Mar 25, 2019
Alright, I'll play it. My initial thoughts from afar are that this might have looked better as a 2D game. Not the most sold on the graphics/art style. But I suppose it's not as easy to do the genre bending stuff in 2D. We'll see.
I thought the same before I started it just looking at screenshots. They sell the style/color of the game pretty well, but once you are playing the game the graphics and art direction really shine, and there are things the game does with perspective that being exclusively 2D wouldn't have made sense


OT Speedrunner
Oct 25, 2017
Hekki grace.
Names were opaque keywords, a relic from a different time.
Dumpster Jiao.
Grace to the ALLMOTHER.

Onto chapter 2!


Jan 2, 2019
One thing I'm confused upon, having finished it
I missed the part where it was mentioned prior to chapter 9 where we found out that the newer sisters came from principals hair, which healer mentions in chapter 9.

Also are we to take it that since the occupants left that the virus went away, which is why they can be safe on the surface?
Oct 25, 2017
One thing I'm confused upon, having finished it
I missed the part where it was mentioned prior to chapter 9 where we found out that the newer sisters came from principals hair, which healer mentions in chapter 9.

Also are we to take it that since the occupants left that the virus went away, which is why they can be safe on the surface?

I think principal mentions it during the original telling of the sister's sin. Mother takes away their immunity, and so she has to resort to clones from her own hair because mother isn't there anymore. It's mentioned prior to the civil war at least.

Then for the surface, I guess that's the take. It's been a few decades if not longer. I assume that also means the Keeper was either intentionally pumping the virus into the system as control, or the occupants just couldn't control their virus shedding ways.
Mar 25, 2019
For the optional talk to every sister objectives between communions, should I be speaking to every single icon before moving on or am I fine just speaking to the other main sisters?
Sep 10, 2020
Just got the "Why not both?" bundle. Gonna Steam Deck the hell outta this one. Nier Automata and 13 Sentinels are two of my GOATs.


Jan 2, 2019
I think principal mentions it during the original telling of the sister's sin. Mother takes away their immunity, and so she has to resort to clones from her own hair because mother isn't there anymore. It's mentioned prior to the civil war at least.

Then for the surface, I guess that's the take. It's been a few decades if not longer. I assume that also means the Keeper was either intentionally pumping the virus into the system as control, or the occupants just couldn't control their virus shedding ways.

Thanks, actually I had another question as well

why could blue in communion with watcher also experience Iris's mothers memories?


Dec 28, 2017
why could blue in communion with watcher also experience Iris's mothers memories?
I took that as still being a memory of Iris. No doubt her mother (and father) would have shown her and described life in Hong Kong when she was growing up. That memory of a place in time was special to all of them.


Oct 27, 2017
Got it, thanks! Am I just missing dialogue and checking off the objective if I miss someone or will not completing that impact something narratively? Having a bit of trouble navigating the Orchard, so not sure how much time I want to spend trying to track every marker down
I never got that icon to go away, but I don't feel like I missed anything. You're good.

Great game. really hope lots of people get a chance to play this.
Mar 25, 2019
I never got that icon to go away, but I don't feel like I missed anything. You're good.

Great game. really hope lots of people get a chance to play this.
Cool, good to know. Loving the writing so want to soak up as much of it as I can, but also don't want to ruin the pacing by spending too much time treating these sections like a checklist
Oct 25, 2017
Thanks, actually I had another question as well

why could blue in communion with watcher also experience Iris's mothers memories?

I took that as still being a memory of Iris. No doubt her mother (and father) would have shown her and described life in Hong Kong when she was growing up. That memory of a place in time was special to all of them.

Wasn't it also

At that point watcher had done like, 800 communions or whatever. She had gone to the very depths of the memory of their bloodline, and they were thus her memories. Though come to think of it, I'm not exactly sure who she was in communion with on the train while she was going through the cycles. Unless if it was with Blue the whole time?


Oct 1, 2022
Finished it. One of my all time favorites easily. Took me 17 hours since I like to take my time (and I frequently got lost in the Orchard).

The writing, voice acting and storytelling is just phenomenal.

Some stand out moments in the game for me personally:

- The flashback where Fixer showed Watcher the stars and Watcher was wishing on them. Up to that point Watcher appeared pretty dissociated and reserved because she hadn't processed what she'd done to Fixer yet. Despite her being in denial and completely repressing herself it was a reminder that she also had had desires and loved Fixer so much. So painful, so good.

- On that note, this game has an excellent depiction of what emotional abuse looks like and how parental figures appear like godlike authorities in the minds of an abused child. You don't question them, you don't doubt them. Watcher did what she was told with no hesitation because she was so scared of not being loved by ALLMOTHER or making her angry. Same goes for the Youngest.

- The play where Principal herself participates and acts out her desire for ALLMOTHER's love on stage to the clueless Iris actor. It's been 1000+ years, she has seemingly achieved everything she wanted in life, but she still can't move on and she craves her mother's love and approval and she can never get that. One of the best character moments.

- Not even getting into all the cool ways how deliberately language is used in this game. At one point I was wondering if this was the kind of game where choices mattered, and it's actually the kind of game where everything anyone's ever said mattered and is echoed again and again later on, recontextualized, or with added meanings. Incredible writing.

- Also appreciate that they called Blue a terrorist. It's true and they should say it. lol

- Absolutely loved how messy and human all the characters were. That's the good stuff.

For the optional talk to every sister objectives between communions, should I be speaking to every single icon before moving on or am I fine just speaking to the other main sisters?
You get an achievement if you talk to optional sisters (or all NPCs) in every chapter.


Dec 28, 2017
Got it, thanks! Am I just missing dialogue and checking off the objective if I miss someone or will not completing that impact something narratively?
Beyond missing achievements, it won't completely change the story but all I'll say is keeping up with these sisters pays off in an interesting way after a certain point of the game

At that point watcher had done like, 800 communions or whatever. She had gone to the very depths of the memory of their bloodline, and they were thus her memories.
Okay I just replayed a bit of Chapter 8 and yeah, Watcher mentions that the memories and experiences that Secretary holds extends beyond Iris but to her mother, grandmother and ancestors as it's all genetic memory. Dunno how I missed that lol.
Though come to think of it, I'm not exactly sure who she was in communion with on the train while she was going through the cycles. Unless if it was with Blue the whole time?

I think after Blue woke up, she just kept going through the motions and reliving everything again by herself. Secretary broke free from Iris' control after getting bashed in by Watcher. That seemingly allowed Watcher to view the memories alone, no two-way communion needed.
Last edited:


▲ Legend ▲
Jun 23, 2021
I've finished the game.

I don't know what to say. I'm speechless. I think I might be depressed.

How am I supposed to play any other game after this? I think I'm gonna have to take a break. This is going to stay with me for a long time.


Oct 27, 2017
I've finished the game.

I don't know what to say. I'm speechless. I think I might be depressed.

How am I supposed to play any other game after this? I think I'm gonna have to take a break. This is going to stay with me for a long time.
This is exactly how I felt. Grateful for this wonderful thread.


Nov 21, 2021
Gutted that I won't be able to play this for a couple of days. Part way through chapter 4 and I'm so hooked and just want to see where it goes. Can't wait for the weekend to get here so I can just get right back to it.
2 gifts from Kurtikeya


Official Giveaway Bot
Mar 7, 2018
This giveaway has unfortunately been cancelled.


Hello, I am bot! I come bearing 2 gifts from Kurtikeya Kurtikeya!

This is a two-day raffle that will expire in 48 hours. The winner will be drawn at random! Any prizes leftover after the deadline will become available on a first-come first-serve basis.

Kurtikeya said:
Idefk dude. I default to bowing out from "Games that feel like they were made for you" discussions because identity is already this fraught and fractal thing, and I don't even think I know myself half the times I fix my hair for a selfie.

But every now and then, a thing comes along that I want to say gets me, that makes me want to know myself better, that makes me want to sit down and purify what it is that I want or what I value. And if I'm lucky, it provides a new perspective or at least a new energy for me to be able to once again reckon with the things I will always be reckoning, adore the things I will always adore, be baffled and frustrated and allured by the fact that, more often than not, I'll have to do both those things at once.

Anyway, I'm saying all this because 1000xResist operates from hyper-specific places a lot of the time, and those places, despite the ultimate distance and difference, look and feel like corridors I've tripped in, rooms I've slept in, tables I've sat at, and where I've spilled kimchi and coffee on, cried under, kept and shared secrets at, made and lost friends at. There is a particular correspondence to this game that I am rarely able to pursue in the medium, and for that I am thankful.

Giving away the game on PC and on Switch. Upon request, I can include an ePub of Where Else, which served as a companion piece of sorts for me when I played the demo, and which will serve as a companion piece as I go through the game. ^_^

Some days there is a violent sister inside of me, and a red ladder
that wants to go elsewhere.

I drive home on the other side of the road, going south now.
The white coat has said I'm ready, and I watch as a vulture
crosses over me, heading toward

the carcasses I haven't properly mourned or even forgiven.
What if, instead of carrying

a child, I am supposed to carry grief?

The great black scavenger flies parallel now, each of us speeding,
intently and driven, toward what we've been taught to do with death.
They couldn't see Aliss but Aliss could see them, and to her their eyes were dark vortexes, each vortex a tunnel leading to another secret, expectant city, waiting to bloom wide open like a flower.
What other mothers had done she did,
re-staging the contractions until my departure.
I saw what she saw:
a cloud of messy flesh waiting at the gate
redder than ink.
I don't care about the epistemology of it. Nor of power. I do not want to just lay bare the violence and leave it there as it is. I am tired of thinking about this in terms of domination, memorialization, capture. What I care about is in what we can hold, be held. Whether it is a kindness to see, be seen. If there is a vocabulary for love besides the violence of the lover's gaze, beloved, capture. If there might be a way to see even without truly seeing. If there is a way to love when the light is clipped. What is there to call beautiful. Not domination, but choosing. How could it be an act of care to gather up what warped beams of sight I can into something resembling reality, however obliquely, however incompletely, however elastic, however breakable. If I could call it ours. And what of our silences, the places shrouded beyond light.
In high school, I used to tell Bonnie the worst things about myself, teenage things. I was daring her not to be my friend. I was almost willing her to reveal my secrets to her mother, who would then tell my mother. But she'd simply say, "Is that true?"

In the upstairs den of her parents' house, she asked so many questions, inquiring about what I liked, what I thought about someone, what I wanted in the future. It doesn't take much to come into your own; all it takes is someone's gaze. It's not totally accurate to say that I felt seen. It was more that: Beheld by her, I learned how to become myself. Her interest actualized me.
yes i read an article on Korean dystopian fiction in translation and felt better for it and yes I slept that night in a bed with only me in it and yes my partner had stayed that week in an Airbnb in order that my parents might visit me in peace and yes I am still trying to achieve my way into love and yes I cried when my mother told me to take care of her since it has been so long and yes the turbot it was so moist it was so soft and yes fine dining has forever been a social lubricant in my family and yes without fireworks on the tongue to distract us into harmony there would have been all the love we could muster or a desolation none of us could have withstood.
🥰 🥰 🥰

These are our awesome prizes:

  • Steam Steam: 1000xResist (can include an ePub of Where Else) (4 entries)
  • Nintendo Switch (North America) Nintendo Switch (North America): 1000xResist (can include an ePub of Where Else) (1 entry)


Oct 25, 2018
Think the only regrets I'm having about this game are:

- Having real life responsabilities because that's time away from it.
- The Switch Lite's screen is so small and I get SO lost in the Orchard. Wish it was on PS5.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Goddammit I've been really excited for this for a while now but somehow completely missed that it's only on Steam and Switch lol.
...the waiting game continues I guess.

Really happy to see all the praise for the game though. Congrats to the team.
Oct 4, 2020
Finished Chapter 5... literally just one wtf moment after another, still can't quite believe how good this game is

The moment when it reset to the start up logos but with blood all over them is one of my favourite parts of the game so far, and I love how any time the game zips you to a new place/section/narrative beat (i.e., if you complete a 'puzzle' in one of the communions), it's done with a very harsh cut, makes everything so much more jarring

I think I have a general grasp of what's going on, but every time the game clarifies something for me I'm then also left with more questions (in the best way possible)


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Y'all really making it hard to hold off on playing this game for now


Mar 12, 2020
Finished yesterday, definitely one of the best walking sim out there. Between this, Indika and possibly Hellblade 2 i hope we are back with a second golden age of walking sim.


Feb 7, 2022
I truly love how this is becoming a "play it blind, know nothing game" tagged along with people loving it. Definitely high priority in my backlog.


Oct 25, 2017
I've been playing about a Chapter a day since launch, just letting everything soak & marinate. What a ride so far. Don't want it to end.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
I'm so inundated with other amazing games but the reactions in this thread and elsewhere really makes me think I need to make this a priority.


Dec 28, 2017
Kurtikeya Thank you so much for the giveaway. Really amazing to see just how much the game has resonated with you. I've heard of Bliss Montage before but this is my first time hearing about Where Else. I'm thinking of picking both up myself and giving them a read sometime!
I've finished the game.

I don't know what to say. I'm speechless. I think I might be depressed.

How am I supposed to play any other game after this? I think I'm gonna have to take a break. This is going to stay with me for a long time.
It's crazy how I finished this on Sunday and I can't even start something new. I'm still processing everything I went through and taking it all in. Super, super rare for a game to be able to do this.


Nov 16, 2017
I'm at the start of chapter 4 and yeah, it's just a really well-written and interestingly designed narrative-driven sci-fi game. Each chapter's communion has been novel in terms of gameplay style (but yes, basically all walk-and-talk) and touching-to-devastating in execution.

An absolute gem.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 2, 2017
Kurtikeya Thank you so much for the giveaway. Really amazing to see just how much the game has resonated with you. I've heard of Bliss Montage before but this is my first time hearing about Where Else. I'm thinking of picking both up myself and giving them a read sometime!

It's crazy how I finished this on Sunday and I can't even start something new. I'm still processing everything I went through and taking it all in. Super, super rare for a game to be able to do this.

My PMs are open if you want a link to a download of Where Else. Consider it as my personal thanks for the thread and your LP-like journal!


Oct 29, 2017
This game looks so interesting, Is it a walking simulator? I have nothing against them, i enjoyed Firewatch, Gone home and Sagebrush, story is something i value in games but i prefer games to have at least some gameplay mechanics but it's ok if the story, dialogue and characters are good enough to compensate.


▲ Legend ▲
Jun 23, 2021
This game looks so interesting, Is it a walking simulator? I have nothing against them, i enjoyed Firewatch, Gone home and Sagebrush, story is something i value in games but i prefer games to have at least some gameplay mechanics but it's ok if the story, dialogue and characters are good enough to compensate.
Narrative definitely compensates. I've described it as a walking sim - walking from character to character in interesting vistas - but there are moments of -light- platforming to break up the pacing.

Actually, this game shifts gameplay perspectives so much that it keeps it interesting. Sometimes you're third person over the shoulder; sometimes you're side scrolling; sometimes you're in first person; sometimes you don't even control your character, you're just a floating camera moving around the space and examining the scene. The gameplay is a tool to enhance the storytelling.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
After the huge RPGs I've been playing this sounds like a welcome pivot. Like picking up a book and reading a chapter a night.