When is bathing with your child no longer appropriate?

  • I’d never bathe with my children

    Votes: 270 36.2%
  • At 1 year old

    Votes: 18 2.4%
  • 2 years old

    Votes: 62 8.3%
  • 3 years old

    Votes: 78 10.5%
  • 4 years old

    Votes: 76 10.2%
  • 5+ years of age

    Votes: 163 21.8%
  • Other (explain below)

    Votes: 79 10.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Oct 25, 2017
I'm genuinely curious about y'all's responses to that question (my answer; as soon as you and/or your child aren't comfortable doing it anymore), but I'm really asking because I need to vent about a conversation I had with my son's mother earlier.

My eight year old told his mother that he and I still occasionally take showers together (I don't know how or why it came up. She says he just mentioned it in passing, and I suppose it could be that, but I suspect otherwise), and she proceeded to flip out.

I made it clear to her that we rarely do so these days, even when he wants to (which has more to do with me wanting him to be increasingly independent), and that his desire for privacy is always respected when he has it, even when I need to assist him with getting cleaned up and dressed. But I wasn't raised by especially modest parents, and I'm likewise not bothered about he and I covering up around each other (I'm deadass 27, and my pops still makes no attempt to cover himself around me. This has never seemed weird to me). I don't think the human body is something to be ashamed of, or inherently sexual (she disagrees on both counts, which might be related to her being extremely religious).

I've taught him the importance of consent and respecting other's rights to personal space, and he has enough decorum to know what's appropriate with family might not be with everyone else. He understands that he has full autonomy over his body and would never shower with, or appear naked to me from this point forward, if he expressed a wish for it to be so. But she's begun alleging that he and I have an inappropriate relationship, which has me pretty fucked up. This is especially alarming as we're in the midst of a custody dispute, and I'm afraid she's going to insinuate I've done something malicious to him. She knows I was molested as a child and might even attempt to draw a link to that.

I'm prepared to be called a weirdo by a bunch of the people who reply to this. I remain convinced I've done nothing wrong, but really just wanted somewhere to share this.

Coyote Zamora

alt account
Jul 19, 2019
If you and your child are comfortable with it then it's fine although it's about time to cut the apron strings. Child rearing is highly dependent on the people involved including the child, sometimes no one can give you advice for your situation.

Personally, I've never bathed with my children but different strokes.

Another thing, raising children is a joint effort regardless of whether it not your together and her views are just as valid as yours. If she is so opposed to this that it affects her abilty to parent as far as she's concerned then you need to give serious consideration to stopping the habit.

Deleted member 25600

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
I sometimes take a shower with my 2yo and 6mo after dinner if I've not had a shower that day. But we're starting to think that our 2yo can probably start showering by himself when he turns 3...with lots of supervision of course.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd be in the room with my kid while they bathed, but I never bathed with them. I did this up until they started to ask for privacy. IMO, when a kid understands privacy, then it's time to stop.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
When they no longer can fit in a sink, give them a loofah and a straight razor and wish them luck

Deleted member 23850

Oct 28, 2017
Personally, it's something I'll never do regardless of their age.


Oct 28, 2017
Henderson, NV.
I never really bathed with my kids all that much, truth be told

I haven't bathed or showered with my 7 year old since he was around two or three. I have a developmentally delayed four year old who I had to put in the shower with me a few weeks ago after he peed himself, but yeah... I'm thinking 3-4 is the age were my earliest memories start, so I think that should be the cutoff. Your mileage may vary.


Oct 25, 2017
Just bathe them and when they're old enough, let them wash themselves. There's no need to bathe with them.

edit: Should've made the poll public so we can see who's saying 5+ years.


Oct 25, 2017
You really had to tell your wife that you understand consent... in a conversation about bathing with your son

you're making this a lot weirder than it has to be, lol


Oct 25, 2017
It's not an age thing so much as listening. Not sure about your situation though.


Oct 30, 2017
Bel Air MD
I stopped bathing with my kids around 5, and let them bathe on their own after. I would just occasionally check on them and make sure they scrubbed properly.


Oct 25, 2017
Can't say I ever bathed with my parents. Did with my sister when I was a toddler though. I wonder how it is from culture to culture though.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, SC
Right when they understand how to bathe themselves. About the only thing I would do for them after that point is run the water the temp right so they don't scald themselves.


Oct 25, 2017
I never shared the shower but i shared the bath until my kid was about 2-ish, i had to stop as it's bloody annoying being stuck in a bath with a kid that wants to splash water and toys everywhere.


Oct 27, 2017
I'd say it's probably best to stop when they are capable of showering on their own. 8 year old's should be capable of this.


Oct 27, 2017
Its your kid, being in the vicinity of your offspring without clothes on does not all of the sudden turn you into a deviant. If the kid wants to take a bath together in the context of just bathing whats the problem now, gotta run some algebra on the age difference? I'm pretty sure I took showers with my parents past 5 y.o. (baths aren't really a thing where I grew up)


The Fallen
Oct 5, 2018
lol i thought it said bathe your kids, not bathe with. I don't ever plan on bathing with my kids even when they are babies.

Miles X

Oct 27, 2017
Personally think it's gross to be naked in any capaicty with your kids at any age, maybe just me ..

edit - EIGHT YEARS OLD? Complete cause for alarm and borderline social services need to get involved. What are you doing?!!!!

I should add, I don't think you're a predator of any sort and believe it's innocent on your behalf, but this isn't normal or acceptable imo, 8 years old man ...
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
I stopped bathing with my kids around 5, and let them bathe on their own after. I would just occasionally check on them and make sure they scrubbed properly.

This is pretty much it for me now, and has been since he was 6. Hell, I really just have to make sure he properly moisturizes once he's out these days.

For the most part, if we're showering together now, it's because I'm in there and he comes in after dinner and asks if he can hop in, to which I usually say "sure". Though as I noted above, I've started increasingly denying him, not out of any sense of modesty, but because I want him to be more comfortable doing it on his own. I don't plan on this being a thing by the time he's 10.

But she's weirded out that we still see each other naked, let alone shower at the same time. I don't get why that's weird.

Deleted member 17092

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I didn't really read the op I thought this was more like at what age are they probably capable of taking a bath by themselves with just some occasional supervision. I would assume that's like 3-5.

We're DINKs though unless we have an an accident at this point though as we're both mid 30s with no desire to have children.
Oct 27, 2017
In some countries like Japan, until High School? Thought I remember reading about stuff like this when I was there.


As shocking as it may sound to a Westerner's ears, some Japanese kids continue bathing with their parents up until high school. It turns out, though, that doing so may have a positive impact on their grades.

Perhaps even more surprising, though, is that some of those adolescents are taking baths with their parent of the opposite gender—mothers bathing with sons, and fathers sharing tubs with daughters.

The following graphs show the results of a survey in which women in their 20s and 30s were asked whether they still bathed with their fathers in junior high and in high school. More than 10 percent of women from both age groups answered that they still shared a tub in junior high. While the percentage dropped by nearly half for women in their 30s, just under 10 percent of women in their 20s said they still bathed with their dads even when they were in high school.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, gross seems way over the top, even if you don't feel comfortable about it.

She used similar verbiage.

I wouldn't bathe with a future daughter of mine past the age of about 3 (once she starts being aware of the difference in our body parts, I personally wouldn't be comfortable), but I'd never claim anyone doing so was gross. That's projecting.


Oct 27, 2017
Personally think it's gross to be naked in any capaicty with your kids at any age, maybe just me ..

edit - EIGHT YEARS OLD? Complete cause for alarm and borderline social services need to get involved. What are you doing?!!!!

I should add, I don't think you're a predator of any sort and believe it's innocent on your behalf, but this isn't normal or acceptable imo, 8 years old man ...

Only Muricans could be so afraid of nudity.


Oct 25, 2017
I totally didn't understand the question when I answered and didn't see the no showering. I never washed with my children. I just thought it was general aid


Oct 25, 2017
The amount of people claiming they didn't understand the question is confusing to me. "When is bathing with" isn't clear? Is there a better way for me to word that?

Personally think it's gross to be naked in any capaicty with your kids at any age, maybe just me ..

edit - EIGHT YEARS OLD? Complete cause for alarm and borderline social services need to get involved. What are you doing?!!!!

I should add, I don't think you're a predator of any sort and believe it's innocent on your behalf, but this isn't normal or acceptable imo, 8 years old man ...


Fuck off.

Rune Walsh

Too many boners
Oct 25, 2017
We never bathed with our daughter. I had to shower with my dad as a kid and it's still very mortifying 30+ years later.

Subpar Scrub

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Probably 3 I guess? I don't necessarily plan on sharing a bath or shower with my kids but you never know. I probably wouldn't want to share a bath with kids around that age anyway because they could just "ruin" the bathwater *Shudders*

edit: Should've made the poll public so we can see who's saying 5+ years.

Nah. I don't agree with anything past 3 years, but making polls public results in skewed results for the exact reason you're posting here.