
Nov 16, 2017

I was going to do some cheeky Crocodile Hunter breakdown but lets just play it straight....

This black man is at the City Council about the Stephon Clark decision. And he's pissed at how bullshit it all is and has decided to let his voice be heard.....

Of course, Black People speaking loudly triggers Law Enforcement so they start to move in to engage. But what we see in this video is White People aware of their privilege and using is to protect this man.

You can hear them shout "Leave him alone, Don't touch him!", and they swarm around him as a barrier.

The guy jumps on the stand for theater via belligerence, and one of the officers makes an attempt to grab his shirt. The black guy is able to get out of grasp and fall back to the Council floor.

Notice how the barrier of white people(theres an asian woman who dyed her hair blond, smart) in front of officers placates their intent for violence.

Notice how the officer had no problems making an attempt to grab this black man, but has no will to do the same to white people blocking his way.

Notice how white people directly interfering with police renders them completely inept when it comes to use of force.

What we see here is the example of complete separation of treatment by Law Enforcement based on race. Race is often used as a divider when it comes to describing 1st Class and 2nd Class citizens. White People receive hesitation, Black People receive assault. White People have their rights upheld, Black People have their rights violated.

This is a fantastic example of how white people can stand up for justice in a powerful and meaningful way.

For an extra fun tip, lets also compare this with Manafort's recent sentencing of jailtime totaling less than most drug sentences.

I eagerly await those who wish to tell us what we witness with our own eyes isn't the truth.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Even when the lady stands on the desk next to him they only attempt to take him.

Deleted member 44129

User requested account closure
May 29, 2018
I am a UK based white man. I'm glad videos like this exist, because I don't see (or notice) racism that much in my own experience I can't walk in the shoes of a POC. It's important to see this kind of stuff, because there it is, right there, racism woven into the very fabric of our society.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm just glad these white people used their repellent to try and protect him.

It just feels so rare nowadays.

The PD's motives couldn't have been more transparent here...
American History

Mammoth Jones

Oct 25, 2017
New York


Oct 25, 2017
Even with this blatant display we'll still have people saying "This isn't necessarily about race." Disingenuous fucks.


Oct 25, 2017
I am a UK based white man. I'm glad videos like this exist, because I don't see (or notice) racism that much in my own experience I can't walk in the shoes of a POC. It's important to see this kind of stuff, because there it is, right there, racism woven into the very fabric of our society.
I'd recommend a read of Why I'm No Longer Talking To White People About Race, it's about the much more ignored British racism. Very enlightening.


Oct 25, 2017
Take notes white people, that is how you can become an ally to minorities.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
You can practically see the officer struggling with his programming. Pretty sad but expected behavior. Nice to see so many concerned citizens at this meeting though.

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
I wish I had the white people powers my fellow white people have. Cops have been giving me shit my whole life. I know minorities have it way worse I'm just saying I find it ridiculous what these people can get away with.


Oct 25, 2017
An example of white privilege actually being used for good. it would be nice to see more of that than so many examples of white people calling the police on black people for no reason.

$10 Bagel

Oct 25, 2017
shit like this is why i'll never understand why white people use superheroes as an escapism

yall already got superpowers.


Nov 11, 2017
They just see them as human beings, as opposed to POC. You always see how compassionate they are, and understanding with all the non poc in bodycam footage. Cops earn their reputation with nonpoc... they do risk their lives to deescalate situations. Versus starting at a level 10.

The only equalizer, at times, is poverty. If you're in that zone, you're usually getting beat, but generally not executed.

POC are treated like wild animals ready to strike/kill the officer where they stand. They have the propensity to rush police, even when they are armed. All ages too, same outcome.

You can see it when they get pulled over too, everyone is smiling. Versus you sitting there pouring sweat as they illegally search your vehicle for drugs, again.


Unshakable Resolve
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
White people (self included) HAVE to remember that recognizing their own privilege isn't enough... if you have that privilege and don't use it to intervene when you see injustice (which is all the time if your eyes are even a little bit open), then you're partially responsible for what happens in the vacuum of your action. Whether it's a big thing like people jumping in front of cops in the video, or a less dramatic little thing that comes up far more often (like telling someone "okay STFU, not funny" because you have a little more social capital to do so, based on having less melatonin of all things). With privilege comes responsibility.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
To be honest I think its more likely that the number of people increasing drastically is what caused the hesitation not the color of their skin. Its easy to arrest one person causing trouble. Its alot harder to arrest 7 or 8. Even harder to do so without causing even more people to become involved or injuring anyone in the process. They were outnumbered in a room of pissed off people. That would give any law enforcement pause.

Also doesn't hurt that they knew they were being filmed. Also i am not saying white people don't have privilege when it comes to the police. I know we have a hell of alot of it. I just don't think thats what happened here personally.
Oct 27, 2017
This is how we should protect each other. If you have an advantage that society has given to you, do what's right: use it to help those who do not and are unjustly treated. No one should be assaulted for speaking loudly and passionately. This man has his rights systemically trampled on due to deeply embedded racism. Hesitancy to beat civilians should not be a privilege. It should be the default behavior law enforcement takes with everyone.


Oct 26, 2017

I was going to do some cheeky Crocodile Hunter breakdown but lets just play it straight....

This black man is at the City Council about the Stephon Clark decision. And he's pissed at how bullshit it all is and has decided to let his voice be heard.....

Of course, Black People speaking loudly triggers Law Enforcement so they start to move in to engage. But what we see in this video is White People aware of their privilege and using is to protect this man.

You can hear them shout "Leave him alone, Don't touch him!", and they swarm around him as a barrier.

The guy jumps on the stand for theater via belligerence, and one of the officers makes an attempt to grab his shirt. The black guy is able to get out of grasp and fall back to the Council floor.

Notice how the barrier of white people(theres an asian woman who dyed her hair blond, smart) in front of officers placates their intent for violence.

Notice how the officer had no problems making an attempt to grab this black man, but has no will to do the same to white people blocking his way.

Notice how white people directly interfering with police renders them completely inept when it comes to use of force.

What we see here is the example of complete separation of treatment by Law Enforcement based on race. Race is often used as a divider when it comes to describing 1st Class and 2nd Class citizens. White People receive hesitation, Black People receive assault. White People have their rights upheld, Black People have their rights violated.

This is a fantastic example of how white people can stand up for justice in a powerful and meaningful way.

For an extra fun tip, lets also compare this with Manafort's recent sentencing of jailtime totaling less than most drug sentences.

I eagerly await those who wish to tell us what we witness with our own eyes isn't the truth.

Amazing observation OP. It's a thing that as minorties we are aware of but to see it actually play out on camera is fascinating.


Nov 11, 2017
To be honest I think its more likely that the number of people increasing drastically is what caused the hesitation not the color of their skin. Its easy to arrest one person causing trouble. Its alot harder to arrest 7 or 8. Even harder to do so without causing even more people to become involved or injuring anyone in the process. They were outnumbered in a room of pissed off people. That would give any law enforcement pause.

Also doesn't hurt that they knew they were being filmed. Also i am not saying white people don't have privilege when it comes to the police. I know we have a hell of alot of it. I just don't think thats what happened here personally.

How can you think that when you know you just watched how the black person was about to be handled. You also know that black people are treated differently than police, as a fact.... You also know how black people are strangled to death on camera, or how little girls are barrel rolled toward then pinned to the ground @ a pool party.

You also know that this would have been different if the white people weren't there.

Honest Q.

The reason the police care, is because white people will have lawyers, there will be repercussions. Which is privilege.
Last edited:


Nov 16, 2017
To be honest I think its more likely that the number of people increasing drastically is what caused the hesitation not the color of their skin. Its easy to arrest one person causing trouble. Its alot harder to arrest 7 or 8. Even harder to do so without causing even more people to become involved or injuring anyone in the process. They were outnumbered in a room of pissed off people. That would give any law enforcement pause.

Also doesn't hurt that they knew they were being filmed. Also i am not saying white people don't have privilege when it comes to the police. I know we have a hell of alot of it. I just don't think thats what happened here personally.

Police will arrest whoever they want on given dime. They have radios, its the exact reason they call for back up in every situation. What you're saying still goes against the video.

Where is this care for causing injury during arrest when applied to Black People being detained. Mass numbers always give police hesitation. Why do they draw their arms when Black Citizens gather (let alone just one person) but hold restraint for White Citizen groups?

How many videos have we seen with Police outnumbered? They very usually always are. The difference is they revert to extreme violent means and tactics to control black dissent while actually performing deescalation techniques for white dissent. We have videos of white people helping officers detain black individuals and the officers gladly let them play cop for a few minutes.

We watched Eric Garner die right before our eyes on camera... people surrounding him with their phones out... scared to intervene because that mostly minority crowd was going to eat a bullet if they stepped in.

What would have happened if 5 White People stepped in to tell that cop he was committing murder?

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
How can you think that when you know you just watched how the black person was handled. You also know that black people are treated differently than police, as a fact.... You also know how black people are strangled to death on camera, or how little girls are barrel rolled toward then pinned to the ground @ a pool party.

You also know that this would have been different if the white people weren't there.

Honest Q.

I know all of that and I am not denying any of that. I already said that white people have a ridiculous amount of privilege wwhen it comes to the police and minorities are absolutely 100% mistreated by the police. I am not saying they aren't. Not even close. I am just saying that I feel like the number of people standing against the officers played a bigger factor than the color of their skin. The police were outnumbered in a room full of angry people. Most police officers would choose to not escalate the situation at that point I think. Thats just basic common sense. I mean what officer in their right mind is gonna try to arrest 7 or 8 pissed off people at once while knowing they are being recorded? It would spiral out of their control almost instantly. Skin color most likely played a part as well I didn't mean to imply it didn't play any part at all. I am just saying I don't think it was the main factor given the context of the situation.


Nov 11, 2017
I know all of that and I am not denying any of that. I am just saying that I feel like the number of people standing against the officers played a bigger factor than the color of their skin. The police were outnumbered in a room full of angry people. Most police officers would choose to not escalate the situation at that point I think. Thats just basic common sense. I mean what officer in their right mind is gonna try to arrest 7 or 8 pissed off people at once? It would spiral out of their control almost instantly. Skin color most likely played a part as well I didn't mean to imply it didn't play any part at all. I am just saying I don't think it was the main factor given the context of the situation.

Any % is the problem, that is the point of the OP in the first place. How that % was trumped by intervention. You can't just glide by that.

Now we're getting into the officers mindset. You can say skin color most likely played a part, but now you know for certain, or at least to make up another argument, all in an effort to avoid common sense that this is how police react to white people, that the room of people was going to attack the police officers all at once, in a giant swarm like the matrix, and that is why the officers decided not to do anything...

That direct threat to the officers safety by this room full of concerned citizens, is why this happened...

Well, continue being you. Enjoy your friday.


Oct 27, 2017
I know all of that and I am not denying any of that. I already said that white people have a ridiculous amount of privilege wwhen it comes to the police and minorities are absolutely 100% mistreated by the police. I am not saying they aren't. Not even close. I am just saying that I feel like the number of people standing against the officers played a bigger factor than the color of their skin. The police were outnumbered in a room full of angry people. Most police officers would choose to not escalate the situation at that point I think. Thats just basic common sense. I mean what officer in their right mind is gonna try to arrest 7 or 8 pissed off people at once while knowing they are being recorded? It would spiral out of their control almost instantly. Skin color most likely played a part as well I didn't mean to imply it didn't play any part at all. I am just saying I don't think it was the main factor given the context of the situation.
But what is the purpose of bringing up this context, as if to provide the police the benefit of the doubt?

That's what I know to know.

Let's be honest, using the argument that race isn't the "main factor", is not an argument you should be trying to stand behind in defense of these systemic issues that have been ongoing, and continuously occurring for ages.

Black men are shot and killed all the time, because race is a part of it, and that should really be the actual factor you should be focusing on. The fact that black men, and minorities and disproportionately being subjected to this should be the reason why you need to reassess why you think that when race isn't the "main factor" in your argument, can be incredibly problematic. It's this kind of framing that provides the police an excuse to not have to address it as an issue, because maybe something like "crime" is the main factor, and that's the only reason they're shooting unarmed black men at a higher rate than whites.

It can certainly be described as disingenuous as other posters have pointed out, because you're focusing more on justification, rather than a broken system that can't be justified.

It's just not a stance you need to take on, unless you don't believe there are huge issues that needs to be reworked in our justice system as it relates to race, but in your comments you clearly do, but you just need to step back a bit further to see the whole picture, and not just one singular aspect of it.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Any % is the problem, that is the point of the OP in the first place. How that % was trumped by intervention. You can't just glide by that.

Now we're getting into the officers mindset. You can say skin color most likely played a part, but now you know for certain, or at least to make up another argument, all in an effort to avoid common sense that this is how police react to white people, that the room of people was going to attack the police officers all at once, in a giant swarm like the matrix, and that is why the officers decided not to do anything...

Oh okay I see what you and the OP are saying now. I agree 100%. If more people stood up and did what these people did right here then absolutely we would see more situations deescalated like this and alot more officers would second guess their bullshit when it comes to how they treat minorities. Thats my dumb mistake for misunderstanding the broader implication of the OP. I thought we were talking about just this incident itself. Not what it represented on a larger scale. Thats my bad.

But what is the purpose of bringing up this context, as if to provide the police the benefit of the doubt?

That's what I know to know.

Let's be honest, using the argument that race isn't the "main factor", is not an argument you should be trying to stand behind in defense of these systemic issues that have been ongoing, and continuously occurring for ages.

Black men are shot and killed all the time, because race is a part of it, and that should really be the actual factor you should be focusing on. The fact that black men, and minorities and disproportionately being subjected to this should be the reason why you need to reassess why you think that when race isn't the "main factor" in your argument, can be incredibly problematic. It's this kind of framing that provides the police an excuse to not have to address it as an issue, because maybe something like "crime" is the main factor, and that's the only reason they're shooting unarmed black men at a higher rate than whites.

It can certainly be described as disingenuous as other posters have pointed out, because you're focusing more on justification, rather than a broken system that can't be justified.

It's just not a stance you need to take on, unless you don't believe there are huge issues that needs to be reworked in our justice system as it relates to race, but in your comments you clearly do, but you just need to step back a bit further to see the whole picture, and not just one singular aspect of it.

Yeah I see where I was wrong now. I was looking at the small picture and not the big one. Like I said above thats my bad.

Enzom21 Thats my bad man. I see where you were coming from now and how I looked.


Oct 27, 2017
'Tis true, several of us can combine to form the Legendary White Shield; grants near impenetrability vs. officers of the law. More of that should be done when the situation presents itself.

Deleted member 41638

User requested account closure
Apr 3, 2018
Black guy is leading the group, jumping on the table, and shouting in the cops' faces so yeah he's gonna be the center of attention. He swats at the cop's arm the first time he tries to pull him off the table, which I'm surprised the cops didn't get violent with him there. I'm glad no one got hurt during the incident at least, that could've turned ugly real quick, you can see a cop on the right pull out his baton.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah I see where I was wrong now. I was looking at the small picture and not the big one. Like I said above thats my bad.
No worries.

I'm sure it wasn't meant to be from a bad place, but with discussions as they are today, it's just too difficult to want to discuss other things, when the underlying issues are staring us squarely in the face, and we can't be the first to blink to those issues if we really want to move forward.


Oct 25, 2017
To be honest I think its more likely that the number of people increasing drastically is what caused the hesitation not the color of their skin. Its easy to arrest one person causing trouble. Its alot harder to arrest 7 or 8. Even harder to do so without causing even more people to become involved or injuring anyone in the process. They were outnumbered in a room of pissed off people. That would give any law enforcement pause.

Also doesn't hurt that they knew they were being filmed. Also i am not saying white people don't have privilege when it comes to the police. I know we have a hell of alot of it. I just don't think thats what happened here personally.

Nah. Look at the video, man. It's not like there was immediately a huge crowd around the guy, and they just completely ignore all the white people, even the one who got up on the table. If the crowd had been black they would have likely just bodied them as they got up.

Mammoth Jones

Oct 25, 2017
New York
Oh okay I see what you and the OP are saying now. I agree 100%. If more people stood up and did what these people did right here then absolutely we would see more situations deescalated like this and alot more officers would second guess their bullshit when it comes to how they treat minorities. Thats my dumb mistake for misunderstanding the broader implication of the OP. I thought we were talking about just this incident itself. Not what it represented on a larger scale. Thats my bad.

Yeah I see where I was wrong now. I was looking at the small picture and not the big one. Like I said above thats my bad.

Enzom21 Thats my bad man. I see where you were coming from now and how I looked.

Yea, that's the thing. There's a lot of these situations where when viewed myopically you can say it's not about ethnicity but when the shit happens again and again and there's a pattern that aligns w/ race then yea...there be a problem.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Any % is the problem, that is the point of the OP in the first place. How that % was trumped by intervention. You can't just glide by that.

Now we're getting into the officers mindset. You can say skin color most likely played a part, but now you know for certain, or at least to make up another argument, all in an effort to avoid common sense that this is how police react to white people, that the room of people was going to attack the police officers all at once, in a giant swarm like the matrix, and that is why the officers decided not to do anything...

Yep. Just take this scenario and imagine if it was a group of black people stepping in to defend him and imagine how it would have played out.


Attempt to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Remember when it was posted on here that a white guy was beating up two cops, stole one of the cops batons, started hitting the female cop with it and THEN stole their vehicle and drove off and a gun was not drawn by the police once.......imagine if a black person did even 1% of what the video showed......a fucked up system need reform, sadly it prob wont happen


Nov 11, 2017
Oh okay I see what you and the OP are saying now. I agree 100%. If more people stood up and did what these people did right here then absolutely we would see more situations deescalated like this and alot more officers would second guess their bullshit when it comes to how they treat minorities. Thats my dumb mistake for misunderstanding the broader implication of the OP. I thought we were talking about just this incident itself. Not what it represented on a larger scale. Thats my bad.

Yeah I see where I was wrong now. I was looking at the small picture and not the big one. Like I said above thats my bad.

Enzom21 Thats my bad man. I see where you were coming from now and how I looked.

no worries, happens to the best of us. It is a very frustrating lifestyle.


Oct 25, 2017
I was thinking about this yesterday when I was annoyed that everyone around me was driving like 5mph under the speed limit because a cop was on the road. Like shit, you can drive up to 10% over the speed limit and not get pulled over. Everyone knows that. And if you do get pulled over, you can easily get the ticket dismissed. Everyone driving around on eggshells because one little cop is on the road.

Then I was like, "oh, right."


Oct 27, 2017
To be honest I think its more likely that the number of people increasing drastically is what caused the hesitation not the color of their skin. Its easy to arrest one person causing trouble. Its alot harder to arrest 7 or 8. Even harder to do so without causing even more people to become involved or injuring anyone in the process. They were outnumbered in a room of pissed off people. That would give any law enforcement pause.

Also doesn't hurt that they knew they were being filmed. Also i am not saying white people don't have privilege when it comes to the police. I know we have a hell of alot of it. I just don't think thats what happened here personally.
Number of people? Even before the crowd rushed in, the tiny blonde asian lady was dudes shield. It's obvious as hell once she jumped on the counter and the cop tried to reach around her instead of grabbing her for "interfering in police matters".

Sure, the mass of people played a part, but they showed hesitance well before everyone jumped in.


Nov 11, 2017
Yep. Just take this scenario and imagine if it was a group of black people stepping in to defend him and imagine how it would have played out.

The same thing that would happen if black people say for example, tried to start their own town where the affluent could live, and get better social footing in this country.

They'd be firebombed.