
The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Yeah, having worked with Huawei engineers, they're more than capable of developing an OS, app support is a whooole other story. Would china be up for banning US-based companies from using Foxcon? That'd be a devastating blow


Jun 15, 2018
United Kingdom
They can build an OS but how many devs will make their apps for that OS? Even Microsoft struggled with that aspect and then canned the whole thing, so I can't see Huawei pulling it off either.


Alt account
Oct 26, 2017
1. force company to develop/use own OS
2. claim company is doing it to spy on users
3. profit

All according to hegemonial keikaku


Dec 14, 2017
Funny thing is Huawei could just fork Android and announce that they will update all devices for 3-4 years and suddenly they would be the blacklisted company and the best company to support Android at the se time lol.

They already have their own OS in development and I am sure it features Android apk support, they wouldn't be dumb to no include it.


Oct 29, 2017
One thing he might be alluding to is that China doesn't do quartal thinking. Huawei have long term plans for decades ahead, and a short term OS disruption will not derail those.

Deleted member 36622

User requested account closure
Dec 21, 2017
Have fun convincing Mainland China there's a difference.

China is not controlling directly Taiwan and its companies, the island operates indipendently, but they can penalize them in many ways, in this case blocking Foxconn's production in China for instance. Two things to consider here:

- Foxconn is not afraid of shutting down factories in China, they are already planning to move part of their production to Kaohsiung (Taiwan), to protect the company from China-USA trade war.

- Their chairman Terry Gou is pro-China, he stated just few months ago that he considers Taiwan part of China, he's running for Kuomintang candidacy which is the taiwanese communist party (not the main party in Taiwan) and notoriously pro China.

Deleted member 431

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'd even put a 10-15% shot that the internet eventually gets shut off entirely between the Western and Eastern electronic ecosystems.
This sort of already happens. A good deal of western websites, news sources, and social media services are just full on banned and inaccessible in the PRC. The internet experience there is vastly different than the western world.
Oct 30, 2017
Ok? What does this have to do with Huawei?
The CCP is in the process of creating a totalitarian surveillance state thanks to new technological advancements.

Huawei can be (or is) transformed into a tool to serve their long-term goals as there are basically no checks and balances, so why should we trust them or give them more power?

Even with stuff like the NSA I can at least look up why the NSA sucks or talk shit about them on Facebook, while a cartoon teddy gets you in trouble in China.

Deleted member 10551

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
This sort of already happens. A good deal of western websites, news sources, and social media services are just full on banned and inaccessible in the PRC. The internet experience there is vastly different than the western world.

I'm saying it might become a two-way street, with a hard online border between American and Chinese internet.
Oct 27, 2017
I love how Americans have been so riled up by their Supreme Cheeto's rethoric and outlandish claims, despite everyone in this forum being so liberal. Just like nobody in America wanted to invade Irak.



Oct 25, 2017
The whole "I don't mind if China spies on me" stance is idiotic. There's people far more influential than you that could potentially be spied on.
Oct 30, 2017
I'm not asking what can or can't be in the future.
Right now there's no evidence that Huawei working for Chinese government.
Your whole line of thinking builds on the isolation of a single premise while ignoring other warning signs altogether.

Maybe there is no hard evidence for Huawei, but Huawei isn't the problem, it's the chinese government.

It's like voting for Trump in 2016 because "Yeah look, he hasn't done damage yet, give him a chance".


Oct 27, 2017
I love how Americans have been so riled up by their Supreme Cheeto's rethoric and outlandish claims, despite everyone in this forum being so liberal. Just like nobody in America wanted to invade Irak.

Canadian. We don't need cheeto to rile us. China going a good job on their own .

And I certainly have not forgotten Huawei killed Nortel with state sponsored industrial espionage

Deleted member 19003

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
How do you know that China is spying more than the USA? What is your proof?
Assuming all nations spy is the logical end point.

The difference is how that data is used. China is using it to mass censor and sanitize their authoritarian version of an internet, keeping their populace in perpetual ignorance by banning free journalism and social media, tracking and imprisoning minorities, and brutally cracking down on any dissidents.

Not only that, but they are looking to outsource these inhumane surveillance practices to other authoritarian countries.
Last edited:
Nov 9, 2017
I love how Americans have been so riled up by their Supreme Cheeto's rethoric and outlandish claims, despite everyone in this forum being so liberal. Just like nobody in America wanted to invade Irak.


Fuck Huawei. People don't want to sit idly by and watch this company (branch of the Chinese government) try to spread censorship and authoritarianism across the world. You can be against the US's injustices and still see Huawei for who they really are.


Oct 30, 2017
Los Angeles
I like my Mate SE and my MediaPad Pro way more than I like Donald Trump. Been using alternative OSes for years (current fave is Elementary OS)...

I like being a rebel. :)


Oct 30, 2017
Los Angeles
Fuck Huawei. People don't want to sit idly by and watch this company (branch of the Chinese government) try to spread censorship and authoritarianism across the world. You can be against the US's injustices and still see Huawei for who they really are.

I've said the same thing about our President. I'm still waiting for someone to point to something other than "conjecture" about Huawei "spreading censorship and authoritarianism across the world".

Show me proof and I'll stop buying Huawei products.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
I don't think this dispute will last long. Similar to ZTE, I think both the US, Google, and other partners will eventually work with Huawei and CHina. There's too much money on the table for companies to spurn them continually.

I won't buy Huawei technology, though, even though my technology use is no risk to your average Chinese dissident that the Communist PArty would use to crack down on them.... I just don't want to be party to that. I work with Chinese ex-pats and I don't want my accidental relationship with someone to put someone at risk, however slight the chances.

How do you know that China is spying more than the USA? What is your proof?
So you say that the USA doesn't spy on their own people?

Nearly all major countries have some domestic spying program, but China's domestic spying program outpaces every other government's domestic spying program on earth and it's not comparable. These are facts that are undeniable, the Chinese government doesn't deny them either, it's something that they're proud of and they export to other countries looking to implement similar spying programs.

If you're looking for more information on this you can DuckDuckGo/Google/Bing/AltaVista/whatever "China domestic spying" and there are probably... ~10,000 very well researched, award-winning indepth articles about it that you can read and learn about.

But, if you're looking for some shortcuts you can start with:
Make no doubt, The US government has a domestic spying program and has had one since nearly its inception. So does the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Russia, Australia, and most other developed countries. The US' domestic spying program is more sophisticated than most other Western countries, as much of that was revealed by the Snowden leaks a half-decade ago. But, China's domestic spying program is so much more advanced in every possible way than any other country on Earth, and they're proud of it, as they're exporting the technology to would-be developing police states.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Era is asking everyone to choose a side, mine won't be America's. Won't be China's either, but on the balance of things I'd like my corner of the globe to stay habitable.
China has the worst emissions of any country, by far. Granted their population is the highest, but China is not really a shining beacon in the battle against climate change.