Deleted member 8112

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Initially, I was against a heavy migration of Wii U games on Switch since I thought these titles would dilute the line-up, but after having played both Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Breath of the Wild I couldn't be more warm to the idea. It would be tragic for these games to be forever stuck on Wii U, and a Switch makeover would do them wonders, provided that the port is handled with care. (Looking at you, Pokken DX).

First of all, there's a few games that are out of the realm of possibility due to them being replaced by iterative versions or due to their reliance on the Wii U gamepad. These are Splatoon (We already have Splatoon 2, a Splatoon 1 port would be redundant), Mario Party 10 (we'll definitely get a Mario Party 11 and this has a whole game mode stuck to the Gamepad), Star Fox Zero and Guard )No explanation needed), Game and Wario, Paper Mario Color Splash and all the Wii <something> games.

The first category of ports is games that could get iterative sequels down the line for which enhanced ports would make it easier to bring the series to Switch ASAP (Like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe).


(Awesome cover made by Nirbion on Twitter, go give him a follow! The rest are made by me)



These games could easily get sequels that expand on the basis of each one, but a quick enhanced port with some extra features like the new Battle Mode in Mario Kart 8 would satiate fans and ensure a lot of easy sales.

The second category is straight ports that don't include any extras, think Pokken DX, except for a few graphical upgrades (Not like Pokken DX...)






(TPHD and WWHD could be bundled, but knowing Nintendo they'd rather get every penny they could)


(Bending the rules a bit with Skyward Sword, since it's a Wii game, but it's due a remaster)

Most of these games haven't reached their true sales potential on Wii U, and it would be a shame to let them die there. Especially W101, which was even teased by Platinum.

The last category is straight ports with extras thrown in, think Bayonetta 2 with a Bayonetta 1 download code.




Xenoblade Chronicles and Donkey Kong Country Returns would probably be Virtual Console downloads instead of full HD ports, if we ever do get Wii Virtual Console.

I think that these ports would be an easy/great way of filling in the gaps in the release schedules of the next few years, and it would be great to have all these Wii U games in (hopefully) 1080p with all their graphical or performance issues fixed, and portable on top of that.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
I want them all really the more the better the most I want though would be
Tokyo Mirage #FE
Xenoblade X
Fatal Frame


Oct 25, 2017

what I expect : DK Origins+Tropical Freeze, Yoshi Woolly World, W101 and 3D World, NSMU+LU

Smash and Mario Maker I expect more deluxe versions.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah. I was thinking of buying wonderful 101 before bayonetta 1-2 switch announcement. Now I'm waiting and hoping pg is making a port for switch. I also want hyrule warriors port.


Oct 25, 2017
Detroit, MI
I want Xenoblade Chronicles X a fucking sap.

Throw me Tokyo Mirage Sessions and Yoshi's Wooly World so I can play it again too pls ty Based Nintendo

I'd honestly pay for separate SKUs for Xenoblade X and 1


Oct 25, 2017
The Wonderful 101
Tokyo Mirage Sessions
The Devil's Third( Don't laugh)
Xenoblade Chronicles X (with XC2 style UI and combat)


One Winged Slayer
Oct 30, 2017
United States
Yeah, DK:TF, TMS#FE, and Twilight Princess HD are the ones I would buy day one. Never finished the latter two.


Oct 25, 2017
Hyrule Warriors is really the only one of those I'd want. Well, W101 too. Hell, give me all the Zelda HD remasters too I guess.

The rest of the ones I'm interested in would be better off as iterative sequels. Namely, Smash and Mario Maker.


Oct 26, 2017
Going to say Tokyo Mirage Sessions is the big one I'd be down for (Mario Maker, Hyrule Warriors, and Smash Bros. I'd rather see get sequels that build on the Wii U versions), but I'd really like a sequel too. Would love handheld versions of Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, and EVERYONE needs to play Tropical Freeze, W101, and 3D World + Captain Toad.

I'll take Xenoblade X if they remaster both it and Xenoblade 1.

Rand a. Thor

Oct 31, 2017
3D World+ Captain Toad definitely needs to happen, I never got to play em yet, and it would be a great way to give us more Mario. Same with Windwaker+Twilight Princess HD, I can see them putting em together for the price of one.


Oct 27, 2017
I would take every single one of them, I want more 3DS, GC and Wii HD remasters as well please.

Iif go this route, can you imagine how amazing the Switch software library would look in 4-5 years time?


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like any Wii U ports made and released after the first year of the Switch is a bad look.

That said, I'd still pick up a few. Namely Smash and Mario Maker.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
I expect none at this point but I'd love some of the games I didn't get to. Star Fox and Tokyo Mirage Sessions are at the top of the list.

For things that I did play but didn't get enough time with, or Switch portability would be good, I'd love Hyrule Warriors and Xenoblade Chronicles X. Oh and Wii Fit U. I lost a ton of weight with Wii Fit and need a sequel in my life.

Games that I don't want ported: Mario Maker. What's 2 point without a stylus.


Nov 4, 2017
Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze was incredibly overlooked and underrated so I think it deserves a port the most.


Oct 25, 2017
I want most of these, since it'd be criminal for them to be lost on the Wii U forever. (I say this as a happy Wii U owner). I fully expect the following to actually happen at some point over the next three years:

- Smash
- Mario Maker
- Zelda WW, TP and SS HD

I think SM3DW and Hyrule Warriors are likely, but not as sure a thing as the others.

Deleted member 11008

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I would put every exclusive, so: #TMS, Donkey Kong Country, Pikmin 3, Super Mario 3D World, Xenoblade X, The Wonderful 101. It would kill any interest I have in the Wii U.


Oct 27, 2017
I need smash 4 switch and SM3DW since theres no coop mario out for my GF and I to play. Cappy is not a good replacement lol. Theres just a list of great Wii U titles, that I would be willing to get for the switch.

Common Knowledge

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Personally, I want Hyrule Warriors "Complete Edition", W101, and Super Mario Maker, since those are the ones I haven't played.

But really, I wouldn't mind seeing nearly every one of Wii U's notable first party games being brought over. Wii U was nothing but a small blip in the gaming landscape and the games released for it never got a fair shot.


Shin Megami TC - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
I think most of the games mentioned in the OP are good, but I think only a selection of them really need it. I'm leaving Mario Maker out of this list because it should really just have a Switch sequel instead of a port IMO.

Super Smash Bros. For Switch is the obvious one. It barely needs explaining. Integrate the 3DS exclusive features, add new characters and maybe some other new content, seal it up and sell it. The Wii U version still sold well, there's no doubt a Switch version would still gangbusters.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE was a game that flew under the radar for many people. It was on the Wii U already, and making matters worse it was a very niche game. I think this game needs a second chance badly. It probably wouldn't do Smash numbers, but a moderate success would be welcome.

Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze is an excellent game, and in many eyes the best of the DKC franchise. This one should not be missed, and with how well DKC Returns did building on the nostalgia and making an excellent game, there's no doubt a port of TF would do quite well.

Xenoblade Chronicles X, I am apprehensive on because it could potentially have to have a downgrade due to how XB2 turned out. However the Switch is a much better selling system, and XCX had a hefty online component that it would make perfect sense to have that in a place where more people are playing. The map stuff can easily be adapted into menus.


Oct 25, 2017
Awesome covers btw!

And since I really like the Wii U, I secretly hope for every Wii U-port for Switch, lol. And I'm really happy to have Bayonetta 1+2 on the go soon.
But if I had to choose from 3, I would love to see following titles:
  • Super Smash Bros. for Switch
  • The Wonderful 101
  • Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
W101 is amazing and I think it would work REALLY good as a handheld-game.
Donkey Kong TF is so amazing, that it HAS to come to the Switch.
And Smash Bros. frikkin' duh.

Those are the titles I think could really benefit the most from a second chance (maaaaaybe not W101 since the reception was kind of lukewarm at the release and I think it could repeat again).
Also, I love all three titles and want people to experience them.

Since Toni Codrea added my cover to the OP (thanks bud <3), I want to use this opportunity offer my other Smash Switch-Mockup-covers for Japan and UK. They'll certainly not look like this when they are released, but still usable for videos or thumbnails. So if you need a Smash-Cover for your Youtube or content creating-needs, they're free to use!

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Oct 28, 2017







Skyward Sword would only be playable holding the joycons separetely in each hand, rendering undocked portable mode useless but I would still be down for it.


Oct 27, 2017
What I would want in order of priority

1. DK Tropical Freeze
2. Super Mario 3D World + Toad
3. Wonderful 101
4. Pikmin 4

I expect 1, 3. Possibly 2 (might get sequel instead) and not 4 (sadly)

Mario maker/smash will get sequels or seriously changed versions imo


Oct 27, 2017
I want them all. (EXCEPT maybe Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival and Star Fox)

If I had to choose I would go
1) Twilight Princess
2) Wind Waker
3) Xenoblade Chronicles X
4) Pikmin 3
5) Mario Maker
6) Mario 3D world
7) New Super Mario/luigi
8) Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze
9) Tokyo Mirage Sessions
10) Paper Mario Color Splash


Oct 25, 2017
Tropical Freeze is the safest bet. Every Donkey Kong Country game has been ported to a handheld.

Smash and Mario Maker will naturally come to the Switch at some point, but even if they're heavily iterative, I believe Nintendo will market them as sequels (unlike Mario Kart).

3D World feels like a game that was made for the Switch with its multiplayer focus, but it requires some tweaking because of GamePad requirements. This is a bigger problem for Captain Toad though. I'm not sure if they will bother. Pikmin 3 could work, but personally, I think the game wouldn't be nearly as fun without the control options the Wii U offered.

Hopefully Xenoblade X happens. It sounds like Takahashi wants it at least.

Maiden Voyage

Oct 25, 2017
Mario Maker is probably the only rerelease I'd like. That and everything else I would gladly take a sequel.

Edit: Pikmin sequel is my highest want for Switch.


Oct 25, 2017
As someone who never owned a Wii or Wii-U, I'd love ports of the Zelda/Mario/Xenoblade title(s).

If I may momentarily expand the scope to Wii titles, but I'd absolutely love for Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (and Path of Radiance, maybe as a collection) to be ported. It's the only localized Fire Emblem game I've been unable to play. Ideally with additional options to speed up the gameplay, because man, PoR at least is difficult to play today due to sluggish animations. They could potentially benefit greatly from Fire Emblem's expanded fanbase, provided FE: Switch follows the 3DS titles' sales trends.

(I'd also kill to be able to play Mistwalker's The Last Story, but that's another Wii game.)
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Deleted member 8112

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Tropical Freeze is the safest bet. Every Donkey Kong Country game has been ported to a handheld.

Smash and Mario Maker will naturally come to the Switch at some point, but even if they're heavily iterative, I believe Nintendo will market them as sequels.

3D World feels like a game that was made for the Switch with its multiplayer focus, but it requires some tweaking because of GamePad requirements. This is a bigger problem for Captain Toad though. I'm not sure if they will bother. Pikmin 3 could work, but personally, I think the game wouldn't be nearly as fun without the control options the Wii U offered.

Hopefully Xenoblade X happens. It sounds like Takahashi wants it at least.
Xenoblade X would have been such a better game if it was fully portable, honestly. There's a lot of small stuff to do that fits a pick up and play style better than a spend 5 hours in front of your TV style.


Oct 25, 2017
I checked out of the Wii U after Bayonetta 2 so I missed a few games. So I'm fine with more ports of the newer games for the system.


Oct 28, 2017
Xenoblade X, Capitan Todd, and Smash are no-brainers. Wonderful 101 is likely, though probably less certain. Ill tell you what WON'T BE BACK...Wii U Fitness. Talk about completely misunderstanding your audience. Grannies and Aunts weren't buying the Wii U.
Oct 30, 2017
They should release every game that only release on Wii U. The Wii U user base is too small and only a fraction of the Switch user base would have played those games.

It's all about being able to spread the releases out throughout the Switch lifecycle without the games competing with each other.

Here is an example with just Mario.

Super Mario Oddysey

NSMBU and NSLU Bundle

Super Mario 3D World Deluxe

Super Mario Oddysey 2

Mario Maker 2 (no need for the original this will expand on it with added slopes, more enemy types and a 3D level editor using the 3D World Engine).

Here is an example with Zelda

Zelda Breath of the Wild

Zelda Skyward Sword HD

New 2D Zelda
Zelda Windwaker HD and Twilight Princess Bundle

Zelda Breath of the Wild Successor


Oct 28, 2017
Just port all first party titles. The wii u gamepad is more expensive than the console itself,and will only get harder to find one.

Id also like all the other zeldas and marios and mario karts please. Even if they arent remastered

N64 mario parties would be neat, but not sure how the joystick mini games would work in table mode


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
I don't see how a port of Wonderful 101 happens. It's way too niche and sold poorly.

Everyone should have a copy of Tropical Freeze as it is the greatest 2D platformer ever made.

Deleted member 1839

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Wonderful 101 is the only other Wii U port I want and since Platinum "teased" it along with Bayonetta 1+2 around the same time, I expect it should be revealed after the sooner than later. At least after the 1+2 collection release.
Oct 29, 2017
I want Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort, Wii Fit, Smash and Nintendoland.

Wii is my go to system for multiplayer games and I hope to make the Switch to Switch for local multiplayer.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
I do want to see Skyward Sword get an HD remaster with Joycon support, they can even come out with Zelda themed joycons to package for a special edition like they did the first. After the lack of story in BotW and the enjoyable and one of my favorite stories with SS, I'd gladly rebuy it.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions is another good one. Game deserves a second shot. though remove the censorship and actually do a Dub, or atleast give us subs for everything. Battle scenes had no subs whatsoever.
Xenoblade X along with the first are also must haves. Bring back the days of JRPGs on Nintendo consoles.