Oct 25, 2017
I decided to go a little nuts this holiday season and signed up for both US only and Full International. I'll post some wishlist info sometime today or tomorrow!


Oct 25, 2017
I like to make it interesting for my SS, and I hope they do too. I don't like the idea of wishlists for things like this, because you might as well just buy your own shit and not bother with any kind of secret santa.

I think a wishlist option is useful as a backup if your Tiny Tim's interests are completely out of your wheelhouse and you don't want to disappoint them with a clueless gift. Sometimes I'll read through the thread and see stuff like "I'm into punk fashion, Christian rap, and building birdhouses" and wonder where the heck I would even start if they were my TT.

I agree that being totally surprised is generally more fun though, thankfully I haven't had to resort to a wishlist yet. It helps that this is a video game forum so usually people have some kind of gaming-related interest I can use.


Oct 25, 2017
I always miss out on these sign ups, I wonder if I've still got time

EDIT: Made it in time! :D


Oct 27, 2017
I think a wishlist option is useful as a backup if your Tiny Tim's interests are completely out of your wheelhouse and you don't want to disappoint them with a clueless gift. Sometimes I'll read through the thread and see stuff like "I'm into punk fashion, Christian rap, and building birdhouses" and wonder where the heck I would even start if they were my TT.

I agree that being totally surprised is generally more fun though, thankfully I haven't had to resort to a wishlist yet. It helps that this is a video game forum so usually people have some kind of gaming-related interest I can use.
I think wishlists are useful as a guide. I try to add a few things to the list but don't really want anything on it. Though I am always happy if I do end up getting something off of it. I have never been an easy person to shop for so.

When you get a TT with some wild interests and you are lost, it helps to visit websites other than Amazon. My go to's for this exchange are Etsy, Thinkgeek, and Firebox.

Remk NG

Apr 16, 2018
I'll just leave this here by the tree...

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Oct 25, 2017
Running super late this year. Not sure if I made the deadline?

EDIT: I guess I made it, woo. I'm, uh, an extremely difficult person to shop for but I tried to update my wishlist on Elfster with a couple things that immediately came to mind. A bit more:

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Oct 27, 2017
For my Secret Santa:
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The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Near Rochester, MN
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Do you have an email address that you'd like to provide your Secret Santa with for digital goods? You can use [email protected]
Do you have a Steam profile? Vaco6121, this goes for everything PSN, XBL, Switch online, and for social media
Sports Teams: Just E-Sports, Rocket League is the main one
What is your favorite color? Red
What size shirt do you wear? L
What gaming devices do you have? PS4, Xbox One, PC,and Switch
Do you have any hobbies or collect things? Like to collect posters and clothes from video games (doesn't matter which series). My hobby lately has to been to travel around the world (to give you an idea I did weekend trips to Munich, Germany, Dublin, Ireland, Stockholm, Sweden, and Nagoya, Japan)
Food allergies? No
Are you OK with digital goods? Yes
Are you OK receiving items from Amazon, eBay, or other online retailers? Yes
Are you OK with NSFW goods? Yes
Favorite Anime/Manga Series: Dr Stone is the current one, there is also Carole & Tuesday, I love classics like Cowboy Bebop, FLCL, and Neon Genesis Evangelion
Is there anything you absolutely do NOT want to receive? Can't really think of anything.
Favorite Games/Genre/Series: RPG's, both JRPGs and open world ones), I basically play anything, I don't care for sports games.
Favorite Movies/TV Shows: Silicon Valley, Games of Thrones, Euphoria, Barry, Project X, Stranger Things, Eurotrip, and Stripes to give you an idea
Extra Info: Amazon wish-list https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1LX6E6LRU9KUW?ref_=wl_share (I will try and keep this updated) if you need more ideas. Basically I'm not picky in what you send, I would prefer food, especially if you have something that is local specialty.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I fully intended on joining this year, but when I first came across the thread on the 18th, it was like 2AM and I forgot to follow through the next day. Never was in the first page again when I was on. Fast forward to now, when I saw a post by nicoga in another thread and my memory was jogged. :|

E: waitwaitwait, deadline pushed, let's goooo


Oct 25, 2017
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Do you have an email address that you'd like to provide your Secret Santa with for digital goods?

[email protected]

Do you have a Steam profile? I do but I dont use it much these days. Its Infinitebento.

Sports Teams: None, i h8 sports outside out fighting games.

What is your favorite color? Black, pink

What size shirt do you wear? XS

What gaming devices do you have? PS4

Do you have any hobbies or collect things? I'm a chef so a lot of my life revolves around pastry. I collect manga, horror movie related things, and contemporary art too!

Food allergies? Nope!

Are you OK with digital goods? Sure

Are you OK receiving items from Amazon, eBay, or other online retailers? Thats cool

Are you OK with NSFW goods? Awh yiss gimme that dragon dildo 👀

Favorite Anime/Manga Series: My Hero Academia, Cowboy Bebop, Evangelion, Anohana, Beyond the Boundary, sad animes, romcoms like Tamako Market, Fruits Basket, etc.

Is there anything you absolutely do NOT want to receive? Anything related to sports

Favorite Games/Genre/Series: I love RPG's and JRPG's a lot. I love any and all horror games also. I also lowkey play fighting games on the regular.

Favorite Movies/TV Shows: I love horror movies so anything related is awesome. Dont watch a lot of TV outside of Terrace House, shows on drag queens, and cooking shows.

Extra Info: Ill link an amazon wishlist later!


Oct 25, 2017
Been following along but not really posting. Having to deal with some personnel issues at work and it REALLY takes a toll (especially around the holidays).

Looking at the blocks, the current participation is:

  • US Only: 42
  • EU Only: 4
  • Full International: 35

The EU Only one is a bit surprising, but it also makes sense as there weren't many people pushing for it.

I'm also going to update the OP with a few pieces of info to help with regards to shipping, tracking, price, etc.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Do wish lists on Elfster update in real time? I want to register right now but I'll be honest I've not even thought of a single wish list item lol. Like, not even vagues (anything xyz, candy, etc.) I'll get a list made throughout the day, but idk exactly when registration cuts off.


Oct 25, 2017
Do wish lists on Elfster update in real time? I want to register right now but I'll be honest I've not even thought of a single wish list item lol. Like, not even vagues (anything xyz, candy, etc.) I'll get a list made throughout the day, but idk exactly when registration cuts off.

As long as you have your wishlist made before matches go out, you should be fine.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Here is my information for the Secret Santa.

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Oct 25, 2017
I put this in the OP. But just for the sake of completeness...

Also, a little FAQ/words of wisdom to help out with new folks and veterans alike!

  • Remember that you should budget around $50 BEFORE shipping. Shipping can be expensive, but that's part of the experience and is NOT part of the cost of your gift.
    • Also, $50 is not really the max OR min. Really, it's the, "Be prepared to have this much ready to go for a gift, but you can spend more or less. Just be reasonable and understanding of the situation."
  • In your wishlist, it's not a bad idea to mention if you like homemade gifts or not. Don't feel bad saying you don't want them - you're not hurting anyone's feelings.
  • While not "required", you absolutely should post a picture of your gift here in this thread.
  • You need to PM me your tracking info. You may or may not get a response, but it is required and may be cause for bans on future participation.
  • POST ON THIS WEBSITE! We don't have a minimum post count requirement like we did on GAF, so the onus on YOU to participate and make sure your Secret Santa can properly forum stalk you.
  • More wishlist stuff...Be as descriptive as possible (if you're even a little bit picky on gifts, goodies, collectibles).
    • Maybe include food allergies in case you request candies or snacks?
    • Also favorite color, clothing size if you're interested in gaming related shirts/hoodies/whatever
  • The whole NSFW thing hasn't really been an issue up to now...But some folks enjoy the experience of getting NSFW stuff! Do NOT assume that your Tiny Tim is OK with it, though. ONLY engage in that if they make mention of it in their wishlist!


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Okay I whipped up a twenty minute stream of consciousness general list and RSVP'd. I'll fill out a larger, answer to questions list everyone here has been doing later today or tomorrow. That would be far easier on a desktop, which I currently have no access to.


Dec 28, 2017
New Jersey, USA
I always do these things at the last minute. Here's the list for my secret santa:

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Oct 25, 2017
Contemplating signing up, loved when I did it the first year as I love giving/making others happy but I'm not sure I'll be able to hit any minimums do to a massive reduction in work hours this month and I'd feel absolutely terrible if I couldn't make my gift as special as it deserves to be.


Oct 25, 2017
I spoiler tagged it cuz I dunno how to do that reveal content shit haha sorry!

Gender: Male
Age: 30

Occupation: accountant

Do you have an email address that you'd like to provide your Secret Santa with for digital goods? [email protected]

Do you have a Steam profile? Yes but rarely use pc

What is your favorite color? Red/Black

What size shirt do you wear? XL

What gaming consoles do you have? Currently have all of them. Fond of the xbox tho

Do you have any hobbies or collect things? Books, funko pops, board games, those models you build

Sports teams: football(the European football) particular man United. Also Big into nfl this year. No team in particular

Food allergies? None

Are you OK with digital goods? Yes

Are you OK receiving items from Amazon, eBay, or other online retailers? Yes

Are you OK with NSFW goods? Fuck it why not

Is there anything you absolutely do NOT want to receive? Nope

Favourite Games/Genre/Series: resident evil games. Generally fps or strategy

Favourite music: basically anything

Just Some general ideas: honestly anything. Any local sweets would be Savage. If an American gets me some cheapo American football Jersey ha

Honestly tho I'm game for anything. A gift is a gift and I'll appreciate it anyways


Oct 25, 2017
Going to try to jump in at the last second since I never followed through last year. Here we go!


Nov 11, 2018
Gender Trans feminine.
Current Occupation: Theatre technical

Do you have an email address that you'd like to provide your Secret Santa with for digital goods?
Can provide this through a third party.

Do you have a Steam profile?
Yep! https://steamcommunity.com/id/fawku

What is your favorite color?
Purple, or Paisley.

What size shirt do you wear?
Please don't send me clothes.

What gaming consoles do you have?
Wii U, PS3, 3DS, GBA, NES, PC. Hoping to pick up a Switch for Christmas.

Do you have any hobbies or collect things?
Dungeons and dragons for sure. I play with my kids, and collect minis. Paint in my rare spare time. Learning how to do make up, it's hard. Everyone loves Lego of course. Open to new hobbies. I discovered some great comics I love through the past gift exchanges (Paper girls, Saga)

Food allergies?

Are you OK with digital goods?

Are you OK receiving items from Amazon, eBay, or other online retailers?

Are you OK with NSFW goods?

Not really, my 3 kids will be opening the package with me :)

Favourite Anime/Manga Series:
Whole family loves the Ghibli movies! So much totoro swag in our house.

Is there anything you absolutely do NOT want to receive?
Not particularly.

Favourite Games/Genre/Series:
Currently enjoying The Outer Worlds until Game Pass runs out. Other than that I loved the XCOM series, Fallout, Mass Effect, Stardew Valley, Zelda series. Have played through a lot of Castle Crashers and Lovers in a Dangerous Space Time with the whole family. You'll get a good idea of my taste from my steam profile and wishlist.

Favorite Music:
Whatever my wife or kids happen to be playing on Spotify. Usually Beck, OK Go, Stardew Valley, Zelda sound tracks.

Extra Info:
Here's an amazon wish list for an idea of things I could use.

I love getting special things from your area, especially theatre programs, ticket stubs, stuff like that. If possible include something small for my kids. (Non binary age 9, girl 7, girl 5). We love treats and chocolate, especially ones that we can't get in Canada.


Oct 25, 2017
Almost missed this. Since sign up date was changed to November 23rd and it is still the 23rd somewhere, looks like I made it just in time. Sign me up!


Oct 31, 2017
It has begun!


Have fun everybody.

To my Ss. I'm also still adding some stuff.

If anybody needs a helper for in between I'm willing to help.


Oct 25, 2017
It has begun!

To my SS, my Amazon wish list is a bit of a loose guideline of themes of stuff I might like so feel free to use it as such rather than thinking of it as hard and fast!


Oct 25, 2017
Hopefully everyone who wanted in was able to get registered! Sales are starting soon for shopping, so things should get fun now!


Oct 25, 2017
So if you order directly off amazon how do you get a tracking number?

Do amazon provide tracking numbers ha genuine question because I've never checked


Oct 25, 2017
Christmas has officially started! :D

Hi Secret Santa - I'm busy during the day today but will update with some more info this evening.


Oct 25, 2017
Okay, here's my current "wish list".
TLDR: Cats, Star Wars, Nintendo, Running.

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Oct 26, 2017
Alright, here's a little stuff about me to help my SS.

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Oct 25, 2017
My match has no wishlist on Elfster, no wishlist in this thread, and almost exclusively posts on Etc. This is going to be interesting, lol


Oct 25, 2017
My match also has very little info... BUT for the first time it's a member I actually recognize! I already have some very good ideas... and by "ideas" I mean "I immediately just ordered something for them after stalking their post history".