Deleted member 36493

User requested account closure
Dec 19, 2017
So RDR2 has been out for several
months now, and while there are probably still several years until the next releases it's still fun to speculate.

There are a lot of different directions they can take RDR in. But to me, RDR and now RDR2 have cemented the franchise's link to the Van Der Linde gang. RDR is the Van Der Linde gang, just as Kratos is GoW. And with RDR2 being a prequel, I think it makes sense for RDR3 to be another prequel that goes even further back — back to Dutch. Despite being heavily involved in both games, there is still a large air of mystery surrounding Dutch. I'd like RDR3 to delve into this, as we learn all about who Dutch was and how he came to be how he is. I'd want them to expand on his relationship with Hosea and young Arthur, his parents, Colm 'O Driscoll etc. and I think that the franchise has been leading up to this with the previous two games.

I'd also like the game to be set before, during, and after the events of RDR2. So we learn what exactly happened to him in between the end of RDR and RDR2.

What direction do you want to see the franchise take?


Oct 27, 2017
This is exactly what I want and hope is the next RDR,I want to play as Dutch and see how he could make his gang trust him like a cultist lead.
Oct 25, 2017
Do you want us to play as Dutch? I'd rather play as someone else, maybe Hosea if it's a prequel. I think realistically though it will probably be a new cast of characters with a couple of returning faces maybe.

Deleted member 57361

User requested account closure
Jun 2, 2019
I don't think it needs to be about Van Der Linde gang again. Would prefer to see a game about Landon Ricketts, set during the golden west era or even a game set in Mexico.


Nov 14, 2017
Every RDR has been about how the "good ol' days" are over.

How about an RDR about the "good ol days".


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, going further back to the height of the Old West would be fantastic.


Mar 4, 2019
I think irrespective of what comes next. We can be sure that the Redemption arc will continue and the next protagonist will bite the dust.
Had to start a second playthrough to properly explore the world with Arthur


Oct 28, 2017
i honestly dont want another prequel, especially because (at least in my estimation), the entire series has an overarching theme of something ending or things fading away (RDR: the final days of what we know as the "wild west", RDR2: the end of the "glory days" and dissolution of the Van der Linde gang). i would accept something like was mentioned above, maybe a contemporary of Landon Ricketts when the legendary gunslingers were in their prime and how things eventually soured and went the way of all flesh for them (maybe the start of that downward spiral is one of their peers getting Wild Bill Hickok'd in some saloon) and follow through until we see what drove Landon Ricketts to Mexico.

personally, id rather see something completely different. jump ahead a few more years and show me some Virginian moonshiners and bootleggers during Prohibition, sort of like the novel The Wettest County in the World (or the movie Lawless).


Oct 25, 2017
I'd love to see another prequel with Dutch, with an epilogue leading up to the start of RDR2.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
RDR era - Sadie adventures contintues in South America
Oil era - 20 years later, with Jack Marston and a middle age Sadie taking down an evil oil tycoon. New York is also visitable.

Both stories interwine

Post western might be controversial but I think it could be interesting, with influences from There Will be Blood and Once upon a Time in America
Oct 27, 2017
Leave everything behind. Go back to Red Harlow's era.

Make him, Annie Stoakes, Buffalo soldier and Jack Swift playable with their own stories showing how they are living after Revolver ended.
Oct 30, 2017
Enough with Dutch and his gang, this whole story is over and done.

Give us a new story with all fresh new cast of characters and era.


Oct 27, 2017
I wouldn't mind seeing Rockstar go back to Red Harlow from Red Dead Revolver and do a more serious retelling of that story in the world of Redemption. Perhaps focus on his Native American roots which could make for a unique dichotomy with the Wild West setting and open the doors for more interesting cultural themes that we couldn't get with John & Arthur.


Oct 27, 2017
I hope they go further back during the height of gun slinging.

I really don't want anymore Dutch. I was done with him by the end. Playing with him during any younger years would be awful.
Oct 27, 2017
I wouldn't mind seeing Rockstar go back to Red Harlow from Red Dead Revolver and do a more serious retelling of that story in the world of Redemption. Perhaps focus on his Native American roots which could make for a unique dichotomy with the Wild West setting and open the doors for more interesting cultural themes that we couldn't get with John & Arthur.
I would love this. Imagine Red going back to his tribe after dealing with the aftermath of Revolver's ending and have the story deal with their struggles in that time.


Oct 31, 2017
Dutch fucking sucks lol.

I'm sick of that fool, never wanna see him again.

I want to play as someone like a young Landon Ricketts, or even young Black Belle. I want to play a "making of a legend" type story during the height of the wild west.

Also, I wouldn't mind a completely different setting like Australia or some shit.

Supreme Leader Galahad

▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
Well if were going to conjecture, first thing first, whats important script wise for a RDR game? I think it has to be a story of some kind of redemption (duh) while also happening in the 1800s and involving crime. Also it depends if its a new set of characters or not. If yes anything is possible, i would love something akin to the series Warrior from Cinemax. If its about one of the already presented characters i think the main two possibilities are another prequel showing the creation of the gang while we play as Dutch or a sequel with Jack( i think this is too late in time, unless Jack goes to war which would be interesting); other options are games with Landon or Sadie both fan favorites from each game.


Oct 26, 2017
I really enjoyed RDR2 but overall I don't like prequels especially when they tell the story directly before the previous game.

Rather have a new character or as mentioned before something with Sadie.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I want new characters and I'd rather see them go further back in time. However, I could see them going to the prohibition era if they're gonna change it up.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean if you look at the timeline the events of RDR1 ends around 1914 so you could begin Red Dead Redemption with Jack to fill out his continuity across all three games, have him die in world war one as a part of a squad sent on a suicide mission like the movie "The Dirty Dozen", and have Sadie Adler fill out the Epilogue by trying to fix the problems that Dutch's gang and Jack caused throughout the trilogy while protecting the kid Jack never knew he had.


Senior Games Artist
Dec 10, 2018
Los Angeles
I was always against an RDR3/4, but thinking about playing as Charles/Saddie going east to New York in the early 1900's on Next-Gen Hardware would be truly incredible, so now it's all I want.
Oct 27, 2017
I want it to go further in the timeline. Either Prohibition in the 1920s, or 1930s depression era with the Midwest Crime Wave. The games have been about the death of the outlaw and the modernization of America and the Midwest Crime Wave is the last gasp of the outlaw in America and led to the rise of the FBI, so it'd be fitting. End things with Jack there. He doesn't even have to be the playable character.


Apr 13, 2019
I see it as rdr the end of the wild west, rdr 2 is the beginning of the end of the wild west. Not sure what theme they could get from the height of the wild west, but they gained my trust with narrative, I was extremely skepticle with rdr2. Whatever they do Im sure the story will be great


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I want it to go further in the timeline. Either Prohibition in the 1920s, or 1930s depression era with the Midwest Crime Wave. The games have been about the death of the outlaw and the modernization of America and the Midwest Crime Wave is the last gasp of the outlaw in America and led to the rise of the FBI, so it'd be fitting. End things with Jack there. He doesn't even have to be the playable character.
I actually really like this idea.


Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
Since both Arthur and John are aiming towards opposite direction in their covers, it'd be cool if RDR3's cover was Dutch and the three covers kinda formed a bigger picture.

Every RDR has been about how the "good ol' days" are over.

How about an RDR about the "good ol days".
To be fair, RDR2 literally starts with the last good old day.


Oct 27, 2017
Go back in time and let us play the story of Landon Ricketts, how he became such a legendary figures and have it end around the time of the blackwater massacre or even end where he goes in Mexico, could even have some missions there.


Oct 29, 2017
It needs to go back to the past, new storyline, new characters (I actually still wish that's what RDR 2 would've done). I grew tired of the "twilight old west is dying" atmosphere in RDR 1, let alone 2.

I want a game in the earlier west, when settlers were still moving west, right around when the Civil War was ending, etc.

My absolutely "dream" for the next RDR game would have you playing as two characters (with the game both switching between them for story elements and other things) and to have more rpg elements and for the love of God more FREEDOM in how you tackle missions and player choice (I hated how strict RDR 2 is at this, if you don't do a mission EXACTLY to a T how they decide you should you fail, even if there's logically another way to do it). More rpg elements also for your character, with skilltrees and stats, however unlike traditional rpg's these are not tied to some kind of "experience" rather they are tied to both the storyline (as your character ages and time passes) on top of having skills that you actually learn from multiple ways, such as an npc that offers to teach it to you, story related quests, etc. So basically there'd be no "grinding" and leveling up or anything, you'd just naturally grow/learn more things as you progress the story and explore the world. (also you couldn't just explore and pick up EVERY skill, npc's that teach them would show up at different parts of the story/time int he game so you can't cheat lol).

The first main character would have you playing as Native American. It would start with like a coming of age style storyline for this character, with you learning about the tribe and the character going through a vision quest/rites of passage. Then one day you are on a hunt and when return see soldiers at your camp, they are cramming people together, and marching them out (the trail of tears). You hide and when it's over you go into your village to see your immediate family scattered around camp except for your sister who was taken. Along with a few others that managed to hide they start hiding in the local montains/woods to survive but one day the character decides he isn't going to simply hide, you're going to go off and track down the people that did this and get revenge.

The second main character would be a soldier during the Mexican war. It'd started with him near the end of the war, introducing you to his character and his gameplay style. Then after the war ends he returns home to his family on a little farm to build your life there. Shortly after you return you head into town to get some supplies and some gifts then when you return you find your house and things burning. Then you find your wife, barely alive, as she tells you what happened, a group of Native Americans came through and attacked it, taking the horses and other things, she dies in your arms. Then you find ithe rest of your family all dead. This is where this character sets off on his tale of revenge to find the band of Native Americans that killed his family.

Then around 20% into the game the storyline picks up with:

The Native American character tracks down one of the people who was there, he beats him up and gets him to talk about some other people, then he takes the revenge he wanted but in the process he is caught and arrested then thrown in jail.

The Soldier meanwhile tracked down a lead, however the lead, doesn't quite want to spill the beans on what he knows, so you have to take certain measures. During this the guy ends up getting the draw on you and you are forced to defend yourself but you're caught shortly after and thrown in jail. It just so happens to be the exact same jail that the other character is in.

Though they both share prejudices against one another they need each others help to break out, as they know that they'll be hanged for their crimes. This is where the characters are forced to join up and then the storyline basically starts off with them at odds with one another but surviving on the run together, as they both become wanted. They learn over the course of the game just how wrong they are to judge someone based on others actions, coming to terms with those views they have, and trying to help each other on their journey of revenge, which spans years and years as they grow older and become close friends. Even after the Native American finally finds his sister and they both help set her free the Native American decides not to leave with her but instead to stay behind with the soldier character to help him finish his quest.

One key point of the game is that each character plays differently and you are free to toggle between them when you wish (outside of specific quests/stories). The other character can be with you on quests (so you can easily swap between them while on the quest) as well as the "open world."

When I say plays different, I don't simply mean skillsets, but the npc's and other things change depending on what character your playing and the npc themselves.

For example, if you are in a town, you might find that the townspeople are more friendly and open to talking to the soldier character instead of the Native American. Whereas if you're talking to other Native Americans they might be the opposite, it wouldn't be as black and white as that obviously but you get the point. Depending on the character you are playing as the dialogue and even the quests will change depending on the viewpoint you're playing it from.

Whew, I didn't expect to type ALL of this out but once I started I couldn't stop.


Oct 25, 2017
This may be an unpopular opinion but I want a total revamp of the combat system. I believe it needs a serious buff and maybe scale down some of the open world. The shooting mechanics were so frustrating to me it was difficult for me to enjoy the gunplay. Please tighten up the controls and loosen up the ultra realism mechanics. It doesn't have to play like Max Payne 3 but please take some inspiration from it.

And add in some linear focused chapters like God of War here and there.


You look 40
Oct 25, 2017
New York
I'd much rather they do something really different and interesting. Dutch and co are done. Twice now they've only marginally touched upon the Native American experience in their games to only middling success or nuance at best I would say. It would be way more interesting if we actually got to play as a Native character that really explored that conquest of America and the west and what it meant for Native peoples.

There's so much to explore there and so much internal conflict that could be delved into. A cliche approach would be for the main character to be someone who is mixed race and torn between the two worlds as a result of those familial connections, but I'd rather they do something more interesting like have them be a victim of institutions like the Carlisle School. Struggling to reclaim their heritage and culture that was stolen from the. Or simply coming from a small tribe struggling to balance working with the whites in hopes of maintaining some amount of freedom. Maybe brutalized by other larger tribes they have no recourse but to work with the US government and settlers making a deal with the devil.

I'd also really like to get game with a Sadie like character too though. Rockstar is long overdue for a female lead game. So I'd be more than happy to have the game with about a female Native character than a guy.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd like them to spend some time developing decent shooting mechanics that don't need to be held up by egregious auto-aim.
Oct 27, 2017
Didn't know there was such a desire to see the series continue. My immediate reaction to the title was that I wouldn't mind if they retired the series. If they do make another RDR they definitely need to move away from these characters though. RDR2 did not enrich the first one's story as a prequel. I feel like both could work on their own but they don't really work together.


Oct 28, 2017
Hope it's a prequel so we get more background on this new cast of characters and get a look at a time when outlaws were in their prime. Maybe even introduce Native Americans such that they're not just a small tribe that's essential already dead

As far as mechanics and game design goes I hope they take a more sandbox approach where the player has more freedom to play as they want, not just in the open world but also in how missions are approached.


Oct 26, 2017
The whole "good ol days" is what made RDR and RDR2 so interesting. It talks about change, and how people were coping with it. It also made me interested to see what's going to happen to the gang. I think anything older then the modernization of the west will be boring IMO. I don't see anything exciting happening.