
Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island

. Hey, um...senpais! Wow. So like, I've been trying to keep it a secret, but OMG, UNCLE DEATH IS MISSING!! I need your help to bring him home. Just like, read the description, okay? It all started a couple of months ago. Uncle D had been acting a little strangely and then one day he told me he was "going out for some tacos" and like, I haven't seen him since! That is, I HADN'T seen him until this super mysterious videotape showed up at the HATED ARCADE. The postmark was dated a few weeks after he disappeared, so I guess it must have like, got lost in the mail or whatever. So like, yeah, Uncle Death is living in some creepy basement somewhere and I still haven't heard from him! I wouldn't normally ask anyone for help under any circumstances, but I'm really worried about Uncle Death. I mean, like, what if he doesn't come back? I might stop getting paid to come and sit in this stupid arcade all day!! Uncle Death never stops talking about how much he loves his senpai, so that's why I'm turning to you. PLEASE help me convince Uncle Death to return by sending your messages of support in the comments below! Tell him that you miss him! Tell him how much you enjoy his game. Tell him what he can do to make you happy! I think that, like, if hears from enough people that might convince him to come home, ya know? Anyways, please follow Uncle Death on social media and send him your messages of support there too! Here are Uncle D's social media accounts: twitter.com/LETITDIETheGame facebook.com/LETITDIETheGame instagram.com/letitdiethegame Thanks in advance for your help. If you can't do it for him, do it for ME! I'm stuck in this arcade with no one to talk to except stupid Meijin! Kthanx, Naomi Detox

Oct 25, 2017
Milwaukee, WI
I was actually thinking about downloading this for PC. An actual, real deal, great free to play game that isn't rooted in multiplayer!

But I do wonder what Suda's involvement is at this point.


Oct 25, 2017
Hell yeah, senpai! Best F2P game ever created with one of the best endings ever.



"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
I remember I got a bit put off when I learned that other players can raid your homebase and that you have to kind of keep clones of yourself to get through the game. I think it was something like that but I didn't like having to worry about other players


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I wish Uncle Death was a playable character in the THPS 1+2 remake


Oct 25, 2017
Doesn't the video seem to imply that the game will shut down if the revenue generated doesn't increase sometime soon?


Oct 28, 2017
I was actually thinking about downloading this for PC. An actual, real deal, great free to play game that isn't rooted in multiplayer!

But I do wonder what Suda's involvement is at this point.
Grasshopper is almost certainly not involved anymore. Hideyuki Shin, the director of Let it Die and the one in the video has scrubbed every mention of grasshopper and even unfollowed Suda on twitter. Whatever they are making next is not involved with Grasshopper and Suda.

In fact, Suda has made a second company called GhM handling every IP they have that isn't Let it Die and moved out of GungHo's office (their parent company).
There are literally two grasshopper companies, the one making NMH3 and the one that is a subsidiary of gungho. I don't know what happened though
Oct 25, 2017
Milwaukee, WI
Grasshopper is almost certainly not involved anymore. Hideyuki Shin, the director of Let it Die and the one in the video has scrubbed every mention of grasshopper and even unfollowed Suda on twitter. Whatever they are making next is not involved with Grasshopper and Suda.

In fact, Suda has made a second company called GhM handling every IP they have that isn't Let it Die and moved out of GungHo's office (their parent company).
There are literally two grasshopper companies, the one making NMH3 and the one that is a subsidiary of gungho. I don't know what happened though

Jesus, I had no idea! Well....good luck Grasshopper...s
May 19, 2020
I would absolutely play a retail version of the game. I believe it would be much less frustrating experience without the F2P barriers.


Oct 25, 2017
I really did have a blast with Let It Die, even if I didn't stay with it for too long. I'd welcome more.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I was actually thinking about downloading this for PC. An actual, real deal, great free to play game that isn't rooted in multiplayer!

But I do wonder what Suda's involvement is at this point.
Suda branched Grasshopper Manufacture out of GungHo back in 2018 over what seems to be internal differences, and are now managed externally, though evidently there still exists a "Grasshopper" in GungHo.


グラスホッパー・マニファクチュア、ガンホーグループ外からの受託業務を新設会社GhMに移管 GhMは須田社長のプロジェクトや社外案件を手がけることに | gamebiz

ガンホー・オンラインエンターテイメント<3765>子会社のグラスホッパー・マニファクチュアは、この日(4月27日)付の「官報」に「吸収分割公告」を掲載し、ガンホーグループ外からの受託によるゲーム開発・運営業務を新設会社GhMに承継させることを明らかにした。当社の取材に対し、ガンホーでは、グラスホッパーは今後、『Let it Die』などガンホーグループとの共同開発などに注力する一方、GhMは『ノ…

Given Suda's comments about the development of Travis Strikes Again it's safe to say he only carried a smaller team with him, whereas most of the manpower/studio probably remained under GungHo, including most of Let It Die's team.

EDIT: Dreamboum with the ninja


Oct 26, 2017
Helsinki, Finland
Sorry to bump an old thread, but I didn't want to start a new one for the announcement.



GungHo Online Entertainment and Grasshopper Manufacture have teamed up to bring you an action-packed thriller with a survival twist. So what is YOUR Death wish?
Did you guys like, catch all of that? Uncle Death is going to be giving away some special items in LET IT DIE for FREE! Not only that but if enough people download these free goodies, Uncle D will be adding new stuff to the game!

For example, if 100,000 players download the free goodies, Uncle D will add Kiwako's "Yes/No" signs into the game as a weapon. If 500,000 players download the goodies, he'll add a special elevator that takes players directly to the 100th floor of the Tower of Barbs!

There are lots of other rewards too. Like, check out this image that I screengrabbed from the video (lolz) for a full list of possible rewards.


So, if enough people download the free goodies, we will be finally getting new content for the game, and some long-awaited QOL improvements, like the 100F elevator for the endgame (now the Tengoku trips have to be started on 50F, and higher level materials are more common above 100F). Not to mention, a free continue per day indefinitely, which would help newcomers a lot.


Oct 26, 2017
Sorry to bump an old thread, but I didn't want to start a new one for the announcement.



GungHo Online Entertainment and Grasshopper Manufacture have teamed up to bring you an action-packed thriller with a survival twist. So what is YOUR Death wish?


So, if enough people download the free goodies, we will be finally getting new content for the game, and some long-awaited QOL improvements, like the 100F elevator for the endgame (now the Tengoku trips have to be started on 50F, and higher level materials are more common above 100F). Not to mention, a free continue per day indefinitely, which would help newcomers a lot.

Ooh, that's tempting.

Think I'm going to pack up and sell my Pro before the market gets flooded though.

Good to hear it's not dead anyway, I'd love a sequel or next gen upgrade.


Oct 26, 2017
Helsinki, Finland
I find it hard to believe anything that requires much funding would rely on people downloading \playing it .

It's either in production or it isn't.

Perhaps, but the wording "Development of Death Drive 128 MAX" implies it's not in production yet. IIRC, Death Drive is the pyramid-like device Uncle Death has in the Hater Arcade, which gets another layer on top when the player beats the main 40 floors, but it's still missing the top of the pyramid. The added MAX also implies it's an update to the current 128 version. So, perhaps new (recycled) floors, like those above 40F, would be the most realistic option.


Jan 9, 2018
Isn't Death Drive the arcade game console everyone experiences LID from?

Could this mean a PS5 upgrade with some nice improvements?
The savefiles are kept online anyway so "transfer" would be easy for the existing players.


Oct 27, 2017
Let it Die truely is a fantastic game with an incredible OST. Man, just hearing the name Let it Die wants to make me listen to it again.

I stopped playing it a long time ago but if they're really going to make new content for it, I would most definitely jump back in again!


Prophet of Regret - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I feel like Uncle Death was extremely popular for like 2 weeks and then no one ever mentioned him or the game again. I even wonderee if they shut down the game or something


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like Uncle Death was extremely popular for like 2 weeks and then no one ever mentioned him or the game again. I even wonderee if they shut down the game or something

Maybe it terms of conversation here but it was definitely trucking along in the background. The game didn't get to 6 millions downloads for nothing.


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
I thought Let it Die was really cool but it was WAY too much of a grind, to the point it stopped being enjoyable to me pretty early on.