
Rap Genius
Oct 27, 2017
Dark Space
I get when "when in rome" but that doesn't mean we have to agree with any laws you see elsewhere.

The amount of people that are quite happy to see people sent to prison on here amazes me.
Being okay with harsh punishment when you put people's lives at riskshould not be painted as some salacious sin.

Not only did she purposely slip quarantine, but she then went to the event and didn't wear a mask or distance. Imagine if this woman started a COVID outbreak on this island due to her recklessness. Just the act of risking that to fulfill your own self-centeredness deserves a stiff punishment.

Keep in mind that she knew went to the island with the explicit intention to break quarantine. This was a premeditated act.

How else do you rehabilitate privileged people who feel they own the world?


Graphics Engineer
Oct 27, 2017
Not all of us have "gone behind the wheel with a drink too many."
I have not and will not. It's one thing I've promised myself, wife and son.
Americans should have no ability to dictate covid rules when visiting other places who actual have the pandemic under control.
Dude, some Americans think we own the freaking world sometimes. I'm in no way celebrating her prison time, what's bothering me is people coming to her back when she cut her ankle bracelet off and then proceeded to break the rule for having the bracelet in the first place.


Oct 28, 2017
I get all of that but not for one minute would I be saying people in my own country the UK who don't self quarantine when asked be sent to prison.
And I would agree. The UK response to Corona has been absolutely fucked since day one and relying on prison sentences alone ain't gonna do shit when the government can't get even the tier system messaging right.

But for the purposes of this article , our problems are not their problems and the government did the right thing throwing reckless ass tourists into prison.


Oct 25, 2017
a parallel universe
Whats prison life like on Cayman Islands?

"We had serious concerns for the safety of a small number of children and young adults held at Northward. There were no systems to protect them from predatory behaviour, and it says much that those who seemed most concerned for their safety were other prisoners," said Hardwick.
"Cells in Northward were dark, stifling and intimidating. Prisoners lived in overcrowded cells on dirty overcrowded wings devoid of privacy. Conditions were shambolic with most accommodation barely fit for human habitation."


Older article but prison sounds like no joke there.


Oct 26, 2017
People trying to spin this as a "oh so we're pro-jail now?" meta-commentary on forum politics are transparent as fuck. Being anti-jail, in an American context, is about justice, fairness and analyzing the efficacy of the American legal system. There is nothing just, fair or effective about her 2 month sentence, about letting rich tourists break quarantine when they feel like it, nor is the jurisdiction under American law, nor are rich people jail and poor people jail comparable.

This thread, digression about drunk driving aside, is still nominally concerned with the problem of justice as applied to the rich and powerful in a pandemic, or "medical justice" for short.


Oct 28, 2017
Whats prison life like on Cayman Islands?

"We had serious concerns for the safety of a small number of children and young adults held at Northward. There were no systems to protect them from predatory behaviour, and it says much that those who seemed most concerned for their safety were other prisoners," said Hardwick.
"Cells in Northward were dark, stifling and intimidating. Prisoners lived in overcrowded cells on dirty overcrowded wings devoid of privacy. Conditions were shambolic with most accommodation barely fit for human habitation."


Older article but prison sounds like no joke there.
A very illuminating and useful article. One that despite its age should be used to discuss prison conditions and reform initiatives and not in a discussion on whether people who deliberately broke the law should be charged with prison time.


Oct 28, 2017
Seemed relevant in a thread about a person going to prison in the Cayman Islands.
Indeed and yet the condition of the prisons currently has no effect on whether they broke the law nor the severity of the offense which is why they are getting prison sentences. Unless your saying our poor rich kids wouldn't survive in which case my response is they can eat cake.


Oct 31, 2017
Anaheim, CA
"Authorities said Mack was not wearing a mask or social distancing when they arrived and that she had been interacting with the public for seven hours"

"The two were initially sentenced to 40 hours of community service and fined more than $2,000, but prosecutors appealed for a harsher penalty and won.

1. first of all, she's 18. she's an adult, not a "teen". That's some shitty ass reporting. She's going to college, not high school.
2. Of course the media makes her look like the victim instead of the culprit. She took off the bracelet and snuck around with no mask on. yeah 4 months sounds like a lot, but don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
3. As a photographer, I tell everyone i know they should get good head shots in case they're on the news for some reason, like you're killed by a bear at the zoo or disobey quarantine regulations cause you're a selfish prick



Oct 25, 2017
a parallel universe
Indeed and yet the condition of the prisons currently has no effect on whether they broke the law nor the severity of the offense which is why they are getting prison sentences. Unless your saying our poor rich kids wouldn't survive in which case my response is they can eat cake.
I dont think a poor person would fair much better tbh

If wishing someone to live in conditions like that makes you feel better about laws being followed then have at it.


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
Seemed relevant in a thread about a person going to prison in the Cayman Islands.

The condition of a prison should not be used as a deflection on breaking laws. You can be for better prison conditions AND for people going to prison for breaking laws.
And the US has NO right to criticize prison conditions in other nations.


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
1. first of all, she's 18. she's an adult, not a "teen". That's some shitty ass reporting. She's going to college, not high school.
This same media will infantalize a 30+ year old white man doing dumb shit in brazil def see how they make them all seem like kids while make minorities into grown ass people when they are kids.


Oct 26, 2017
Also, I dislike the comparison to drunk driving, without injecting my feelings about DUI laws. It annoys me because it misrepresents the scale of the problem. A drunk driver endangers on average 2-10 people, going above 50 in very rare circumstances (say, drunk driving around a concert). Breaking quarantine as a tourist endangers everyone in their geographic vicinity, and Google tells me the population of the Caymen's is ~64,000.

A botched shooting carries less mortal danger to strangers than breaking international quarantine, THAT is the real issue here. And she did this on purpose. I do not know what the official legal terminology here is but I would more accurately describe her crime as "intentional viral endangerment of 64,000 people" or if that is too wordy, we can call it "bioterrorism".


Oct 25, 2017
a parallel universe
The condition of a prison should not be used as a deflection on breaking laws. You can be for better prison conditions AND for people going to prison for breaking laws.
And the US has NO right to criticize prison conditions in other nations.
I'm not from the US. Just trying to shine a little light on why maybe cheering this isn't the best look in some peoples eyes. I think what she did was stupid and careless and she deserves punishment but Im not happy about someone being put somewhere like that. Maybe think about conditions someone is placed in before you start foaming at the mouth with glee over it because they fucked up badly.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not from the US. Just trying to shine a little light on why maybe cheering this isn't the best look in some peoples eyes. I think what she did was stupid and careless and she deserves punishment but Im not happy about someone being put somewhere like that. Maybe think about conditions someone is placed in before you start foaming at the mouth with glee over it because they fucked up badly.
Or maybe the woman who actual committed the crime should have thought about the consequences? Is that too much to ask?


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
I'm not from the US. Just trying to shine a little light on why maybe cheering this isn't the best look in some peoples eyes. I think what she did was stupid and careless and she deserves punishment but Im not happy about someone being put somewhere like that. Maybe think about conditions someone is placed in before you start foaming at the mouth with glee over it because they fucked up badly.

Again, the state of the prison should not be used to determine the length of the sentence or the fucking crocodile tears a person should get.
Should inmates in Norway and Germany face longer prison times because the prisons are so nice? Should the reasons for prison time be laxer because of clean prisons and a system that focuses on rehabilitation rather than punishment?
Should we deport this Idiot to Norway to a nice prison but extend her prison time to 12 months?


Oct 31, 2017
Anaheim, CA
I'm not from the US. Just trying to shine a little light on why maybe cheering this isn't the best look in some peoples eyes. I think what she did was stupid and careless and she deserves punishment but Im not happy about someone being put somewhere like that. Maybe think about conditions someone is placed in before you start foaming at the mouth with glee over it because they fucked up badly.
Maybe she should have thought about the possible consequences of her actions, the people she might have infected, the deaths she may have caused, all because she wanted to see her boyfriend race jetskis. Maybe she should have thought about how awful months in prison would be on the cayman islands.

but the problem is, the only thing she thought was that she was above the law, so fuck that nonsense. Yeah, no one should be happy shes going to jail though, that's inhumane.

she's a pre-med student. yes she's only done one semester so they probably haven't covered infectious diseases yet. But I'm sure she was told about how they work when she got to the airport and they explained to her the mandatory two week quarantine process and the consequences if she broke them. But she figured since the test was negative, and she probably wont get caught cause it's a crowded beach, she then decide to walk around for 7 hours with NO MASK on.


Oct 25, 2017
a parallel universe
Again, the state of the prison should not be used to determine the length of the sentence or the fucking crocodile tears a person should get.
Should inmates in Norway and Germany face longer prison times because the prisons are so nice? Should the reasons for prison time be laxer because of clean prisons and a system that focuses on rehabilitation rather than punishment?
Should we deport this Idiot to Norway to a nice prison but extend her prison time to 12 months?
Nah. Im just saying that if someone being put into a situation like that makes you happy then maybe take a look at yourself.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Also gotta love LookAtMeGo frame this as being "careless and stupid" when she deliberately broke quarantine. It's not like she accidentally slip off the bracelet and went to the event for hours without a mask and social distancing.
Nah. Im just saying that if someone being put into a situation like that makes you happy then maybe take a look at yourself.
i dont have to feel bad for someone facing consequences and me being happy they did.


Oct 28, 2017
2 or 3 days in solitary honestly should be enough to scare kids without spending a small fortune in prisons and super spreading covid in prisons.


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
Nah. Im just saying that if someone being put into a situation like that makes you happy then maybe take a look at yourself.

I'm just saying that you should look at yourself stanning for the rich white girl being in a prison while you gave no shit for the thousands upon thousands of other inmates before.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not defending her so you can knock that shit off
You did say you thought it was stupid and careless (what she did), which is grossly misrepresenting what actually happened. What she did was deliberately put multiple people in danger of possible death. I'd say that is a bit more than "stupid and careless".


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017

Who is making fun of the situation now? or are you just trolling? It is quite telling when people come out of the woodwork when a rich white blonde girl goes to prison. Somehow now it is all about the quality of prisons, the length of sentences, being more forgiving, while there was silence before.


Oct 25, 2017
a parallel universe
Who is making fun of the situation now? or are you just trolling? It is quite telling when people come out of the woodwork when a rich white blonde girl goes to prison. Somehow now it is all about the quality of prisons, the length of sentences, being more forgiving, while there was silence before.
Her being rich and white has fucking nothing to do with this. The article could be about some poor black man and I'd feel the same about it. So please fuck off with your assumptions.


Oct 28, 2017
2 or 3 days in solitary honestly should be enough to scare kids without spending a small fortune in prisons and super spreading covid in prisons.
These arent kids who pranked old man withers and left dog shit on the table.They are 24 and 18year old individuals who broke the law and as such are liable to be prosecuted for potentially endangering the god damned island. Do people get this?


Oct 28, 2017
Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions. Hope she doesn't have a breakdown, prison seems a bit harsh, but honestly wtf were they thinking? This is part of the reason we're in this mess. Next you'll tell me they voted for Trump.

Dogo Mojo

Oct 27, 2017
These arent kids who pranked old man withers and left dog shit on the table.They are 24 and 18year old individuals who broke the law and as such are liable to be prosecuted for potentially endangering the god damned island. Do people get this?

They do, they just don't care, If she infected and killed people she would still be the victim. The prison system there seems harsh but if you don't want to be subject to the laws of another country don't go there and intentionally break them. This is a prime example why many countries want zero Americans crossing their borders right now.


Nov 28, 2017
Any amount will change your reflex in some way, and alcohol affect people differently. Getting older I decisively noticed that 1 pint would start already affecting me.
Having a common value it's just a compromise. Some nation started to lower the limit to pretty much 0%.
Any drug will have some impact on your reaction time or cognitive ability.

But again, what you said is incorrect about the impact on BAC, which is the law. 1 pint is double a standard drink, so in that situation, yes that person would be approaching the legal limit of 0.05% in most countries.
Oct 30, 2017
If this was an accidental breach, or she didn't understand the rules/regulations, I could see the issue.

But it's not.

She went there for a specific event, knowing that she'd not be able to complete quarantine before said event. She specifically requested a looser tracker bracelet so she could remove it more easily. She deliberately took it off knowing she was breaking the law. Everything about this was pre-meditated and done intentionally.

She's a self-centered ignorant arse who thought her going somewhere was more important than laws designed to keep an island community safe in the midst of a pandemic.

That the prison she's ended up in is shit doesn't figure.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Zero sympathy, she slipped off the tracking device and decided to fuck around, potentially endangering an entire island. She can fuck off with that sob story bullshit about regretting it, she only regrets the fact she'll face any actual consequences for her actions.


Oct 27, 2017
I'll say it again because somehow we still have people trying to argue that she shouldn't be punished for breaking clear laws of another country, but fuck her and anyone who somehow thinks that she deserves better. This is exactly why so many places want Americans banned from entry, huge parts of America have decided that covid isn't a big deal while it runs rapid through their communities and yet somehow they also think because they don't care as much about their own citizens dying that other places shouldn't care either, fuck that noise. This woman knew the situation, she knew it was the law there, she decided that she was above that law, which I assume is due to the fact that in the usa she probably would be, but she didn't stay in the usa, she left and went to another country and risked the lives of the citizens of that country.

This wasn't a mistake or children being silly, this was willfully deciding that she would rather see a stupid jetski competition than take the steps required by the law of the country to protect the very people who live there. The fact Americans are somehow acting like prison is too harsh says it all, I'm sorry but this is the real world, take a look around at how generally people in the usa reacted to rules put in places for covid, this is literally why she assumed she could act the same way elsewhere, now this American girl has learned that other countries aren't going to let her selfish American privileged mindset destroy their people.

Oh and to anyone who wants to say that somehow her being in prison for 4 months isn't fair, well again fuck you because there are people like my mum and disabled sister who haven't been able to go outside for 10 months now because people like this woman and her bf who decided that their needs are more important than the wellbeing of others. I don't care how the prison system is there, if I go to another country and break the laws I don't get to request that I'm sent to a hotel to serve my sentence, and I sure as shit don't care for her when as I've said my mum and sister have been stuck at home for 10 months while my mum takes care of my sister in end of life stages of care and worried that anytime she may need medical attention could be the time she gets covid from the outside world on the way there. This is not a game, you don't get to just act like because you don't care about covid restrictions and issues that no one else should hold you to account for that willful neglect, and you sure as shit don't get to go to another country as a tourist and then outright ignore and violate rules they put in place to protect their country and then cry when they hold you to account and you don't like the prison you may end up in.