was "What the fuck???"

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Americans didn't see that.

They saw the debate. And the debate, the far more important 90 minutes last night, reinforced that he is indeed too old and in a state of decline due to his age.
So again, clearly news cycles with stop after last night and the only exposure people will have had to Joe Biden by November is this debate specifically and nothing else of note, most especially not anything else that's part of his presidential campaign. Like, no more news. June 27th, 2024. Zero news for Americans to see going forward for four months. Do I have that right?


Debate Guy
May 15, 2019
He seemed fine post-debate?

I dunno. There could be a lot of reasons the debate went the way it did. "Biden too old" could be it, but if it was something else (cold, shit advisors, etc.), then it's easy fixable. He also seemed fine in recent interviews.

I do think he will have to address voters prove it was just an isolated incident though.

If I was in Trump's camp, I'd avoid a second debate. They got what probably could have been the best outcome for them performance wise of Biden. Not enough voters could keep up with the number of lies Trump said and based on the level of reaction online - people only focused on Biden's performance.
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