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Oct 30, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
Unfollowed and blocked the fuck out of him on Twitter after reading this.

Glad I never subscribed to him on YouTube. He's on my shit list for life.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
So... He is innocent or what?
I wouldn't go that far. I mainly posted that to show that Alax did get legal advice on how to approach the whole ordeal, which would explain how we got the statement he made. There are too many accounts of fowl play on Alax's part to dismiss the allegations against him, to the point where the statement comes off as damage control.


Oct 27, 2017
From his response, dude sounds like he lawyered up, has a law background himself, or someone in his circle of friends or family does.
After doing some digging, you aren't wrong about Alax getting legal help.

For reference, Alex Scott is one of Alax's friends.

This was the first thing that came to mind when I read his response months ago. It's a perfectly boilerplate PR response, and that combined with the most-likely-deliberate content "freeze" actually pissed me off more than anything else. Because it shows that he's fully aware of the seriousness of the accusations and his first response is to defend himself and his Youtube channel rather than come clean.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
This was the first thing that came to mind when I read his response months ago. It's a perfectly boilerplate PR response, and that combined with the most-likely-deliberate content "freeze" actually pissed me off more than anything else. Because it shows that he's fully aware of the seriousness of the accusations and his first response is to defend himself and his Youtube channel rather than come clean.
You pretty much summed up my exact thoughts. The worst part is that most people on Twitter seem to have eaten it up.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
Is he confirmed guilty? Ill probably completely disconnect from this when I click unfollow so it would be nice to know of there is still some doubt.


Nov 1, 2017
User Banned (1 Month): Dismissing Sexual Assault with Baseless Speculation
I've got an insane theory about the sexual assault that happened. According to her, she's got zero (ZERO) recollection of any sexual contact between them that night, which even if you're drunk, you would have some. She called a sexual assault hotline and they said if she had zero memory, she must have been roofied. I think what happened was that he wanted to "punish" her for being drunk and play this weird psychological game, so he told her they had sex that night where he claims she asked for embarrassing and degrading sex acts that made him uncomfortable (all of which he asked her to do for him later on btw even though he said it made him feel bad), so he could teach her a "lesson" about her poor behaviour in his view. But my theory is that he didn't roofie her or engaged in sexual contact, he just lied to make her feel bad because that's 90% of what he did in the relationship according to her.

The thing is, Alex is a fucking moron, and he didn't realize he was basically admitting to date raping her. People don't have zero conscious memory of a thing like sex happening the night before unless they were drugged, and based on the way she described the night (they were arguing until at least 4am about her drinking), it really sounds like he just entirely made up the sex just to mess with her, but it backfired because he once again failed to think of her as a person and didn't think about how she'd react to having sex she didn't remember having, which means either he's a monster that drugged her before raping her, or he's a weird little creep that makes shit up in order to punish people. I'm betting he's the latter, but Alex is too obsessed with his image to admit to any of it. He really put himself in an unbelievably shitty position because he's so much of a sadistic asshole and a dipshit, that he tried to shame his own girlfriend with a lie about the kind of sex she wanted to have with him.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
Smash players at it again. lmao

Fuck that dude.
As mentioned earlier, I don't like to condemn an entire community over the actions of a few. There are some legitimately great people within the Smash community. It's just that there are also a handful of assholes like Alax.

Is he confirmed guilty? Ill probably completely disconnect from this when I click unfollow so it would be nice to know of there is still some doubt.
Unless Alax actually admits to the allegations like Chris Niosi did, we probably won't know for sure. But given what we know now as well as how Alax handled it, I personally wouldn't bet on his innocence.

Metal B

Oct 27, 2017
As mentioned earlier, I don't like to condemn an entire community over the actions of a few. There are some legitimately great people within the Smash community. It's just that there are also a handful of assholes like Alax.
Smash Bros is the biggest fighting game and brings together many different fan-bases. Of course, you also will attract some questional and amazing people. This simple comes with the size.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX

But you have to admit it seems like every other week there is some shit going down in that community.
True, but as Metal B said, a community as big as Smash's is bound to bring in a number of questionable people as well as legitimately great folks. The best we can do is remain vigilant regarding said assholes.
Nov 23, 2017
I've got an insane theory about the sexual assault that happened. According to her, she's got zero (ZERO) recollection of any sexual contact between them that night, which even if you're drunk, you would have some. She called a sexual assault hotline and they said if she had zero memory, she must have been roofied. I think what happened was that he wanted to "punish" her for being drunk and play this weird psychological game, so he told her they had sex that night where he claims she asked for embarrassing and degrading sex acts that made him uncomfortable (all of which he asked her to do for him later on btw even though he said it made him feel bad), so he could teach her a "lesson" about her poor behaviour in his view. But my theory is that he didn't roofie her or engaged in sexual contact, he just lied to make her feel bad because that's 90% of what he did in the relationship according to her.

The thing is, Alex is a fucking moron, and he didn't realize he was basically admitting to date raping her. People don't have zero conscious memory of a thing like sex happening the night before unless they were drugged, and based on the way she described the night (they were arguing until at least 4am about her drinking), it really sounds like he just entirely made up the sex just to mess with her, but it backfired because he once again failed to think of her as a person and didn't think about how she'd react to having sex she didn't remember having, which means either he's a monster that drugged her before raping her, or he's a weird little creep that makes shit up in order to punish people. I'm betting he's the latter, but Alex is too obsessed with his image to admit to any of it. He really put himself in an unbelievably shitty position because he's so much of a sadistic asshole and a dipshit, that he tried to shame his own girlfriend with a lie about the kind of sex she wanted to have with him.
Yeah, let's not with this. You're really gonna say a woman is lying because she didnt remember a traumatic thing?

Uzumaki Goku

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
As mentioned earlier, I don't like to condemn an entire community over the actions of a few. There are some legitimately great people within the Smash community. It's just that there are also a handful of assholes like Alax.

Unless Alax actually admits to the allegations like Chris Niosi did, we probably won't know for sure. But given what we know now as well as how Alax handled it, I personally wouldn't bet on his innocence.

Speaking of Chris Niosi, there's apparently something involved with LittleKuriboh and TeamFourStar.

They may have enabled his behavior.


Oct 28, 2017
Unsubscribed. Thanks for making this thread. Gamer related drama is killing me lately. Can we stop being terrible?


Jack of All Streams
Oct 25, 2017
Apparently, I'm not sure about TeamFourStar, LittleKuriboh hasn't done anything wrong necessarily but when Kirbopher and SuperPsyguy's shit came out, LK didn't say anything....


Also if you remember anything regarding TFS, please say so. I really, really hope they didn't do any shit. But if they are, I'd really like to know.


Jack of All Streams
Oct 25, 2017
All I know is that they've worked with him in the past.


Well I mean, I know they also worked with TGWTG at one point, and then disowned them after everything that happened with that. They just (as far as I remember, correct me if I'm wrong) weren't outspoken about it. Although I understand your point about wanting everyone to speak out.

I just thought by enabling, you meant encouraging or assisting in the act.


Oct 25, 2017
I've got an insane theory about the sexual assault that happened. According to her, she's got zero (ZERO) recollection of any sexual contact between them that night, which even if you're drunk, you would have some. She called a sexual assault hotline and they said if she had zero memory, she must have been roofied. I think what happened was that he wanted to "punish" her for being drunk and play this weird psychological game, so he told her they had sex that night where he claims she asked for embarrassing and degrading sex acts that made him uncomfortable (all of which he asked her to do for him later on btw even though he said it made him feel bad), so he could teach her a "lesson" about her poor behaviour in his view. But my theory is that he didn't roofie her or engaged in sexual contact, he just lied to make her feel bad because that's 90% of what he did in the relationship according to her.

The thing is, Alex is a fucking moron, and he didn't realize he was basically admitting to date raping her. People don't have zero conscious memory of a thing like sex happening the night before unless they were drugged, and based on the way she described the night (they were arguing until at least 4am about her drinking), it really sounds like he just entirely made up the sex just to mess with her, but it backfired because he once again failed to think of her as a person and didn't think about how she'd react to having sex she didn't remember having, which means either he's a monster that drugged her before raping her, or he's a weird little creep that makes shit up in order to punish people. I'm betting he's the latter, but Alex is too obsessed with his image to admit to any of it. He really put himself in an unbelievably shitty position because he's so much of a sadistic asshole and a dipshit, that he tried to shame his own girlfriend with a lie about the kind of sex she wanted to have with him.
While I think he's a manipulative piece of trash, I think the easiest explanation is the most likely. I'm sure she would be able to tell if they had sex the morning after and she didn't just take him saying that as the truth without questioning it. Especially since she said it's not something she'd do, it sounds like he took advantage of her while she was impaired, and used her blackout to fudge the details to try and plant the idea she wanted it after the fact.
Alax's friend, Alex Scott, made his account private after the tweet in the previous threadmark was brought to light


Dec 5, 2018
one of the buddies of Alax seemed to have made his account private after his tweet got linked in here?
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Etika knew that Alax was bad news, Alax made racist statements


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
Sorry for the bump, but I was able to come across more stuff. So as it turns out, Etika may have known that Alax was bad news from the start. Long story short, Bobdunga had this to say following Alax's statement on Etika's passing.


This eventually led Alax to deleting the video where he advertised a mobile game that featured him & Etika. In this video, he talked about how he never got a response from Etika in his DMs. This honestly comes off as an admission, which more-or-less confirms what Bobdunga said.


On top of that, Alax exhibited instances of racism on a now-deleted Twitter account. Yes, these tweets were from several years ago. But after speaking with Bobdunga personally, I was able to confirm that similar behavior did continue as well as Alax questioning Bobdunga's blackness (which puts the 2nd tweet into context).

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Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
Sorry for the bump, but I was able to come across more stuff. So as it turns out, Etika may have known that Alax was bad news from the start. Long story short, Bobdunga had this to say following Alax's statement on Etika's passing.


This eventually led Alax to deleting the video where he advertised a mobile game that featured him & Etika. In this video, he talked about how he never got a response from Etika in his DMs. This honestly comes off as an admission, which more-or-less confirms what Bobdunga said.


On top of that, Alax exhibited instances of racism on a now-deleted Twitter account. Yes, these tweets were from 2011. But after speaking with Bobdunga personally, I was able to confirm that similar behavior did continue as well as Alax questioning Bobdunga's blackness (which puts the 2nd tweet into context).


Those are some fuckin tweets...


Oct 27, 2017
How many youtubers do I have to unsubscribe too now...
Can't believe someone would still make racists remarks like this in 2019.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
How many youtubers do I have to unsubscribe too now...
Can't believe someone would still make racists remarks like this in 2019.
To be clear, those racist tweets weren't from 2019. I brought them into the thread because I was able to personally confirm with Bobdunga that Alax exhibited similar behavior towards her while they were dating.


Apr 8, 2020
Bobdunga has come forward with more to the story, namely in how other content creators reacted to the allegations.

nothing really came of any of this unfortunately. the same people are still following his videos and all that a year later. apparently all you need to 'discredit' an assualt victim entirely is anything resembling a counter-statement where you become the victim instead. im sure her small following compared to his didn't help matters.


Oct 27, 2017
Completely unsurprising in my experience. People would rather shit on the victim than have to deal with cutting out one of their own.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Glad I dropped this asshat

Hard to think it was a year ago already since the allegations first came out

Seafoam Gaming

One Winged Slayer
Nov 3, 2017
Thank fucking christ people are calling him out on this again. I love Bobdunga's work and ironically it was Alax that introduced me and others to her, since he gave her vids a shoutout on his community tab super early last year... But then I heard from her what he did, and I was so fucking pissed off I promptly unsubbed from Alax without hesitation. Hoped that it would lead to change or him being accountable (he also stole a Persona item from her, IIRC), but nothing.

Fucking pissed me off that he came back as if nothing happened, people accepted him and thought he did nothing wrong, and continued enjoying his content/collaborating with him as if nothing happened. The only bright spot it seems is that Scott the Woz at least stopped mentioning him in his vids after the accusations came out (though he did give credit to him in his season finale for something he did earlier that season), so I hope to god that Scott cuts contact with him, even if Alax ended up being the one to cause Scott's content to explode in popularity in 2017.

You may have introduced me to two great YTers Alax, but fuck you. Now I'm following them and not you as they're both far better people than you could ever be.

EDIT: Reading that twitlonger, it unfortunately appears to be one I saw last summer around the time bobdunga released her accusations. I remember believing it at the time and I still do, but unfortunately all people seemed to act in response to it was stuff along the lines of "oh he's just dramatic because he got banned", which is infuriating since he pointed out in that twitlonger that Alax and his mods continually dogged on him for no reasons whatsoever, and pretty much lined up with the way alax treated Bobdunga (by being super controlling)
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Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX

Deleted member 4532

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
I knew when I saw the name "RelaxAlax" recently that I could have sworn he did some shit in the past and that I was having deja vu. I didn't realize that he just carried on like nothing happened and continued to have a successful YT career. This is why it's bullshit when people try to pretend that a victim coming forward with accusations will "ruin the career" of the person they are accusing. Just like AngryJoe is doing now, RelaxAlax just went right on back to having a successful YT career.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm glad I dropped him.

The initial accusations were kind of muddied by this one dude latching on (iirc a legit obsessor comparing his job as a discord mod to sexual abuse) but I stayed away from him since the initial accusations and it turns out I was in the right.

Honestly aside from Johnny Depp for now have any accusations ever turned out to be false?
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