
Oct 27, 2017





This trailer was something else. The tone. The colors. The sense of scale. You felt like this movie was just going to be about these primal gods rising out from beneath the Earth and absolutely obliterating human civilization as they duke it out from continent to continent. AND THAT MUSIC.

But then the film came out and you spend so much of the film adventuring with the humans on this sort of flying, do-anything aircraft. The technology in this film seems like a different universe compared to the prior film, which seemed more grounded. The humans seem to always find themselves right in the middle of the mess and avoid close call after close call. There's a plot device that can call out to the creatures by mimicking their own calls, and they can apparently hear or sense this device being used from half a world away.

The film has some really good, fun moments, but much of the anticipation of seeing these creatures in their full glory is never fully realized, as Ghidorah, the main antagonist, creates a literal hurricane around itself everywhere it travels in the film. Most of the creature footage in this film is obscured by rain, dust, smoke, fog. All sorts of effects that seemed like they were holding back on fully lit, clear shots of these creatures. Seems like the merchandise surrounding this film was the closest you ever get to seeing the full visual design of these creatures. Mothra is criminally underused. I'll give Legendary all the credit, they responded to these criticisms with some of the clearest, best lit Kaiju action ever in the followup, Godzilla vs Kong.

Anyways, I remember this film never quite reaching my original expectations, as far as the scope, scale and tone that I thought was being established by the first trailer.

Do you all have any films where the trailer set your expectations to a level the full release never reached?


Oct 25, 2017
I thought the film was great. Your complaints could describe just about every Kaiju movie from the Heisei era on.


Oct 26, 2017
The Man Of Steel trailers are excellent. Really nail the tone and feel of what superman should be about.

But then the movie didn't.

My theory is still that the same team that cuts trailers for Christopher Nolan cut the Man of Steel trailers. They have a very Nolan vibe.


Oct 28, 2017
I think I've said this in a thread before, but the trailer for the film "White Noise" is an outright lie on what the actual film is about.


Sep 18, 2018
The Rise of Skywalker's trailer was wonderful. And then the movie itself…

Rogue One's trailer also set me up far more of an ensemble piece than we wound up getting, but I liked the movie anyways, just wished we got more of the team together. I think a lot of stuff I was excited for in the trailer literally got cut out of the movie.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
the age of ultron trailer is the only trailer i've ever watched like obsessively over and over, it was so freaking good


Oct 25, 2017
The Man Of Steel trailers are excellent. Really nail the tone and feel of what superman should be about.

But then the movie didn't.

My theory is still that the same team that cuts trailers for Christopher Nolan cut the Man of Steel trailers. They have a very Nolan vibe.
Nolan is also a producer on Snyder's cape films so I wouldn't be surprised.


Oct 26, 2017
Nolan is also a producer on Snyder's cape films so I wouldn't be surprised.
Indeed. I think only exec producer in the ones after MoS, but he was Producer on MoS, with a story credit.

My assumption is that he was actually involved in making MoS, and had it in his contract that he'd get a credit + paycheck for any future films using that version of Superman.


Oct 25, 2017
Snyder's Watchmen trailer is far better than most of the very disappointing film. The Smashing Pumpkins song is an inspired choice.

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Oct 28, 2017
I feel like if we had gotten longer, clearer shots of the monsters doing what they do like in the best shots of the trailer, the movie would already be better for it.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Came to say Man of Steel so I'm glad it's first post.
That trailer is fucking magnificent. It made me so so hyped and I couldn't wait to see that story of Superman inspiring the world and living up to his potential.

The film is a dull, miserable slog.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Every single Zack Snyder movie is inferior to its trailers. Zack is an extremely talented trailer editor, which means he would probably be very good at music videos, but he sucks at telling stories.


Nov 1, 2017
I thought the film was great. Your complaints could describe just about every Kaiju movie from the Heisei era on.

Yea, so many of the old Zilla flicks are 90% pointless human stuff. So many characters that serve no purpose other than to give context to what is going on, but then also just huge wastes of time. Love the side plot love stories and such that no one cares about cause we will never see this character again and the climax is always the Kaiju battle so why waste our time?


Oct 25, 2017
I have warmed up to KoTM since launch, but yes, the trailers made a promise that was not kept by the film

The tone was a big difference between trailer and Gina product.

The trailer appeared to continue the darker tone established in G14, yet the final film is very silly, filled with some god awful humor

Goat Mimicry

Oct 25, 2017
Lots of kaiju films have obscured fights and an overly-long focus on boring human characters, the problem with KotM is that the fight scenes were cut like they were made exclusively for the trailers - what you see in the trailers is literally all you get. There's nothing more to the fights, so there really isn't a single full fight scene in the movie.

Great trailers, though.


Oct 27, 2017
I feel like if we had gotten longer, clearer shots of the monsters doing what they do like in the best shots of the trailer, the movie would already be better for it.
They held back a lot. That buildup for Rodan being led to Ghidorah was intense, and then it's over in a flash. Mothra debuts into the fight and is vaporized within a few minutes. Godzilla smashing Ghidorah through buildings was cool as shit, as well as Ghidorah giving Godzilla that Charizard Seismic Toss.

I would have liked to see Rodan and Godzilla throw down a bit mid movie, with him fleeing like a cowardly Starscream. Maybe a daytime shot of Mothra letting humans interact with her up close. Her design was really cool, but never highlighted on screen.
Oct 25, 2017
King of the Monsters 2019 is indeed one of my personal greatest disappointments.
I'd been dreaming of Ghidorah done with top dollar hollywood effects since I was a child and when it finally happened they fucked it up. Every scene chopped into constant interruptions by characters saying the worst dialogue ever conceived, in the worst dark rainy obscured diarrhea viewing conditions. Couldnt see shit in between rapidfire cuts to unlikable characters saying shit nobody wants to hear. The best way to rewatch that movie is through youtube clips.

So...I'm still dreaming of the day I actually get to see a good hollywood quality display of Ghidorah. Maybe when I'm 60.
Or perhaps Japan will pull it off themselves someday soon. Shin Godzilla was good shit and the effects were shockingly good (outside of a couple short moments, but that goes for hollywood stuff too anyway).
Last edited:


Nov 1, 2017
Lots of kaiju films have obscured fights and an overly-long focus on boring human characters, the problem with KotM is that the fight scenes were cut like they were made exclusively for the trailers - what you see in the trailers is literally all you get. There's nothing more to the fights, so there really isn't a single full fight scene in the movie.

Great trailers, though.

This isn't true, ton of the action is nowhere in the trailers.

The bigger problem that was true is that the action was done in such a obscured manner. The fights all taking place in heavy weather conditions, without clouds, huge explosions and other debris everywhere just obscuring the action so we never full see any single clear action takes in the film that aren't saturated in particle effects, lighting effects, and weather.

Soupman Prime

The Fallen
Nov 8, 2017
Boston, MA
That Man of Steel trailer was just insane. I also remember absolutely loving the BvS trailer, I got chills seeing Bruce Wayne run into the danger while everyone else was running away.


Oct 25, 2017
Man of Steel and King of the Monsters are really prime examples

I'll go with a recent disappointment


Most of the movie works fine enough, but the ending is a movie with too many incongruous ideas collapsing under its own weight

Oh yeah, that first hour was so good and then it tried to become the horror movie it was pitched as and just lost me completely.


Oct 28, 2017
In what way? Genuine question.

The trailer makes it seem like Michael Keaton's character, desperate to contact his wife after she dies, uses EVP and tech related to that to try and contact her, accidentally inviting evil spirits into his home.

This is not what happens. Instead, it turns out he starts seeing glimpses of the future deaths of random individuals, and tries to stop them. These deaths are caused by another dude who's working with some evil spirits(demons?) - who attack Keaton when he goes to the perpetrator's home at the climax. The "ghosts" are barely in the movie.


Oct 25, 2017
Darren Aronofsky's "mother!" was a completely different movie from the trailer, which was I think intentional. But I was really excited for the movie I thought I was seeing based on the trailer and ended up not really being into what the actual movie was.

Ashes of Dreams

Fallen Guardian of Unshakable Resolve
May 22, 2020

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It's not even that good of a trailer, which I suppose says something that the movie still managed to not live up to it. It just happened to hit at the perfect time for me. Ten years after LOTR, I was just the right age to be VERY nostalgic for my childhood and here comes this trailer promising to somehow both recapture the magic of the LOTR movies and provide a fun and grand adaptation of The Hobbit. The movie, of course, failed at doing both those things.

But honestly you could probably match any footage of anything to that song in the second half and it'd feel grand and epic.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 17, 2020
Prometheus. I still liked the movie, but the trailer made it look like it might be on the level of the first two movies.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
The Rise of Skywalker's trailer was wonderful. And then the movie itself…

Rogue One's trailer also set me up far more of an ensemble piece than we wound up getting, but I liked the movie anyways, just wished we got more of the team together. I think a lot of stuff I was excited for in the trailer literally got cut out of the movie.
Rise Of Skywalker's trailer doesn't reveal the plot, for all we knew Palpatine was just an evil force ghost haunting the death star ruins, which I don't think would have been as bad.

Goat Mimicry

Oct 25, 2017
This isn't true, ton of the action is nowhere in the trailers.

The bigger problem that was true is that the action was done in such a obscured manner. The fights all taking place in heavy weather conditions, without clouds, huge explosions and other debris everywhere just obscuring the action so we never full see any single clear action takes in the film that aren't saturated in particle effects, lighting effects, and weather.

Nope, definitely not. Whatever the trailers don't show isn't enough to make it so any of the fight scenes have a beginning, middle, and end in one. The effects don't help, but even without those getting in the way, the fight scenes still wouldn't be complete.


Oct 27, 2017
can't say i've ever been "fooled" by a movie trailer before, though the newer Godzillas are a good example if i have to muster up something

movies weren't terrible but they felt like an adaptation of a YA novel or something


Nov 20, 2017

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The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Kangaroo Jack.


It's funny, because if you go back and watch the trailers, NONE of the shots of the kangaroo show him speaking EXCEPT for the rapping bit at the very end. But that one shot basically Incepted everybody into thinking he was going to talk for the whole movie. I'm not sure if it was genius marketing or false advertising or both.