Deleted member 48434

User requested account closure
Oct 8, 2018
This shit is dangerous

They have insane sodium content
They do not satiate at all
They leave this aftertaste in your mouth that lasts ages (Or at least the Mi Goreng ones do)
But my fucking god, they are so so tasty

And it's never just one, I always gotta have 2, because I get immediate noodle withdrawal after finishing the first packet
And then I down a few cups of water to apologize to my kidneys

Lucky for me they don't turn up in the house often, but sometimes Mum ends up buying a few at the grocery store (I try to steer myself away from them when I shop) and you know, I can't just not eat them.

Usually, I eat these:

But today I've been eating:

Because they taste very similar, but are just a bit less full on, and leave slightly less aftertaste


Oct 27, 2017

There's always the popular ones like Sapporo Ichiban and Nongshim Shin but here's one that's not well known that's amazing. Highly recommend it to anyone that ever sees it in a store.

And yes, be careful with that sodium!

Deleted member 48434

User requested account closure
Oct 8, 2018


Aug 31, 2019
Everett, Washington


Oct 26, 2017
OG flavor indomie goreng is the pleb choice
Connoisseurs choose sambal matah, sambal rica rica or rendang
Beware they might be too spicy for the western palate
Oct 25, 2017
I had one of those 99 cent cup of noodle things.

I've never had one but decided to give it a try.
It was absolutely delicious.
But no joke, like 15 minutes later I got an EXTREMELY terrible headache. Just fucking throbbing like a mother fucker.

I know it's hard to believe, but I honestly felt I got this sodium poisoning or something. I just drank a cup of liquid salt.

I just don't think my body can handle it. Must be super sensitive to it or something when there is so much salt in a liquid and I injest it so quickly.


Oct 25, 2017
They're tasty. I eat a lot years ago because it's quick and flexible. Only had once or twice the whole year last year I believe.

lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
Shin Ramyun is so good but so bad for someone with IBS. Easy to add extra ingredients like vegetables to spicy noodles too.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Mi Goreng and Shin Ramyun both make some freaking fantastic instant noodles. The former is even just about as cheap as what most (Western) people think of when they think Ramen, but it tastes so much better. I also love some Maruchan Yakisoba, though, won't lie.


Aug 20, 2018
if you want to eat this noodles, at least only use the noodles and not the salt/MSG-laden soup packets and use your own soup like (real) chicken soup, add in chicken meat, potatos/tomatos/carrots.

Deleted member 48434

User requested account closure
Oct 8, 2018


Prophet of Regret
Oct 30, 2017
They're very addicting for sure but I stopped. The ones from the supermarket like maggie, Trident or Indomie aren't very good. I used to by this one pictured. Noodles taste nicer and actually soften quite nicely with boiled water.

Lucas M. Thomas

Editor-in-Chief of Nintendo Force Magazine
Oct 30, 2017
Been a fairly regular meal for me since college. Over time I've added lots of other ingredients, though. A couple of boiled eggs, some chicken and some yum yum sauce most recently has been my go-to. And Sapporo Ichiban is my brand of choice.


Oct 27, 2017
i used to live off it but was 30-50 lbs heavier then. guess it speaks to how bad it can be for you because my calorie consumption is equal or greater to what it was then, just lean meats and veggies in lieu of processed carbs


Shinra Employee
Oct 26, 2017
Always carry a pack in the house for when I'm too lazy to cook and to cheap for food delivery apps.


Oct 25, 2017
Indeed. The cautionary tale:

18 year old in 2013 who had been eating nothing but ramen noodles for 13 years. Had the health of an 80 year old because of malnourishment.

Wonder where she's at now...
Why would her mother tolerate this?
I always hated the click bait articles that came from this story. For reference, this was the original story:

I am a sufferer of selective eating disorder and it is destroying my life. I survive on pasta, instant noodles, crisps, cheese and potato as anything else such as fruit and veg causes me to panic and heave if I try and eat it. It is an anxiety based disorder much like trichotillomania (pulling hair out), anorexia and bulimia. However many people brush it off as me being whiny or fussy, even many of the doctors I have seen because it is not well known. It destroys my life because at 18 I can't go stay at my friends houses due to the fact I don't want to be a burden, I am ill constantly and some days can't even get out of bed (pretty much most days just because I'm so malnourished as I can't bring myself to eat healthy food without being sick), and my life ambition is to become a jockey which will never happen when I'm in this state. But my huge favour to ask is can this page help me raise awareness to this horrible invisible disorder that is so humiliating and crippling that hardly anyone knows of. Everybody assumes I'm fine because other than appearing to have a bad immune system I seem fine. I show no signs of having battled this for 10 years. Even doctors have told me nothing is wrong when I lost my baby to this condition because keeping it would have killed me. It is so cruel and I wouldn't wish it on anybody. I just hope I can spread awareness so more sufferers get the help they need and that I am yet to receive.

But of course a couple of months later, all the click bait sites just turned it into "lol she only eats ramen. How quirky!"

iirc though, she's healthy and fine so I imagine she got the help she needed


Persona Central
Oct 25, 2017
I always hated the click bait articles that came from this story. For reference, this was the original story:

I am a sufferer of selective eating disorder and it is destroying my life. I survive on pasta, instant noodles, crisps, cheese and potato as anything else such as fruit and veg causes me to panic and heave if I try and eat it. It is an anxiety based disorder much like trichotillomania (pulling hair out), anorexia and bulimia. However many people brush it off as me being whiny or fussy, even many of the doctors I have seen because it is not well known. It destroys my life because at 18 I can't go stay at my friends houses due to the fact I don't want to be a burden, I am ill constantly and some days can't even get out of bed (pretty much most days just because I'm so malnourished as I can't bring myself to eat healthy food without being sick), and my life ambition is to become a jockey which will never happen when I'm in this state. But my huge favour to ask is can this page help me raise awareness to this horrible invisible disorder that is so humiliating and crippling that hardly anyone knows of. Everybody assumes I'm fine because other than appearing to have a bad immune system I seem fine. I show no signs of having battled this for 10 years. Even doctors have told me nothing is wrong when I lost my baby to this condition because keeping it would have killed me. It is so cruel and I wouldn't wish it on anybody. I just hope I can spread awareness so more sufferers get the help they need and that I am yet to receive.

But of course a couple of months later, all the click bait sites just turned it into "lol she only eats ramen. How quirky!"

iirc though, she's healthy and fine so I imagine she got the help she needed
Wait... baby? At that age?

Regardless, this makes more sense. When I was thinking back to this story to dredge up an article, I did a brief search for updates or if the original was a hoax, but all I could find were articles similar to the one I linked.
Oct 28, 2017
Can't remember the brand name because I'm an idiot but I always have two packs, crack an egg in, cover it and allow the steam to cook the egg, then add some vegetables and gobble it all down. Quick to make, full of the shite you need. Keeps you warm in winter. Very good stuff.


Oct 28, 2017
Oakland Bay Area
You can always boil more water in the soup broth or use less packets if you're worried about the sodium n stuff. Always toss whatever leftover ingredients in the fridge in


Oct 25, 2017
I usually make two packets at once and two soft boiled eggs or something else to go with them. I try to make it a proper meal and add veggies or anything else I can find to throw into it. I try not to think of them as snacks so it helps cut down on the amount of times I have them, maybe 3 times a month at most.

I always, always forget about the sodium in these things until I get reminded again.


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
I regularly eat those once in a week or so. However, I always add some other ingredients like egg, meat/chicken, and vegetables.

It's not healthy to eat those just like that.


Jan 27, 2019
Not surprised the thread starter is from Sydney.

Indomie is apparently worshipped here.


Oct 25, 2017
I've stopped eating these after a long binge streak. I'm shocked I survived that without issue. Sometimes I miss it. The spicy ones were my favorite.

Kaim Argonar

Dec 8, 2017
I love noodles but I don't like using the flavor packs they come with. I just prepare them in chicken broth with some vegs, chicken and egg. Soft boiled or raw.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Naruto made dangerously obsessed with this noodles while I was a teenager ...

i miss it haven't had any in years