Oct 25, 2017
The interview is in portuguese, so I decided to translate the whole thing, which I hope is alright. Please give them a click anyway for their work on the original interview:

And let me already apologize in advance for any issues with the translation, I never did this before, but I think it's decent enough to get the message across for people who don't speak portuguese.

Anyway, here's the interview:

I consider Bloodborne to be an almost perfect game. Is there anything you'd change about it?

Thank you very much! I try not to think too much about which elements I'd improve after shipping a game. But I'd have improved on the Chalice Dungeons and the Blood Gems, that I wish were a bit more detailed, worked more thoroughly. I see the possibility of adding more to it.

Maybe in a Bloodborne 2?

(Laughs) Bloodborne 2... Unfortunately, it's not up to me.

What were your inspirations when you first conceived Bloodborne?

I was inspired by Lovecraft's book, The Call of Cthulhu. Anyone who played the game will likely know that I was heavily influenced by Lovecraft and this work.

Other sources of inspirations were horror, of course, and the film Brotherhood of the Wolf.

Of all the games you've worked on, which one is your favorite?

This is a very hard question, and, comparatively, it's like you had three or four children and someone asked "which one is prettier?". I'm gonna answer all of them (laughs).

But if I were to say which one stayed in my heart the most, it's Bloodborne. It's the one that marked me the most. I believe I did it my way, the way I wanted.

What was the most difficult moment you've faced during the development of one of your games?

I believe I didn't go through too many tough moments, especially because even if I'm overwhelmed with work, busy all the time, I like to make games.

So it's the moment I'm the most happy, in general. And when I finish developing a game, I ask myself "did I really suffer? It's already done?" (laughs).

But the most psychologically draining moment is after the game is being sold, when there are a few flaws, and it ends up bothering users. And in that interval between flaw and fix, it's when I get the most upset.

Which is your favorite boss?

Speaking about bosses, it's probably Old Monk, from Demon's Souls. This boss has a unique system, where the player will face other players. Back then, this wasn't a common system, so I received a few complaints and warnings. But at the end of the day, players liked it a lot, it was very different. So it's the one that stayed with me the most.

When you create a boss, what do you think about first: design, or moveset?

What usually happens is: first comes the design. But, when I more or less have the design concept down, I ask the designer to do the art. Then I'll already tell them what they need, and what kind of boss it'll be.

I describe the bare minimum this boss needs, and the rest I leave to the designer. Because I believe this adds even more to the originality. Since if I intrude too much, we'll end up focusing on the game's development logic. I let the designer work on whatever comes up in their head, I think this way we get something more unique.

Any tips you'd give to someone trying to be a game developer?

This is also a very hard question. But I do have two tips. First, I believe that the game itself is a kind of media content that brings many possibilities.

And this happens for two reasons. First of all, the game reflects cutting edge technology, so the more the technology advances, this ends up reflected in the games.

Secondly, it's time. I believe people have more and more spare time, and how they use that time to do something, I think games give a little extra value in this way of using your time, and enriches life with fun.

Another tip is that I also played a lot of videogames before starting to develop them. And what I have to say is that making games is like a game itself, and this is very cool. So I believe people who really enjoy games, and want to invest in that career, won't end up disappointed or sad, because they'll always be playing.

To put it briefly, making games is an area with a lot of possibilities, and it's a lot of fun. So, good luck, and work hard.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

(Laughs) I don't have a lot of time when I'm not working, but when I'm not, I consume all kinds of content, it could be a film, a game or a book. I really like tabletop games.

And recently my son was born, so it has been a great way to use my time, spending it with the family.

But what I like the most is to make games, so to me it's more intense. I apologize to my family (lots of laughs), but I'd like to always be involved in this.
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The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Thank you very much! I try not to think too much about which elements I'd improve after shipping a game. But I'd have improved on the Chalice Dungeons and the Blood Gems, that I wish were a bit more detailed, worked more thoroughly. I see the possibility of adding more to it.

I agree with this. The Chalice Dungeons were a cool IDEA that unfortunately needed like six more months in the oven to really be great.

Also fuck the Defiled Dungeons.

Now please make a sequel, Miyazaki. And by that I mean PLEASE ASK MIYAZAKI TO MAKE A SEQUEL, SONY.


Feb 20, 2019
Thanks for translating, interesting tidbits here. Let him make a Bloodborne 2! And congrats to him on the birth of his son.
Edit: I'm glad he mentioned he would improve the Chalice Dungeons, I thought theh were by far the weakest part of BB. Man really is the GOAT


Jan 27, 2018
Congrats on the baby Miyazaki

Oct 25, 2017
I agree with this. The Chalice Dungeons were a cool IDEA that unfortunately needed like six more months in the oven to really be great.

Also fuck the Defiled Dungeons.

Now please make a sequel, Miyazaki. And by that I mean PLEASE ASK MIYAZAKI TO MAKE A SEQUEL, SONY.
As time passes, I get the impression that his words mean less and less "we're not interested in doing it", and simply "it's not our IP", which is good news for people who want that sequel as much as you do.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
I describe the bare minimum this boss needs, and the rest I leave to the designer. Because I believe this adds even more to the originality. Since if I intrude too much, we'll end up focusing on the game's development logic. I let the designer work on whatever comes up in their head, I think this way we get something more unique.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
As time passes, I get the impression that his words mean less and less "we're not interested in doing it", and simply "it's not our IP", which is good news for people who want that sequel as much as you do.

Yeah, if he's saying it's not up to him then it's definitely on Sony to get this shit greenlit.


Oct 25, 2017
Does anyone seriously feel that nobody at Sony wants a sequel to Bloodborne?

It's going to happen, with Miyazaki at the very least as consultant/ producer.
Just going to be on PS5.


Oct 27, 2017
The only reason i didn't Platinum Bloodborne is the freaking Chalice Dungeons ... i tried to force myself to do them, but i just couldn't bear it after a while.


Oct 25, 2017
I bought a PS4 and Bloodborne blind with full confidence and wasn't proven wrong. Bloodborne is truly special.


Oct 25, 2017
I guess this confirms Bloodborne 2 for PS5. Sony, call the man.
Thanks for translation.
Jan 20, 2019
Does anyone seriously feel that nobody at Sony wants a sequel to Bloodborne?

It's going to happen, with Miyazaki at the very least as consultant/ producer.
Just going to be on PS5.

Nop, Bloodborne is a sucess and im sure that Sony whould want a sequel to lauch with the ps5.

Soo, the problem might be with From Software were Miyazaki as no control.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Does anyone seriously feel that nobody at Sony wants a sequel to Bloodborne?

It's going to happen, with Miyazaki at the very least as consultant/ producer.
Just going to be on PS5.

I certainly don't trust them at this point. They've shown so little interest in the RPG genre as a whole for the majority of the gen that I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they just don't care.


Oct 27, 2017
I certainly don't trust them at this point. They've shown so little interest in the RPG genre as a whole for the majority of the gen that I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they just don't care.

It might also be possible that it's not that "easy" for Sony to just contract them again anytime soon. Between Dark Souls', Sekiro's and pretty sure Elden Ring's upcoming success, FROM have the luxury that there's probably a shitload of pubs and studios willing to work with them.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 16, 2017
I certainly don't trust them at this point. They've shown so little interest in the RPG genre as a whole for the majority of the gen that I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they just don't care.

I wouldn't be surprised if they see FROM Software games as not marketable enough. If you check the trophy completion data most players did not get far into Bloodborne. Perhaps its too hard for the mainstream AAA audience Sony is shooting for.
Oct 25, 2017
The only reason i didn't Platinum Bloodborne is the freaking Chalice Dungeons ... i tried to force myself to do them, but i just couldn't bear it after a while.
They're horrible, but some of the bosses are so cool that I still think it's worth it.

Only did them twice, though, compared to the dozens and dozens of times I played through the game.


Oct 26, 2017
The Netherlands
Bloodborne + DLC is so fucking close to being a perfect game. that the minor imperfections (the chalice dungeons and frame pacing issues) barely even register when thinking about it.. If a Bloodborne 2 ever happens, and it should, then I will be so god damn happy.


Oct 30, 2017
The Bloodborne 2 pain is strong now that I know Miyazaki is down and it's Sony dragging their feet.


Oct 26, 2017
So, basically he wants to make another one but it is on Sony's part to greenlight it?



Oct 25, 2017
Appreciate the translation!

But if I were to say which one stayed in my heart the most, it's Bloodborne. It's the one that marked me the most. I believe I did it my way, the way I wanted

Boy can you tell. The game really is damn near perfection. From gameplay to thematic cohesion, it all works so damn well!


Oct 27, 2017
I wouldn't be surprised if they see FROM Software games as not marketable enough. If you check the trophy completion data most players did not get far into Bloodborne. Perhaps its too hard for the mainstream AAA audience Sony is shooting for.
They dropped significantly when the game was given out for PS+, but they're still relatively great? ~25% of players finishing (tough to get an accurate read since it has three endings) is high.
Feb 26, 2018
Well it's not on him because he doesn't own From. Kadokawa does. Which probably doesn't want to make exclusive gemes no more
Oct 25, 2017
It might also be possible that it's not that "easy" for Sony to just contract them again anytime soon. Between Dark Souls', Sekiro's and pretty sure Elden Ring's upcoming success, FROM have the luxury that there's probably a shitload of pubs and studios willing to work with them.
It's also possible, and I hope it's the case, that they just don't want a different director for it. They want Miyazaki. And the man is just too damn busy, so if they want the same core team as Bloodborne, they're gonna have to wait.

Kazuhiro Hamatani was the lead designer of Bloodborne, he also worked on Sekiro as co-director. Maybe he moved on to help on Elden Ring after Sekiro wrapped up, but maybe...
Oct 30, 2017
His team seems pretty busy and Sony gets his newer games on the PS4 without really have to fund development anyway, so I can see why there isn't an urgent push for more Bloodbourne despite how much we all want it.