Feb 24, 2018

So one day you see an old woman who desperately needs to get to the other side of the VERY busy street... With a motorway in the middle and asks for your help. You, being a good Samaritan, do so... So the old woman reveals herself as actually Apthrodite, Olympian Goddess of Love, War, shipping, Passion, Lust, WLW and Procreation; and as a reward she plops you onto a massive seashell and has her dolphins send ride you back in time to 605 BCE, Mytilene, Leabos for a year or two; the home place of the famous poet Sapoho.

So what would do if you met Sappho (or really do with yourself in ancient Lesbos)?

Additional question: Which historical women would you want to meet and/or date?