
Aug 14, 2019
One of the dumbest things that came out of the whole Marvel not having the movie rights to the X-Men and trying to downplay them was coming out of nowhere and saying Magneto wasn't the father of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. It's a really dumb retcon as a huge part of their character history is their blood relationship with Magneto and them struggling with their identities as his children especially with regards to Quicksilver. It also renders impactful storylines based on this relationship like House of M and Quicksilver trying to atone for Decimation pointless and awkward in hindsight as well as humanzing moments from Magneto that come from this relationship like him interacting with Quicksilver's daughter or lamenting the loss of Wanda's children. It also renders humanizing and tender moments from Quicksilver (who is defined by being an ass for the most part) that come from his interactions with Polaris pointless as well. There was one time he even said Polaris needs him more than Wanda and it was partially through his desire to be a good brother to her that lead him to fully redeem himself for his actions in House of M and the following stories. There's also the fact that Quicksilver looks almost exactly like Magneto but younger and with different hair. In light of the movie rights now belonging to Marvel when will this awful retcon be ignored?


Oct 25, 2017
Is it really dumb or the type of hilarious pettiness we should want from our reality warping mutant witches?

Empyrean Cocytus

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Upstate NY
Probably never, given this is not the case in the MCU and Marvel has made several steps to make the comics more like the MCU to entice new readers. I suppose if they made the change in the actual MCU, then all bets are off, but who knows how in the fuck they are going to integrate mutants. Though my hope is a total recasting/reboot.


Oct 26, 2017
WandaVision spoilers

There's a theory that the couple appearing in the adverts are her parents. Could be adoptive parents though.

I suspect there will be some multiverse shenanigans fairly soon that relates to the existence of Mutants, and I imagine Magneto will be involved there.

I like Paddy Considine or Lakeith Stanfield to play him btw.


Ugly, Queer, Gender-Fluid, Drive-In Mutant, yes?
Apr 22, 2018
Tampa, Fl
Considering the current status quo of the X-Men refers to Wanda as "The Great Pretender" who decimated 99% of the mutant race, I doubt the retcon is being undone anytime soon.


Aug 14, 2019
WandaVision spoilers

There's a theory that the couple appearing in the adverts are her parents. Could be adoptive parents though.

I suspect there will be some multiverse shenanigans fairly soon that relates to the existence of Mutants, and I imagine Magneto will be involved there.

I like Paddy Considine or Lakeith Stanfield to play him btw.

The fact because of this retcon we couldn't get this in WandaVision makes me extra salty:



The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Madrid, Spain
I don't think this is "retcon" in the sense that comics aren't part of the MCU. In fact, if they ever did say that Mutants actually are a thing and actually this Magneto dude is Wanda's father... THAT would be a retcon.


Ooh. I see! Nevermind then, haha!
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Oct 26, 2017
They'll fix it by saying the current Prof X and Moira are super evil or some shit. Or just say a Wizard did it. This is comic books, especially marvel comic books.


Jul 12, 2019
I guess he could still be their father but they got their powers from the Teseract......or did they?

Pizza Dog

Oct 25, 2017
There's enough going on in the MCU that they don't need to be tied to Magneto. Even though it could potentially add something to their storylines one of them is dead and there's enough that Wanda can do that she doesn't need to have that link to create interesting things for her to do.

In the comics - eh whatever, everything's relatively fluid so I'm sure it'll switch back eventually.


Oct 27, 2017
Quicksilver is dead and Wanda is currently out of the bigger screen. So whether or not Magneto is their father probably won't matter.


One Winged Slayer
Jun 17, 2019
I just want to know if the movies will even bring back Quicksilver.


Oct 27, 2017
Probably never, given this is not the case in the MCU and Marvel has made several steps to make the comics more like the MCU to entice new readers. I suppose if they made the change in the actual MCU, then all bets are off, but who knows how in the fuck they are going to integrate mutants. Though my hope is a total recasting/reboot.
Why recast Fassbender and mcavoy? By the time x-men are brought into the mcu they'll both be proper replacements for mcellen and stewart lol.

Memento Mori

Oct 26, 2017
I prefer Wanda and Pietro being Magneto's children but if they retconned it back, they'd have to stop calling her The Pretender. And that makes me laugh every time I see it.



"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Considering the current status quo of the X-Men refers to Wanda as "The Great Pretender" who decimated 99% of the mutant race, I doubt the retcon is being undone anytime soon.

And I'm actually really interested in seeing if Hickman does more with that. The mutants of Krakoa will certainly confront Wanda sooner or later.
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Dec 7, 2017
I think they can revert them back as family, i know the status quo with Hickman's books is that Wanda is evil and a Pretender but we're talking about a woman who can literally play around with reality, and they just had an X-Men related story that shows people with that power can change their species.

Franklin is no longer a Mutant and never was one because he, according to Charles, used his powers to make himself become one by changing his DNA to have the X-Gene.

In the case of the twins, it could be that Wanda did the same thing but for the opposite effect.

It really depends on how the MCU leads with the situation though because i don't think the comics will dictate the status quo here.

Memento Mori

Oct 26, 2017
I think they can revert them back as family, i know the status quo with Hickman's books is that Wanda is evil and a Pretender but we're talking about a woman who can literally play around with reality, and they just had an X-Men related story that shows people with that power can change their species.

Franklin is no longer a Mutant and never was one because he, according to Charles, used his powers to make himself become one by changing his DNA to have the X-Gene.

In the case of the twins, it could be that Wanda did the same thing but for the opposite effect.

It really depends on how the MCU leads with the situation though because i don't think the comics will dictate the status quo here.
According to someone who looked like Charles on one panel. That can be retconned extremely easily and I don't think it's going to last that run.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
To be fair, them being Magneto's kids was already a retcon.

Still, that depends on Marvel Studios' long-term plans for Wanda.


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
A year or so ago Jordan White (X-men editor) was asked on Twitter if they would retcon this in the comics. His answer was basically a non-committal "not happening any time soon".

I replied that it sounds like it's going to happen when the right story can fix it. He liked my reply but said nothing.

Take that with a tiny grain of salt. But it gave me hope.


Oct 25, 2017
Hickman is writing Wanda as evil? Jfc can this woman catch a break... Comics treat her so dirty.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't see how they can.

I mean you literally just say the story otherwise was Wanda warping reality because she subconsciously didn't want to be a mutant any more, and then have someone put it back the way it was. You could even point our this was the "true" continuity because so so much stuff doesn't make any sense if Wanda wasn't always a mutant.

They'll definitely do it eventually.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I only really like the twins as an interesting footnote in continuity, Magneto's kids who are Avengers, but it's for the best they be disconnected.

Their most famous story is House of M, which rendered Scarlet Witch completely radioactive the past fifteen years to the point where Hickman is still bringing it up. It was a terrible move by a terrible writer and it was never properly fixed, so now Wanda who committed Mutant extinction is the hard canon interpretation of the character forever.

Even without House of M they were subjected to multiple "they're turning evil? It must be due to their evil blood from their father!" which, like, fuck that.


Oct 27, 2017
Ugh I really dislike the current non-mutant and no relationship to Magneto thing. I still don't get why that had to change.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
The relationship really adds very little to the characters. And it was a recon of a recon before. Polaris being Mag's daughter is a lot more interesting


Oct 27, 2017
So has there been any books with Mangeto's take on Wanda and Pietro after the retcon? Mags relation with them always seemed really weird with them, since before they weren't his kids and were just his henchmen, but as soon as it was retconned that he was their dad, he started to try to reconcile with them and only here and there it was brought up that their actual parents were Django and Marya Maximoff since they raised the kids. Did he flip on trying to be their dad?


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
There's going to be a future where Magneto is introduced and Wanda will simply say she avoided calling him her father for X reasons.
Aug 13, 2019
Hickman is writing Wanda as evil? Jfc can this woman catch a break... Comics treat her so dirty.
Nah, she isn't evil. It's just that the mutants have created their own religion and basically made her Satan. From their perspective she's evil, because no more mutants, but she's not currently a villain or anything.