
Oct 25, 2017
It is weird that Yorick isn't getting a lot of screen time. At this rate the series will last for years (and probably get canceled like that other guy mentioned).


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
It'll be interesting to see if the show pops up on Nielsen's streaming chart. I can't imagine they'll actually get 5-6 seasons if it doesn't perform, like, outstandingly well since Hulu's dramas tend not to go past 2-3 seasons unless they're The Handmaid's Tale (or the much much cheaper East Los High).


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I can't even imagine the show running for 5 or 6 seasons even with the pacing being as slow as it is. The comic was only sixty issues.


Oct 25, 2017
Watched the first episode, having never read the comic but knowing the premise I thought for sure would be a lesbian main character, :(


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Show for sure needed a more humurous tone. The comic was often serious but also felt pulpy and often silly, and right now it's just kind of a misery slog.


Dec 3, 2018
I dont know if 355 is enough for me to continue watching after 3 episodes, theres just not that much interesting stuff so far


Oct 27, 2017
Good god episode 4 is a snooze fest. Yorrick is so unlikeable, 355 has basically been left to carry the show on her own.


Mar 2, 2018
I really liked ep 5. There was a better balance between the 355/Yorick group and Washington group. Also I thought the scene with Yorick and Alison was good at explaining that the world didn't just lose cis men in this tragedy.


Oct 27, 2017
I really liked ep 5. There was a better balance between the 355/Yorick group and Washington group. Also I thought the scene with Yorick and Alison was good at explaining that the world didn't just lose cis men in this tragedy.
Same, and I feel like the show finally got the vibe it needs now that Mann's onboard, what a great character. Looking forward to the next ep!


Oct 27, 2017
Up to episode 4 - getting really tired of Disney running behind Hulu - but I'm enjoying it so far. Hoping they get more into the state of the world and less the awful kids.


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
Episode 5 felt much more in line with the comic w/r/t Yorick and the overall humor. Not entirely sold on Allison's characterization but I like the actress.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
Like the show so far HOWEVER

where are they going with this whole culper ring thing. Episode 5, 355 made some weird decisions. I honestly don't remember much about that from the comic.


Nov 4, 2017
Caught up with the show over the weekend, solid but nothing great so far.

Yorrick is the only one bringing a bit of humor, to the mostly serious tone. Although him and Hiro are being selfish with their actions. Doesn't help the show there have been a lot of post-apocalyptic series since the comic came on the scene. Thought of TWD, just in the fact of society breaking down and people doing whatever it takes to survive.


Oct 26, 2017
Watching episode 5 and I don't think I've ever been this actively repulsed by a character than I am within the first minute of them introducing Dr. Mann... Idk if it's the writing or the performance or some combination of both but I'm actively cringing trying to watch this. All the rest of the casting and characterization in this show has been pretty spot on. Have been liking the show even if it doesn't tonally feel that much like the comic so maybe she'll grow on me but that first scene was pretty yikes


Oct 27, 2017
This show is making so much dumb mistakes that it's so awful with what the characters do


Oct 27, 2017
Like what? I'm enjoying it, I thought the amazons episode was pretty great in showing how women could join this kind of cult.

The republican stuff is really annoying but whatever.
Him saying that the soldier didn't see his face, seems the show is going to be too predictable that everything that you would expect to happen.. happens


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Orange County
i have real mixed feeling on this so far. the show has nice production it seems and still enjoying the story for the most part but i dont remember yorrick being so fucking dumb from the comic and honestly hate that we have to be reminded so heavy handed about how fucked up the politics/politicians in this world are now with this. amber Tamblyn character can fuck off already


Oct 26, 2017
On one hand I completely understand the political stuff but on the other hand it's so fucking stupid. Then again, the people BEING stupid are the ones I'd expect to behave that way during a situation like what's going on in the show. So maybe it is realistic even if I don't like it. For example, the woman who came back that seems like a female version of trump (who seems to be more articulate, at least) is fucking awful and the way she glared at President Brown when called on being a bigot was dead on with what I see from right wingers that use hate as their main identity trait. Then how she started talking about how the White House needed to deal with the group of people outside and "show strength" is again, right out of that Trump playbook. It's not hard to see that they're just copying real life here and it just sucks to see the portrayal of a lot of political struggles broken down in such a stark and dead on way. It's even more fucked up that most likely this kind of power struggle would happen even if the world basically fucking ended.

And Amber Tamblyn is playing the Meghan McCain/Ivanka Trump role perfectly. Trying to worm her way into power when the only reason she had it was because of association.
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Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
i dont remember yorrick being so fucking dumb from the comic

He's a lot more incompetent/cowardly in the show but he's even more "I'm gonna take my mask off in front of random people" in the comic. I think it's because everything is slowed way down on the show and they want to build him up over the course of several seasons, as opposed to the comic where everything felt a bit more fully formed right out of the gate.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
I like this show a bit and have never read the comic. I do like when it goes into politics and yes real republican are cartoon villains in today's America
Oct 27, 2017
You cannot divorce the politics from the story in any regard.
The comic didn't touch on majority of this, so you can, I just find it such an interest killer.

It's like if I watched walking dead and they bumped over to the situation room ever other commercial break to show how the president was dealing with his surviving senators and trying to stay in power.

it was fine to me when they were trying to figure out how to deal with the fallout, the Republican vs Democrat power struggle seems like another show to me


Tic-Tac-Toe Champion
Oct 25, 2017
I decided to check this show out after seeing this thread randomly this morning. Ended up burning through all the episodes out currently. I'm enjoying it so far. Yorick is a fun character, and I also love 355.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm still wondering how agent 355 was the mentor of the bomb maker in episode 1.


Rap Genius
Oct 27, 2017
Dark Space
Yorick's incompetence as a plot device is damn near a deal breaker for me.

I'll probably tap out at the next "where's Yorick? I told him to sit here" moment.

I'm still wondering how agent 355 was the mentor of the bomb maker in episode 1.

What do you mean, when she was undercover?


Oct 27, 2017
What do you mean, when she was undercover?
Yes. I understand that she is more experienced than him and they have a prior relation. That is why he contacted her to make the bomb for the racists.
But does that mean she learned the dude to make bombs on the off chance that this would happen? Or did she kill another agent that was also undercover?


Oct 27, 2017
Yes. I understand that she is more experienced than him and they have a prior relation. That is why he contacted her to make the bomb for the racists.
But does that mean she learned the dude to make bombs on the off chance that this would happen? Or did she kill another agent that was also undercover?

I was under the impression that she was undercover in a domestic terrorist cell and the end game of all of that was to blow up both the people facilitating the deal and the potential buyers.


Oct 27, 2017
I was under the impression that she was undercover in a domestic terrorist cell and the end game of all of that was to blow up both the people facilitating the deal and the potential buyers.
Sure, the time needed for that undercover mission is just putting me off. I can't place how long she would need to have been undercover with that bomb maker for that scene to make sense, while still ensuring the buyers don't actually know anything about her.


Rap Genius
Oct 27, 2017
Dark Space
Yes. I understand that she is more experienced than him and they have a prior relation. That is why he contacted her to make the bomb for the racists.
But does that mean she learned the dude to make bombs on the off chance that this would happen? Or did she kill another agent that was also undercover?
My understanding was that she'd just been embedded long enough for the fake relationship to have developed, and she was teaching him to make bombs under the guise of getting close enough to be there to blow up the guys who were serious about using a device.

Sure, the time needed for that undercover mission is just putting me off. I can't place how long she would need to have been undercover with that bomb maker for that scene to make sense, while still ensuring the buyers don't actually know anything about her.
Seems pretty established her organization would embed her for years if that's what it took to smoke out the terrorists.


Rap Genius
Oct 27, 2017
Dark Space
I need that clown to keep his fuckin mask on for once in his goddamn life.
I'mma let you finish, but I need to prioritize finding my girlfriend who last I knew said she was moving half way around the world and didn't want me around ruining her dating prospects.

She has to settle for my loser ass NOW, right?


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
The situation with Yorick's girlfriend in the comic makes a lot more sense - she already arrived in Australia before the story began and Yorick is in the middle of proposing to her over the phone right when The Event happens. He assumes she'll say yes, so that's why he's so obsessed with finding her.


Oct 27, 2017
The situation with Yorick's girlfriend in the comic makes a lot more sense - she already arrived in Australia before the story began and Yorick is in the middle of proposing to her over the phone right when The Event happens. He assumes she'll say yes, so that's why he's so obsessed with finding her.
i mean it makes sense here too..they had a fight, she disappeared, then the world flipped upside down. he's grasping at straws, especially since he can't stay with his mom or find his sister, and his dad is dead of course. beth is his only lifeline and if they are going anywhere near Ohio, it makes sense he'd want to go that way to find her, to at least make sure she survived.


Oct 26, 2017
i mean it makes sense here too..they had a fight, she disappeared, then the world flipped upside down. he's grasping at straws, especially since he can't stay with his mom or find his sister, and his dad is dead of course. beth is his only lifeline and if they are going anywhere near Ohio, it makes sense he'd want to go that way to find her, to at least make sure she survived.
Can't find Beth if you're dead though!

Deleted member 62221

User requested account closure
Dec 17, 2019
I've been watching this show and even ignoring Yorick The Last Manchild there's not much to keep me interested... maybe the president and 355's organization subplots but I can't say I'm super invested in this show unless something interesting happens soon.


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
i mean it makes sense here too..they had a fight, she disappeared, then the world flipped upside down. he's grasping at straws, especially since he can't stay with his mom or find his sister, and his dad is dead of course. beth is his only lifeline and if they are going anywhere near Ohio, it makes sense he'd want to go that way to find her, to at least make sure she survived.

It's just a weird change - one that makes Yorick seem even more pathetic and offputting. I think if Yorick wasn't depicted as being quite so lame in other areas, his situation with Beth would come across better.


Oct 30, 2017
I'mma let you finish, but I need to prioritize finding my girlfriend who last I knew said she was moving half way around the world and didn't want me around ruining her dating prospects.

She has to settle for my loser ass NOW, right?

god it really is the fucking worst lol

i mean it makes sense here too..

I don't think it does. Their relationship was over from the moment she went out that door (in the show).
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Rap Genius
Oct 27, 2017
Dark Space
god it really is the fucking worst lol
The problem with how they've written Yorick is that they've given us zero reason to see him as anything but the stereotypical annoying shit white kid who has lived on the nepotism of his powerful parents. I mean he was a jobless loser who had his parents paying his rent, yet he was delusional enough to think a woman with real prospects in life would actually marry him. Why are we supposed to give a single shit about his feelings or his desire to reunite with Beth? She was better off without him anyway.

Now the entire story and world revolves around him, and when he makes the annoying little shit 'it's all about me' decisions it evokes that "fuck this stupid spoiled fuck" emotional response that causes you to want to throw your couch through your TV/monitor.