
Oct 27, 2017
The FO wasn't portrayed as another empire in TFA. It was clearly a remnant with a fighting force and the means to blow up the existing government. But that was it. Their goal was to become an empire and they nearly succeeded but the galaxy rose up against them within a year. The rebels vs the empire conflict was portrayed a lot differently because the rebels actually had somewhat of an actual chance and were backed by members of the government. It's actually funny cause the events are flipped on their head.

-Palpatine did not plan to blow up Alderaan but an overzealous Tarkin did so anyway whihc pissed off a shit ton of the remaining 1% who were genuinely frustrated at the empire for eroding democracy, so Alderaan being blown up was the last straw and the galaxy went into full blown civil war, having the opposite effect of what the death star was intended for.

-While hiding in the outer rim and beyond. Snoke/Hux co-opted and completed a planet sized weapon that had been worked on for at least two decades prior to the fall of the empire. Knowing they didn't have the resources to take over the galaxy with the Senate and it's fleet in place they insead planned to wipe out the government wholesale. The New Republic overcorrected and thus the heads of government and it's fleet being wiped out meant that no one could defend themselves and the galaxy was terrified. The First Order didn't even the playing field it straight up kicked the other player in the face and left them like, three pieces left to play with.

For comparison's sake. Compare the shots of the fleet at the end of Empire Strikes Back, and The Last Jedi. Or rather, the lack of a fleet at all in the case of TLJ because that's how dire the situation was. The galactic civil war was a government fighting against itself meanwhile the ST is genuinely the most dire situation we've ever seen SW protags in, thank god the First Order was run by incompetent chuds instead of anyone with actual war experience like Moff Gideon and Tarkin. My idea of 2.0 would be how the old EU handled it wherein they quite genuinely were still fighting a galactic empire for an extended period of time. For all intents and purposes the galaxy saw as a whole, especially the core worlds, saw 30 years of genuine peace.

Now we're left with a galaxy that currently has no government, jedi order, or empire remnant. Genuinely a blank slate canvas and a 15 year time skip including a director who's filmography does not imply "And so Rey just brought back the status quo." She wouldn't even know what the status quo was tbh because her only frame of reference is an ancient book.
15 year time skip?

Woah. Thats quite the jump but funny enough, it would make Rey only three years older than Ridley's actual age though so that works out pretty well.

(Rey was around 19 at the time time of TFA I believe)
Crossing Eden

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
15 year time skip?

Woah. Thats quite the jump but funny enough, it would make Rey only three years older than Ridley's actual age though so that works out pretty well.

(Rey was around 19 at the time time of TFA I believe)
I deadass wouldn't have been interested in the idea of it being counted as a new time period if they didn't lead with

"Btw this takes place 15 years after TROS."

They had already tricked me into buying the "first post TROS comic" and it was them Poe and co telling stories by a campfire directly after the final battle. Not getting tricked again. 😅


Oct 14, 2022
I'd like to explore some fallen Jedi. We've seen so many (inquisitors, Dooku, Krell) but barely explored them (except Reva, but that was done horribly). I doubt this show will help me to understand the dark side any better than the Bane trilogy or Darth Plagueis

I recommend those books (especially Bane) to anyone who want to understand the dark side and the Sith, and the Rule of 2, and why Palpatine's rule was so terrifying (and how much resources and knowledge the Sith had accrued by that point). If Luke hadn't helped Anakin fulfill his destiny, Palps would have been the immortal emperor of the galaxy for thousands of years, maybe forever
Crossing Eden

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
I'd like to explore some fallen Jedi. We've seen so many (inquisitors, Dooku, Krell) but barely explored them (except Reva, but that was done horribly). I doubt this show will help me to understand the dark side any better than the Bane trilogy or Darth Plagueis

I recommend those books (especially Bane) to anyone who want to understand the dark side and the Sith, and the Rule of 2, and why Palpatine's rule was so terrifying (and how much resources and knowledge the Sith had accrued by that point). If Luke hadn't helped Anakin fulfill his destiny, Palps would have been the immortal emperor of the galaxy for thousands of years, maybe forever
There's been an ongoing canon Darth Vader comic series written by Charles Soule that's been going for years that explains the nature of the dark side and why after Vader proposed he and Luke destroy the emperor in ESB he showed up in ROTJ like an obedient puppy. Palpatine showed Vader full stop what the abyss of the dark side truly looked like.


Oct 14, 2022
There's been an ongoing canon Darth Vader comic series written by Charles Soule that's been going for years that explains the nature of the dark side and why after Vader proposed he and Luke destroy the emperor in ESB he showed up in ROTJ like an obedient puppy. Palpatine showed Vader full stop what the abyss of the dark side truly looked like.
I've read some of the new ones, where we see Vader meditating and his form his shown in a force plane, missing the limbs. That was a cool representation of his mind and how his atrocities were killing parts of himself that could still be considered good (with the butterflies getting killed)

My favorite part about the comics were they made clear that Anakin didn't see Vader as a separate entity who committed the acts, and that Vader hated no one as much as himself, and he committed cruelty to punish himself further
Crossing Eden

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
I've read some of the new ones, where we see Vader meditating and his form his shown in a force plane, missing the limbs. That was a cool representation of his mind and how his atrocities were killing parts of himself that could still be considered good (with the butterflies getting killed)

My favorite part about the comics were they made clear that Anakin didn't see Vader as a separate entity who committed the acts, and that Vader hated no one as much as himself, and he committed cruelty to punish himself further
Yea I would definitely recommend the ongoing run that started in 2020.

Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020)

Star Wars: Darth Vader is an ongoing Star Wars comic book series written by Greg Pak. The series is published by Marvel Comics beginning in February 2020, and features Darth Vader, and take place between the events of Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars: Episode VI Return...

Darth Vader rarely feels fear and good lord did Palpatine fix that right up. It's still ongoing too with the last arc having just concluded with an incredibly unexpected plot twist.

Note this run makes the lore established in TROS way less stupid too so that's a net benefit.

Can they be made to look any worse? Lol
So far, not a single High Republic Jedi has committed the sins multiple jedis did during the Clone Wars. The closest to that would be the actions of Elzar Mann during the conclusion of Phase 1, as in, he
commits a Starlord hits Thanos level fuckup.

Mind you, LOTS of civilians get killed during the High Republic era stories. Like, a LOT. It's not the fault of the jedi involved though.
Last edited:


Jan 6, 2021
It's probably not canon anymore but I think in one of the old comicbooks from the 90s there was a hybrid Sith / Jedi dude that was neutral and used light and dark side shit. I want to see some of that in this show
Crossing Eden

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
It's probably not canon anymore but I think in one of the old comicbooks from the 90s there was a hybrid Sith / Jedi dude that was neutral and used light and dark side shit. I want to see some of that in this show
In canon the only characters able to handle using both sides of the force/stay in the middle without getting eventually corrupted by the dark are being far more powerful than the jedi or sith.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jg6cHXBhLnM

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeXZPyAEQkA

I like that idea far more than a regular character just casually being a centrist of the force.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't mind Grey Jedi stuff even though I know people bring up what both sides are a metaphor of and you can't be both and so on etc etc. they'd have to make the char interesting and unique tho imo


Oct 27, 2017
i think the grey area of the new republic/jedi pretty much should've been the Disney era focus all along. not because i want a "both sides" narrative but it would've opened up new stuff besides remember when that guy did the thing

seems they're getting there though


Apr 1, 2019
I really need to dive into this High Republic stuff soon. I'm about to finish Star Wars Resistance which I think is the last show/movie that I hadn't yet seen. Which means it's time to start reading books and comics.

Lots of prequel era content isn't kind to the Jedi, but what has been said about this show makes it seem like it's going to be about how the Jedi reached that state.

Pretty excited about this one.


Oct 28, 2017
Bay Area
This is the series I've been most excited for. Hope it doesn't end up a letdown. Plenty of showrunners know what to say but don't always deliver so hoping for the best.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 23, 2017
this is something I'm stoked about. I loved the themes of the Last Jedi and I understood very well the flaws of the Jedi in the prequels. I'm so ready.
Crossing Eden

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017

Exactly, who wants positive representation of Jedi in Star Wars. Yuck. Gimmie that pessimism.
I want live action Bell Zettifar/ live action Orla Jareni, live action Reath Silas, live action Vernestra Rwoh, hell, all of the phase 1 cast:

so ✋


Feb 17, 2018
"The Jedi weren't shit" is a new take coming from the series that has shown how they took a slave boy from a "who gives a fuck" planet, mismanaged him for years, failed to realize they were working for their greatest enemy, got wrecked by their enemy and former slave boy, kinda saved the galaxy from evil for 5 minutes, failed to save their own family from being turned against them, got utterly destroyed again and only force users who are very much not Jedi remain.

Whatever in this arc of a story could have convinced people that the Jedi kinda suck?


Oct 25, 2017
The Rising Storm, Into The Dark, The Fallen Star, and Midnight Horizon are all way more character driven than Light of the Jedi.
I was actually trying to figure out today which book should be my first High Republic novel, and Light of the Jedi seemed to have an interesting premise. Is this book not a good starting point for this era? Or are the other books you mentioned better?
Crossing Eden

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
I was actually trying to figure out today which book should be my first High Republic novel, and Light of the Jedi seemed to have an interesting premise. Is this book not a good starting point for this era? Or are the other books you mentioned better?
You start with Light of the Jedi and Into the Dark. Btw I recommend listening to them as audiobooks because the production quality in those are great.


Oct 27, 2017
I was actually trying to figure out today which book should be my first High Republic novel, and Light of the Jedi seemed to have an interesting premise. Is this book not a good starting point for this era? Or are the other books you mentioned better?

I haven't read the further books, but you kinda have to read Light of the Jedi. I just wouldn't expect anything amazing. It's very much like a snapshot that's introducing people who will get their own stories.

The Rising Storm, Into The Dark, The Fallen Star, and Midnight Horizon are all way more character driven than Light of the Jedi.

Is there any order? And is any best of the bunch?
Jun 24, 2019
The Jedi Order sucked in the prequels and if you read Jedi Lost they suck even more, but I'm down for more greyness.

I would like to see a lightside Jedi user who is bad to the bone.