
Oct 26, 2017
Shit if we have a thread for Zelda, why not for FF too then haha.
My pick is Ardyn from XV.

I think Final Fantasy in general have pretty weak villains in terms of backstory/character (never played/put much time in the original Tactics game), so it was nice to see in XV that this wasn't the case. It was nice to see that they fleshed him out, without going to much into the spoiler territory the dude pretty much kinda gets screwed over in life and you pretty much feel bad for him. He's not a random antagonist that pops up out of no where, or is just crazy, or just wants to rule the world. You'll see some people try to argue that he shouldn't even be considered a villain. Yeah it also helps that the dude has an anime episode and an entire dlc episode dedicated to him. In terms of gameplay he's pretty much purple Noctis, but man I can't take points off for that since Noctis is fun as hell to use. Warp Strikes for days man.

And since I know this is going to be posted too, I might as well get ahead of the curve.
Marche (FFTA) did nothing wrong. :o


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
Haven't played that many of them, but Golbez is a straight baller. I love that Darth Vader-esque outfit. He's so much more intimidating than any Final Fantasy villain before him (and more than Ardyn in my opinion, who is interesting in concept but fails to really live up to his status as the major villain of the story until the very end).


Self-requested ban
Dec 21, 2017
United States
Kefka. I like that he does bad shit just to see the world burn. No sad backstory or any need to justify his actions. Just pure evil for the sake of it.

EDIT: I was reminded that Kefka was experimented on which slipped my mind. I do like that the story doesn't use that though to justify his actions. Most of the villains do bad things because, to them, it's the right course of action. Kefka just wants to see everything burn
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Oct 25, 2017
It's Delita because he is the best written, deepest and most human of all the FF villains


Oct 26, 2017
Kefka. I like that he does bad shit just to see the world burn. No sad backstory or any need to justify his actions. Just pure evil for the sake of it
Well he does have being some guy who got experimented and turned crazy going for him. Not much else tho.

Haven't played that many of them, but Golbez is a straight baller. I love that Darth Vader-esque outfit. He's so much more intimidating than any Final Fantasy villain before him (and more than Ardyn in my opinion, who is interesting in concept but fails to really live up to his status as the major villain of the story until the very end).
Golbez is cool until the end when you find out
being mind controlled by some alien
. Dude loses major points from me for that.


Jan 22, 2019
Kefka by a huge margin.

Unless I can say Marche, then the margin becomes short between these two monsters.


Staff Writer at TheGamer / Reviewer at RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
Midgar, With Love
I'm glad that one person made the Zelda thread. ;) This is a good one too.

I know it's cliche but my answer remains Sephiroth. He gets inside the player's head again and again, slays someone near and dear to the hero in cold blood, and just rings of vile edge in all the right ways. His plan's a little silly but still rather decent overall.

Honorable mentions: Wiegraf and Cidolfas. The former is a well-told figure of tragedy and the latter is just deliciously nuts. Folks like Kefka and Kuja are fairly cool. And Ardyn, too! Poor fellow's just let down by a troubled production all around him.

I dislike the Emperor, Cloud of Darkness, and Zeromus... but in fairness they're products of their time. I'm also quite cool on all of FFXIII's villains. They're... not good.


Oct 25, 2017
Marche is my favourite answer for FF Villain, but he's a villain protagonist.

My favourite FF Villain Antagonist is Kuja. I feel he has a really well established motive and struggle, as well as character growth throughout the game. He does a good job of puppet-mastering Brahne and you can really get a sense of the very personal feelings much of the cast have against Kuja specifically, making their fight against him feel more genuine and natural.

It's Delita because he is the best written, deepest and most human of all the FF villains

This is really good too.


Oct 26, 2017
Caius Ballad.
You learn what he went through and you just kinda nod your head and think, "I'm not saying you should have setup the destruction of the flow of time by orchestrating your own death, unleashing pure chaos into the world, but I understand."


Apr 21, 2018
I am a fan of Exdeath simply because of a great mix of both stage presence and excellent boss fights. FFV doesn't have a very complex story, and Exdeath reflects that. However, he balances that out by showing up constantly, leaving a strong impression. Unlike some major FF villaind, Exdeath backs up his menace with some fantastic boss fights. The first fight against him at the end of the game's second act is one of the toughest and most memorable fights in the game, while the final battle against Neo Exdeath is even better. Exdeath also has a great leitmotif.
Nov 13, 2017
I am a fan of Exdeath simply because of a great mix of both stage presence and excellent boss fights. FFV doesn't have a very complex story, and Exdeath reflects that. However, he balances that out by showing up constantly, leaving a strong impression. Unlike some major FF villaind, Exdeath backs up his menace with some fantastic boss fights. The first fight against him at the end of the game's second act is one of the toughest and most memorable fights in the game, while the final battle against Neo Exdeath is even better. Exdeath also has a great leitmotif.
...I completely forgot about him lol


Jan 15, 2018
Hmmm I'm between Sephiroth, Kefka and Delita

Delita is the better character overall, is in the game with the best story and dialogue as well. Would not call him a villain but certainly an antagonist.
Kefka is great conceptually, has the most "villain moments" and also has the best theme of the lot.
Sephiroth is great aesthetically, dope theme as well, and is probably the one that inspires the most fear in the other characters of its game. He's a force to be reckoned with from the beginning and the game does such a good job selling you that idea


Oct 25, 2017
Ardyn Izunia is the best they have done. Darrin De Paul really owned that role and gave him so much character. His motivations actually are understandable and he is a really tragic figure in the world.


Oct 27, 2017
It's Delita, but there's a lot of great villains across the series. We've been sorely lacking a decent one in the mainline, single-player games for over 15 years at this point though...

Baron Von Beans

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Despite owning them all, ive only beaten 7,9,10 sorta, and 15.

Imma go with Ardyn. The first moment I saw him I liked him. Even as he was being a literal royal fuck, I still was engrossed in his charismatic ways.


Oct 25, 2017
For me it is...

1. Delita
2. Kefka
3. Sephiroth

Delita is simply the best developed antagonist. He is so well written that it is hard to even locate how you feel about him. It is difficult to even say with certainty if he is the villain.

Kefka is one of the best pure villains in all of games. He isn't relatable, he doesn't have a tragic backstory, he is just an agent of chaos.

Sephiroth is somewhere inbetween. He is on the more mysterious side, and he already feels like a mythical figure, or a legend, early in the game. So, his motives aren't known, and for a large part of the game his allegiances are also unknown. He is an interesting villain in that way.

I can respect that they tried with Ardyn, but unfortunately his "tragic backstory" is just... dumb. Similarly, he is closely tied to the very worst sections of FFXV's plot. The last scenes in the game involving him had me rolling my eyes. Once again, I appreciate the effort, but I don't think they were able to stick the landing.
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Oct 22, 2018
Since I've only beaten 7, 8, 10, 13, and 15...
I'd say it's between Sephiroth and Ardyn. Ultimecia was good too.


Dec 5, 2017
For those who voted Ardyn: why?
I mean it seriously, i never managed to complete FF15 so i don't know if i'm missing out


Oct 27, 2017
I know no one will agree but Maester Seymour. Dude looked creepy from the first time seeing him. He's all over Yuna, essentially sliding himself between her and Tidus, cock blocking hard. He's got an entire church/religious system backing him and the entire world fooled into thinking he's the hero despite summoning the most demonic creature in the game.


Oct 27, 2017
Ctrl F ExDeath 0 results

WTF peoples. A motherfuckin tree becomes the embodiment of all evil, engulfs half the world into nothingness, manages to kill one of your party members that was actually there long enough to be useful, and is actually a really fucking hard boss battle in all its incarnations. Plus his design and theme are awesome, not to mention being part of the game with the best mechanism in the series. He gets my vote

Aegis Renfro

Jan 11, 2018
Big bad? Exdeath. Dude controlled the Void and basically became the Infinity Gauntlet.

Lieutenant bad? Gilgamesh. Final Fantasy V Gilgamesh.

Rando-bad? WarMECH!


Dec 20, 2017
Its has to be Kefka, he is just downright sadistic and crazy, not much justification to that, even is he was experimented.

Kefka is THAT villain that succeeds, he won, he burnt the entire world and became a God. No other villain succeed.