Deleted member 431

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Oct 25, 2017

This has gone viral yesterday. Pretty damn cringe and shameful.

WHO says following Taiwan virus response closely, after complaints

The World Health Organization (WHO) is closely following the development of the coronavirus in Taiwan and is learning lessons from how they are fighting it, the body said on Sunday, after complaints from Taiwan it was being intentionally ignored.

TAIPEI (Reuters) - The World Health Organization (WHO) is closely following the development of the coronavirus in Taiwan and is learning lessons from how they are fighting it, the body said on Sunday, after complaints from Taiwan it was being intentionally ignored.


Taiwan is not a member of the WHO due to the objections of China, which claims the democratic and separately-ruled island as its own.

Taiwan's government has said that keeping it out of the WHO during the outbreak amounts to playing politics with Taiwanese lives. Both the WHO and China say Taiwan has been provided with the help it needs.

Taiwan last week said the WHO ignored its questions at the start of the coronavirus outbreak, part of what it has long described as a pattern that puts it at risk because of Chinese pressure to exclude it from international bodies.

Taiwan has reported 298 cases, far lower than many of its neighbors, and has won plaudits from health experts for its early response and measures to keep the numbers low.

On Sunday, Taiwan Foreign Minister Joseph Wu tweeted a complaint to the WHO, following an interview WHO Assistant Director-General Bruce Aylward did with a Hong Kong reporter in which he declined to answer questions about Taiwan and whether it should be a WHO member.
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Oct 25, 2017
"Well, we've already talked about China"

Damn. Is Winnie the Pooh off-screen holding a gun to his head or something?? o_O


Oct 27, 2017
That sure is the most embarrassing way to handle this. I guess even addressing the contention would be considered a no-no


Oct 25, 2017
WHO has been placating authoritarian and other corrupt regimes in order to keep access to the countries because the alternative would worsen the Pandemic

That's the truth.

This is obviously disgusting and wrong but WHO doesn't want to lose access so they see it as the lesser of two evils.

GoldenEye 007

Roll Tide, Y'all!
Oct 25, 2017
WHO has been highly questionable in all of this. From dragging their feet in calling this a pandemic, to kissing Trump's ass, to this.


Sep 21, 2018
kinda logical.
The WHO as like zero leverage anyway, it but would be pretty dumb for the WHO to create a diplomatic struggle with china right now.
expecting the WHO to act any other way is delusional.
poking the bear would make everything far worse for everyone, they need full cooperation from china.


Oct 27, 2017
This won't help the conspiracies about the WHO and China.
Anyway, just disgusting how the CCP is blocking Taiwan's membership and even more disgusting for the WHO to be their lackey.

Fuck the CCP.

edit: What's with the shitty background with that jimmy-rigged WHO flag? Thought it was fake because of that.

a Question

Oct 28, 2017
User Warned: Inappropriate commentary
When I first saw video I legit thought its a scene from a series or movie.

I was aware of WHO's denial for Taiwan to join because of China but this is just childish, this dumbass was just straight up rude and unprofessional. If you lie at least do a better job at it.

What Taiwan will get from joining the club ruled by bootlickers when country did an amazing job without them?

P.S. The women is really pretty hope she wont get to disappointed to much by this response.


Oct 25, 2017
What a joke. That whole video was so cringe worthy. Saying we already talked about China? really? ffs


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Unfortunately this is not new. Officially the WHO and the UN does not recognize Taiwan as a sovereign country. If asked in any public setting, they will not acknowledge Taiwan. This video is just an example of the extreme lengths they'll go to not talk about it.

Taiwan did pretty much everything right in this pandemic so it kinda sucks that the world organizations can't acknowledge it and use it as an example.


Oct 27, 2017
Carrying water for the CCP is not a good look.

I agree it sucks gigantically, but placating the CCP here is the only way to ensure that tons of innocent people do not die from COVID unnecessarily, because the alternative here is WHO throws CCP under the bus, CCP blocks WHO from China meaning China has less resources to handle COVID, and the situation worsens much more than it has to.

Snake Eater

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
"we already talked about China..."

and there it is folks

spam musubi

Oct 25, 2017
Unfortunately this is not new. Officially the WHO and the UN does not recognize Taiwan as a sovereign country. If asked in any public setting, they will not acknowledge Taiwan. This video is just an example of the extreme lengths they'll go to not talk about it.

Taiwan did pretty much everything right in this pandemic so it kinda sucks that the world organizations can't acknowledge it and use it as an example.

It's impressive how they haven't received any support or acknowledgement from WHO yet still have been able to manage the pandemic better than most.


Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
"The WHO respects China's one China policy" would've been better than this cringefest.


Oct 25, 2017
South East Asia
User Banned (1 week): antagonizing other posters
Damn, and I thought Schreier's blatant silence on Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo's use of slave labour was bad.


Oct 29, 2017
And I thought it was a parody or something.

Right? That part where it cuts back to each person in silence could have been stretched for about 10 more seconds and it wouldn't have been out of place in an episode of Tim & Eric or Eric Andre. Fucking pathetic. It's sad that these are the kinds of people that staff high levels of massive, influential institutions.

Deleted member 431

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
WHO has been placating authoritarian and other corrupt regimes in order to keep access to the countries because the alternative would worsen the Pandemic
While true in other cases, in this case it is entirely because of political pressure from the PRC in blocking Taiwan from international organizations.


Oct 27, 2017
WHO has been terrible. When the epidemic started in China they were downplaying the scale of the outbreak, focused on praising China for its efforts and didn't recommend to reduce or ban travels. Their negligence (or willfulness) may have contributed to a lot of deaths.

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Oct 28, 2017
I agree it sucks gigantically, but placating the CCP here is the only way to ensure that tons of innocent people do not die from COVID unnecessarily, because the alternative here is WHO throws CCP under the bus, CCP blocks WHO from China meaning China has less resources to handle COVID, and the situation worsens much more than it has to.

I get it but It's been going on before covid. The world need to change and mold the CCP not the other way around. This constant "well they have to do this because of that" just goes on and on and the whole time the CCP gets more deceptive and oppressive.

So ya I get that this might not be a good time to be pushing back against CCP bullshit but I also get the impression that it seems to never be a good time.


Oct 27, 2017
WHO has been terrible. When the epidemic started in China they were downplaying the scale of the outbreak, focused on praising China for its efforts and didn't recommend to reduce or ban travels. Their negligence (or willfulness) may have contributed to a lot of deaths.

Travel bans and travel restrictions don't work. They never worked before. In nearly every outbreak, they are put in place because it sounds good and makes "sense". There's a reason why the WHO doesn't recommend travel restrictions even now. It's because the science and evidence says it doesn't work.


Oct 25, 2017
Hm, hadn't been aware that the WHO cower before China in regards to Taiwan as well. Shameful.
Oct 2, 2018
someone sent the link to the twitter the other day and I saw it and I was quite frankly aghast at how absolutely corrupt the WHO is.

The way the guy handled the call from the hanging up to his final answer being about how China handled the virus

The WHO should be about WORLD HEALTH. It should be non political but its clearly not - which is fine but the way he acted is pretty appalling and its time the world find a new organisation to take out health advice from. Everyone's been saying they're in the pockets of China and its clear they are from that video. There's no reason why anyone would act like that otherwise

Tedros and his "don't stop the planes" "stop handling cash" "its not a pandemic... even though it had been for weeks" nonsense ... I honestly wish the organisation should be disbanded.
Oct 2, 2018
Travel bans and travel restrictions don't work. They never worked before. In nearly every outbreak, they are put in place because it sounds good and makes "sense". There's a reason why the WHO doesn't recommend travel restrictions even now. It's because the science and evidence says it doesn't work.

actually, the world is now all locked up. Countries protecting themselves... AND... it seems to work.

Deleted member 21709

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
someone sent the link to the twitter the other day and I saw it and I was quite frankly aghast at how absolutely corrupt the WHO is.

The way the guy handled the call from the hanging up to his final answer being about how China handled the virus

The WHO should be about WORLD HEALTH. It should be non political but its clearly not - which is fine but the way he acted is pretty appalling and its time the world find a new organisation to take out health advice from. Everyone's been saying they're in the pockets of China and its clear they are from that video. There's no reason why anyone would act like that otherwise

Tedros and his "don't stop the planes" "stop handling cash" "its not a pandemic... even though it had been for weeks" nonsense ... I honestly wish the organisation should be disbanded.

But but restricting travel doesn't help!


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
My cousin is currently staying in Taiwan and has said that China has made some pretty clear threats regarding Taiwan and the WHO. Urging Taiwan to not do anything 'unnecessary' because that would be quickly dealt with.


Oct 25, 2017
Had the feeling WHO has its strings pulled by China given how stubborn they were in declaring the coronavirus to be a pandemic and praising China's handling of it.

Neo C.

Nov 9, 2017
There are so many things I disagree with the WHO, but their praise for Trump's "efforts" takes the cake.


Oct 25, 2017
Strong Island NY
In a just world, I guess, everyone in this case would tell China to fuck off and then China would block WHO access.

So by doing that, the world I suppose would be managing the outbreak blindly as China would be keeping their response to themselves.

I think that would be a major catastrophe but given that world leaders didnt care until 2 months once it reached their countries...did it really matter?


Oct 25, 2017
It's a crazy response.... couldn't he discuss the situation in Taiwan without talking about whether or not they're a separate country?

He shouldn't have to do that anyway, but the way he conducted himself was insane.

Regulus Tera

Oct 25, 2017
...I don't know why this dude just didn't use the Chinese Taipei nomenclature to get around the question.


Oct 25, 2017
The WHO has been a pawn of China for a few years now, the corruption is beyond belief and disgusting. The leader of the WHO, Tedros Ghebreyesus, was essentially appointed by China through backdoor dealings. He was formerly a leader in the Marxist Ethiopian PRDF and has been directly linked to a lot of brutal abuses of people and covering up three cholera outbreaks.

The day after he was named the director, he appointed Robert Mugabe, the former dictator of Ethopia, as a goodwill ambassador. Thats like naming Saddam Hussein a saint. A few weeks later China built a $80m center for disease control center in Ethiopia. China has invested billions in Ethiopia and almost assuredly there has been a lot of graft and corruption.

Its not new or unique, US ambassadorships are routinely given out to big donors in both republican and democratic presidencies and of course there is an ever revolving door of congress to lobbyists but the levels of corruption between China and UN institutions is really at another level now. There is a huge difference between the ambasador of Sweden being a retired rich oil man and the head of the WHO doing whatever China tells him to do.


Oct 30, 2017
Quite bizarre, it seems pretty easy to just say that any membership decisions are up to member states and WHO has no control over that.


Oct 27, 2017
Travel bans and travel restrictions don't work. They never worked before. In nearly every outbreak, they are put in place because it sounds good and makes "sense". There's a reason why the WHO doesn't recommend travel restrictions even now. It's because the science and evidence says it doesn't work.

What? All EU countries imposed international travel ban, internal borders between EU countries were restored and in many countries there are also domestic travel bans or limitations. You don't seem to be up to date with the news.