For US politics and election threads
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Version 3.0

Oct 27, 2017
Well, I was hoping Biden would look sharp, and Trump would look nuts.

Biden looks old as hell, and a lot of his answers are kind of "inside baseball", and probably sound like gibberish to many people. His greatest strengths: a "common man" background, and an empathetic demeanor, aren't coming across very well.

Trump is lying like crazy, but he's loud and confident. The only thing I think is really hurting him is that he throwing out so much hyperbole (I'm the best, he's the worst) that it comes across as nonsense.

Oh, and JFC, golf bragging now?


Not actually the youngest mod — AP Fact Check
Oct 24, 2017
Why is that their job? Trump gave his answer, its not the job of the moderator to demand a specific answer from the candidate. If Trump wants to dodge, that's his prerogative and voters and determine whether him not answering is good or not.

It is absolutely the moderator's job to keep the debaters on topic.


The Fallen
Oct 5, 2018
"I'll take a driving test with you any day of the week" lmao feels like I'm watching Curb Your Enthusiasm
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