
Oct 27, 2017
I am so fucking sick of the media doing endless puff pieces on right wing assholes. All through Trump's term we had to hear about their economic anxiety and all that bullshit, and now they want to soft peddle the capital attackers? This is the second interview that has been published with terrorists who attacked the capital that's given them an unchallenged platform to spread their views, it's fucking disgusting.
What's next, a top ten hottest insurrectionist list?


Oct 27, 2017
Media outlets love telling the stories of "inside the mind of a trump supporter" when it's always just the same two things:

1. Misplaced anger about the economy
2. Racism

Also he admitted to scaling the walls and helping others do so, isn't this trespassing bare minimum? And he admitted to this in the article?
also: idiocy and ardent ignorance

he is a criminal and he will be arrested. at least, he better.


Oct 25, 2017
The real smoking gun is: Interactions with the police led him to believe he wasn't doing anything wrong.
Glad someone pointed this out. Besides the casual admitting to trespassing, smoking in a federal building, and the whole part of a violent coup attempt, this is the only reason it got as far as it did.


Nov 2, 2017
I really wish these fucks would stop getting media attention.

In some regard, I know it's a good thing in that it helps the authorities, but we don't need to spotlight terrorists.

Obi Wan Jabroni

alt account
Dec 14, 2020
What Fuckboi and his ilk still don't grasp is that the issue and potential crime is far bigger than trespassing because the point of the riot was to slow down or stop the process of governance and essentially overturn the will of the people by stopping Biden's certification.

I would imagine the government could prosecute for sedition, terrorism, maybe even treason.

And they should.


Oct 27, 2017
His stepfather of 14 years, Timothy Monroe, said he wasn't surprised when he learned that Fellows was inside the Capitol. "He knows what he believes," Monroe said. "You can't really change it with any kind of reality."

This is wild, wouldnt think the older person was the sane one in this situation.

The real smoking gun is: Interactions with the police led him to believe he wasn't doing anything wrong.
This is wild too.


Oct 25, 2017
image of the rioter

There we go.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
"I feel like I've seen a lot of the election fraud evidence, and I don't understand why nothing is being done."

This captures late stage trumpist movement pretty well, and Trump's complicity in manufacturing an insurrection. Lie, lie, and lie some more, and eventually when nothing comes of the lies, cultists are left to question their own sanity ... "Did my hero Donald Trump lie to me? No." and then it motivates further delusional, desperate action. This is why we're still rocketting to violence.

Also ITT can we please stop pretending like Bloomberg is good reporting or representative of reputable reporting, or that Bloomberg represents "the media" in some demonstrative way? Outside of finance, 90% of Bloomberg News is reproducing reporting from other outlets and rewriting it in more salacious ways (similar to The Hill, Business Insider, Forbes, etc), and the remaining 10% is this... shitty pieces written by inexperienced journalists who can't get jobs somewhere else.
Last edited:


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
"I feel like I've seen a lot of the election fraud evidence, and I don't understand why nothing is being done."

This captures late stage trumpist movement pretty well, and Trump's complicity in manufacturing an insurrection. Lie, lie, and lie some more, and eventually when nothing comes of the lies, cultists are left to question their own sanity ... "Did my hero Donald Trump lie to me? No." and then it motivates further delusional, desperate action. This is why we're still rocketting to violence.
A lot of "feels' too. I've challenged some these folks on social and they never ever reply back. Courts need proof not "feels".

The internet had made everyone think they're an expert.


Nov 5, 2017
sure seems mighty proud of being a dumbass

Trump showed them that you don't need ideas or competence to be successful and even become president. You just need to be arrogant and aggressive and sound confident in everything you say, no matter how stupid. The only thing they don't seem to grasp is that Trump was born in a family of billionaires and they don't get the same advantage.
Oct 25, 2017
Toronto, ON
Funny thing is, he says he lives in a bus and is mad at the government because they didn't do enough about Covid, but his grandparents wouldn't invite him in for dinner "because he didn't take Covid-19 seriously enough." His grandparents know he's full of shit.
Oct 25, 2017
Fellows's interactions with police officers inside the Capitol led him to believe there wouldn't be consequences for going inside. "Did I think I was going to get in trouble?" Fellows said. "Uh, no."

After leaving the Capitol, Fellows posed for pictures next to a line of police officers in riot gear and on an abandoned police motorcycle.
Must be nice


Oct 14, 2020
Perfect example of someone who became disenfranchised with the system and began looking for answers in all the wrong places. Economic disparity between rich and poor is a small part why this keeps happening in America. It won't solve this problem by any stretch of the imagination, but fixing inequality will go a long way.

Honestly, I think this is it. It says he's mad and frustrated about not receiving unemployment benefits and having to deal with the pandemic on his own and ending up poor. He's just been fed simple information on who is supposedly responsible for his hardship. His anger is being misdirected by telling him things he wants to hear.

It's really easy to just dismiss these people as assholes and sure, they are, but how did they end up being such major assholes in the first place? If you don't get to the root of the problem there's just gonna be more assholes in the future.

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
Hmmm, merely your average, everyday, homegrown white American terrorist.

Join us as we normalize his terrorism and sympathize with his struggle.


Oct 25, 2017
Hes gonna have fuckin regrets when the FBI comes knocking and hes serving 10 years or more.


Oct 25, 2017
These people need an anthology of books thrown at them. I still think if any non-white person tried to do this, their brain would be beaten out of their skulls with batons.


Jul 31, 2018
Indeed, in the days since the upheaval, Fellows said his profile on the dating app Bumble is "blowing up" after he posted pictures of himself at the Capitol.

I realize that I wouldn't want anything to do with the women who are swiping right on him for his insurrection pictures, but I'm still jealous nevertheless.


▲ Legend ▲
Aug 31, 2019
the media needs to stop giving these people interviews, they are effectively normalizing the actions of people who committed crimes and took part in an attempted coup.


Oct 25, 2017
...so how has he not been arrested yet? Clearly, they're arresting people involved, and this dude is openly admitting to being there, smoking weed in there, etc.

Thousands of people poured onto the capital and hundreds got inside not all caught on tape. The FBI has had over 70,000 tips submitted so far.

I'd be concerned if this were a piece on this person a month from now and they weren't arrested.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
  • Afraid of covid quits his job
  • Gets kicked out of his grandparents dinner because was not taking covid serious enough
  • lives In a school bus and denied unemployment
  • Somehow has money to watch newsmax, travel to DC, buy a fake beard and buy marijuana.

it makes no sense. Where is he getting the money?

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
They'll get around to him eventually if they figure out who he is and where he was. Dumbass.
Oct 27, 2017
Honestly, I think this is it. It says he's mad and frustrated about not receiving unemployment benefits and having to deal with the pandemic on his own and ending up poor. He's just been fed simple information on who is supposedly responsible for his hardship. His anger is being misdirected by telling him things he wants to hear.

It's really easy to just dismiss these people as assholes and sure, they are, but how did they end up being such major assholes in the first place? If you don't get to the root of the problem there's just gonna be more assholes in the future.
So he attempted a coup on behalf of the person that bungled the covid response?

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
It's really easy to just dismiss these people as assholes and sure, they are, but how did they end up being such major assholes in the first place? If you don't get to the root of the problem there's just gonna be more assholes in the future.
The root of the problem is that we have a culture in this country fostered by self-serving politicians, grifters, and a massive media propaganda machine dedicated to validating aggrieved whites' antisocial, violent responses to a changing society. This article, with its implied plea to sympathize with a terrorist, is actually a quintessential example of that very problem.

Cases like this one don't occur in a vacuum. Abolish this toxic (and dangerous) culture and you return a measure of equilibrium to the populace. Continue to cultivate it like our author here and you merely fuel the fire.


Oct 25, 2017
Somehow has money to watch newsmax, travel to DC, buy a fake beard and buy marijuana.
He didn't even buy the marijuana! Some rando passed it to him.
Another video shows his muddy boots propped on a table in Senator Jeff Merkley's office, where Fellows said he took two puffs from a joint someone handed to him. "This one is going to get me incriminated," Fellows said of the video in Merkley's office.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
Honestly, I think this is it. It says he's mad and frustrated about not receiving unemployment benefits and having to deal with the pandemic on his own and ending up poor. He's just been fed simple information on who is supposedly responsible for his hardship. His anger is being misdirected by telling him things he wants to hear.

It's really easy to just dismiss these people as assholes and sure, they are, but how did they end up being such major assholes in the first place? If you don't get to the root of the problem there's just gonna be more assholes in the future.

...Eh, I think this is letting him off the hook a bit.

It is always pointed out whenever someone tries to pivot to the "economic anxiety" argument that, well, minorities exist. Black and Brown Americans exist, are a part of the working class, and on almost every conceivable metric have been hit harder by the pandemic and resulting economic crash. And yet as a group, we don't vote Republican. That ain't an accident.

We cannot talk about the economic motives of the white working class, and the outsized influence grifters like Ben Shapiro and Tucker Carlson have, without acknowledging that the emulsifying force, the glue that holds it all together, is white supremacy and white grievance. This is not about suffering in and of itself (as we've seen, a lot of the Trumpers who have been arrested so far are not suffering economically. They're staunchly middle/upper-middle class). This is about white people on the right having the message reinforced for them that You could have more. Your life is not what it was meant to be, and the reason for that is Them. This country and all its riches belong to you, patriot, and they're taking it from you.

No economic prescription that doesn't address, specifically, white supremacy and how it has been allowed to fester in our civic discourse will solve the problem. Know how I know that? Because it is the lived experience of Black people in this country since we were imported as a commodity. Black people already know what the root of the problem is; we've been screaming it from our diaphragms.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
"I feel like I've seen a lot of the election fraud evidence, and I don't understand why nothing is being done."

This captures late stage trumpist movement pretty well, and Trump's complicity in manufacturing an insurrection. Lie, lie, and lie some more, and eventually when nothing comes of the lies, cultists are left to question their own sanity ... "Did my hero Donald Trump lie to me? No." and then it motivates further delusional, desperate action. This is why we're still rocketting to violence.

Also ITT can we please stop pretending like Bloomberg is good reporting or representative of reputable reporting, or that Bloomberg represents "the media" in some demonstrative way? Outside of finance, 90% of Bloomberg News is reproducing reporting from other outlets and rewriting it in more salacious ways (similar to The Hill, Business Insider, Forbes, etc), and the remaining 10% is this... shitty pieces written by inexperienced journalists who can't get jobs somewhere else.


Oct 27, 2017
Funny thing is, he says he lives in a bus and is mad at the government because they didn't do enough about Covid, but his grandparents wouldn't invite him in for dinner "because he didn't take Covid-19 seriously enough." His grandparents know he's full of shit.
Another older relative in his family more saner than him? I am completely shocked this isnt the other way around or they dont all believe the same things.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
Why are they even bothering giving these people interviews? We already know what they're about, and it's always the same story. Feels like they're trying to paint this loser in a sympathetic light for no reason. But it takes almost an act of god before us black folks can be seen as anything but a thug by the media.


Oct 27, 2017
What is this mythical evidence that they all claim exist yet never materializes in court?
This is what kills me about the comparisons to 2016.

That led to actual arrests, actual charges, actual results. Even if the results weren't the major one, there were still results regardless.

Still waiting for this damning proof for the 2020 election. So far judges have thrown the cases out before even getting started, lawyers have quit.

Still waiting.