Sep 23, 2018

Yes- this. It's awful.
And I'm not part of the ongoing revisionism that posits it's actually not that bad / a diamond in the rough / the single best controlling third person shooting.
It's a dull, boring, oddly designed chore of a game and it being named RE cannot redeem it.

THPS5 is one of the lowest effort, "WHY?!" Sequel releases ever that was excreted seemingly due to licensing expiring.
The more you look into and learn about the game the worse it is.


Nov 14, 2017
Thief Deadly Shadows is flawed, but with a game that includes the legendary: "Shalebridge Cradle", it can't be considered one of the worst gaming sequels of all time.

Doubly so in a world where Thi4f exists.
My pick for bad sequel is Invisible War. I think Deadly Shadows is a good game.


Oct 28, 2017
Mass Effect 3 with its shitty on rails segments, lore ruining ending and worse cast of characters than 2 which was supposed to be the selling point of the series.
Hot take: ME2. It starts with literal character assassination in order to force you into working with the space Nazis, which you only get a chance to back talk at the very end of 3, and even then only if you maintained 90% Paragon/renegade. It's completely superfluous to the plot. And the gameplay removed like all the RPG elements


Oct 26, 2017
I remember handing over the cash to buy it and the guy behind the counter warning me what a mistake I was making. I didn't listen, had to find out the hard way :(
Oh shit, even when the cashier guy warns you, this is seriously a big fat no.
I only rented it gladfully, still I was seriously baffled why this was 3D an Alundra looked nothing like Alundra. :/


Jul 17, 2023
DMC2 might be the only time I played the sequel to a game I absolutely loved and just hated it.


Shinra Employee
Aug 22, 2018
Appreciate it isn't a popular opinion but personally it would be Doom Eternal. I was so excited for it.

Doom 2016 is one of my all time favourites and to be honest I just wanted more of that.

Chance Hale

Oct 26, 2017
The nightmare system in Mega Man X6 literally let's you change stage effects at will. Its a very tough game with obvious development woes but if a stage seems too hard exit and shift the nightmares. The option is there and intentional!

Game designed around replayability from normal ps1 era Mega Man X difficulty to kaizo Mega Man and you have full control


Mar 17, 2018
Won't hear any Perfect Dark Zero slander.

Was playing it recently to get full achevments in Rare Replay. It's pretty neat. Still love the graphics. I'm glad there was a short moment in time where bump mapping everything was in vogue. The rubbery characters, the shiny guns. And the bricks. The bricks, bro!

The more I think on it, the more I enjoyed it.
Game legit felt like a shitty looking concept render of what a theoretical Next Gen game might look like came to life.

Rygar 8Bit

Oct 25, 2017
Myth 3, moved to a new dev and given like 10 months from start to finish to put it out. Went as you'd expect from that.


Oct 28, 2017
Rome, Italy, Planet Earth
I'd go with Double Dragon 3 (then I'll leave because these threads usually devolve in things like "I'll list this acclaimed and good game because for some reason I did not like it so it is a bad sequel")


Nov 2, 2017
Yes- this. It's awful.
And I'm not part of the ongoing revisionism that posits it's actually not that bad / a diamond in the rough / the single best controlling third person shooting.
It's a dull, boring, oddly designed chore of a game and it being named RE cannot redeem it.

Yes, thanks for posting this. I am certain it's a meme but I keep seeing it, too.

"RE6 is actually really good", etc.

I mean, people are entitled to have bad, horrible taste, I guess.

Mama Robotnik

Gaming Scholar
Oct 27, 2017
Blood Omen 1 was a narratively dense exploration of morality and manipulation. It took place in a world that was painstakingly well-realised, with such a rich history split across multiple parallel timelines. You play a newly-created vampire who explores the extent of his dozens of evolving powers as vehicles for mass murder, while trying to maintain some semblance of his humanity. The world is vast, full of exploration opportunities and an unbelievable amount of secrets. The game reaches an incredible conclusion as Kain battles his way through changing histories, possessed allies until he is faced with a final crushing deception - that the only way to preserve what little humanity remains is by suicide - leading to a final grim moment of choice. It is everything.

Blood Omen 2 is a subpar linear action game where you play (according to the boxart and PR "the most evil character in a videogame"). You collect six new powers in boss battles. You can sometimes turn into mist. You progress through the linear city-themed levels until you have the final boss battle with the King Alien. The baddie base blows up. The end.

In terms of narrative depth, tone, ambition and thematic breadth, the differece between these two titles is almost immeasurable.
Jul 3, 2021
Heroes of Might and Magic 7.

HoMM 1-3 were genre defining masterpieces that have an insane amount of support from fans till this very day (for Christ's sake, there is an entire orchestra that regularly plays only HoMM music and is always booked).

HoMM 4 was an interesting if flawed experiment. 5 was a solid reboot. 6 was meh but serviceable. 7 was so bad it single-handedly killed the entire franchise.
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Oct 27, 2017


Less said is better actually and yeah, I have experienced those.


Jul 17, 2021
Blood 2 and DMC2 are definitely strong contenders, as others have posted, but they do have some redeeming qualities and creativity put into them. Flatout 3 is the drizzling shits just outright, I played it as a joke once and didn't last more than ten minutes, it's horrible even on its own, let alone as a follow-up to well loved prior games.

I knew a guy who played Blood 2 but not Blood 1 - and it ended up basically being a real life version of that Curb Your Enthusiasm bit where he's flabbergasted that anyone could have seen The Sting 2 but not The Sting 1, lol


Oct 25, 2017
For me it's probably DMC2. I was seriously depressed when I played it for the first time, I don't recall being so bummed out over other video game.
On the bright side DMC3 was so amazing it dragged back DMC from the abyss.


Oct 27, 2017
The 3rd Birthday
Mortal Kombat 4
Actraiser 2
Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts

And the hot takes:
Jedi Outcast
Arkham Knight
Nov 17, 2017
Hitman Absolution

As a stealth action game in it's own right, it's not so bad.

As a follow up to Blood Money / the Hitman series in general, it's fucking terrible
Linear levels, disguises were broken and extremely limited options when it came to the targets.

All is forgiven after the World of Assassination Trilogy though.


Puzzle Master
Oct 25, 2017
Deus Ex: Invisible War.

I love Thief: Deadly Shadows but I sometimes wonder what might have been if Ion Storm weren't split up to work on two games at once.

This is mine. Deus Ex will always have a spot on my PC. Invisible War is hidden from my Steam library.


Oct 25, 2017
Bioshock Infinite.

One of the worst games that's supposed to be good. For 1-2 hours there's definitely some awesome stuff to be seen and some setpieces are great. It's a shame that 90% of the game feels like soulless copy & paste, including gameplay and overall game design. I replayed it recently and was shocked by how fast playing it got old.

Nothing else comes to mind right now.


Jun 11, 2020
Of the ones I've played and can think off the top of my head, Sticker Star and Devil May Cry 2. And quite a handful of Mega Man series games.


Oct 25, 2017
Despite it's many faults, I love DX:IW.
It can be pretty fun if I stop comparing it to the original and enjoy it as a more console-focused spinoff game. It's super short, and has nowhere near the complexity of the original, but it can still be pretty fun to sneak around, find gigantic air vents and do some im-sim lite nonsense. I still wish, though, that it wasn't so incredibly held back by console hardware. The fact that you can't have big levels and everything is cut into tiny levels with loading screens everywhere hurts IW so much.


Oct 27, 2017
These popped into my head:

Uncharted 4
Awful story, game was really dull and I hated playing as Nates brother and so many areas were a borefest like the Scotland section.

Resistance 2
Everything that made the first game great was removed from the sequel. Can't remember the main guys name but going from a silent protagonist to a guy who would not shut up was annoying. Dull levels and I hated the fact that you got given a powered weapon just before every boss fight.

Mortal Kombat 4
Heavily stripped down game compared to the original trilogy didn't like anything about this at all. Killed the franchise for me until MK9

Dark Souls 2
Humanoid bosses, terrible levels, borked rolling, cheating AI, dull story etc game was awful on so many levels.
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Oct 25, 2017
Overwatch 2. It feels like the only reason it even exists at all is so they could put in a cash shop.


Shinra Employee
Oct 28, 2017
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 is probably the worst sequel I've ever played, even more so than DMC2 and MMX7.

And somehow, they managed to make Episode II even worse.


Nov 10, 2020
Crysis 2

instead of improving on the somewhat rough open world sandbox aspect of Crysis 1, it turned into a wanna be CoD linear scripted singleplayer corridor shooter that was pretty boring overall


No Fear, Only Math
Oct 25, 2017
jak ii is a bad game with shit world design/gatekeeping and a terrible stupid story full of characters i either don't care about or actively despise, made by people who had disdain for the platforming genre.